cappierong · 1 month
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I miss these idiots 💕 have some nonsense because this meme was made for them
As always, Diana : @wolfy1298
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cappierong · 5 months
The wild thing about being obsessed with your own DnD campaign is that there's absolutely NO fandom content for it except the stuff that you make
Like, what do you mean only six other people in the entire world have heard of Dave the Ice Elemental whose job is Freezer at the Fantasy Starbucks?
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cappierong · 6 months
Mario Party One Shot here we come ✨
Shrieking into the void for a few seconds because I just hit 25 pages & 11k words on the (DM requested) INSANELY detailed backstory for the new campaign I’ll be starting soon.
I've officially hit novella territory & I'm still not done _(:3 」∠)_ this is the longest thing I've written in ages & I kinda equally impressed/horrified.
And I thought I overdid it when Amoré's backstory came out 17 pages. 😮‍💨
Watch this be what makes me learn to print & bind books cuz now that I know how long it is I'm consumed by a need to hold it physically.
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cappierong · 7 months
It’s all coming together ✨
The first batch of pictures for Amoré's character journal are here! Also I have been so super sick that I've literally had nothing to do but to work on this for like almost 2 weeks so...
The cover to cover tour officially starts here. All I can say about the front & back is that I lament my lack of experience with my Cricut when I made these decals. I only had 2 "fun" colors to work with at the time & I was still getting comfortable drawing in Procreate, so my silhouette art leaves a lot to be desired compared to some stuff I've made recently. I also found it's incredibly easy to burn this leather book.
But she's volume one, everything with her is a learning experience, & I realized as much as it helps to have a mini heat press for tight corners & small spaces, the cloth barrier they suggest you use between the vinyl & the iron tends to make things harder to press on this scale. So instead I gotta quickly tap straight on the transfer film & hope I don't burn anything around it :(´◦ω◦`):゚゚
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So at the risk of thoroughly exposing my inner theater kid, Amoré set the precedent with how I went forward creating campaign characters. I started off collecting 5 songs to make a mini story arc (almost like a show choir set list 🙃) that helps me figure out an outline for the kind of story I wanna give them.
Somehow Amoré ended up with a truly horrendous blend of rock & theatre. Absolutely incredibe. No wonder she's always such a dramatic bitch.
It was a lot easier to go in & add little decals around these lyrics. I'm definitely cursed with the Too Much™ gene, but I enjoy the little pops of color they give ✨ plus it justifies me hoarding all these vinyl scraps printing stuff this small lol.
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Stat sheet!
In all honesty, as my first character I had no fucking clue what I was doing when I placed these & if I could go back & change one thing I'd probably swap her Intelligence & her Wisdom. She’s definitely more people smart than book smart.
But everything else is...very accurate. She has all the upper body strength of a chicken nugget. Plus on top of the (already) negative I traded disadvantage on everything DEX for magic crystal shoes that can be periodically harvested. Just a way for her to carry around the family fortune without actually having to return to the vault✨
For something that started so average, her CON became a monster & always comes in clutch for her alcohol tolerance. I've played variations of her across a few different one shots & I always manage to roll well for anything alcohol related. The dice do respect a bit 🤣
Spells on the other hand, I floundered with a lot at first because we’re not a combat heavy game, but then I found Chaos Bolt & that was that. It’s essentially Amoré in spell form & I’ve had a ton of fun with it over the years. Also Mage Armor cuz my girl is SO DISTRESSINGLY SQUISHY.
Cantrips were more or less a bit of a toss up. Message was fun for the sheer idea of her using it to talk shit during social events without being caught. But aside from Light serving fun backstory purposes the other 3 are kinda just what looked fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ unless you count the idea that she would absolutely delight in zapping handshakes.
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From there, I wanted to extend the world map made by our wonderful DM @cappierong into a full scroll. Ya know, for the aesthetic ✨
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Our campaign started in Civania, where Amoré's main Estate is. I just wanted a quick mock up to reference, so I edited a preexisting picture I found that checked all the boxes (large, on a plateau, accessible only by bridge) and then absolutely smothered it in flowers.
But anyways... This is primarily where Diana & Amoré grew up together in their decade of backstory ✨
There was probably waaaay to much back & forth trying to keep the continuity between stuff I've already drawn & this big reference. But I think it turned out pretty ok? Not like if I make a mistake anyone will really know lol.
Scaling was also another big issue I had, & I moments where I thought something was too big I just kinda handwaved it away like "ehhhhh she's from a stupid rich family." But now I have a NEED to draw baby Diana & Amoré around like, the statue gardens or something cuz I feel like certain parts of this place are definitely ominous 👀 especially for children...
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And lastly we have the back cover & the High Noble political relationship map! I normally have this closer to the front but for layout purposes it'll be here. I kinda feel like I need to do more for the decoration of it but I can’t think of anything else to add at the moment.
Sam if u read that no you didn't.
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But now! Other than a family portrait that I've always wanted to draw, I think I'm ready to move onto the art for Season 1 : Arc 2. It's a pretty hefty amount of art in comparison to others, so I gotta get busy. Especially since I think I'm gonna have to draw a few comics *sobs*
If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading! I'm always excited to talk out our little idiots so thanks for indulging me ❀(*´▽`*)❀
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cappierong · 7 months
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I found Ajax’s original design and I had to draw his cannon/final design meeting his old design ✨
Ajax is the campaign’s resident favorite himbo™️ but he was originally supposed to be a slightly younger little shit of a NPC
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cappierong · 8 months
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I’m finally diving head in on putting together a character scrapbook out of my campaign notes for Dúo Rong.
Even though it’s a project that I’d started way back in late 2020 when I first got my cricut, I haven’t been seriously keeping up with the project in the way I had intended.
But! I’ve officially broken down the campaign into arcs to make the task more manageable, while also giving myself time to go back & draw little moments that I never got around to. And while I have to resize certain images to fit the 5 x 8 format, I find myself having to add on to a few of them. Which is…interesting 😅 mixing my old & new art styles.
I think I’ll only repost the ones that have large changes to them, but first I’m working my way through the essentials (a fullbody ref & all her character sheet/world info).
But! I can’t wait to share more about this campaign because it is so near & dear to me, & while it’s been really funny sharing them with next to no context, I really can’t shut up about all the subtle nuances these idiots have going for them & their relationships with each other 🤣
Anyways! My prints for Season 1 : Arc 1 arrive in the next few days & I can’t wait to see this come together!
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cappierong · 8 months
As the DM it was hilarious ✨
But also I don’t think anyone was expecting him to blast a bar full of drunk sailors (and Diana) with a cone of alcoholic cold dragon breath 😅
… still funny though lol
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Sam & I have made many jokes about Neri & Kalani crossing over, but then this happened & I couldn’t help myself.
Also…in the amount of time it took me to draw this, Neri has already lost her ring .˚‧º·(ฅдฅ。)‧º·˚. and has suffered a major setback in her therapy for it.
As always : Diana @wolfy1298
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cappierong · 8 months
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Ages ago I had everyone roll a d100 to determine their own scenario from this prompt list that got shared in one of my Discord Servers. Again, this was supposed to be a quick project but I decided to add my favorite NPCs so oops. But we’re finally featuring all the Bluestone Bois, rolled for by our beloved DM @cappierong
…so it’s fine
I’m delighted by the results.
Amoré & Ajax : 26. comparing heights (aka the tol (8 ft) & the smol (5 ft))
Amoré & Diana ( @wolfy1298 ) : 32. playing video games (featuring Diana trying to relax but falling victim(?) to Tom Nook)
Amoré & Italus : 51. one pouring the other a drink (featuring Amoré drinking all of Italus’s good wine)
Amoré & Roland : 63. one leaning on the other (fluffy times for a good soft boi)
Amoré & Aeiris : 76. one teaching the other (based on some hilarious DMs in the campaign chat between me & @blackeyeliner)
Amoré & Sylphi : 91. watching a movie (as soon as Leah said Sylphi’s favorite movie was My Neighbor Totoro, I knew)
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cappierong · 8 months
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Nothing really lights a fire under my ass than starting a new season in the campaign & realizing how many pictures I have in the WIP folder that now have outdated outfits 🫠
As always, Diana : @wolfy1298
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cappierong · 8 months
The boy is back and somehow y’all are even more chaotic lol
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Some absolute nonsense happened in last night's session. I'm so glad we have our boy back 🤣
As always, Diana : @wolfy1298
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cappierong · 10 months
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In all seriousness though I love style studies but oh boy Pokémon’s game art style is *deceptively* hard 😅
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I hope y’all enjoy ✨
Diana is played by @wolfy1298
Amoré is played by @worldsokayestmagicalgirl
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cappierong · 10 months
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cappierong · 1 year
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Today’s session was... interesting
Nothing like making War plans at a fantasy Denny’s ✨
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cappierong · 1 year
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Horror one-shots sure are fun 😈
Especially when they’re 80s Horror Movie themed 🎥 🍿
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cappierong · 1 year
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cappierong · 1 year
I don’t feel better but at least their story arcs have more depth ✨
hey it’s okay. maybe you’ll feel better if you imagine your OCs in fucked up situations
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cappierong · 1 year
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Guess I have to wait for the next session!
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