deepinthedarkworld · 10 days
Imogen smiled, watching him take the first bite. "These are good if you're hungry. Easy to bring with you." She didn't know why she was telling him that as if he could just go get some of his own. She was happy he liked them, though. Imogen finished her own bar as she listened to him speak. It was a bit broken up but she still understood him. If he got lost at six, and hadn't spoken since then, she would say he was making himself understood rather well. Suddenly, he howled and Imogen laid eyes nothing but a fucking wolf. "Woah, there." As if forgetting the pain in her foot, she stood and started backing away as slowly as she could. It didn't matter that Wolf seemed to communicate with the real wolf. It was fucking terrifying. Limping, Imogen walked backwards until her back hit the wall of the cave. "Right. Not to be rude, but can you tell the wolf to go away, please? You might be friendly with it, but where I come from, wolves are scary. Dangerous. They can kill you. So please, please, make it go away. I'll give you more chocolate!"
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chocolate. he remembered that. he had craved it for years. he grinned and took one, eagerly biting into it. that was... very sweet, he thought and he actually groaned as he ate it. "i remember." he said with a bit of a smile. "i love chocolate." he told her. "with nuts was my favorite!" he explained excitedly before taking another bite and enjoying it just as much.
she asked about his life and he hoped he could express it well. "yes, i hate winter." he spoke and shrugged. "i hunt in summer. save and treat the furs. make... clothing." he struggled to find words, but it was working. "and cover. for feet. shoes!" he said and pointed at an old pair, which was leather he had made. it was simple. he placed his foot on the leather and then tied it to his ankle. inside, he often did some fur to keep warm. it was simple. it worked. "i eat lots of nuts in winter. to avoid hunting. they stay good." he explained.
"i looked. for people." he explained, sadness tainted his words. "but i never found. i walked. hours. i kept... walking. around?" he said and motioned in a circular motion. "i not know where i am. where i am going. i never learned... to know." he tried to express his lack of navigational skills. he was truly lost and this forest was all he knew.
it was then that he saw her. a wolf. it was the offspring of the female wolf he grew up with and had passed. he howled at her to greet her and then wolf walked on over, looking over at imogen and she seemed startled. he made noises that signaled to her that she was a friend, not to worry and the wolf came closer to fully greet him. it had been weeks since he saw her, he had missed her.
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deepinthedarkworld · 10 days
Imogen watched as he repeated her actions with covering his eyes and it was impossible not to crack a tiny smile. She did wonder how he survived all this time without any human interactions. And she wondered just how old he was on the inside. Clearly, his speech was very limited and she figured he could not read. At the same time, he had grown up taking care of himself and knew very well how to stay alive. Dark eyes watched him walk away for then to come back with her backpack. "Yes, it's mine." She started by unhooking her sleeping bag and then removing the small tent from the top. She wasn't used to carry something so heavy but she had somehow made it work. Perhaps angry adrenaline. Diving into the backpack, she fished out some extra clothing before finding some granola bars. Milk chocolate. Reaching her hand towards him, she offered him one. "Try it. It's chocolate." Would it upset his stomach to eat this kind of food again? She listened as he listed all the things he ate. Eyes travelled over his chest, his arms. He clearly got his proteins in. "And in the winter? Aren't you cold? Hungry? Have you never tried finding people?" Imogen knew she was asking a lot of questions but she'd just found freaking Tarzan. Besides, she would answer any questions he had in return.
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wolf laughed at her and then also covered his eyes, and did a game he remembered from being a child. peek-a-boo? he thought that was the name. he joked around and felt his body calm down.
she then asked about her backpack and he nodded. he was able to stand up again now without revealing too much and went deeper into the darkness of the cave, emerging with the backpack. "yours." he said and placed it next to her.
finally, he knew her name. "i-mo-gen" he repeated, and nodded as he repeated it two more times. she then asked about his eating habits and he frowned. "raw for animals." he said. "dangerous." he added and then pointed at the fire. "meat on fire. also roots and nuts and berries. i dry herbs. food of wolf - is good." he explained, defending his cooking honor. he had eaten raw meat as a child, but had gotten ill. he had then remembered his father, on a camping trip, making a fire to cook and he had always eaten meat like that since then.
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deepinthedarkworld · 15 days
Imogen tilted her head to the side. So he had been in this situation before, then? Had he touched himself then or had he simply let it be? "It will, eventually," she agreed. "But if you're scared about me looking, I won't. You can do it in private. See?" she covered her eyes with her hands. "I won't look." She covered her eyes for a few seconds to prove her point before uncovering them again. "I won't push it, if you want to wait for it to go down, do that. But if you're scared of doing it because you haven't done it, you shouldn't be. Like I said, it'll make you feel really good. And it's not difficult. Taking a look around the cave, Imogen tried to imagine living the way he had been since he was a kid. How the fuck was he still alive? "Do you have my backpack? Big and heavy?" She tried to use her hands to show him about the size of it. "It's food in there. And other things." Dark eyes looked around for it. Maybe he had left it somewhere in the woods? Would they be able to find it again if he had? "Your name is Wolf," she spoke, then pointed at herself. "My name is Imogen." Imogen managed to get herself into a standing position once more. She did not want to sit still when her backpack was around somewhere. "What food do you normally eat? Raw meat?"
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wolf smiled. "take me to people. yes!" he said, excited about the prospect of seeing those of his kind once more. then, she said something about touching himself and he frowned. she didn't want to see his dick. she also didn't want to mate. yet, she wanted him to touch himself there. he had done that before, kind of, never really knowing why that felt good. he wondered why she wanted him to and he shook his head. "no, it goes." he told her and looked away. "you rest. i hunt. food for us." he spoke, wishing to put some distance between them. it was hard for him, so close to another human yet struggling to express himself. he was quite intelligent he thought, yet he couldn't express it properly. "wait. you? i, wolf. you?" he asked, now finally realizing he didn't know her name.
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
Imogen couldn't hide the smirk that pulled at her lips, seeing his reaction. The poor man. If he'd never experienced being touched, kissed, then she had just been quite cruel to him. Still, he was the one who'd wanted to know. And being physical might've explained it better than her words. She hadn't meant for him to be embarrassed, though. "Good." She'd just come out of a bad relationship, the last thing she needed was to sleep with some caveman in the wild. No matter how good looking he was, or well equipt. Her eyes couldn't help but fall his crotch for a second before being back on his face. "I can take you if you want to." It would probably be a lot for him, though. Going from this cave to a city full of people. The sounds that would probably make him lay awake at night. "You might want to take care of that," she nodded towards the fur covering him. "You'll be uncomfortable if you don't." Had he even ever been in a situation where he was horny? "Just touch it. Use your hand, move it up and down. As fast as you want. You'll feel good soon."
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wolf was glad with the thank you and he agreed that it didn't taste nice, so he didn't take offense to her disgust.
then, a sequence of events happened that he didn't expect. the woman came closer and started to... talk and touch him and that did things to him that he hadn't expected. he had now gathered she meant what wolves did too. he'd noticed that soon after, little wolves would be born. that was what sex, mating, fucking was. his mind now worked overtime, imagining them both on their knees, her supporting herself on her hands as he entered her as he'd seen throughout his young life. it hadn't done anything for him then, but now, it did. his body responded and his loincloth hid nothing. it had never really happened as a response to anything that actually happened. it had always been spontaneous or when he woke up. but wait, she didn't want that to happen, and she certainly didn't want to see his dick. she had said so, so once again he grabbed fur and covered himself now more. he felt embarrassed. another emotion that was fairly foreign to him. animals didn't know it, and so he hadn't felt it often in his life. "mating. ok. you don't want." he clarified. "wolf will not. promise." he spoke, his cheeks rosy with embarrassment that his body was betraying him and possibly making her scared of him.
"you take wolf? to people?"
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
Imogen couldn't help but scrunch her nose as she watched him drink some kind of remedy he seemed to have made on his own. Couldn't be trying to kill her, though, if he drank it himself. So she reached out and tried the remedy for herself. After as much as she could muster, she closed her eyes and tried to convince herself it was a smoothie as she swallowed. "That's disgusting," she mumbled as she handed it back to him. "Thanks." Hopefully it would work because it was certainly not worth drinking if it weren't good for something.
Did he not know what mating was? Wasn't that like the animal term for things? Then of course, if he'd been alone since he was six, mating and sex were the same kind of greek to him. Wolfs didn't tell him words for things they were doing. "Ehm.." Imogen hesitated, unsure of how to explain it nicely. Then she figured that she wouldn't sugarcoat it for him. "Mating, sex and fucking is the same thing." That was easy enough, right? "Sex is when two people, or more," how complicated did she want to get? "Sex is when a dick," she pointed towards his crotch, "is inside a vagina." She pointed at her own crotch. This was the stupidest thing she had ever done. "You know," she moved slightly closer to him, using both hands to cup his face as she leaned closer. "Kissing. My lips on yours." Her thumb ran against his bottom lip. "And touching." Fingertips scratched gently over his beard before moving light as a feather down his neck to his shoulder. "And sex. Me and you - together. Naked." Using her tongue to lick her lips, she waited a second before straightening back up. His question making her frown slightly. "There's lot of people where I live. Maybe even your mom and dad."
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wolf pointed at the herbs. "help. with pain. i take them." he said and to prove a point, he drank some of his concoction. sure, it didn't taste great but it did numb pain quite well. "you try?" he offered.
he was glad she understood him and ne hodded. "yes. alone." he spoke to her. he was glad someone knew now. of him. no one had ever come looking as far as he knew. then, he was touched. a touch to his cheek. it made him smile and then he frowned. "what mating?" he asked her. he couldn't tie the term to anything. what did she mean by that. "tell wolf. wolf not want... do anything... wrong." he tried. what if he did mating without knowing what it was? what if he did what she asked not to, simply because he didn't understand what she didn't want. "you go? where? other people?" he suddenly asked. if she knew the way to other people, maybe he would want to come.
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
"Never mind then." She felt rather weird trying to explain the word sex to someone who didn't even know what it was. How did he not, though? Wolves did it all the time. Watching him move around, she was almost surprised at how gentle he was when he placed her foot on top of the fur he had collected. "It helps," she agrees, "but I'd love some alcohol or painkillers right now. Maybe both." She doubted he had any, though. Which sucked.
Dark eyes were focused on his face as she listened to him speak. Even with the few words, she could put an invisible string through them and make the story somewhat understandable. "So you've been out here on your own since you were six?" Surely not. Why had this never been on the news? How old even was he? The more he talked though, the sadder she felt. Damn him. Reaching out, she used a hand to cup the left side of his face. "I'll stay until my foot gets better." She gave him her first light smile before removing her hand from him. "But i'm still not having sex with you. We're not mating."
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all the words meant nothing to him. "don't understand." he said and shrugged a little, not really caring for anything right now other than her staying. he didn't want to be alone anymore. sure, the wolves visited often and it was nice but with her, he could use words. and she was pretty. that was nice too. he was pleased that she liked him with his loincloth better and decided to gather some furs to ball up and then placed them in front of her, moving her foot on them. "higher. better for... pain. go away pain." he tried to explain and wished he knew more of his native language. sadly, so much had faded.
he went to sit down in front of her and wondered how in the world he would explain what happened to him. "i... i small. six. ran from dad. very angry at wolf. i lost." he said and for the first time he felt the ache of that day, as he'd never voiced what happened twenty-something years ago. it was painful to recall. "i hungry. i afraid. wolves found wolves. protect wolf." he explained and smiled at the memories of living with them. "when wolf big, like... now. they left wolf. they come, they go. wolf... alone." he explained and looked up, swallowing down tears at the feeling of finally having someone around. "wolf happy. happy talk to... people" he finally said and pointed at her. "you."
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
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Mack looked up from her book as the male walked in. She had barely seen him in the last week, only seen evidence of his existence. Placing the bookmark on her current page, she closed the book and put it on the table. "That a bad thing?" Using a hair tie, she pulls her hair into a sloppy bun at the back of her neck. "If you want to be alone I'll go." She made the move to stand, not really sure why she was so willing to walk out of the room when she had struggled to even wait up for him. "I just thought that maybe you wanted to talk."
open to:  any gender~ ↳ info:  austin, 35, lawyer
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knowing he had been spending way more time on a case then usual it was starting to catch up. long days at the office started to turn into nights where he slept on the couch there. days would go by where he'd barely swing by home and it was taking a toll on everything around him. when he finally came home near to midnight he was expecting to come home to the other sleeping only to see them up on the couch. "you're up late." he comments gently.
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
"Yes, sex. You know - fucking. Mating." Imogen tried once more to put some weight on her foot. Apparently it was not broken. Yet as soon as she tried using it, her foot was off the ground as if the ground had burned her. Listening to him moving around, the brunette only turned when frustration took over. "No, not bett-" she stopped as she realised he had not asked her if her foot was better but used it to ask if it was better now that he had covered himself slightly. The air went out of her like a balloon. "Yeah. Better." Eyes still couldn't help but look at his upper body, the way his skin hugged his muscles. She hopped the few steps back to the log and sat down with a sigh. "I don't know if you are nice. This could be an act for all I know. You could be a cannibal. I've seen the hills have eyes. Or you could be a serial killer." She shrugged. "Why exactly are you out here? Are there any other wolfs joining us?"
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wolf was surprised by her reaction and looked confused, and a little scared. he'd finally found a fellow people. now, she was going. "i sorry!" he exclaimed and "what... sex?" he asked, that was another word he didn't know or remember. "i help you, sorry. sorry." he spoke and wondered if covering up would make her feel better. he had a folded cloth of leather with straps and quickly moved around to reach for it, tying it around his waist, so his 'dick' as she called it, was covered. "better?" he asked with a hopeful expression. "stay? i help?" he said, and pointed at her cuts and her foot. he could help her, if she just stayed put and relaxed. "i... nice. wolf is nice." he tried once more to make her understand that he was no threat. "nice. not mean."
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
Imogen couldn’t help but laugh a dry, humourless laugh. ‘You’d love that, wouldn’t you? Me on my back, feet up. Naked. Legs spread too, I bet.’ Running a hand through her hair, she grabbed her foot and stood to her feet. ‘So you can make me feel better by fucking me. Yeah, no thanks.’ Hopping around on one foot, she cursed as she almost fell over. ‘No, bud. Not good. Walking around with your dick out is not great. Not everyone wants to see it.’ She made a move towards the entrance. ‘And I’m absolutely not having sex with you to forget about the pain in my foot. Fucking asshole.’
The guy did not look like a doctor and she did not want him to make it any worse. If it was broken, shouldn't she keep it as still as possible? Still, she bent down and untied the shoelaces of her hiking boots and slowly removed the shoe as she mumbled 'fuck' over and over again until she shoe was off. "Are you like some kind of natural healer?" Her question seemed more realistic as he revealed his name. Wolf. Of course it was. He lived in a fucking cave, slept on fur and walked around naked. Of course his bloody name was Wolf. "Imogen." Removing her sock with a small hiss, Imogen rolled up the edge of her pants and watched it reveal a swollen foot that was bigger than it should be. Her attention went back to the man as he played parrot. Using a hand, she placed it so it covered her view of his crotch. Was he having a laugh? Taking a deep breath, she let it out through her lips. "Pants," she spoke and pinched her trousers. "You have these? Your.." she pointed at his crotch. "Your dick is out." If his name was Wolf, did he eat raw meat? Would he bring her a dead rabbit and leave it at her feet? "No food, thank you. I don't want raw meat."
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
The guy did not look like a doctor and she did not want him to make it any worse. If it was broken, shouldn't she keep it as still as possible? Still, she bent down and untied the shoelaces of her hiking boots and slowly removed the shoe as she mumbled 'fuck' over and over again until she shoe was off. "Are you like some kind of natural healer?" Her question seemed more realistic as he revealed his name. Wolf. Of course it was. He lived in a fucking cave, slept on fur and walked around naked. Of course his bloody name was Wolf. "Imogen." Removing her sock with a small hiss, Imogen rolled up the edge of her pants and watched it reveal a swollen foot that was bigger than it should be. Her attention went back to the man as he played parrot. Using a hand, she placed it so it covered her view of his crotch. Was he having a laugh? Taking a deep breath, she let it out through her lips. "Pants," she spoke and pinched her trousers. "You have these? Your.." she pointed at his crotch. "Your dick is out." If his name was Wolf, did he eat raw meat? Would he bring her a dead rabbit and leave it at her feet? "No food, thank you. I don't want raw meat."
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wolf listened to her and tried to understand what she was saying. apparently, her foot hurt. "i look...?" he asked as he pointed at her foot, not knowing before that is where she hurt most.
the next few questions were a lot for him and he tilted his head, a lot like a dog or wolf would. it appeared she wanted to know what to call him. "wolf." he said, pointing to himself. "you?" he asked, now pointing at her.
"road?" he echoed, not really sure what that meant. he must have forgotten. pants? "pants? dick?" he echoed, looking more and more confused. what was she saying? what was the problem? "you want food?" he asked, trying to get her to be calmer. food made him calm, so maybe her too.
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
Imogen eyed the trunk he offered her. She wanted to sit back down, so badly, but didn't want to be stuck out there any longer than she had to. She needed to get to a doctor. Needed to have them check out her ankle in case some of the smaller bones were broken. Still, she stayed and listened as the male spoke. Her dark eyes trained on his lips. It was hard to know exactly what he meant and it made her wonder what was going on. The only thing this reminded her of was fucking Tarzan. A naked man, alone, not really able to string more than a few words together. It wasn't until he squatted that she let her eyes travel to his crotch. In her defence, he wasn't exactly trying to hide it. Swallowing hard, she moved her gaze away from his dick and looked at the drawing. It was when he mentioned her and him being the only people there that she finally sank down on the trunk. He knew she was lying. Great. "I need to find someone," she admitted. "My foot is killing me and I feel like shit." For some reason, he seemed less terrifying now, after his little art project. Still, it would be an act from his side. Act like a caveman to get her to trust him. "Who even are you? What is this place? And how to we get back to the road? And please, for the love of God, put some damn pants on. Your dick is right there and you cannot sue me for looking at it."
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wolf smiled even brighter when she drank. great! she had accepted his offering, that was good. then, he looked at where she spat, and decided to take the fur outside. it smelled and he could wash it in the river later. he wanted his place to be nice for her. he heard her curse and didn't know if she was calling him something or not. he didn't understand but then he saw that it was out of pain. "sit, sit." he offered and pointed at the stools of tree trunks he'd made. they were simple but better than the floor. "go?" he asked and frowned slightly. "no people." he said and motioned around them. "you first." he spoke and frowned. "i know... no way." he told her and was sad that his fate had now befallen her. both of them away from other people. he squatted down next to the fire pit, across from the stool he'd offered her, his whole equipment in view as he took a stick and drew a small map of what he knew the world to be like. a liar, trees, some animal groups he knew. "see... no... people." he tried to explain. "you. me. only people."
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
Imogen watched as the hairy man took a sip of the water before reaching it back towards her, accompanied with a smile this time. What the fuck was this? Was she getting pranked or something? She studied his face, trying hard not to look further south. Reaching out, the brunette grabbed the cup and brought it to her lips. The water felt nice against her dry lips and she took a sip, using the water to rinse her mouth before spitting it out on top of her disgusting heap of breakfast. Then she took the rest of the water and swallowed it. "Thank you." Handing the cup back to him, dark hues moved over to the pit where she assumed he made his fires. He spoke slowly, as if he had to really think through his words. Yet she noticed he didn't really use too many words when trying to communicate. "Uhm, no thanks." If he wasn't keeping her locked up, she should really be on her way. Using the wall of stone next to her, Imogen clenched her jaw as she slowly rose to her feet. "Son of a fucking bitch." Breathing through her mouth, she kept as much weight off of her foot as she could. "Thanks for the water. Sorry I threw up on your .. " She waved down at the fur. She wasn't even sure what this was. "I should probably go. People will start looking for me, you know." Hopefully that lie would make him let her go.
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he was puzzled by her reaction but looked at the cup and took a sip himself, before he offered it to her. right, a people often smiled. so, he did that as well - that was a friendly sign. "for you." he said once more, not sure why she was as afraid as she was. he didn't pay any mind to his completely naked form and didn't think she'd mind. he only wore furs in winter or when it was raining. other than that, he was nude and quite happy to be so. "want... fire?" he asked, thinking she may be cold, and pointed at the campfire which he hadn't lit yet because he wasn't cold. maybe she needed that, and it would make her calm down.
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
Imogen sat with her head down as she tried getting her breathing back under control. Where the fuck was she? Surely she had not fallen down some slope and rolled until she miraculously found some soft fur to lay on. She'd seen the shows; criminal minds, special victims unit, Chicago pd. Her days were numbered. The brunette could hear movement but was too scared to look up. It wasn't until someone spoke that she slowly lifted her head and turned towards her companion. Rugged, grown up. Naked. She pulled her knees up to her chest, biting her lip to stop herself from screaming at the pain. "Don't you fucking come near me." Her own clothes were still on. That had to mean something, right? Again, her eyes fell on the water. Had he drugged it? Would it knock her out? "Taste it yourself first."
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wolf looked at the creature in his cave. he knew that she was of his kind. people. he was only six when he got lost in the woods. it were the wolves who protected him until he was old enough to hunt. he had no reference of how to make a bow and arrows, aside from the movies and the couple of books he had read as a child. he was now in his mid-twenties, and he'd never seen one since the day he got lost. a people. she was beautiful. he had heard her scream and then found her, unable to open her eyes. he had decided to pick her up and take her to his lair. he had cared for her wounds, and had made an herb concoction that he knew would help her pain once she woke up. he had also been rehearsing the words he still knew, realizing he'd have to communicate with her. he jumped as she moved and promptly puked on the ground. he reached over for a wooden cup and filled it with water. "for you." he managed to say and held it out to her, hoping that she wouldn't be scared of him.
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deepinthedarkworld · 17 days
It felt like someone was hitting her head with a hammer. She felt cold, her nose itching. The ground was soft against her face but did not smell good. Eyes fluttered open slowly as her nose wrinkled, trying o get the itch. She wanted to move, her whole body screamed at her to move, yet it felt too heavy to do so. A light groan slipped from her lips as the hazy view become more clear. Memories of her fall came back and as she tried to roll her ankle it was confirmed that she had indeed twisted it when she let out a hiss. "Fuck." What she had assumed was grass turned out to be anything but. Fingers curled around the soft material and she held it up in front of her eyes. It took her brain a couple of seconds to realise what it was and a little too quick she bolted into a seating position. The feeling of nausea overpowering and she leaned over to the side as her breakfast came back up.
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deepinthedarkworld · 18 days
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How Esmeralda had let herself be talked into her current position was something she could not explain. She had certainly not planned it. With one hand covering her chest, the other rested on the side of his neck. His breath warm against her skin as he spoke. He was right, though. It did feel rather good. A light smile crossed her lips before they locked with his. The hum against his mouth being her response to his question. One could wonder what was stopping her from just jumping into bed with him, now that they were both naked anyway, but Esmé still had her reservations towards him. Loosing her virginity to someone wasn't something she could just take back.
closed starter for @deepinthedarkworld based on this
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she hadn't wanted to loose her virginity, but that hadn't stopped max. he was up for the challenge, which is how they had ended up naked and her grinding her pussy on his thigh. "that's it baby, you're doing so good." he said as he held her face in his hands, his cock was rock hard, but right now he was worried about her pleasure. "doesn't that feel so good?" he asked as he placed soft kisses on her face, before capturing her lips in a soft kiss.
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deepinthedarkworld · 18 days
Big, dark hues looked at the male. Dramatic? For some reason his reaction stung more than she had thought it would. The ghost of a frown washed over her facial features for a small second. "You don't believe me?" Esmeralda glanced around them before her eyes landed back on him. "You might think I'm below you on some ranking, just because I have a smaller part in this film. But when I say someone was standing outside, in the dark, watching me, I'm not fucking lying or looking for attention." Esmé noticed how she had closed the distance between them. "I am scared."
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open to: all.
suggested connections: director, producer, fellow actor, whatever you can think of.
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"you're being dramatic, honestly. i thought i was the diva on set." it was just the two of them now. the setting was must more different than any other movie he had been on. it felt so isolating. "if you're really that scared, i can hold you. i can't promise the boogyeman won't show up, though."
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deepinthedarkworld · 19 days
"I don't know." Dark hues stole a glance at the man standing next to her. "Possibly my irresistible charm." The ghost of a smile crossed her lips as she looked away from him. "Should probably not scratch that itch, though."
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open to: f / mutuals and non mutuals
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"why can't i keep myself away from you?"
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