deliciousupholstery · 8 years
guess who edited a post on this fucking app like four times before giving up and signing in on mobile safari to make the paragraphing actually work me it was me
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
@littledeconstruction heyyyyyyy can i just climb on board this train? that cool? yes? @scioscribe only yesterday i was talking about how much i love the grocery store scene in “fools who run their mouths off” - but the story that hooked me into reading your work was actually a james bond fic, “dramatic arts.” i specifically searched AO3 for fics written after SPECTRE, because even though i didn’t think the movie gelled very well, it had some interesting concepts and moments & i thought it would be tricky but potentially Very cool to incorporate it into an actually satisfying narrative. and dramatic arts does that very well! it’s such a delightful little meta-fic. but okay, anyway, that was supposed to be a much briefer segue into what i actually was going to say, which is thus: i actually wrote a poem because of one of your stories once. (it is a very bad poem. or at least sufficiently mediocre that i would be mortified to share it with anyone.) and i spend a fair amount of time thinking about the conversations your characters have. they’ve gotten into my head. they’re a part of the landscape. and they’re in good company - i mean, for better or worse i live in my head a lot and i’ve always climbed into stories like mad and just stayed there for as long as i could. (& poetry too, which might sometimes be stories but often isn’t.) so there’s a lot of mental landscape that comes from words i’ve read. + when i read this i immediately thought of “the source of distant rivers, the sound of distant guns” (the concept! the execution! have i ever asked you - do you know the book “the city and the city” by china miéville?) and - weird juxtaposition maybe? - that awkward conversation in “it doesn’t take you away from yourself” where q is sort of angrily flirting with bond/legitimately airing some grievances but in a way that gives bond an easy out if he wants to ignore it/their dynamic in this scene is complicated and hard to summarize and that’s part of why i love it so much???? in conclusion i’m happy to go on about how wonderful your writing is pretty much any time. (i kiiiind of want to do like a legit literary analysis of your prose bc it’s Amazing and people need to appreciate your genius, but i have only so many spoons & honestly i might not be able to bullshit/google my way to figure out lit crit/theory again, idk. it’s been a while since i dropped out of college, there’s a lot i don’t remember.)
If you could choose a legacy, what would it be?
I actually think about this a lot.  When it comes to my work, I tend to want a deep legacy rather than a widely-known or even a long one–I would love to have even one person have a story of mine that’s somehow become one of the stories that’s somehow become part of their mental landscape.  If I ever do publish a novel, I love to think of a particularly battered copy of it existing somewhere, read every few years by someone who loves it dearly.  I want to be a minor novelist, because minor novelists are the ones I think readers are more likely to have that oddly intense affection for, because it feels like the author appealed to you specifically and not to people generally.  I would like to be that kind of writer.
Personally, I want to be kind, and I want to be courageous.  Heroic, even, although I recognize that runs the risk of sounding ridiculous.  I want people to think well of me after I’m gone.  I would like to be the kind of person who deserves to be thought well of.  Sometimes I think that really I’m the kind of person no one thinks of at all once our lives part ways, but I would like to be, I would like to have made that kind of difference.
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
wait. okay. no. let me try again: this is beautiful. i'm already planning on rereading it - just this (detailed, surprising, incredibly delightful) summary. and i love the chapters already posted on ao3. (the scene in the grocery store! i want to tattoo that on my heart, it's so gorgeous and effervescent and - profound and lighthearted at the same time - it's one of my favorite pieces of prose, honestly. and it's just a man eating a salad. ack. overwhelmed. i love it.) so actually what i want to say is THANK YOU. and also, of course you're brilliant, what are you talking about, you're VERY BRILLIANT. obviously.
(screams, quietly) you are absolutely a monster. okay, but i Need To Know how that fic ends, please. especially after this horroshow of an election -- let's move along from that topic -- & nobody gets to be as good as you are without knowing you're brilliant, so i will just ask that if/when you publish something, you'll let the internet know -- right -- so i can throw money at you. pls and thank you.
Lengthy discussion of what the rest of fools who run their mouths off will/would have looked like, with the caveat that stories always change in the telling of them, so it’s highly likely that the finished results would not have matched up seamlessly with my shoddy mental outline.  In particular, I probably would have ended up taking out the shooting and replacing it with something more nuanced and less manipulative.  A disproportionate number of stories I write have someone getting shot as a plot device, because I am, as my wife will tell you, a trauma llama.  Also, this is disorganized and sloppily written and rambly.
Also, aww, thanks.  I am not brilliant, but I am extremely appreciative of flattery.
Keep reading
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
no. no. what. no. oh my god. what. you can't play with my feelings like this oh my god are you going to write this??????????? or??? not? i mean. i understand getting stalled or not having time or being too fricking demoralized by the election to do anything. but. this is so beautiful. i.
(screams, quietly) you are absolutely a monster. okay, but i Need To Know how that fic ends, please. especially after this horroshow of an election -- let's move along from that topic -- & nobody gets to be as good as you are without knowing you're brilliant, so i will just ask that if/when you publish something, you'll let the internet know -- right -- so i can throw money at you. pls and thank you.
Lengthy discussion of what the rest of fools who run their mouths off will/would have looked like, with the caveat that stories always change in the telling of them, so it’s highly likely that the finished results would not have matched up seamlessly with my shoddy mental outline.  In particular, I probably would have ended up taking out the shooting and replacing it with something more nuanced and less manipulative.  A disproportionate number of stories I write have someone getting shot as a plot device, because I am, as my wife will tell you, a trauma llama.  Also, this is disorganized and sloppily written and rambly.
Also, aww, thanks.  I am not brilliant, but I am extremely appreciative of flattery.
Keep reading
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
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i did not realize i could use the app to make gifs! anyway so here’s what i’ve been doing today to distract myself from the apocalypse.
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
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John Boyega. Grey sweatpants. Thighs. 🙌🙌
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
#yeah i’m going to need a selfcest RPS 3some
^^ um so yes i am on board with this where’s the petition where do i sign
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john kissing “himself” + saying what we’re all thinking (◡‿◡✿)
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
all I want for Christmas is footage of Gael García Bernal playing with the Cassian Andor action figure.
thank you.
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
yeah i always feel really weird about this. the rigidity of top/bottom dynamics in fic (and … culture in general … frequently) & the stereotyping of personality traits (or physical traits!) as being somehow inherently "toppy" or "bottomy" - it's frickin' weird!
do you ever read the tags on a fic and just kind of … nope out when they're real emphatic about who bottoms and who tops? i do sometimes. not every time. but sometimes i'm like, le sigh. i am disinclined to go along with this right now.
& then there's the stuff that crept insidiously into my personal life. without going into tmi territory i'll just say that it was confusing enough to be a young queer trans guy - i really didn't need additional bullshit dichotomies to deal with. (but that's not just a slash/fandom issue. everybody's got a lot of theories about how sex is "supposed" to work, and there's an awful lot of emphasis placed on dicks & penetration, even if you're queer.)
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lololol that people apparently really do believe that top/bottom dynamics can be so inherent to a ship. Of fictional characters. Which is often non-canon. (But not theirs! *Theirs* transcends such petty concerns, of course.)
Making something compelling “regardless of which dick [is] where” is just good writing, wtaf. Nothing to do with the quality or not of the ship (as if that can stand on its own free of instances of fannish interpretation *anyway*).
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
poe when he saw finn on the resistance base: MOVE i’m gay
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
This daring, brave, good man.
JJ Abrams talking about Finn in the Force Awakens commentary (x)
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
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Shout out to Carlos Benavides, the coffee guy for the animators of Disney’s Frozen
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
wait aren't middle earth maps supposed to have East as the "up" direction?
like E NW S
instead of N WE S
in which case, legolas would be correct
tho to be fair that map does say "up" is North
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You, Legolas, are fucking lost.
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
… said Bucky Barnes.
You’re the bad guy in somebody’s story.
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
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been meaning to post some of the more hilarious/inspiring results i got from the 'AO3 tag generator' for ages anyway this describes basically 80% of teen wolf fic right? right
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deliciousupholstery · 8 years
okay i don't usually like abo but this i liked this (then again what did i expect, it's by helenish, everything she touches turns to gold) (if by "gold" we mean "melancholy longing and aching sadness with a satisfying resolution that strikes just the right balance of bleak realism and HOPE, BEAUTIFUL BITTERSWEET TANTALIZING POSSIBILUTY OF A REASONABLY, PLAUSIBLY HAPPY FUTURE, hope"
Dear world and assorted fanfic authors:
Would somebody please write a Sterek OmegaVerse fic where Alphas are the majority and Omegas are the minority and, as such, the Alphas compete for the Omegas instead of the other way around?  Like, perhaps it’s a mating run where the Omegas are doing the chasing!  Or maybe there’s some sort of pageant where the Alphas have to display their prowess at scenting by finding a specific wildflower chosen by their Omega, and must prove their physical capabilities via intense feats of strength.
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