dedicatedmoves · 8 months
Seamless Transitions for Seniors
The Benefits of Hiring a Moving Company for Assisted Living Relocations Moving to an assisted living facility is a significant life transition that can come with its own set of challenges. One key decision that can greatly ease this process is hiring a professional moving company. In this blog post, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of entrusting your move to an experienced moving team when…
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dedicatedmoves · 8 months
Assisted Living in Massachusetts
Assisted Living in Massachusetts has something for every senior. From whale watching on the sandy beaches of Cape Cod to seeing the famous Boston Pops Orchestra perform and exploring early American history along the popular Freedom Trail. New England also has some of the best health care and public transportation available. Seniors in Massachusetts can rest assured that all of their needs will be…
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dedicatedmoves · 8 months
Senior moving guide
For most senior aged folk, aging brings a new set of challenges. New health problems may affect your ability to live independently, financial challenges make it tougher to maintain your lifestyle and adult children moving to faraway places may make you feel less connected to your home. Some people move every few years or even more frequently, while others remain rooted in the same location for…
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dedicatedmoves · 1 year
Move Out on Your Own
Prepare to Move Out on Your Own With These Suggestions Moving out of your parents’ home is a major step, and while it can be exhilarating, it can also include one challenge after another. Even if you feel ready to take on the world, you need to be prepared and mindful of some of the issues that can arise when living independently for the first time. Here are several things you can do to prepare…
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dedicatedmoves · 1 year
New City — Fresh Start
Moving to a new city can be an exciting opportunity to start fresh after a low point in life. Whether you’re looking for a change of scenery or are hoping to find a better job, the key is to do your research and plan ahead. Here are some tips from Dedicated Moving on how to make the most out of your move. Pick a Place The first step is deciding which city you want to live in. Consider factors…
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dedicatedmoves · 1 year
Home Selling and Purchasing
A Quick Rundown of Compiling and Organizing to help with home selling. When you’re a homeowner, relocating comes with a daunting amount of paperwork. Luckily, excellent organization can facilitate the process. Learn how to stay on top of the documents you need for less stressful real estate transactions by checking out these simple tips from Dedicated Moving. The Advantage of Going Digital One…
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dedicatedmoves · 2 years
4 Crucial Moving Tips for Parents on a Budget
4 Crucial Moving Tips for Parents on a Budget
Are you getting ready to move while managing a tight budget and small children? You’re likely feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it. Thankfully, with a little preparation, you can make the process run as smoothly as possible and start enjoying your new home more quickly than you think. Prepare to Stay With Friends or Family There is no way to avoid any expense when moving. However, making…
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dedicatedmoves · 2 years
Multi-State Living as a Business Owner
Multi-State Living as a Business Owner
If you’re an entrepreneur, multi-state living can be a smart choice. For example, if you run awedding photography business, it makes sense to set up shop in an area with a lot ofdemand, like Hawaii or California’s Napa Valley. However, those areas can be expensive, soyou may not want to live in them full time. With multi-state living, you can enjoy a thrivingbusiness while also enjoying a great…
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dedicatedmoves · 2 years
Your First Fixer-Upper
5 Things to Consider Before Buying Buying a home can be incredibly expensive, especially for first-time homebuyers without a lot of money for a down payment. This is why many young buyers look for cheaper homes that need a little work. While buying a fixer-upper can be a great way to get a home at a price you can afford, it’s not always easy. If you’re not careful, your fixer-upper can quickly…
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dedicatedmoves · 2 years
Must-Have Downsizing Tips to Help Seniors Make the Transition
Must-Have Downsizing Tips to Help Seniors Make the Transition
One of the most important parts of retirement is finding the perfect home for your golden years. Unless you happen to already live in a senior-friendly space, odds are you’re going to want to move to something more appropriate. The right home can allow you to age safely and live independently for as long as possible.  Of course, here at Dedicated Moving, we understand that moving is always a big…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
Time to Be a Caregiver?
Time to Be a Caregiver?
Most of us will do anything for our beloved family members, and as they get older, that responsibility becomes even more important since they can no longer take care of themselves as they once did. As their child or grandchild, you may feel the need to care for them, but how do you know when it is time to step in and take control or move in to assist? Here are some great tips to help you…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
Your Success Starts With Your Move
Your Success Starts With Your Move
When you’re ready to start a business, but you realize you simply don’t have enough room in your current home. Moving is likely in your future. Get ready for a wild ride, because there are many moving parts that go along with the process. But, your goal is to have the space to both live and work, and at Dedicated Moving, our goal is to get you there seamlessly. But that in mind, here are a few…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
Tips for Finding Your Remote Work Haven Through Airbnb
Tips for Finding Your Remote Work Haven Through Airbnb
For many workers, the chance to work from home remains one of the few silver linings of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the environment is just right, remote work can lead to increased productivity, a boost in creativity, and overall higher job satisfaction. In fact, some people have discovered that they’re made for remote work. For busy parents, however, the change is less than idyllic. It’s hard…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
Using Smart Home Improvements to Sell Your Home
Using Smart Home Improvements to Sell Your Home
You want to put your home on the market soon, which means you may also want to research ways to boost your property’s overall value. Investing in home automation and smart home improvements may attract interested buyers and sell your property faster. So here are some great tips from Dedicated Moving to help. Smart Appliances How convenient would it be if your refrigerator told you when you were…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
Dedicated Movers Blog
Dedicated Moving are committed to providing you the best experience possible to permit you to move effortlessly on to the next chapter of life. Movers in Northeastern Massachusetts and Southeastern New Hampshire. Moving can be a troublesome and unpleasant event in your life. Fortunately for you, it doesn’t need to be with our movers who are expertly prepared to limit the anxiety of moving for…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
5 Tips When Relocating Your Family
5 Tips When Relocating Your Family
With Kids, Pets, and A Spouse Moving to a new city with your family is never easy, but it’s even harder if you have pets or children in tow. Below are five tips to make the transition as smooth as possible. 1. Find the Best Neighborhood Location is everything when it comes to living comfortably. Finding a desirable neighborhood near your new job will help your relocation run more smoothly.…
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dedicatedmoves · 3 years
ALL orders are based on 2 Movers. If job details and/or job size require additional help. We will suggest adding a Mover to your order. We will check with you before doing so. Additional helpers @$50/hr.
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