delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Aesthetics of interaction "Aesthetics and Experience-Centered Design" PETER WRIGHT Sheffield Hallam University JAYNE WALLACE University of Newcastle and JOHN McCARTHY University College Cork "A designerly critique on enchantment" Philip R. Ross Æ C. J. Overbeeke Æ Stephan A. G. Wensveen Æ Caroline M. Hummels Schwartz Value model
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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A Framework for Connected Health * Collaborative treatment relationship * Enhanced self-management capabilities * Social support * Reorganize service delivery * Put patient at the center of healthcare * Connected healthy interactive home * Health and big data
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Pain in History and Religion
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Pain semantics Judy F. Pugh "THE SEMANTICS OF PAIN IN INDIAN CULTURE AND MEDICINE" McGill Pain Questionnaire: rich qualificatives to describe pain I am collecting imagery of people explaining their pain and how it makes them feel.
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Models for change in living with a chronic disease I read some research papers : “CHANGE IS POSSIBLE”: PATIENTS’ EXPERIENCE OF A MULTIMODAL CHRONIC PAIN REHABILITATION PROGRAMME Andrea Hållstam, MSN1, Britt Marie Stålnacke, MD, PhD2, Christer Svensen, MD, PhD1 and Monika Löfgren, PT, PhD3 and looked at Hernandez’ theory of integration.
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Gunilla Stenberg, Physiotherapist and Researcher, discussion about Multimodal Pain Rehabilitation Medicine (MMR) We talked about the benefits of MMR in the doctor/patient relationship and how using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help the patient in a group setting and with the medical team.
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Asa Svedmark, Physiotherapist and Researcher on Neck Pain, discussion around biofeedbacks We discussed about tools and methods to assess and manage pain such as the Pain Pressure Threshold. We also talked about the difference between TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and Biofeedbacks. The first is removing the pain while the second is helping to learn to control the pain and relax.
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Christina, teacher and head of Rheumatism Association in Umeå, living with Arthritis We discussed about her group at the Rheumatism Association and her relationship with people in the group, about her treatment and her connection to her doctors as well as her job and daily activities and how pain influences her daily life and interactions.
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
Week2 _ Research
Interviews This week I conducted 4 interviews with 2 experts physiotherapist and 2 persons living with Chronic Pain. Analogous inspiration I went to the Aurora Room to gather inspiration on how people deal with tiredness. Secondary desk research I looked for informations provided by my interviewees and explored the state of healthcare space in design. I read papers on aesthetic of interaction and affective computing.
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
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Framing the research phase
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delphesis-blog · 8 years
Research_ Week 1
I started this first week of research by doing some secondary research and by contacting people to talk to during this research phase. Secondary research I looked into the notion of pain in philosophy, sociology, ethnograpy and pop culture. I collected information about managing Chronic Pain through methods different than medication: through biofeedbacks, meditation, sports, art therapy... I collected information about the community space of Chronic Pain by looking at online forum for peer support and at blogs and Vlogs on Youtube. I also looked at pain in art: litterature, performance, painting and will continue looking for writers and people talking about their pain online. Primary research I am in contact with Norrland Universitetsjukhus in Umeå and waiting for them to come back to me for possible interviews. After mapping local organization in Umeå to get in touch with people living with Chronic Pain. I dropped by at HSO Umeå Handikapp förrningarnas samarbetsorgan, an umbrella association regrouping several local association dealing with impearing conditions. They put me in touch with Reumatiker förbundet, an association for people living with reuhmatism, arthritis and fibryomyalgia. I joined their kick-off meeting and got the opportunity to talk to Christina Håkansson who is in charge of the local organization and who is living with Chronic Pain. I also looked for doctor researchers at Umeå University who wrote some papers about working in medical team and working together with the patient living with Chronic Pain and also about biofeedbacks in mananging Chronic Pain. Framing the research: Curiosity I would like to extend my perspective on what is Chronic Pain and to do so, I identified areas that are worth exploring for monitoring Chronic Pain such as BODY, MIND, LIFE EXPERIENCE. During my research I will of course interview people from the Chronic Pain ecosystem and I will interview people looking at Chronic Pain from a different perspective: yoga teacher, meditation practicioner, a sportive monitoring her body, an artist... I will complement this research with an analogous research in Umeå University Aurora Room, where people feeling a lack of sun can go in the room and take a cure of light.
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