deejadabbles · 7 months
What a wonderful answer, I love the backstory and never apologize for the lovely tangents 🤩 it's always good to question things and I think it's a little romantic that Ace was the one to stir those emotions in you first, how lovely ❤️
Hello friend 💙 I come with an ask for your Valentine event!
Aurora, may I ask about the first time you felt romantic attraction? Was Ace the first one or was there someone else who made you question the Jedi code on attachment before that?
Hope that's an okay question 💙
Hello there, @deejadabbles! This is a perfect question <3
Aurora: *she reads the question and leans back in her chair with a small sigh, though her cheeks lightly redden* Ace was the first I felt any romantic attraction toward. That probably sounds somewhat sad: twenty-six and had never felt attraction like it before. But I was always in question of the rule of attachment. My father was a former Jedi Knight and Sentinel but left once my younger sister was born and left it once I was born. One child he could keep secret, and two he struggled but marginally succeeded. But three? Ha! Not him. Besides, I'm pretty sure the man who created the code of attachment was a married man. That might be a story my father told me, though. Many teachers and masters tell us that attachments, and even anger itself, are vital for the light and can strengthen it providing you know how to control your actions and emotional response. She smiles at the memory of him. He started teaching her the ways of the force before she was forced to join the order to stop a civil war. Aurora: I'm grateful my Jedi Master was keen on making sure I knew him and my family. Apparently, I always did better around those I had an attachment to so long as I knew how to let go. My father taught me that attachment itself isn't a way to the darkside, just the inability to let go of them when one needs to: be it they die, or need to leave. Letting go never means forgetting, just not letting the feeling eat you whole until you're only the husk the spider's left behind and cut from its web. They're everywhere you look if you only open your eyes. Not letting anyone have attachments to even friends is a weakness to the light, and a strength to the dark: the darkness thrives in loneliness.
She bows her head in apology at the tangent.
Aurora: My apologies for the tangent there. I... think of it often. I didn't have the right word for it, or even feel as if I had the right to say them outside of teaching my Padawan, and then this war happened and now I feel it more than ever now I no longer have a reason to keep to myself. And I feel it, away from my family, for Ace and our men most of all. *show stands and bows* Thank you for asking. More Jedi question the rule than even the order knows
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deejadabbles · 7 months
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Don't mind me, just sitting here blushing like a schoolgirl
Cruising around the city and a cozy picnic on top of that? Sounds like a perfect date to me! And it just so happens I have plenty of books we can talk about or read together 😘
My beloved Cam! I have a very important question for you!
What's your ideal date night look like?
I must know this for...ummm, research. Yeah, just general research 👀
Cam: Well, hello beautiful. A date night with me? I’ll treat you like a princess. I’ll pick you up on my speeder-bike and we will cruise around for a bit. I love backpack cuddles 😉… anyway. After a cruise, I’ll take you to one of my favorite view points. I’ll have a picnic with your favorite foods waiting for us… some cushions and blankets for comfort. We will relax and talk. I especially love it when you share your favorite books with me.
The night will end one of two ways:
First date? I’ll take you home, walk you to your door and, if you want, I’d love to kiss you good night.
Not our first date? Well…I’d love to show you the other things we can do on my speeder other than riding it 😏
So what time am I picking you up?
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deejadabbles · 7 months
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Someone help me I'm swooning!! What a beautiful and lovely thing to read today 🥹 I adore how romantic he is, my Beloved Binx would steal my heart the moment I met him, and keep stealing it any time he said something sweet like this 😭 that dreamy sigh in the gif was my literal reaction while reading, thank you for this letter, it's amazing 😚
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Love Letter from Binx
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To my Cyare,
I know things haven't been easy, and I can't promise that they ever will be. But what I can promise is how genuine my love is for you. How I can't wait for a day that we can go to bed together and then wake the next morning still by one another's side.
I've felt this way since we've been together, but I thought that it might be more impactful on this nat-born holiday of Love.
I promise that I will always love you and that one day I will be able to give you everything your heart could ever want for. Until then, these partings will be as sweet as I can manage and our reunions will be filled with passion and ecstatic joy.
Forever and always yours,
I saw these and thought of you ❤️
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Pink Hydrangea means heartfelt emotion
Heliotrope means eternal love
Gladiolus means loyalty and honour
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Heart divider by Saradika and can be found here
Reblog divider by dystopicjumpsuit 😘💜
Oc Love Letter Masterlist (wip)
Taglist: @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @idontgetanysleep @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @anxiouspineapple99 @deejadabbles @dystopicjumpsuit @multi-fan-dom-madness @523rdrebel @wizardofrozz
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deejadabbles · 7 months
Don't mind me, just trying my hand at more new characters, I hope I did your man justice @wings-and-beskar 💛 (there's a dash of suggestive dialogue but no other warnings to worry about)
"I didn't know you had a secret admirer," came a voice along with a colorful mass taking over your field of vision, startling you from your work.
It took you a moment to not only register what your coworker said, but what they had shoved in front of you: a rather large bouquet of flowers. Some of the blooms you recognized, others were an exotic mystery, but all filled your little work space with a wonderful, peaceful aroma. And there, nestled between two stems of your favorite flower, was a card sporting your name, written in neat script.
"Lucky," huffed the woman who brought them to you, "my boyfriend never gets me flowers."
"You do realize her man is like- constantly off world, risking his life day in and day out, right?" Another coworker said, causing the former to huff again and walk off without another word.
After shooting your friend a grateful smile, you turned back to the floral arrangement, feeling your heart and stomach getting lighter as you reached for the card.
It wasn't his handwriting inside, of course, but the words were so uniquely his that his voice was practically in your ear as you read it.
I thought sending you flowers would be a nice, simple gesture for today, but you know me, nothing worth doing should be done half-assed. So instead of just getting you some roses, I did a bit of research and I think these say all they need to. About how I see you and how I feel.
The red ones are from Naboo, legend says that they were given to their first Queen, for her wisdom and kindness.
The pink are found on a little colony in the mid rim, growing, thriving, and remaining beautiful in even the harshest conditions.
The purple ones, according to Pantoran traditions, you're only meant to give those to someone who has completely and wholly stolen your heart.
And lastly, I had to include your personal favorite, because the things you love are important to me.
-Yours, forever, Cody."
By the time you were done reading your face was burning with a racing heart.
Work could wait, such a lovely gift couldn't go unanswered. After finding a nice private spot (or as private as you could manage at work) you pulled out your commlink. If he couldn't answer then at least you could leave him a message.
Apparently the Maker was a romantic, because by some stroke of luck, you caught him during one of his manageable moments.
"I take it my gift arrived?" Came his voice and it sent a pleasant shiver through you.
"It did. I- Cody I don't even know what to say, they're amazing."
There was the smallest crackling sound on his end, as if exhaling in relief, "Only the best for you, beautiful."
"How did you pull it off? I know being a trooper doesn't exactly pay well." And the thought of how much the gift would have cost was too much, he knew you loved him regardless of fancy tokens.
"Let's just say I called in a favor or two. Being a Marshal Commander has it's perks, you know.... I just wish I could have given them to you in person."
And there your heart went again, doing little somersaults in your chest. "Don't worry, there's plenty more we can do in person."
That got a chuckle, the low, sultry one that definitely should have been illegal, given it's effect on you. "Oh, I have plans for that too, I-"
He was interrupted by the sound of a distant voice and you to tried to ignore that little shot of pain that went through your chest. His rank had its perks, but even more burdens.
"I'll let you get back to work, I just wanted to hear your voice and say thank you."
"I'm glad you did, and I'll see if I can get some more time to talk later. But for now, Happy Birthday, mesh'la, I love you."
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deejadabbles · 7 months
sorry i haven't read your fic yet it's been in my open tabs for 8 months
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deejadabbles · 7 months
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what’s sharper, his cheekbones or my impeccable wit?
It’s a trick question because I have no wit.
Also, peek below the cut if you want to be judged.
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**if you’d also like to slurp ragu, taglist is here.
ragu: @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @starrylothcat @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @freesia-writes @sev-on-kamino @littlemissmanga @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @drafthorsemath @jediknightjana @moonlightwarriorqueen @starstofillmydream @mooncommlink @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @clonethirstingisreal @rabbitstu99 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @mythical-illustrator
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deejadabbles · 7 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
❄️ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: New Beginnings (Corrie!Dogma x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Forbidden Masks (Kix x f!Reader) by @deejadabbles ❄️ Second Chances (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @cyarbika ❄️ I Yearn, and so I Fear (Commander Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ❄️ Unwritten (Captain Rex x OC Mari Vontas) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Captain's Log (Captain Rex x f!Reader) by @rexxdjarin ❄️ Invisible Barriers (Fi Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim (Ahsoka Tano x OC Grim Kennet) by @chaosgod4life Even Though You're Gone, You're Still Around (Commander Bly x Aayla Secura) by super_heroine_addict (AO3) A Way Out for Two (Cad Bane x Obi-Wan Kenobi) by @feybarn ❄️ One Step at a Time by @wild-karrde Let Me Do It Right by TrickyTricky (AO3) Like Real People Do by Witless_clown (AO3) The Night Comes Down Like Heaven by @galacticgraffiti
The Bad Batch: ❄️ Same Heart (Echo x f!Reader, Fives x f!Reader) by @dumfanting ❄️ Doctor's Orders (Captain Howzer x f!Reader) by @grampsoninspace Happy Hatch Day by @eclec-tech
The Book of Boba Fett: True Rumors (Boba Fett x OC Seba) by @kimiheartblade On the Dome (Drash x Jo) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy: A Murderous (and Talkative) Legacy by Dom_Avner (AO3) The Rising Darkness (Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!Reader) by @marierg
Star Wars Original Series: Stars In Their Multitudes by @jedi-valjean
Batman: In Another Life (Selina Kyle x Bruce Wayne) by @dlaugh Bouncing Baby Bat by EmpressGeek (AO3) Maybe with a Shift in Planets by @sunflowersandink Apartment Policy: No Dragons Allowed by Bricksheep (AO3) The Night Shall Call Your Name (You Must Answer) by Fandom_Trash224 (AO3) "And it's Cassandra with the Steel Chair!" by destiny919 (AO3) QUARANTINED: RED ROBIN'S TIK TOK ACCOUNT by @justthatonegirl1815
Marvel/MCU: Hopeful (Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson) by @philtstone
Fire Emblem Series: Kulning (Annette Fantine Dominic x Felix Hugo Fraldarius) by @Star_on_a_Staff (AO3)
The Clone Wars: Fox-Inspired Tooka Art by @st4r-t3ars Commander by @finpews It's Commander Cody with a steel chair! by @merlyn-bane Captain Rex Art by @pinkiemme Gregor, Wolffe, and Rex Art by @comradewolfe ❄️ Captain Rex and OC Mari Vontas Art by @rexxdjarin What was I made for? by @spicyclones79s Your Bodies Seed the Stars by @aliettali ❄️ In the Meadow by @the-rain-on-kamino Jet is Doing His Best by @for-the-sake-of-color Hogsteed Concept Art by @art-of-wackylurker OC Nihlus Meets a Hogsteed by @art-of-wackylurker OC Ayyshu Family Art (Chuckles, Arni, and Nita) by @ninjigma
The Bad Batch: Tech and Omega Art by @jedizhi Crosshair Art by @melymigo The Baby Batch: Shaak Ti Meets the Bad Batch Babies by @ladykagewaki
Bloodborne: Good Hunter by @artofchinara
The Legend of Vox Machina: ❄️ "We're going to start with the Courage" by @lyaholya
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deejadabbles · 7 months
@dystopicjumpsuit thank you so much for shouting out my Kix fic!! That's so sweet of you and I hope others enjoy it as much as you did 🥹
Also can 100% confirm that the Wolffe fic is amazing 👀
Hi Karrde! I'm very pleased to have returned from my long sojourn in the Land of No Electricity or Internet and to finally be able to participate in Fandom Friday again.
First up, I want to share this adorable Tech and Omega art by @jedizhi
The most exciting fic I read this week was chapter 2 of @deejadabbles's gorgeous fantasy AU Kix fic (SFW). I was so excited I screamed when I saw this chapter drop, and it did not disappoint! It's such a lovely, dreamy setting, and it gives the best fairytale vibes (with a little antimonarchism, as a treat 😌). Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Next is this art of Crosshair by @melymigo, which I would very much like on a sticker.
I was recently reminded of this incredible spicy Wolffe fic by @cyarbika; reread it and it still slaps. I love the realism of it: how Wolffe tried to mask his insecurity with cockiness during the first time; how he learned and did better. Delicious.
And finally I want to spread the word about this amazing transparent PNG of Commander Cody with a steel chair by @merlyn-bane, which is ENCOURAGED to be used for meme creation! Please people, I need to see your memes! Pick a villain, any villain, and let the good commander go to town. It's what he deserves. 🧡
AHHHH DJ!!! Glad your electrons are once more flowing so you could submit this list, and it is a HECKUVA LIST INDEED! You've got adorable art. You've got sweet and spicy fics! And then you've got a wee bit of crack art (let's be honest, Cody deserves to hit someone with a chair hehe). These are all wonderful and THANK YOU for sending them in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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deejadabbles · 8 months
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(☝️me whenever I try to take nice compliments) I'm glad you're enjoying it! I actually have so many ideas for this AU so hopefully my muse will stop being so fickle, and there's definitely more swoon-worthy Kix to come 😘
I am sliding in for your Halloween prompts 👀
The prompt I'm gifting unto thee is...
(please read in Phantom of the Opera's song)
Friend!!!!! I hope you're ready for me to be extra because mentioning Phantom of the Opera + Masquerades did things to me! Thank you for inspiring this delicious idea, I'm honestly a lil obsessed with it.
Forbidden Masks (Kix x Fem!Reader, fantasy AU)
Summary: The tyrant king had never claimed to love you and you certainly held no affection for him. Thankfully, you had found love in the arms of your beloved Kix. Rating: T (but minors DNI) Word Count: 2k (my hand slipped okay?!?!) Songs for Listening: Masquerade / Why So Silent and All I Ask
Warnings: Forbidden love, forced/arranged marriage, controlling and toxic behavior (not from Kix), brief mentions of sexual intimacy. Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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You had always enjoyed balls, especially the costumed, masked extravagance of a masquerade ball. As a young girl you had dreamed of attending your first ball all grown up, draped in the finest costume and an elegant mask- but most of all, you had dreamed of dancing with someone you loved.
Now, you were a woman grown and attending the most lavish masquerade you had ever heard of, but you were laced up in a gaudy gown not of your choosing and tangled in a weighty mask of gold. Worst of all, you were sitting beside a man whom you hated.
He scanned the ballroom, over those dancing and drinking, his eyes dark, contemplative, and did not even spare you a glance, despite his order to stay seated beside him. His hand did not hold yours and he had struck up no conversation. You, his betrothed, were meant for display only, apparently.
That did not stop your own eyes from wandering, of course. He could not prevent you from searching for someone else with your gaze. Someone who you should be attending this ball with, someone kind and noble, someone who made your lips curve with a smile and your heart skip a beat. Someone who actually loved you.
You found him, standing near the statues that flanked the doors to the garden terrace. He was surrounded by women, maiden and matron alike, and you tried to ignore the surge of jealousy. It wasn't his fault, he was just so naturally charming and a doctor of his rank would make a fine groom even for a noble.
The women giggled and waved their fans delicately and when one stroked his arm you almost had to look away. It wasn't their fault either, they could never know his heart belonged to you. No one could ever know. You were glad you didn't look away though, because just a heartbeat later, Kix's gaze left the face of the beautiful noblewoman and met yours.
His soft gaze, the way his lips parted just a little at the sight of you, the subtle intake of breath, all just from locking eyes with you. Yes, his heart undoubtedly belonged to you, just as yours belonged to him.
Unfortunately, even the gravity of his eyes could not distract you when a guard stepped from the crowd and up to the king beside you. The first part of what was said did slip your attention, though, as you found it so hard to look away from Kix when he was making your heart somersault in your chest.
What you did catch was that something required your fiance's attention in the war room and he rose from his throne immediately. It was only then that you finally tore your eyes away from your true beloved. The king may expect you to follow, sometimes he held your leash tight, others he expected you to entertain yourself.
And you thanked every star you could think of that it was the latter tonight.
“No,” he said simply, waving a hand as you began to follow him, “you stay and entertain our guests, like a future queen should.”
You bit your tongue, a common crutch in the months you had lived in his palace, in order to hold back any snarky reply. It was also a small miracle that he was so distracted by this emergency, that he failed to notice your lack of a “Yes, your majesty” answer to his order.
Just like that, the tyrant king was gone, swept away by news from the warfront, leaving you standing in front of the royal dais with no one but the commander of your personal guard for company. You turned to the commander now, asking a silent question. Fox was a good man, a fact that he had proven time and time again, and proved once more when he gave a very small nod in answer.
Well, your king did say to entertain.
You would be damned if you missed your chance to join the fun and, with a small wink to Fox, you marched towards the dance floor.
Everyone made room for you, parting like the sea in a wizard’s tale and sweeping into deep bows. You paid them little mind, besides a few polite nods of your own, all while your eyes were searching for anyone who may be brave enough to dance with you. In theory, you could just order someone to, but that would hardly be fun.
You had just caught the eye of a young brunette man, one with the markings of a general on his uniform, when someone behind you cleared their throat.
“May I be so bold and ask for this dance, your highness?”
There were a few quiet gasps and even more whispers as you turned, knowing who it was just by the sound of his voice. You did not know what Kix was playing at, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t secretly praising his boldness. He was smiling at you and holding his hand out like a tantalizing invitation.
You took it without a second thought. “Yes, you may, Doctor.”
Kix’s hand squeezed yours ever so gently, imperceptible to any on-looker, but it sent waves of electricity through you like nothing else. His rich, brown eyes never left yours as he guided you to a nice spot on the dance floor. Turning towards you fully, he gripped your hand even tighter, lifting it high and placing his other hand on your waist to pull you as close as he dared.
The two of you stepped into the waltz easily, transfixed in each other’s gaze as you both glided elegantly across the ballroom.
“I see that he was the one who picked your gown for the night.” Thank the gods that he had the smarts to whisper the observation, no one could ever overhear him talking so plainly to you. “Even from across the room I can tell you hate it.” For the briefest moment, Kix let his eyes travel down your body. “It’s amazing how you can still look gorgeous, even in that ill-suited dress.”
“Kix..” you wanted to say something, a warning, maybe, but his words made your face too hot, your thoughts too scrambled.
He stepped just a hair closer and dropped his voice even lower, “When you’re my wife, you’ll never have to wear anything you don’t want to.”
His wife, goodness, wouldn’t that be the dream. It was a promise he kept making, that he would find a way, that he would rescue you from your loveless future full of fear and solitude. That he would be yours and build a home for you far, far away from the king’s reach.
Some nights, his honeyed promises were the only things that helped you sleep.
The music in the air swelled, calling for a more intimate frame of the waltz, which Kix took full advantage of and slid his hand to the small of your back, pulling you so close you could feel the warmth of his breath fanning over your bare neck.
You weren't the only one who looked gorgeous. Dressed in fine blue fabric, the military cut of his jacket spoke of his service, but the intricate silver braiding across his chest and shoulders made him look quite regal. Not to mention the silver mask accented in sapphire gave him a mysterious air, yet another reason for your sudden need to swoon into his arms like a damsel.
In perfect time with the music, he spun you in an elegant arch of his arm, before quickly pulling you back into his embrace. “At least he hasn’t tried to dance with you, tonight,” Kix whispered into your ear, “the way you obviously want to recoil whenever he touches you…” he drew in a sharp breath as you both glided along the floor, “It makes my blood boil, cyare.”
Despite the heat that had taken you over from his closeness, you shivered at the protective tone. It wasn’t the first time Kix had mentioned that. Your first night curled in his arms, bodies as bare as the days you were born, he had told you that you would never have to endure an unwanted touch when you were with him. That it was all he could do not to push the king away every time he saw you tense and flinch under the tyrant’s hand.
In another skillful lift of his arm, he spun you again. He was growing bolder and bolder with every turn of the dance, because when he pulled you back this time, he practically buried his face in the soft skin of your neck. 
If you could find it in yourself to focus on anything besides him, you would have heard the whispers and seen the stares of the crowd around you, but a part of you didn’t care.
“When you’re mine, I promise to love you the way you deserve.”
“I’m already yours, Kix,” it came out as a gasp and you could have sworn you felt his lips brush against your neck as he pulled back to look at you. “I’ll always be yours.”
His eyes turned so soft at that, all the possessiveness and jealousy melting away, leaving only his love and adoration for you behind. The music swelled with its ending notes, and Kix kept his gentle gaze steady on yours as he dipped you backwards, slowly, intimately.
“That’s all I need, my love,” he whispered.
There were claps and even some quiet cheers from the crowd, but you barely heard them, all you could see and hear and feel was him. Even when he pulled you back upright, you couldn’t let him go, needing to keep your hands on him just a moment longer.
Then, reality came crashing through your romantic dream in the form of Fox as he rushed to you.
“You have to go,” the commander hissed under his breath, placing a rough hand on Kix’s shoulder. “Go- now! Before he sees you.”
Your eyes went wide as you turned, seeing that the King was striding back into the ballroom. As much as it pained you, you forced your hands to rip away from your beloved and allowed Fox to take you by the arm and pull you away. It took every ounce of strength you had not to look back at Kix, praying that he took Fox’s advice and fled the dance floor as quickly as possible. That he did all he could to distance himself from you.
As he guided you through the crowd, Fox peered at you with eyes that were full of warning. “You’re going to get yourselves killed with stunts like that, Princess.” Despite how hard his tone was, it didn’t come out nearly as harsh as you expected. Instead, you heard the worry hidden in the words. The worry for you, and for Kix.
Before you could say anything, the mass of dancers cleared and you were presented to the King once again. His stare was as cold and hard as always while he looked you over, even when Fox stepped back to his post beside the dais.
“You seem flustered all of the sudden,” your forced fiance said in a flat tone.
“Oh- it’s nothing, I just feel a little light headed, is all.” It wasn’t a hard lie to play off. Your poor health since the day you were dragged here was how you and Kix met in the first place, after all.
At first, the King said nothing, just continued to stare with those empty eyes. Then, he jerked his head towards the throne-like seats on the dais. “Sit.”
With a slight bow, you moved to obey him, but, just as you walked by, a gloved hand shot out to grip your arm harshly. It was all you could do not to wrench away from him on instinct.
“Don’t forget who holds your chains, my dear.”
Unlike the pleasant shiver that Kix had elicited, you now felt cold and empty as your body shook from the words. All you could do was pray that he hadn’t seen you and your lover, that this was just one of the tyrant’s frequent reminders that he could control your strings whenever he wanted.
“Yes, your majesty.” The obedience made you sick, but you could endure it, because wilting under the man’s iron grasp was the best way to keep Kix safe. And in the end, that’s all that mattered to you.
Your arm ached when he released it, but you walked back to your seat as steadily as possible. There was also the unmistakable feeling of someone staring at you and you knew that Kix had been watching. You didn’t dare search the crowd for him again, instead, you comforted yourself with the memory of his promises.
The hope that someday, the Princess and the Doctor might be able to shed their masks and run away together.
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Tag List: @sev-on-kamino @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade @littlemissbshine @funeralreunion @chubbyhedgehog-blog @ladytano420 @trixie2023 @mssbridgerton @wizardofrozz @vithepotato @mythical-illustrator
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deejadabbles · 8 months
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"Wait, how many boyfriends could a naïve cadet possibly have had? Two, three?"
"Well, it depends; what's your definition of a boyfriend?"
"Any man you bring to a fevered pitch of uncontrollable ecstacy."
"Oh! Fifty-six."
Domino Squad but it's one of my favourite Golden Girls scenes 😁
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Chuck your name in here if you want to be tagged!
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deejadabbles · 8 months
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always so happy when you enjoy my Kix content 🥹🥰
Forbidden Blossom (Kix x Fem!Reader, Fantasy AU Part 2)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three Coming Soon
Summary: The tyrant king had never claimed to love you and you certainly held no affection for him. Thankfully, there was someone else who captured your heart. Rating: Gen (but minors DNI!) A.N: Listen....I'm just really obsessed with fantasy AUs right now, so I just had to continue what I created back during Halloween! As always, this got way out of hand and the continuation got too long, so this will be a 3 parter. Part 3 will be posted next week so I don't overwhelm anyone Word Count: 3,409 Warnings: Forced engagement, abusive relationships, implied physical abuse, life threats, and forbidden love. If you are concerned that this chapter's content might be triggering, please feel free to send me a message! I will do my best to answer any questions (without triggering language). That goes for all of my fics, I want everyone reading to be safe.
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The sheets felt like sandpaper, despite their silken weave, the air cold and stifling regardless of the fire and windows ajar. A prison, even though the doors were not locked.
You didn’t know what time of day it was, but the chamber maids had cleared out recently marking that it was some time before lunch, probably. That wouldn’t matter, you had barely eaten anything since you’d been dragged to the palace of the tyrant.
So, it almost surprised you when you heard voices outside your door. One voice was the captain of your guard, the man who, at least once a day, insisted that you eat something. The other voice was not one you recognized and that alone made you stir just a little under your duvet. Not just anyone was permitted into your chambers, let alone this close to your bedroom door.
“Oh gods, please- please don’t let it be him!”
But even as the heartstopping thought came to you, it was wiped away by the gentleness of the stranger's voice. There was no way the King you had met could sound so…
“There has to be something you can do, Kix.” That was Fox, a good man despite his stern frown.
There was a sigh from the stranger “I can try but….” a thought mulled over, carefully considered, “brother, I can’t heal a broken heart.”
“And why would you think- actually, never mind just…just do something, before he does something.”
The sound of retreating boots followed, along with another sigh a moment later. A heartbeat went by and you hoped the stranger had abandoned his assignment, that he would just leave you to your gilded cage, but then the doors to your bedroom opened.
You retreated further under your blankets, sinking into their plush warmth that still seemed so abrasive to your skin. Maybe if he thought you were asleep he would try again later. Yet again though, this mystery man surprised you. His steps towards your lavish bed were slow and careful, as if approaching a dragon’s nest.
“Your Highness?” he asked, voice quiet and soft. Highness, not Majesty, because you were not yet married to that evil man- thank the gods. “My Lady, I’m a doctor, I’ve been asked to see to your health.” His voice was closer now, right beside the head of your bed.
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Doctor,” came your voice from under the fabric.
Another beat of silence, then, “Would you be willing to let me try, at least?”
You had no idea what or why, but something in his tone made you pull back the covers and peer up at him. He was handsome, devastatingly so, with finely styled hair, but the thing that drew you in most were his eyes. A rich brown color and holding a look that…it wasn’t pity. This was the first time a member of the palace had looked at you softly without pity and that alone kept you from ordering him out of your room.
He smiled then, as soft and kindly as his eyes when he reached out to your hand. “May I?”
Soft and considerate, this man was impressing you more by the minute. You nodded and held your palm up to him. Gently, he took your wrist and pressed his fingers to the soft skin there.
“Alright, your pulse is fine,” he hummed then, again slowly so you had time to stop him, he reached that hand to your forehead. His fingers were cool, like a refreshing damp cloth on a hot day, and it was all you could do not to lean into his touch. “No fever, either,” he continued thoughtfully. Then, after a moment he took his hand away, “May I ask you some questions?”
You nodded numbly, silently.
Instead of immediately asking this and that about your medical history, he instead walked over to your fireplace and grabbed one of the chairs. He brought it over to the bedside and sat with a little satisfied sigh.
“Tell me about your home.”
That caused you to blink, “Wh-what?”
His knowing smile didn’t falter, “Talk to me, My Lady. Tell me about where you grew up. What you loved most about it. The things that made you happy there.”
Your brows came together in confusion and you finally sat upright to meet his handsome eyes better. He didn’t repeat himself, just waited patiently. Despite the fact that his gaze never left your face, you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in nothing but your thin night clothes. He was a doctor, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen exposed bodies before, but your sudden shyness prompted you to lift the blanket over your chest as you settled your back against the pillows.
“Well…” you started after clearing your throat. 
Where would you even start with his question? You missed everything about home, every tiny detail that stood in stark contrast to this place. You missed the sun coming in to shine over a room you decorated and filled yourself. You missed visiting the village and all who greeted you with a smile and a wave. Missed the late nights with friends and people you loved. And the people who loved you back.
That and so much more came to mind, but, you only had to think for a moment longer before a memory two weeks old came back to you. 
Nothing about this arranged marriage had pleased you, but you had at least tried to find some enjoyment in your first days here. Then you had taken a walk through the gardens and when even they did not spark joy, your emotions spiraled, landing you here, in your current state.
“I miss my gardens,” you said finally, staring off at nothing in particular. “They were so beautiful. So colorful and vibrant…. Not like the bare, minimal flower beds here.” You trailed off for a moment, pulling up fond memories from the depths of your mind and, for maybe the first time since you started your journey here, you smiled. A real, genuine smile. “There was one section where our gardener would let things get just a little overgrown,” a ghost of a laugh escaped you as you met the Doctor’s eyes again, “he said that it represented ‘wild beauty’ and somehow convinced my father to keep it. My loved ones and I set up a little tea area there and every afternoon we would go walking through the gardens and…just talk and laugh. Simple pleasures.”
The Doctor’s smile turned encouraging and your body turned to him fully. Before you knew it you were telling him stories, stories of you and your best friends racing through the flowers, of begging the bakers to let you help prepare the treats you’d stuff into baskets and carry out there. Stories of reenacting scenes from your favorite books like children playing pretend. He listened to it all, laughing along with you, asking questions here and there and encouraging you all the way.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed before you realized that the weight that had been pressing on your chest for weeks felt…lighter now. Suddenly, the room wasn’t quite as suffocating as before. Maker, you even had the urge to pull back the curtains to let a little sunlight in.
The good doctor must have noticed your sudden silence, because he pulled his chair just a little closer to you. “Thank you, for sharing those stories with me, Your Highness.” He paused for a moment, seeming to think something over. “I know I’ve already asked a lot of you, but, could I ask one more thing?”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to even hesitate, you nodded silently.
“I would love to show you something, it’s a beautiful day and I think a walk would do you some good. Will you get dressed and meet with me?”
And there it was, he was still asking you, considering you, taking your wants into account. No one here had ever done that. Not truly.
“Yes, yes, I think that sounds nice.”
Those eyes of his brightened “Excellent! Take your time, I’ll tell Fox where to escort you.”
With that, he got up, pulled the chair back to its original spot and made for the door. Only now it was time for your own question, “Wait- Doctor! What’s your name? You didn’t give it earlier.”
For the first time, he looked surprised, “Kix, My Lady. You may call Kix.” He looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “I look forward to our walk, Your Highness.”
And with that, he- Kix, slipped out of the room. It was only then that you realized there was a small fluttering sensation in your stomach, something light and almost uneasy. Well, you hadn’t eaten much in so long, it must be that. You thought about indulging in one of the snack trays the maids left at your bedside, but the thought still didn’t quite appeal to you. 
Still, the fact that you could pull yourself out of bed and start putting thought into what you wanted to wear was a good improvement.
You did not call on your handmaids, the idea of being surrounded by people, of hands on your skin and in your hair, did not sit well at the moment. Despite that, and the fact that it was the first time in days you had come out of your room, It did not take that long to get ready and ask Fox to escort you to this mysterious location.
At first when you stepped outside the east wing, your heart dropped slightly, knowing that this was the way to the gardens that were a stark, depressing imitation of your lavish grounds back home. But, the gentle doctor was not waiting for you there. Yes, you had to walk through those almost sterile flowerbeds, but obviously this was not the intended meeting spot. 
You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to see the roses cut down to their stems so the thorns prickled in the sunlight, or how the lilies were cut free of any diverse or colorful petals, robbing them of unique beauty. At the edge of the overly pruned yard was a line of tall hedges and Fox led you past them. 
What lay beyond took your breath away.
It was an orchard teeming with life. Countless trees bearing fragrant fruit and vine covered trellises blooming with even more. All of them were well tended, cared for, but not overly cut like the flowers before. No, these were how nature should be, respected and loved and free to grow.
And there among it all, looking fondly at a patch of strawberries, was Kix. His smile rivaled the warmth of the sun as he noticed you standing there and he bowed his head slightly. “Your Highness, thank you for joining me.” Then he turned to Fox, “You can leave the Princess to me, Commander.”
In answer, the leader of your personal guard sighed, but turned to stand sentry by the hedge archway without protest. Kix waved his hand down the humble pathway between the trees, an invitation to walk with him. You did, gladly, and didn’t try to hide how in wonder you were of the orchard as you two began your walk.
“Hardly anyone but the gardeners come here,” Kix explained, “It took a long time for them to convince the King that over pruning is bad for the harvest, and that’s the only reason these plants and trees aren’t cut down to their stems. When you told those stories about your garden back home, I thought you might like it here.”
“It’s beautiful,” your tone was breathless, which obviously pleased him to no end, if that look in his eyes was any indication. “Thank you, Kix, this is wonderful.”
He opened his mouth, a response on the tip of his tongue, but then he hesitated. Instead, he walked over to the nearest tree, which just so happened to be bearing one of your favorite fruits, and plucked a ripe specimen from the branch. 
“I know that your situation isn’t an easy one, Princess,” he started as he walked back to you, “but if you ever need an ear to listen,” he took your hand and placed the fruit in your palm, “you just have to ask, and I’m yours.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you nearly gasped at his words and that’s when he suddenly looked a little flustered.
“My ear- my ear is yours, I mean.” He laughed nervously, then closed your fingers over the fruit, “What I’m trying to say is that, if you ever need a friend, I would be honored if you considered me one.”
It was hard to meet his gaze, not because you were embarrassed by his misstep in words, but because his promise made that fluttering sensation move to your chest as well as your stomach. This man, so full of kindness and care, he was making your heart feel light and heavy all at the same time. Maybe there was some joy to be found in this cage. You would take any you could get, so, you thanked the Doctor for his kind words.
“I would be the one honored to call you my friend, Kix.”
Something akin to surprise colored his eyes at that, surprise and something… tender. 
“Then, whenever you need to talk, or want a reminder of home, just call on me.” Then, Kix closed his eyes and lifted your clasped hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss to your fingers. 
It was that moment that your heart took flight. 
It was no wonder that, over the next months, the Princess and the Doctor would fall madly and deeply in love.
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Your room had never quite felt like a home, always a golden cell, always a sign of your lost freedom, or the way you were chained to him. But it had never felt as cold and unforgiving as it did now. The fire was out, leaving you in icy darkness, all while the fiance you never chose towered over you.
“I asked you a question, girl: do you think I am a fool?” The tyrant king’s tone was flat and cold, even as you tried to choke back the tears from your spot on the floor. 
Even if you tried to get up, he would just force you back down again, so you answered him through gritted teeth. “No. You are no fool, Your Majesty.”
“Then why did you think I wouldn’t find out about this?” It was the first time something besides cold fury colored his tone. He was seething now. “Did you truly think I was so blind? That I wouldn’t see the longing stares or hear about your romantic walks?!”
You yelped when he grabbed your collar and yanked you onto your back.
“Did you truly think you could get away with making a fool of me?”
For all his cruelty, you had never seen him like this, his brutality had always been a cold and unfeeling blade, not this burning fire of rage. It was all there in his eye and bared teeth as he glared down at you and it made you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
Then, the harsh curl of his lips eased, teeth no longer bared, as he leaned back and stepped away from your prone form. He was regaining his composure before your eyes as he straightened and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Get up,” he commanded, tone like cold steel once again. “I want you to have a better seat when my men bring in the good doctor.”
That caused your heart to freeze in your chest. “No- no!” The desperate plea left you as you scrambled to your feet.
The King smiled in that cruel curl of his lips. “Yes, my dear. You will watch while I make an example of him. While I show him what happens to men who touch what’s mine.”
“Please!” Your voice cracked with the force of your words, “Please- I’m to blame, not him!”
His smile only grew with more you pleaded, “Which is exactly why I will hurt him instead.”
That vicious mirth in his eyes is what made you lose any last shred of resolve. Of course this was his plan, cold and calculated. Bruises could heal, but the memories of this? They would haunt you forever, and in the end he still got his meek pet for a queen.
“I gave you an order,” he went on, “I said get up-”
He was interrupted by the doors to your chambers being thrown open. In marched a company of the King’s most trusted guards, with Commander Fox, who had been ordered to wait outside, hot on their heels.
“Your Majesty,” the head of this company said with a bow, “my men are still searching the grounds, but it would appear that the traitor Kix has…escaped.”
Oh, the king did not like that. 
The fabric of his gloves strained as he clenched his fists, the knuckles surely white beneath. He drew in a harsh breath through his nose as he turned away from you without a second glance. 
“Find him. Search the whole kingdom if needed,” all the guards, save for Fox, followed their king as he stormed towards the doors, “if you have to bring him back here in pieces, do it!”
With that threat ringing in your ears, doors were slammed shut again, the sound echoing through the room like glass shattering on marble.
Silence swelled, filling the void the King’s rage left behind. Leaving you in the cold and the dark. In your cage draped in finery.
Gone. Kix was gone. He had escaped somehow. The thought sent a myriad of emotions washing through you, tearing and shredding your body in a confusing whirlwind. Before you knew it, you were curling in on yourself, fists clutching the fabric over your heart and tears staining your cheeks.
Harsh sobs wracked your body and you couldn’t say whether they were from the relief of knowing he was safe or the sorrow of knowing you would never see the love of your life again. Deep down, they were likely both, you supposed.
You jumped when something warm and heavy was draped around your shoulders. You hadn’t even noticed Fox kneeling beside you, blanket in hand. Somewhere, in the back of your mind you remembered telling him that the blanket was your favorite from home, but at the moment all you could do was pull it tighter around yourself as you tried to steady the painful breaths you were taking.
Fox, possibly the only other man who had ever shown you any care in this hellish castle, didn’t say a word as he waited for your body to tire itself out with its mourning. When it did, he silently helped you to your feet. You don’t remember walking to your bed, just that the blankets had been placed over you and the fireplace nearby had been stoked back to life.
Finally, your trusted guard spoke, a firm if still cautious call of your name. Your actual name, not a title. “Please,” he said in a whisper, “don’t do anything drastic. Things won’t be like this for much longer. I promise.”
Confused, you blinked up at him, but he didn’t say anything more, just bowed his head respectfully and closed the curtains of your bed slowly. If there had been any strength left in you, you might have called for him, asked him to stay close. To not leave you. You didn’t need to ask, however, you heard his boots stop just outside your bedroom. Standing sentry, acting as your shield, as much as he could in any case.
The patterns of the curtains danced from the crackling fire on the other side, but it was just a blank canvas to stare at as your mind ran the same thoughts in your head over and over again. He’s gone, Kix is gone. At best, you’ll never know true love’s touch again, at worst, you’ll see that love slaughtered for the crime of existing.
Still, even in your spiraling despair, one other mantra crept in here and there. 
“Things won’t be like this for much longer”
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Divider by the amazing @dystopicjumpsuit
26 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 8 months
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Endless Captain Rex scenes: 3/∞
628 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 8 months
DJ!!!!! What a wonderful comment, you're gonna make me tear up! I just couldn't get the ideas I was having for this out of my head, so it makes me so happy that I'm not the only one who wanted this!! And considering how much I adore the way you write Kix I'm so bashful at your compliment
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I also definitely went a little hard with Fox in this, I couldn't help it! low key need to write a bodyguard au with him now if Kix hadn't swooped in and stolen a princess's heart Fox probably would have, but he can at least protect you like a noble (if grumpy) knight.
I'm so excited to post chapter 3, it may be even more swoon worthy than the first two and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Forbidden Blossom (Kix x Fem!Reader, Fantasy AU Part 2)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three Coming Soon
Summary: The tyrant king had never claimed to love you and you certainly held no affection for him. Thankfully, there was someone else who captured your heart. Rating: Gen (but minors DNI!) A.N: Listen....I'm just really obsessed with fantasy AUs right now, so I just had to continue what I created back during Halloween! As always, this got way out of hand and the continuation got too long, so this will be a 3 parter. Part 3 will be posted next week so I don't overwhelm anyone Word Count: 3,409 Warnings: Forced engagement, abusive relationships, implied physical abuse, life threats, and forbidden love. If you are concerned that this chapter's content might be triggering, please feel free to send me a message! I will do my best to answer any questions (without triggering language). That goes for all of my fics, I want everyone reading to be safe.
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The sheets felt like sandpaper, despite their silken weave, the air cold and stifling regardless of the fire and windows ajar. A prison, even though the doors were not locked.
You didn’t know what time of day it was, but the chamber maids had cleared out recently marking that it was some time before lunch, probably. That wouldn’t matter, you had barely eaten anything since you’d been dragged to the palace of the tyrant.
So, it almost surprised you when you heard voices outside your door. One voice was the captain of your guard, the man who, at least once a day, insisted that you eat something. The other voice was not one you recognized and that alone made you stir just a little under your duvet. Not just anyone was permitted into your chambers, let alone this close to your bedroom door.
“Oh gods, please- please don’t let it be him!”
But even as the heartstopping thought came to you, it was wiped away by the gentleness of the stranger's voice. There was no way the King you had met could sound so…
“There has to be something you can do, Kix.” That was Fox, a good man despite his stern frown.
There was a sigh from the stranger “I can try but….” a thought mulled over, carefully considered, “brother, I can’t heal a broken heart.”
“And why would you think- actually, never mind just…just do something, before he does something.”
The sound of retreating boots followed, along with another sigh a moment later. A heartbeat went by and you hoped the stranger had abandoned his assignment, that he would just leave you to your gilded cage, but then the doors to your bedroom opened.
You retreated further under your blankets, sinking into their plush warmth that still seemed so abrasive to your skin. Maybe if he thought you were asleep he would try again later. Yet again though, this mystery man surprised you. His steps towards your lavish bed were slow and careful, as if approaching a dragon’s nest.
“Your Highness?” he asked, voice quiet and soft. Highness, not Majesty, because you were not yet married to that evil man- thank the gods. “My Lady, I’m a doctor, I’ve been asked to see to your health.” His voice was closer now, right beside the head of your bed.
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Doctor,” came your voice from under the fabric.
Another beat of silence, then, “Would you be willing to let me try, at least?”
You had no idea what or why, but something in his tone made you pull back the covers and peer up at him. He was handsome, devastatingly so, with finely styled hair, but the thing that drew you in most were his eyes. A rich brown color and holding a look that…it wasn’t pity. This was the first time a member of the palace had looked at you softly without pity and that alone kept you from ordering him out of your room.
He smiled then, as soft and kindly as his eyes when he reached out to your hand. “May I?”
Soft and considerate, this man was impressing you more by the minute. You nodded and held your palm up to him. Gently, he took your wrist and pressed his fingers to the soft skin there.
“Alright, your pulse is fine,” he hummed then, again slowly so you had time to stop him, he reached that hand to your forehead. His fingers were cool, like a refreshing damp cloth on a hot day, and it was all you could do not to lean into his touch. “No fever, either,” he continued thoughtfully. Then, after a moment he took his hand away, “May I ask you some questions?”
You nodded numbly, silently.
Instead of immediately asking this and that about your medical history, he instead walked over to your fireplace and grabbed one of the chairs. He brought it over to the bedside and sat with a little satisfied sigh.
“Tell me about your home.”
That caused you to blink, “Wh-what?”
His knowing smile didn’t falter, “Talk to me, My Lady. Tell me about where you grew up. What you loved most about it. The things that made you happy there.”
Your brows came together in confusion and you finally sat upright to meet his handsome eyes better. He didn’t repeat himself, just waited patiently. Despite the fact that his gaze never left your face, you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in nothing but your thin night clothes. He was a doctor, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen exposed bodies before, but your sudden shyness prompted you to lift the blanket over your chest as you settled your back against the pillows.
“Well…” you started after clearing your throat. 
Where would you even start with his question? You missed everything about home, every tiny detail that stood in stark contrast to this place. You missed the sun coming in to shine over a room you decorated and filled yourself. You missed visiting the village and all who greeted you with a smile and a wave. Missed the late nights with friends and people you loved. And the people who loved you back.
That and so much more came to mind, but, you only had to think for a moment longer before a memory two weeks old came back to you. 
Nothing about this arranged marriage had pleased you, but you had at least tried to find some enjoyment in your first days here. Then you had taken a walk through the gardens and when even they did not spark joy, your emotions spiraled, landing you here, in your current state.
“I miss my gardens,” you said finally, staring off at nothing in particular. “They were so beautiful. So colorful and vibrant…. Not like the bare, minimal flower beds here.” You trailed off for a moment, pulling up fond memories from the depths of your mind and, for maybe the first time since you started your journey here, you smiled. A real, genuine smile. “There was one section where our gardener would let things get just a little overgrown,” a ghost of a laugh escaped you as you met the Doctor’s eyes again, “he said that it represented ‘wild beauty’ and somehow convinced my father to keep it. My loved ones and I set up a little tea area there and every afternoon we would go walking through the gardens and…just talk and laugh. Simple pleasures.”
The Doctor’s smile turned encouraging and your body turned to him fully. Before you knew it you were telling him stories, stories of you and your best friends racing through the flowers, of begging the bakers to let you help prepare the treats you’d stuff into baskets and carry out there. Stories of reenacting scenes from your favorite books like children playing pretend. He listened to it all, laughing along with you, asking questions here and there and encouraging you all the way.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed before you realized that the weight that had been pressing on your chest for weeks felt…lighter now. Suddenly, the room wasn’t quite as suffocating as before. Maker, you even had the urge to pull back the curtains to let a little sunlight in.
The good doctor must have noticed your sudden silence, because he pulled his chair just a little closer to you. “Thank you, for sharing those stories with me, Your Highness.” He paused for a moment, seeming to think something over. “I know I’ve already asked a lot of you, but, could I ask one more thing?”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to even hesitate, you nodded silently.
“I would love to show you something, it’s a beautiful day and I think a walk would do you some good. Will you get dressed and meet with me?”
And there it was, he was still asking you, considering you, taking your wants into account. No one here had ever done that. Not truly.
“Yes, yes, I think that sounds nice.”
Those eyes of his brightened “Excellent! Take your time, I’ll tell Fox where to escort you.”
With that, he got up, pulled the chair back to its original spot and made for the door. Only now it was time for your own question, “Wait- Doctor! What’s your name? You didn’t give it earlier.”
For the first time, he looked surprised, “Kix, My Lady. You may call Kix.” He looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “I look forward to our walk, Your Highness.”
And with that, he- Kix, slipped out of the room. It was only then that you realized there was a small fluttering sensation in your stomach, something light and almost uneasy. Well, you hadn’t eaten much in so long, it must be that. You thought about indulging in one of the snack trays the maids left at your bedside, but the thought still didn’t quite appeal to you. 
Still, the fact that you could pull yourself out of bed and start putting thought into what you wanted to wear was a good improvement.
You did not call on your handmaids, the idea of being surrounded by people, of hands on your skin and in your hair, did not sit well at the moment. Despite that, and the fact that it was the first time in days you had come out of your room, It did not take that long to get ready and ask Fox to escort you to this mysterious location.
At first when you stepped outside the east wing, your heart dropped slightly, knowing that this was the way to the gardens that were a stark, depressing imitation of your lavish grounds back home. But, the gentle doctor was not waiting for you there. Yes, you had to walk through those almost sterile flowerbeds, but obviously this was not the intended meeting spot. 
You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to see the roses cut down to their stems so the thorns prickled in the sunlight, or how the lilies were cut free of any diverse or colorful petals, robbing them of unique beauty. At the edge of the overly pruned yard was a line of tall hedges and Fox led you past them. 
What lay beyond took your breath away.
It was an orchard teeming with life. Countless trees bearing fragrant fruit and vine covered trellises blooming with even more. All of them were well tended, cared for, but not overly cut like the flowers before. No, these were how nature should be, respected and loved and free to grow.
And there among it all, looking fondly at a patch of strawberries, was Kix. His smile rivaled the warmth of the sun as he noticed you standing there and he bowed his head slightly. “Your Highness, thank you for joining me.” Then he turned to Fox, “You can leave the Princess to me, Commander.”
In answer, the leader of your personal guard sighed, but turned to stand sentry by the hedge archway without protest. Kix waved his hand down the humble pathway between the trees, an invitation to walk with him. You did, gladly, and didn’t try to hide how in wonder you were of the orchard as you two began your walk.
“Hardly anyone but the gardeners come here,” Kix explained, “It took a long time for them to convince the King that over pruning is bad for the harvest, and that’s the only reason these plants and trees aren’t cut down to their stems. When you told those stories about your garden back home, I thought you might like it here.”
“It’s beautiful,” your tone was breathless, which obviously pleased him to no end, if that look in his eyes was any indication. “Thank you, Kix, this is wonderful.”
He opened his mouth, a response on the tip of his tongue, but then he hesitated. Instead, he walked over to the nearest tree, which just so happened to be bearing one of your favorite fruits, and plucked a ripe specimen from the branch. 
“I know that your situation isn’t an easy one, Princess,” he started as he walked back to you, “but if you ever need an ear to listen,” he took your hand and placed the fruit in your palm, “you just have to ask, and I’m yours.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you nearly gasped at his words and that’s when he suddenly looked a little flustered.
“My ear- my ear is yours, I mean.” He laughed nervously, then closed your fingers over the fruit, “What I’m trying to say is that, if you ever need a friend, I would be honored if you considered me one.”
It was hard to meet his gaze, not because you were embarrassed by his misstep in words, but because his promise made that fluttering sensation move to your chest as well as your stomach. This man, so full of kindness and care, he was making your heart feel light and heavy all at the same time. Maybe there was some joy to be found in this cage. You would take any you could get, so, you thanked the Doctor for his kind words.
“I would be the one honored to call you my friend, Kix.”
Something akin to surprise colored his eyes at that, surprise and something… tender. 
“Then, whenever you need to talk, or want a reminder of home, just call on me.” Then, Kix closed his eyes and lifted your clasped hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss to your fingers. 
It was that moment that your heart took flight. 
It was no wonder that, over the next months, the Princess and the Doctor would fall madly and deeply in love.
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Your room had never quite felt like a home, always a golden cell, always a sign of your lost freedom, or the way you were chained to him. But it had never felt as cold and unforgiving as it did now. The fire was out, leaving you in icy darkness, all while the fiance you never chose towered over you.
“I asked you a question, girl: do you think I am a fool?” The tyrant king’s tone was flat and cold, even as you tried to choke back the tears from your spot on the floor. 
Even if you tried to get up, he would just force you back down again, so you answered him through gritted teeth. “No. You are no fool, Your Majesty.”
“Then why did you think I wouldn’t find out about this?” It was the first time something besides cold fury colored his tone. He was seething now. “Did you truly think I was so blind? That I wouldn’t see the longing stares or hear about your romantic walks?!”
You yelped when he grabbed your collar and yanked you onto your back.
“Did you truly think you could get away with making a fool of me?”
For all his cruelty, you had never seen him like this, his brutality had always been a cold and unfeeling blade, not this burning fire of rage. It was all there in his eye and bared teeth as he glared down at you and it made you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
Then, the harsh curl of his lips eased, teeth no longer bared, as he leaned back and stepped away from your prone form. He was regaining his composure before your eyes as he straightened and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Get up,” he commanded, tone like cold steel once again. “I want you to have a better seat when my men bring in the good doctor.”
That caused your heart to freeze in your chest. “No- no!” The desperate plea left you as you scrambled to your feet.
The King smiled in that cruel curl of his lips. “Yes, my dear. You will watch while I make an example of him. While I show him what happens to men who touch what’s mine.”
“Please!” Your voice cracked with the force of your words, “Please- I’m to blame, not him!”
His smile only grew with more you pleaded, “Which is exactly why I will hurt him instead.”
That vicious mirth in his eyes is what made you lose any last shred of resolve. Of course this was his plan, cold and calculated. Bruises could heal, but the memories of this? They would haunt you forever, and in the end he still got his meek pet for a queen.
“I gave you an order,” he went on, “I said get up-”
He was interrupted by the doors to your chambers being thrown open. In marched a company of the King’s most trusted guards, with Commander Fox, who had been ordered to wait outside, hot on their heels.
“Your Majesty,” the head of this company said with a bow, “my men are still searching the grounds, but it would appear that the traitor Kix has…escaped.”
Oh, the king did not like that. 
The fabric of his gloves strained as he clenched his fists, the knuckles surely white beneath. He drew in a harsh breath through his nose as he turned away from you without a second glance. 
“Find him. Search the whole kingdom if needed,” all the guards, save for Fox, followed their king as he stormed towards the doors, “if you have to bring him back here in pieces, do it!”
With that threat ringing in your ears, doors were slammed shut again, the sound echoing through the room like glass shattering on marble.
Silence swelled, filling the void the King’s rage left behind. Leaving you in the cold and the dark. In your cage draped in finery.
Gone. Kix was gone. He had escaped somehow. The thought sent a myriad of emotions washing through you, tearing and shredding your body in a confusing whirlwind. Before you knew it, you were curling in on yourself, fists clutching the fabric over your heart and tears staining your cheeks.
Harsh sobs wracked your body and you couldn’t say whether they were from the relief of knowing he was safe or the sorrow of knowing you would never see the love of your life again. Deep down, they were likely both, you supposed.
You jumped when something warm and heavy was draped around your shoulders. You hadn’t even noticed Fox kneeling beside you, blanket in hand. Somewhere, in the back of your mind you remembered telling him that the blanket was your favorite from home, but at the moment all you could do was pull it tighter around yourself as you tried to steady the painful breaths you were taking.
Fox, possibly the only other man who had ever shown you any care in this hellish castle, didn’t say a word as he waited for your body to tire itself out with its mourning. When it did, he silently helped you to your feet. You don’t remember walking to your bed, just that the blankets had been placed over you and the fireplace nearby had been stoked back to life.
Finally, your trusted guard spoke, a firm if still cautious call of your name. Your actual name, not a title. “Please,” he said in a whisper, “don’t do anything drastic. Things won’t be like this for much longer. I promise.”
Confused, you blinked up at him, but he didn’t say anything more, just bowed his head respectfully and closed the curtains of your bed slowly. If there had been any strength left in you, you might have called for him, asked him to stay close. To not leave you. You didn’t need to ask, however, you heard his boots stop just outside your bedroom. Standing sentry, acting as your shield, as much as he could in any case.
The patterns of the curtains danced from the crackling fire on the other side, but it was just a blank canvas to stare at as your mind ran the same thoughts in your head over and over again. He’s gone, Kix is gone. At best, you’ll never know true love’s touch again, at worst, you’ll see that love slaughtered for the crime of existing.
Still, even in your spiraling despair, one other mantra crept in here and there. 
“Things won’t be like this for much longer”
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Divider by the amazing @dystopicjumpsuit
26 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 8 months
Whenever someone says they were moved enough by my writing to have an emotion like that it always makes my heart so warm- which then feels strange because I'm basically saying I'm glad you cried but you know what I mean! I'm so glad I decided to post it when I did if it came at just the right time for you 💙 there's more angst to come but I promise it gets better. Thank you so much for reading friend 🥹
Forbidden Blossom (Kix x Fem!Reader, Fantasy AU Part 2)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three Coming Soon
Summary: The tyrant king had never claimed to love you and you certainly held no affection for him. Thankfully, there was someone else who captured your heart. Rating: Gen (but minors DNI!) A.N: Listen....I'm just really obsessed with fantasy AUs right now, so I just had to continue what I created back during Halloween! As always, this got way out of hand and the continuation got too long, so this will be a 3 parter. Part 3 will be posted next week so I don't overwhelm anyone Word Count: 3,409 Warnings: Forced engagement, abusive relationships, implied physical abuse, life threats, and forbidden love. If you are concerned that this chapter's content might be triggering, please feel free to send me a message! I will do my best to answer any questions (without triggering language). That goes for all of my fics, I want everyone reading to be safe.
Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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The sheets felt like sandpaper, despite their silken weave, the air cold and stifling regardless of the fire and windows ajar. A prison, even though the doors were not locked.
You didn’t know what time of day it was, but the chamber maids had cleared out recently marking that it was some time before lunch, probably. That wouldn’t matter, you had barely eaten anything since you’d been dragged to the palace of the tyrant.
So, it almost surprised you when you heard voices outside your door. One voice was the captain of your guard, the man who, at least once a day, insisted that you eat something. The other voice was not one you recognized and that alone made you stir just a little under your duvet. Not just anyone was permitted into your chambers, let alone this close to your bedroom door.
“Oh gods, please- please don’t let it be him!”
But even as the heartstopping thought came to you, it was wiped away by the gentleness of the stranger's voice. There was no way the King you had met could sound so…
“There has to be something you can do, Kix.” That was Fox, a good man despite his stern frown.
There was a sigh from the stranger “I can try but….” a thought mulled over, carefully considered, “brother, I can’t heal a broken heart.”
“And why would you think- actually, never mind just…just do something, before he does something.”
The sound of retreating boots followed, along with another sigh a moment later. A heartbeat went by and you hoped the stranger had abandoned his assignment, that he would just leave you to your gilded cage, but then the doors to your bedroom opened.
You retreated further under your blankets, sinking into their plush warmth that still seemed so abrasive to your skin. Maybe if he thought you were asleep he would try again later. Yet again though, this mystery man surprised you. His steps towards your lavish bed were slow and careful, as if approaching a dragon’s nest.
“Your Highness?” he asked, voice quiet and soft. Highness, not Majesty, because you were not yet married to that evil man- thank the gods. “My Lady, I’m a doctor, I’ve been asked to see to your health.” His voice was closer now, right beside the head of your bed.
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Doctor,” came your voice from under the fabric.
Another beat of silence, then, “Would you be willing to let me try, at least?”
You had no idea what or why, but something in his tone made you pull back the covers and peer up at him. He was handsome, devastatingly so, with finely styled hair, but the thing that drew you in most were his eyes. A rich brown color and holding a look that…it wasn’t pity. This was the first time a member of the palace had looked at you softly without pity and that alone kept you from ordering him out of your room.
He smiled then, as soft and kindly as his eyes when he reached out to your hand. “May I?”
Soft and considerate, this man was impressing you more by the minute. You nodded and held your palm up to him. Gently, he took your wrist and pressed his fingers to the soft skin there.
“Alright, your pulse is fine,” he hummed then, again slowly so you had time to stop him, he reached that hand to your forehead. His fingers were cool, like a refreshing damp cloth on a hot day, and it was all you could do not to lean into his touch. “No fever, either,” he continued thoughtfully. Then, after a moment he took his hand away, “May I ask you some questions?”
You nodded numbly, silently.
Instead of immediately asking this and that about your medical history, he instead walked over to your fireplace and grabbed one of the chairs. He brought it over to the bedside and sat with a little satisfied sigh.
“Tell me about your home.”
That caused you to blink, “Wh-what?”
His knowing smile didn’t falter, “Talk to me, My Lady. Tell me about where you grew up. What you loved most about it. The things that made you happy there.”
Your brows came together in confusion and you finally sat upright to meet his handsome eyes better. He didn’t repeat himself, just waited patiently. Despite the fact that his gaze never left your face, you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in nothing but your thin night clothes. He was a doctor, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen exposed bodies before, but your sudden shyness prompted you to lift the blanket over your chest as you settled your back against the pillows.
“Well…” you started after clearing your throat. 
Where would you even start with his question? You missed everything about home, every tiny detail that stood in stark contrast to this place. You missed the sun coming in to shine over a room you decorated and filled yourself. You missed visiting the village and all who greeted you with a smile and a wave. Missed the late nights with friends and people you loved. And the people who loved you back.
That and so much more came to mind, but, you only had to think for a moment longer before a memory two weeks old came back to you. 
Nothing about this arranged marriage had pleased you, but you had at least tried to find some enjoyment in your first days here. Then you had taken a walk through the gardens and when even they did not spark joy, your emotions spiraled, landing you here, in your current state.
“I miss my gardens,” you said finally, staring off at nothing in particular. “They were so beautiful. So colorful and vibrant…. Not like the bare, minimal flower beds here.” You trailed off for a moment, pulling up fond memories from the depths of your mind and, for maybe the first time since you started your journey here, you smiled. A real, genuine smile. “There was one section where our gardener would let things get just a little overgrown,” a ghost of a laugh escaped you as you met the Doctor’s eyes again, “he said that it represented ‘wild beauty’ and somehow convinced my father to keep it. My loved ones and I set up a little tea area there and every afternoon we would go walking through the gardens and…just talk and laugh. Simple pleasures.”
The Doctor’s smile turned encouraging and your body turned to him fully. Before you knew it you were telling him stories, stories of you and your best friends racing through the flowers, of begging the bakers to let you help prepare the treats you’d stuff into baskets and carry out there. Stories of reenacting scenes from your favorite books like children playing pretend. He listened to it all, laughing along with you, asking questions here and there and encouraging you all the way.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed before you realized that the weight that had been pressing on your chest for weeks felt…lighter now. Suddenly, the room wasn’t quite as suffocating as before. Maker, you even had the urge to pull back the curtains to let a little sunlight in.
The good doctor must have noticed your sudden silence, because he pulled his chair just a little closer to you. “Thank you, for sharing those stories with me, Your Highness.” He paused for a moment, seeming to think something over. “I know I’ve already asked a lot of you, but, could I ask one more thing?”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to even hesitate, you nodded silently.
“I would love to show you something, it’s a beautiful day and I think a walk would do you some good. Will you get dressed and meet with me?”
And there it was, he was still asking you, considering you, taking your wants into account. No one here had ever done that. Not truly.
“Yes, yes, I think that sounds nice.”
Those eyes of his brightened “Excellent! Take your time, I’ll tell Fox where to escort you.”
With that, he got up, pulled the chair back to its original spot and made for the door. Only now it was time for your own question, “Wait- Doctor! What’s your name? You didn’t give it earlier.”
For the first time, he looked surprised, “Kix, My Lady. You may call Kix.” He looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “I look forward to our walk, Your Highness.”
And with that, he- Kix, slipped out of the room. It was only then that you realized there was a small fluttering sensation in your stomach, something light and almost uneasy. Well, you hadn’t eaten much in so long, it must be that. You thought about indulging in one of the snack trays the maids left at your bedside, but the thought still didn’t quite appeal to you. 
Still, the fact that you could pull yourself out of bed and start putting thought into what you wanted to wear was a good improvement.
You did not call on your handmaids, the idea of being surrounded by people, of hands on your skin and in your hair, did not sit well at the moment. Despite that, and the fact that it was the first time in days you had come out of your room, It did not take that long to get ready and ask Fox to escort you to this mysterious location.
At first when you stepped outside the east wing, your heart dropped slightly, knowing that this was the way to the gardens that were a stark, depressing imitation of your lavish grounds back home. But, the gentle doctor was not waiting for you there. Yes, you had to walk through those almost sterile flowerbeds, but obviously this was not the intended meeting spot. 
You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to see the roses cut down to their stems so the thorns prickled in the sunlight, or how the lilies were cut free of any diverse or colorful petals, robbing them of unique beauty. At the edge of the overly pruned yard was a line of tall hedges and Fox led you past them. 
What lay beyond took your breath away.
It was an orchard teeming with life. Countless trees bearing fragrant fruit and vine covered trellises blooming with even more. All of them were well tended, cared for, but not overly cut like the flowers before. No, these were how nature should be, respected and loved and free to grow.
And there among it all, looking fondly at a patch of strawberries, was Kix. His smile rivaled the warmth of the sun as he noticed you standing there and he bowed his head slightly. “Your Highness, thank you for joining me.” Then he turned to Fox, “You can leave the Princess to me, Commander.”
In answer, the leader of your personal guard sighed, but turned to stand sentry by the hedge archway without protest. Kix waved his hand down the humble pathway between the trees, an invitation to walk with him. You did, gladly, and didn’t try to hide how in wonder you were of the orchard as you two began your walk.
“Hardly anyone but the gardeners come here,” Kix explained, “It took a long time for them to convince the King that over pruning is bad for the harvest, and that’s the only reason these plants and trees aren’t cut down to their stems. When you told those stories about your garden back home, I thought you might like it here.”
“It’s beautiful,” your tone was breathless, which obviously pleased him to no end, if that look in his eyes was any indication. “Thank you, Kix, this is wonderful.”
He opened his mouth, a response on the tip of his tongue, but then he hesitated. Instead, he walked over to the nearest tree, which just so happened to be bearing one of your favorite fruits, and plucked a ripe specimen from the branch. 
“I know that your situation isn’t an easy one, Princess,” he started as he walked back to you, “but if you ever need an ear to listen,” he took your hand and placed the fruit in your palm, “you just have to ask, and I’m yours.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you nearly gasped at his words and that’s when he suddenly looked a little flustered.
“My ear- my ear is yours, I mean.” He laughed nervously, then closed your fingers over the fruit, “What I’m trying to say is that, if you ever need a friend, I would be honored if you considered me one.”
It was hard to meet his gaze, not because you were embarrassed by his misstep in words, but because his promise made that fluttering sensation move to your chest as well as your stomach. This man, so full of kindness and care, he was making your heart feel light and heavy all at the same time. Maybe there was some joy to be found in this cage. You would take any you could get, so, you thanked the Doctor for his kind words.
“I would be the one honored to call you my friend, Kix.”
Something akin to surprise colored his eyes at that, surprise and something… tender. 
“Then, whenever you need to talk, or want a reminder of home, just call on me.” Then, Kix closed his eyes and lifted your clasped hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss to your fingers. 
It was that moment that your heart took flight. 
It was no wonder that, over the next months, the Princess and the Doctor would fall madly and deeply in love.
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Your room had never quite felt like a home, always a golden cell, always a sign of your lost freedom, or the way you were chained to him. But it had never felt as cold and unforgiving as it did now. The fire was out, leaving you in icy darkness, all while the fiance you never chose towered over you.
“I asked you a question, girl: do you think I am a fool?” The tyrant king’s tone was flat and cold, even as you tried to choke back the tears from your spot on the floor. 
Even if you tried to get up, he would just force you back down again, so you answered him through gritted teeth. “No. You are no fool, Your Majesty.”
“Then why did you think I wouldn’t find out about this?” It was the first time something besides cold fury colored his tone. He was seething now. “Did you truly think I was so blind? That I wouldn’t see the longing stares or hear about your romantic walks?!”
You yelped when he grabbed your collar and yanked you onto your back.
“Did you truly think you could get away with making a fool of me?”
For all his cruelty, you had never seen him like this, his brutality had always been a cold and unfeeling blade, not this burning fire of rage. It was all there in his eye and bared teeth as he glared down at you and it made you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
Then, the harsh curl of his lips eased, teeth no longer bared, as he leaned back and stepped away from your prone form. He was regaining his composure before your eyes as he straightened and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Get up,” he commanded, tone like cold steel once again. “I want you to have a better seat when my men bring in the good doctor.”
That caused your heart to freeze in your chest. “No- no!” The desperate plea left you as you scrambled to your feet.
The King smiled in that cruel curl of his lips. “Yes, my dear. You will watch while I make an example of him. While I show him what happens to men who touch what’s mine.”
“Please!” Your voice cracked with the force of your words, “Please- I’m to blame, not him!”
His smile only grew with more you pleaded, “Which is exactly why I will hurt him instead.”
That vicious mirth in his eyes is what made you lose any last shred of resolve. Of course this was his plan, cold and calculated. Bruises could heal, but the memories of this? They would haunt you forever, and in the end he still got his meek pet for a queen.
“I gave you an order,” he went on, “I said get up-”
He was interrupted by the doors to your chambers being thrown open. In marched a company of the King’s most trusted guards, with Commander Fox, who had been ordered to wait outside, hot on their heels.
“Your Majesty,” the head of this company said with a bow, “my men are still searching the grounds, but it would appear that the traitor Kix has…escaped.”
Oh, the king did not like that. 
The fabric of his gloves strained as he clenched his fists, the knuckles surely white beneath. He drew in a harsh breath through his nose as he turned away from you without a second glance. 
“Find him. Search the whole kingdom if needed,” all the guards, save for Fox, followed their king as he stormed towards the doors, “if you have to bring him back here in pieces, do it!”
With that threat ringing in your ears, doors were slammed shut again, the sound echoing through the room like glass shattering on marble.
Silence swelled, filling the void the King’s rage left behind. Leaving you in the cold and the dark. In your cage draped in finery.
Gone. Kix was gone. He had escaped somehow. The thought sent a myriad of emotions washing through you, tearing and shredding your body in a confusing whirlwind. Before you knew it, you were curling in on yourself, fists clutching the fabric over your heart and tears staining your cheeks.
Harsh sobs wracked your body and you couldn’t say whether they were from the relief of knowing he was safe or the sorrow of knowing you would never see the love of your life again. Deep down, they were likely both, you supposed.
You jumped when something warm and heavy was draped around your shoulders. You hadn’t even noticed Fox kneeling beside you, blanket in hand. Somewhere, in the back of your mind you remembered telling him that the blanket was your favorite from home, but at the moment all you could do was pull it tighter around yourself as you tried to steady the painful breaths you were taking.
Fox, possibly the only other man who had ever shown you any care in this hellish castle, didn’t say a word as he waited for your body to tire itself out with its mourning. When it did, he silently helped you to your feet. You don’t remember walking to your bed, just that the blankets had been placed over you and the fireplace nearby had been stoked back to life.
Finally, your trusted guard spoke, a firm if still cautious call of your name. Your actual name, not a title. “Please,” he said in a whisper, “don’t do anything drastic. Things won’t be like this for much longer. I promise.”
Confused, you blinked up at him, but he didn’t say anything more, just bowed his head respectfully and closed the curtains of your bed slowly. If there had been any strength left in you, you might have called for him, asked him to stay close. To not leave you. You didn’t need to ask, however, you heard his boots stop just outside your bedroom. Standing sentry, acting as your shield, as much as he could in any case.
The patterns of the curtains danced from the crackling fire on the other side, but it was just a blank canvas to stare at as your mind ran the same thoughts in your head over and over again. He’s gone, Kix is gone. At best, you’ll never know true love’s touch again, at worst, you’ll see that love slaughtered for the crime of existing.
Still, even in your spiraling despair, one other mantra crept in here and there. 
“Things won’t be like this for much longer”
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Divider by the amazing @dystopicjumpsuit
26 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 8 months
Starry! Thank you so much for including me in your list, I'll definitely have to brush off some of my bad batch WIPs 😍
I don’t know if I’m more excited about Bad batch coming out or if I’m more excited for the amount of media we will be getting from the fan base
Fanfictions will be reborn and updated for the first time in a year
The art we will get will be immaculate
I cannot wait
311 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 8 months
tag list reblog:
@sev-on-kamino @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade @littlemissbshine @ladytano420 @trixie2023 @wizardofrozz @vithepotato @mythical-illustrator @loving-the-cambridges @marierg @cw80831 @n0vqni @nerd-ika @epicy0n
Forbidden Blossom (Kix x Fem!Reader, Fantasy AU Part 2)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three Coming Soon
Summary: The tyrant king had never claimed to love you and you certainly held no affection for him. Thankfully, there was someone else who captured your heart. Rating: Gen (but minors DNI!) A.N: Listen....I'm just really obsessed with fantasy AUs right now, so I just had to continue what I created back during Halloween! As always, this got way out of hand and the continuation got too long, so this will be a 3 parter. Part 3 will be posted next week so I don't overwhelm anyone Word Count: 3,409 Warnings: Forced engagement, abusive relationships, implied physical abuse, life threats, and forbidden love. If you are concerned that this chapter's content might be triggering, please feel free to send me a message! I will do my best to answer any questions (without triggering language). That goes for all of my fics, I want everyone reading to be safe.
Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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The sheets felt like sandpaper, despite their silken weave, the air cold and stifling regardless of the fire and windows ajar. A prison, even though the doors were not locked.
You didn’t know what time of day it was, but the chamber maids had cleared out recently marking that it was some time before lunch, probably. That wouldn’t matter, you had barely eaten anything since you’d been dragged to the palace of the tyrant.
So, it almost surprised you when you heard voices outside your door. One voice was the captain of your guard, the man who, at least once a day, insisted that you eat something. The other voice was not one you recognized and that alone made you stir just a little under your duvet. Not just anyone was permitted into your chambers, let alone this close to your bedroom door.
“Oh gods, please- please don’t let it be him!”
But even as the heartstopping thought came to you, it was wiped away by the gentleness of the stranger's voice. There was no way the King you had met could sound so…
“There has to be something you can do, Kix.” That was Fox, a good man despite his stern frown.
There was a sigh from the stranger “I can try but….” a thought mulled over, carefully considered, “brother, I can’t heal a broken heart.”
“And why would you think- actually, never mind just…just do something, before he does something.”
The sound of retreating boots followed, along with another sigh a moment later. A heartbeat went by and you hoped the stranger had abandoned his assignment, that he would just leave you to your gilded cage, but then the doors to your bedroom opened.
You retreated further under your blankets, sinking into their plush warmth that still seemed so abrasive to your skin. Maybe if he thought you were asleep he would try again later. Yet again though, this mystery man surprised you. His steps towards your lavish bed were slow and careful, as if approaching a dragon’s nest.
“Your Highness?” he asked, voice quiet and soft. Highness, not Majesty, because you were not yet married to that evil man- thank the gods. “My Lady, I’m a doctor, I’ve been asked to see to your health.” His voice was closer now, right beside the head of your bed.
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Doctor,” came your voice from under the fabric.
Another beat of silence, then, “Would you be willing to let me try, at least?”
You had no idea what or why, but something in his tone made you pull back the covers and peer up at him. He was handsome, devastatingly so, with finely styled hair, but the thing that drew you in most were his eyes. A rich brown color and holding a look that…it wasn’t pity. This was the first time a member of the palace had looked at you softly without pity and that alone kept you from ordering him out of your room.
He smiled then, as soft and kindly as his eyes when he reached out to your hand. “May I?”
Soft and considerate, this man was impressing you more by the minute. You nodded and held your palm up to him. Gently, he took your wrist and pressed his fingers to the soft skin there.
“Alright, your pulse is fine,” he hummed then, again slowly so you had time to stop him, he reached that hand to your forehead. His fingers were cool, like a refreshing damp cloth on a hot day, and it was all you could do not to lean into his touch. “No fever, either,” he continued thoughtfully. Then, after a moment he took his hand away, “May I ask you some questions?”
You nodded numbly, silently.
Instead of immediately asking this and that about your medical history, he instead walked over to your fireplace and grabbed one of the chairs. He brought it over to the bedside and sat with a little satisfied sigh.
“Tell me about your home.”
That caused you to blink, “Wh-what?”
His knowing smile didn’t falter, “Talk to me, My Lady. Tell me about where you grew up. What you loved most about it. The things that made you happy there.”
Your brows came together in confusion and you finally sat upright to meet his handsome eyes better. He didn’t repeat himself, just waited patiently. Despite the fact that his gaze never left your face, you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in nothing but your thin night clothes. He was a doctor, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen exposed bodies before, but your sudden shyness prompted you to lift the blanket over your chest as you settled your back against the pillows.
“Well…” you started after clearing your throat. 
Where would you even start with his question? You missed everything about home, every tiny detail that stood in stark contrast to this place. You missed the sun coming in to shine over a room you decorated and filled yourself. You missed visiting the village and all who greeted you with a smile and a wave. Missed the late nights with friends and people you loved. And the people who loved you back.
That and so much more came to mind, but, you only had to think for a moment longer before a memory two weeks old came back to you. 
Nothing about this arranged marriage had pleased you, but you had at least tried to find some enjoyment in your first days here. Then you had taken a walk through the gardens and when even they did not spark joy, your emotions spiraled, landing you here, in your current state.
“I miss my gardens,” you said finally, staring off at nothing in particular. “They were so beautiful. So colorful and vibrant…. Not like the bare, minimal flower beds here.” You trailed off for a moment, pulling up fond memories from the depths of your mind and, for maybe the first time since you started your journey here, you smiled. A real, genuine smile. “There was one section where our gardener would let things get just a little overgrown,” a ghost of a laugh escaped you as you met the Doctor’s eyes again, “he said that it represented ‘wild beauty’ and somehow convinced my father to keep it. My loved ones and I set up a little tea area there and every afternoon we would go walking through the gardens and…just talk and laugh. Simple pleasures.”
The Doctor’s smile turned encouraging and your body turned to him fully. Before you knew it you were telling him stories, stories of you and your best friends racing through the flowers, of begging the bakers to let you help prepare the treats you’d stuff into baskets and carry out there. Stories of reenacting scenes from your favorite books like children playing pretend. He listened to it all, laughing along with you, asking questions here and there and encouraging you all the way.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed before you realized that the weight that had been pressing on your chest for weeks felt…lighter now. Suddenly, the room wasn’t quite as suffocating as before. Maker, you even had the urge to pull back the curtains to let a little sunlight in.
The good doctor must have noticed your sudden silence, because he pulled his chair just a little closer to you. “Thank you, for sharing those stories with me, Your Highness.” He paused for a moment, seeming to think something over. “I know I’ve already asked a lot of you, but, could I ask one more thing?”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to even hesitate, you nodded silently.
“I would love to show you something, it’s a beautiful day and I think a walk would do you some good. Will you get dressed and meet with me?”
And there it was, he was still asking you, considering you, taking your wants into account. No one here had ever done that. Not truly.
“Yes, yes, I think that sounds nice.”
Those eyes of his brightened “Excellent! Take your time, I’ll tell Fox where to escort you.”
With that, he got up, pulled the chair back to its original spot and made for the door. Only now it was time for your own question, “Wait- Doctor! What’s your name? You didn’t give it earlier.”
For the first time, he looked surprised, “Kix, My Lady. You may call Kix.” He looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “I look forward to our walk, Your Highness.”
And with that, he- Kix, slipped out of the room. It was only then that you realized there was a small fluttering sensation in your stomach, something light and almost uneasy. Well, you hadn’t eaten much in so long, it must be that. You thought about indulging in one of the snack trays the maids left at your bedside, but the thought still didn’t quite appeal to you. 
Still, the fact that you could pull yourself out of bed and start putting thought into what you wanted to wear was a good improvement.
You did not call on your handmaids, the idea of being surrounded by people, of hands on your skin and in your hair, did not sit well at the moment. Despite that, and the fact that it was the first time in days you had come out of your room, It did not take that long to get ready and ask Fox to escort you to this mysterious location.
At first when you stepped outside the east wing, your heart dropped slightly, knowing that this was the way to the gardens that were a stark, depressing imitation of your lavish grounds back home. But, the gentle doctor was not waiting for you there. Yes, you had to walk through those almost sterile flowerbeds, but obviously this was not the intended meeting spot. 
You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to see the roses cut down to their stems so the thorns prickled in the sunlight, or how the lilies were cut free of any diverse or colorful petals, robbing them of unique beauty. At the edge of the overly pruned yard was a line of tall hedges and Fox led you past them. 
What lay beyond took your breath away.
It was an orchard teeming with life. Countless trees bearing fragrant fruit and vine covered trellises blooming with even more. All of them were well tended, cared for, but not overly cut like the flowers before. No, these were how nature should be, respected and loved and free to grow.
And there among it all, looking fondly at a patch of strawberries, was Kix. His smile rivaled the warmth of the sun as he noticed you standing there and he bowed his head slightly. “Your Highness, thank you for joining me.” Then he turned to Fox, “You can leave the Princess to me, Commander.”
In answer, the leader of your personal guard sighed, but turned to stand sentry by the hedge archway without protest. Kix waved his hand down the humble pathway between the trees, an invitation to walk with him. You did, gladly, and didn’t try to hide how in wonder you were of the orchard as you two began your walk.
“Hardly anyone but the gardeners come here,” Kix explained, “It took a long time for them to convince the King that over pruning is bad for the harvest, and that’s the only reason these plants and trees aren’t cut down to their stems. When you told those stories about your garden back home, I thought you might like it here.”
“It’s beautiful,” your tone was breathless, which obviously pleased him to no end, if that look in his eyes was any indication. “Thank you, Kix, this is wonderful.”
He opened his mouth, a response on the tip of his tongue, but then he hesitated. Instead, he walked over to the nearest tree, which just so happened to be bearing one of your favorite fruits, and plucked a ripe specimen from the branch. 
“I know that your situation isn’t an easy one, Princess,” he started as he walked back to you, “but if you ever need an ear to listen,” he took your hand and placed the fruit in your palm, “you just have to ask, and I’m yours.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you nearly gasped at his words and that’s when he suddenly looked a little flustered.
“My ear- my ear is yours, I mean.” He laughed nervously, then closed your fingers over the fruit, “What I’m trying to say is that, if you ever need a friend, I would be honored if you considered me one.”
It was hard to meet his gaze, not because you were embarrassed by his misstep in words, but because his promise made that fluttering sensation move to your chest as well as your stomach. This man, so full of kindness and care, he was making your heart feel light and heavy all at the same time. Maybe there was some joy to be found in this cage. You would take any you could get, so, you thanked the Doctor for his kind words.
“I would be the one honored to call you my friend, Kix.”
Something akin to surprise colored his eyes at that, surprise and something… tender. 
“Then, whenever you need to talk, or want a reminder of home, just call on me.” Then, Kix closed his eyes and lifted your clasped hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss to your fingers. 
It was that moment that your heart took flight. 
It was no wonder that, over the next months, the Princess and the Doctor would fall madly and deeply in love.
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Your room had never quite felt like a home, always a golden cell, always a sign of your lost freedom, or the way you were chained to him. But it had never felt as cold and unforgiving as it did now. The fire was out, leaving you in icy darkness, all while the fiance you never chose towered over you.
“I asked you a question, girl: do you think I am a fool?” The tyrant king’s tone was flat and cold, even as you tried to choke back the tears from your spot on the floor. 
Even if you tried to get up, he would just force you back down again, so you answered him through gritted teeth. “No. You are no fool, Your Majesty.”
“Then why did you think I wouldn’t find out about this?” It was the first time something besides cold fury colored his tone. He was seething now. “Did you truly think I was so blind? That I wouldn’t see the longing stares or hear about your romantic walks?!”
You yelped when he grabbed your collar and yanked you onto your back.
“Did you truly think you could get away with making a fool of me?”
For all his cruelty, you had never seen him like this, his brutality had always been a cold and unfeeling blade, not this burning fire of rage. It was all there in his eye and bared teeth as he glared down at you and it made you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
Then, the harsh curl of his lips eased, teeth no longer bared, as he leaned back and stepped away from your prone form. He was regaining his composure before your eyes as he straightened and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Get up,” he commanded, tone like cold steel once again. “I want you to have a better seat when my men bring in the good doctor.”
That caused your heart to freeze in your chest. “No- no!” The desperate plea left you as you scrambled to your feet.
The King smiled in that cruel curl of his lips. “Yes, my dear. You will watch while I make an example of him. While I show him what happens to men who touch what’s mine.”
“Please!” Your voice cracked with the force of your words, “Please- I’m to blame, not him!”
His smile only grew with more you pleaded, “Which is exactly why I will hurt him instead.”
That vicious mirth in his eyes is what made you lose any last shred of resolve. Of course this was his plan, cold and calculated. Bruises could heal, but the memories of this? They would haunt you forever, and in the end he still got his meek pet for a queen.
“I gave you an order,” he went on, “I said get up-”
He was interrupted by the doors to your chambers being thrown open. In marched a company of the King’s most trusted guards, with Commander Fox, who had been ordered to wait outside, hot on their heels.
“Your Majesty,” the head of this company said with a bow, “my men are still searching the grounds, but it would appear that the traitor Kix has…escaped.”
Oh, the king did not like that. 
The fabric of his gloves strained as he clenched his fists, the knuckles surely white beneath. He drew in a harsh breath through his nose as he turned away from you without a second glance. 
“Find him. Search the whole kingdom if needed,” all the guards, save for Fox, followed their king as he stormed towards the doors, “if you have to bring him back here in pieces, do it!”
With that threat ringing in your ears, doors were slammed shut again, the sound echoing through the room like glass shattering on marble.
Silence swelled, filling the void the King’s rage left behind. Leaving you in the cold and the dark. In your cage draped in finery.
Gone. Kix was gone. He had escaped somehow. The thought sent a myriad of emotions washing through you, tearing and shredding your body in a confusing whirlwind. Before you knew it, you were curling in on yourself, fists clutching the fabric over your heart and tears staining your cheeks.
Harsh sobs wracked your body and you couldn’t say whether they were from the relief of knowing he was safe or the sorrow of knowing you would never see the love of your life again. Deep down, they were likely both, you supposed.
You jumped when something warm and heavy was draped around your shoulders. You hadn’t even noticed Fox kneeling beside you, blanket in hand. Somewhere, in the back of your mind you remembered telling him that the blanket was your favorite from home, but at the moment all you could do was pull it tighter around yourself as you tried to steady the painful breaths you were taking.
Fox, possibly the only other man who had ever shown you any care in this hellish castle, didn’t say a word as he waited for your body to tire itself out with its mourning. When it did, he silently helped you to your feet. You don’t remember walking to your bed, just that the blankets had been placed over you and the fireplace nearby had been stoked back to life.
Finally, your trusted guard spoke, a firm if still cautious call of your name. Your actual name, not a title. “Please,” he said in a whisper, “don’t do anything drastic. Things won’t be like this for much longer. I promise.”
Confused, you blinked up at him, but he didn’t say anything more, just bowed his head respectfully and closed the curtains of your bed slowly. If there had been any strength left in you, you might have called for him, asked him to stay close. To not leave you. You didn’t need to ask, however, you heard his boots stop just outside your bedroom. Standing sentry, acting as your shield, as much as he could in any case.
The patterns of the curtains danced from the crackling fire on the other side, but it was just a blank canvas to stare at as your mind ran the same thoughts in your head over and over again. He’s gone, Kix is gone. At best, you’ll never know true love’s touch again, at worst, you’ll see that love slaughtered for the crime of existing.
Still, even in your spiraling despair, one other mantra crept in here and there. 
“Things won’t be like this for much longer”
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Divider by the amazing @dystopicjumpsuit
26 notes · View notes
deejadabbles · 8 months
Forbidden Blossom (Kix x Fem!Reader, Fantasy AU Part 2)
Part One || Part Two || Part Three Coming Soon
Summary: The tyrant king had never claimed to love you and you certainly held no affection for him. Thankfully, there was someone else who captured your heart. Rating: Gen (but minors DNI!) A.N: Listen....I'm just really obsessed with fantasy AUs right now, so I just had to continue what I created back during Halloween! As always, this got way out of hand and the continuation got too long, so this will be a 3 parter. Part 3 will be posted next week so I don't overwhelm anyone Word Count: 3,409 Warnings: Forced engagement, abusive relationships, implied physical abuse, life threats, and forbidden love. If you are concerned that this chapter's content might be triggering, please feel free to send me a message! I will do my best to answer any questions (without triggering language). That goes for all of my fics, I want everyone reading to be safe.
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The sheets felt like sandpaper, despite their silken weave, the air cold and stifling regardless of the fire and windows ajar. A prison, even though the doors were not locked.
You didn’t know what time of day it was, but the chamber maids had cleared out recently marking that it was some time before lunch, probably. That wouldn’t matter, you had barely eaten anything since you’d been dragged to the palace of the tyrant.
So, it almost surprised you when you heard voices outside your door. One voice was the captain of your guard, the man who, at least once a day, insisted that you eat something. The other voice was not one you recognized and that alone made you stir just a little under your duvet. Not just anyone was permitted into your chambers, let alone this close to your bedroom door.
“Oh gods, please- please don’t let it be him!”
But even as the heartstopping thought came to you, it was wiped away by the gentleness of the stranger's voice. There was no way the King you had met could sound so…
“There has to be something you can do, Kix.” That was Fox, a good man despite his stern frown.
There was a sigh from the stranger “I can try but….” a thought mulled over, carefully considered, “brother, I can’t heal a broken heart.”
“And why would you think- actually, never mind just…just do something, before he does something.”
The sound of retreating boots followed, along with another sigh a moment later. A heartbeat went by and you hoped the stranger had abandoned his assignment, that he would just leave you to your gilded cage, but then the doors to your bedroom opened.
You retreated further under your blankets, sinking into their plush warmth that still seemed so abrasive to your skin. Maybe if he thought you were asleep he would try again later. Yet again though, this mystery man surprised you. His steps towards your lavish bed were slow and careful, as if approaching a dragon’s nest.
“Your Highness?” he asked, voice quiet and soft. Highness, not Majesty, because you were not yet married to that evil man- thank the gods. “My Lady, I’m a doctor, I’ve been asked to see to your health.” His voice was closer now, right beside the head of your bed.
“I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, Doctor,” came your voice from under the fabric.
Another beat of silence, then, “Would you be willing to let me try, at least?”
You had no idea what or why, but something in his tone made you pull back the covers and peer up at him. He was handsome, devastatingly so, with finely styled hair, but the thing that drew you in most were his eyes. A rich brown color and holding a look that…it wasn’t pity. This was the first time a member of the palace had looked at you softly without pity and that alone kept you from ordering him out of your room.
He smiled then, as soft and kindly as his eyes when he reached out to your hand. “May I?”
Soft and considerate, this man was impressing you more by the minute. You nodded and held your palm up to him. Gently, he took your wrist and pressed his fingers to the soft skin there.
“Alright, your pulse is fine,” he hummed then, again slowly so you had time to stop him, he reached that hand to your forehead. His fingers were cool, like a refreshing damp cloth on a hot day, and it was all you could do not to lean into his touch. “No fever, either,” he continued thoughtfully. Then, after a moment he took his hand away, “May I ask you some questions?”
You nodded numbly, silently.
Instead of immediately asking this and that about your medical history, he instead walked over to your fireplace and grabbed one of the chairs. He brought it over to the bedside and sat with a little satisfied sigh.
“Tell me about your home.”
That caused you to blink, “Wh-what?”
His knowing smile didn’t falter, “Talk to me, My Lady. Tell me about where you grew up. What you loved most about it. The things that made you happy there.”
Your brows came together in confusion and you finally sat upright to meet his handsome eyes better. He didn’t repeat himself, just waited patiently. Despite the fact that his gaze never left your face, you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in nothing but your thin night clothes. He was a doctor, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen exposed bodies before, but your sudden shyness prompted you to lift the blanket over your chest as you settled your back against the pillows.
“Well…” you started after clearing your throat. 
Where would you even start with his question? You missed everything about home, every tiny detail that stood in stark contrast to this place. You missed the sun coming in to shine over a room you decorated and filled yourself. You missed visiting the village and all who greeted you with a smile and a wave. Missed the late nights with friends and people you loved. And the people who loved you back.
That and so much more came to mind, but, you only had to think for a moment longer before a memory two weeks old came back to you. 
Nothing about this arranged marriage had pleased you, but you had at least tried to find some enjoyment in your first days here. Then you had taken a walk through the gardens and when even they did not spark joy, your emotions spiraled, landing you here, in your current state.
“I miss my gardens,” you said finally, staring off at nothing in particular. “They were so beautiful. So colorful and vibrant…. Not like the bare, minimal flower beds here.” You trailed off for a moment, pulling up fond memories from the depths of your mind and, for maybe the first time since you started your journey here, you smiled. A real, genuine smile. “There was one section where our gardener would let things get just a little overgrown,” a ghost of a laugh escaped you as you met the Doctor’s eyes again, “he said that it represented ‘wild beauty’ and somehow convinced my father to keep it. My loved ones and I set up a little tea area there and every afternoon we would go walking through the gardens and…just talk and laugh. Simple pleasures.”
The Doctor’s smile turned encouraging and your body turned to him fully. Before you knew it you were telling him stories, stories of you and your best friends racing through the flowers, of begging the bakers to let you help prepare the treats you’d stuff into baskets and carry out there. Stories of reenacting scenes from your favorite books like children playing pretend. He listened to it all, laughing along with you, asking questions here and there and encouraging you all the way.
You weren’t even sure how much time had passed before you realized that the weight that had been pressing on your chest for weeks felt…lighter now. Suddenly, the room wasn’t quite as suffocating as before. Maker, you even had the urge to pull back the curtains to let a little sunlight in.
The good doctor must have noticed your sudden silence, because he pulled his chair just a little closer to you. “Thank you, for sharing those stories with me, Your Highness.” He paused for a moment, seeming to think something over. “I know I’ve already asked a lot of you, but, could I ask one more thing?”
You couldn’t find it in yourself to even hesitate, you nodded silently.
“I would love to show you something, it’s a beautiful day and I think a walk would do you some good. Will you get dressed and meet with me?”
And there it was, he was still asking you, considering you, taking your wants into account. No one here had ever done that. Not truly.
“Yes, yes, I think that sounds nice.”
Those eyes of his brightened “Excellent! Take your time, I’ll tell Fox where to escort you.”
With that, he got up, pulled the chair back to its original spot and made for the door. Only now it was time for your own question, “Wait- Doctor! What’s your name? You didn’t give it earlier.”
For the first time, he looked surprised, “Kix, My Lady. You may call Kix.” He looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “I look forward to our walk, Your Highness.”
And with that, he- Kix, slipped out of the room. It was only then that you realized there was a small fluttering sensation in your stomach, something light and almost uneasy. Well, you hadn’t eaten much in so long, it must be that. You thought about indulging in one of the snack trays the maids left at your bedside, but the thought still didn’t quite appeal to you. 
Still, the fact that you could pull yourself out of bed and start putting thought into what you wanted to wear was a good improvement.
You did not call on your handmaids, the idea of being surrounded by people, of hands on your skin and in your hair, did not sit well at the moment. Despite that, and the fact that it was the first time in days you had come out of your room, It did not take that long to get ready and ask Fox to escort you to this mysterious location.
At first when you stepped outside the east wing, your heart dropped slightly, knowing that this was the way to the gardens that were a stark, depressing imitation of your lavish grounds back home. But, the gentle doctor was not waiting for you there. Yes, you had to walk through those almost sterile flowerbeds, but obviously this was not the intended meeting spot. 
You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to see the roses cut down to their stems so the thorns prickled in the sunlight, or how the lilies were cut free of any diverse or colorful petals, robbing them of unique beauty. At the edge of the overly pruned yard was a line of tall hedges and Fox led you past them. 
What lay beyond took your breath away.
It was an orchard teeming with life. Countless trees bearing fragrant fruit and vine covered trellises blooming with even more. All of them were well tended, cared for, but not overly cut like the flowers before. No, these were how nature should be, respected and loved and free to grow.
And there among it all, looking fondly at a patch of strawberries, was Kix. His smile rivaled the warmth of the sun as he noticed you standing there and he bowed his head slightly. “Your Highness, thank you for joining me.” Then he turned to Fox, “You can leave the Princess to me, Commander.”
In answer, the leader of your personal guard sighed, but turned to stand sentry by the hedge archway without protest. Kix waved his hand down the humble pathway between the trees, an invitation to walk with him. You did, gladly, and didn’t try to hide how in wonder you were of the orchard as you two began your walk.
“Hardly anyone but the gardeners come here,” Kix explained, “It took a long time for them to convince the King that over pruning is bad for the harvest, and that’s the only reason these plants and trees aren’t cut down to their stems. When you told those stories about your garden back home, I thought you might like it here.”
“It’s beautiful,” your tone was breathless, which obviously pleased him to no end, if that look in his eyes was any indication. “Thank you, Kix, this is wonderful.”
He opened his mouth, a response on the tip of his tongue, but then he hesitated. Instead, he walked over to the nearest tree, which just so happened to be bearing one of your favorite fruits, and plucked a ripe specimen from the branch. 
“I know that your situation isn’t an easy one, Princess,” he started as he walked back to you, “but if you ever need an ear to listen,” he took your hand and placed the fruit in your palm, “you just have to ask, and I’m yours.”
Your breath caught in your throat as you nearly gasped at his words and that’s when he suddenly looked a little flustered.
“My ear- my ear is yours, I mean.” He laughed nervously, then closed your fingers over the fruit, “What I’m trying to say is that, if you ever need a friend, I would be honored if you considered me one.”
It was hard to meet his gaze, not because you were embarrassed by his misstep in words, but because his promise made that fluttering sensation move to your chest as well as your stomach. This man, so full of kindness and care, he was making your heart feel light and heavy all at the same time. Maybe there was some joy to be found in this cage. You would take any you could get, so, you thanked the Doctor for his kind words.
“I would be the one honored to call you my friend, Kix.”
Something akin to surprise colored his eyes at that, surprise and something… tender. 
“Then, whenever you need to talk, or want a reminder of home, just call on me.” Then, Kix closed his eyes and lifted your clasped hand to his lips, pressing a light kiss to your fingers. 
It was that moment that your heart took flight. 
It was no wonder that, over the next months, the Princess and the Doctor would fall madly and deeply in love.
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Your room had never quite felt like a home, always a golden cell, always a sign of your lost freedom, or the way you were chained to him. But it had never felt as cold and unforgiving as it did now. The fire was out, leaving you in icy darkness, all while the fiance you never chose towered over you.
“I asked you a question, girl: do you think I am a fool?” The tyrant king’s tone was flat and cold, even as you tried to choke back the tears from your spot on the floor. 
Even if you tried to get up, he would just force you back down again, so you answered him through gritted teeth. “No. You are no fool, Your Majesty.”
“Then why did you think I wouldn’t find out about this?” It was the first time something besides cold fury colored his tone. He was seething now. “Did you truly think I was so blind? That I wouldn’t see the longing stares or hear about your romantic walks?!”
You yelped when he grabbed your collar and yanked you onto your back.
“Did you truly think you could get away with making a fool of me?”
For all his cruelty, you had never seen him like this, his brutality had always been a cold and unfeeling blade, not this burning fire of rage. It was all there in his eye and bared teeth as he glared down at you and it made you wish the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
Then, the harsh curl of his lips eased, teeth no longer bared, as he leaned back and stepped away from your prone form. He was regaining his composure before your eyes as he straightened and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Get up,” he commanded, tone like cold steel once again. “I want you to have a better seat when my men bring in the good doctor.”
That caused your heart to freeze in your chest. “No- no!” The desperate plea left you as you scrambled to your feet.
The King smiled in that cruel curl of his lips. “Yes, my dear. You will watch while I make an example of him. While I show him what happens to men who touch what’s mine.”
“Please!” Your voice cracked with the force of your words, “Please- I’m to blame, not him!”
His smile only grew with more you pleaded, “Which is exactly why I will hurt him instead.”
That vicious mirth in his eyes is what made you lose any last shred of resolve. Of course this was his plan, cold and calculated. Bruises could heal, but the memories of this? They would haunt you forever, and in the end he still got his meek pet for a queen.
“I gave you an order,” he went on, “I said get up-”
He was interrupted by the doors to your chambers being thrown open. In marched a company of the King’s most trusted guards, with Commander Fox, who had been ordered to wait outside, hot on their heels.
“Your Majesty,” the head of this company said with a bow, “my men are still searching the grounds, but it would appear that the traitor Kix has…escaped.”
Oh, the king did not like that. 
The fabric of his gloves strained as he clenched his fists, the knuckles surely white beneath. He drew in a harsh breath through his nose as he turned away from you without a second glance. 
“Find him. Search the whole kingdom if needed,” all the guards, save for Fox, followed their king as he stormed towards the doors, “if you have to bring him back here in pieces, do it!”
With that threat ringing in your ears, doors were slammed shut again, the sound echoing through the room like glass shattering on marble.
Silence swelled, filling the void the King’s rage left behind. Leaving you in the cold and the dark. In your cage draped in finery.
Gone. Kix was gone. He had escaped somehow. The thought sent a myriad of emotions washing through you, tearing and shredding your body in a confusing whirlwind. Before you knew it, you were curling in on yourself, fists clutching the fabric over your heart and tears staining your cheeks.
Harsh sobs wracked your body and you couldn’t say whether they were from the relief of knowing he was safe or the sorrow of knowing you would never see the love of your life again. Deep down, they were likely both, you supposed.
You jumped when something warm and heavy was draped around your shoulders. You hadn’t even noticed Fox kneeling beside you, blanket in hand. Somewhere, in the back of your mind you remembered telling him that the blanket was your favorite from home, but at the moment all you could do was pull it tighter around yourself as you tried to steady the painful breaths you were taking.
Fox, possibly the only other man who had ever shown you any care in this hellish castle, didn’t say a word as he waited for your body to tire itself out with its mourning. When it did, he silently helped you to your feet. You don’t remember walking to your bed, just that the blankets had been placed over you and the fireplace nearby had been stoked back to life.
Finally, your trusted guard spoke, a firm if still cautious call of your name. Your actual name, not a title. “Please,” he said in a whisper, “don’t do anything drastic. Things won’t be like this for much longer. I promise.”
Confused, you blinked up at him, but he didn’t say anything more, just bowed his head respectfully and closed the curtains of your bed slowly. If there had been any strength left in you, you might have called for him, asked him to stay close. To not leave you. You didn’t need to ask, however, you heard his boots stop just outside your bedroom. Standing sentry, acting as your shield, as much as he could in any case.
The patterns of the curtains danced from the crackling fire on the other side, but it was just a blank canvas to stare at as your mind ran the same thoughts in your head over and over again. He’s gone, Kix is gone. At best, you’ll never know true love’s touch again, at worst, you’ll see that love slaughtered for the crime of existing.
Still, even in your spiraling despair, one other mantra crept in here and there. 
“Things won’t be like this for much longer”
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Divider by the amazing @dystopicjumpsuit
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