deconstructingmink · 11 years
if you want anything off my rp blogs I would get it while you can.
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
corn uncle
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
I"m happy for you.
i have done it
after four days, i have finally done it
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
If you need me to reply to a thread, let me know.
I'm gonna try and get back on this thing.
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
Well, you can't have everything?
I’m with mink rn. he took me out for coffee in an effort to help me poop
I don’t even like coffee
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
They have other stuff...
Sorry. I didn't know.
I’m with mink rn. he took me out for coffee in an effort to help me poop
I don’t even like coffee
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
Mink smiled at him. "Yeah.. They're really good." He put the menu down and looked Mizuki over. He didn't know how to even describe what he wanted. "They probably don't have it..." He looked down feeling a bit disappointed. Of course hey wouldn't have it. This wasn't home, as much as it looked the same. Mink swallowed and leaned back in his seat. "America isn't.. every place in America is different. Where I was from.. it was nice. There were forests everywhere." He smiled at Mizuki and looked back at the menu. "I'll have coffee and whatever you order. I don't care. You're hair is fine." This was stupid. Why was he here on this date? 
Unwelcome Soulmate || MinMizu
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
how do puppies mean death?
Mink (deconstructingmink)
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
the likeness is alarming
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
This was what I decided Scratch would be when Frankie told me about Scratch being in tights in Dancer AU.
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
Over dinner? I know this little place... Some really handsome boy showed it to me.
There are pancakes.
No! no! it’s fine, mink. you’re not doing anything wrong
i like it when you talk
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
You do? But I feel like I fumble over my words too much..
so you’re saying i’m a smart guy who makes stupid choices? idk why i find that so funny but i do
thank you…
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
No. I'm saying you're a smart guy who generally makes good choices.
Besides, when you mess up you learn and grow. It's not like you do it again.
This is all coming out wrong. I'm so bad at talking. Nevermind. Forget I said anything.
i like how support my life choices. heh. but if im thinking about doing something stupid make sure… you let me know it’s stupid
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
It's kind of stupid to tattoo your dick, but you're a tattoo artist and you know that. You're also smart.
I trust you to make good choices, as my mother used to say.
maybe? what if it’s on my bucket list
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
Then do it. Whatever you want to do. It's your body and I'll love everything you do with it.
I, um… don’t know? I know i want more tattoos at least
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deconstructingmink · 11 years
But on your dick??
what if i got my dick tattooed?
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