delilahclarke · 11 years
@dancingdelilah: hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder? xx
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delilahclarke · 11 years
so i'm not going to be here for a week bc ugh i'm spending time with my cousins four hours away from where i'm staying so ugh
i hope everyone had a merry christmas/ happy holiday and i'll see you all soon! xx
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delilahclarke · 11 years
I'm not having sex with you, Keenan. Not even in a bathroom.
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Oh shit yeah. Skylar. Well… what about the bathroom, there’s always space in there. 
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delilahclarke · 11 years
Not so fast babe, we're sharing a room with Wallace's sister.
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Why hello there cutie. Fancy meeting a girl like you in my room…
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delilahclarke · 11 years
@dancingdelilah: say something, I'm giving up on you..
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delilahclarke · 11 years
Hey roomie. 
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So… is anyone up to anything. Bored out of my mind here. I just wish batdog was here to entertain me.
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delilahclarke · 11 years
I'm not mocking you, I'm just incredibly drunk. 
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I feel like you’re mocking me. Are you mocking me?
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delilahclarke · 11 years
I swear to God I am drunk.
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I swear to drunk, I am not God.
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delilahclarke · 11 years
@dancingdelilah: oene day i will be famous and ya'll will be jelly bc i'm goign to be famous and YOU'RE NOT
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delilahclarke · 11 years
I'm going to be famous one day, babes. 
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My my my, my my my, my-my my-my… Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer.
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delilahclarke · 11 years
Come on skinny love, just last the year, pour a little salt we were never heeeereeee..
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delilahclarke · 11 years
I think I'd rather just pass out in the corridor. I'm Delilah, don't think we've met. Or if we have, I probably just forgot. I'm kinda.. drunk right now.
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Oh, don’t get me wrong - It’s a great movie. Just not when you watch it three times a day.
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delilahclarke · 11 years
I have never seen that movie. Should I be glad that I haven't?
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Even intoxication can’t save me from the pain which is seeing Home Alone for something like the seventh time this weekend.
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delilahclarke · 11 years
@wall-e: @dancingdelilah dear god, just please get back to your room and get some rest? I'll swing by and bring you to breakfast in the morning.
@dancingdelilah: @wall-e he's a lil fuckin pube and u know it!!! oooh hash browns and bacon with a side of vodka pls
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delilahclarke · 11 years
@wall-e: @dancingdelilah I'm the one who fucked up. Beat me with the bat.
@dancingdelilah: @wall-e i never liked the little blond pube anyway i'll fuck him up whether it's ur fault or not #duh #that'swhyyou'refriendswithme
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delilahclarke · 11 years
That's why you watch them drunk. Being drunk makes everything better.
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 I swear to God, if I watch another Christmas movie I might throttle somebody.
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delilahclarke · 11 years
@wall-e: @dancingdelilah haha, oh, lol. Sorry but uh, that won't really work anymore.
@dancingdelilah: @wall-e do i have to beat him up? i'll do it i'm going to grab my baseball bat ok
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