delusional-void · 3 months
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delusional-void · 4 months
Donnie: I hope I get run over.
Mikey: Aw, come on. It’s Christmas! Get in the spirit!
Donnie: *sighs*
Donnie: Fine. I hope I get run over by a reindeer.
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delusional-void · 8 months
I’m Interested to Know the Age Range of the TMNT Fandom on Tumblr.
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delusional-void · 8 months
if you write a strong character, let them fail.
if you write a selfless hero, let them get mad at people.
if you write a cold-hearted villain, make them cry.
if you write a brokenhearted victim, let them smile again.
if you write a bold leader, make them seek guidance.
if you write a confident genius, make them be wrong, or get stumped once in a while.
if you write a fighter or a warrior, let them lose a battle, but let them win the war.
if you write a character who loses everything, let them find something.
if you write a reluctant hero, give them a reason to fight.
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delusional-void · 8 months
You gotta write for funsies sometimes. Everything doesn’t have to be groundbreaking. Like. Who cares if it’s a little silly it is made out of love
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delusional-void · 8 months
Okay, I Know This is Their Canon Concept Art
Leo: 5’1”
Raph: 5’0”
Donnie: 5’6”
Mikey: 4’10”
But I Don’t Think These are Their Actual Canon Heights and Here’s Why:
I’m Mostly Just Doing Donnie, Since if We Have a Good Idea of How Tall He Is, The Others Fall Into Place
In the Episode Metalhead, Donnie says: “I Can’t Keep Fighting Alien Technology with a 6 Foot Staff”
Which Literally Means it’s 6FT (Technically 5.96FT)
Later in That Same Episode, Donnie Has to Go Help His Brothers When Metalhead Breaks and Splinter Throws Him His Bow Staff
When Donnie Bows, He Places the Staff So it Stands Straight Up, and When He Stands Straight, He is Slightly Taller
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Taking Into Mine and My Husband’s Heights (Solely Because When I Hug Him, That is About Where My Head Rests)
I Am 5’4” and My Husband is 5’11”
I’m Assuming That April is of Average Height for a Teenage Girl, So I’d Put Her Height Between 5’3” and 5’7”
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Plus Casey is Said to be About 5’8” and Donnie Usually Seems a Smidge Taller
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That Also Makes the Right Amount of Height Difference Between April and Casey - About 4-5 Inches
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So, I Would Put Donnie Between 5’10” and 6’1”
Not 5’6” Like Their Concept Art Suggests
(Plus, if you take into account that Irma is shorter than April. Irma is also probably the same height as an average teenage girl. So if I place April at 5’6”, that makes Irma about 5’3” which is still a normal height.)
(Note That in Later Episodes, Donnie Is Shorter Than His Staff, Leading ME to Believe That He Did, In Fact, Upgrade to a 7 Foot Staff - As Splinter Sarcastically Mentioned in Metalhead)
Based on Donnie’s Height and The Comparison Between Donnie, April, and Casey - I Would Personally Place Their Heights At:
Leo: 5’8”
Raph: 5’6”
Donnie: 6’0”
Mikey: 5’5”
April: 5’6”
Casey: 5’9”
Splinter: Probably Like 6’5”
Irma (For Extra Reference): 5’3”
This is all the proof I have, and it’s not canon, I’m just trying to math the math, and I personally think they’re way taller than their concept art suggests.
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delusional-void · 8 months
Maybe Not the Best Line in the Show, But Definitely One of My Favorites
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delusional-void · 8 months
Unpopular Opinion: The BEST Team-Up of ALL Time is in TMNT 2012 in the Episode: Annihilation Earth.
I mean it’s so awesome seeing enemies team up. Splinter and Shredder working as a team, no holding back. April and Rahzar taking cover together. Tiger Claw covering April and Casey while they run.
Ugh it’s just everything I want to see. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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delusional-void · 8 months
Every time I watch this scene, all I can think about is Leo’s broken body in the back just flying around 😭😂
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delusional-void · 8 months
How to hide plot twists from both your readers and your characters in a way that is not frustrating or annoying.
So I was watching a book review for a book that I liked but both loved and hated some of the plot twists. Of course this got me thinking about plot twists and why they work for both readers and the characters that are falling for these plot twists.
The key is to control the information that your readers have. Your readers aren't going to consider an option unless (1) that twist is really common for your genre and that reader has read that genre a lot and will therefore be expecting it or (2) you have very obviously given them the specific information nessesary to unintentionally figure out the twist before the characters.
Why does this information stand out, you may be wondering. It is because there is nothing else going on to distract away from a piece of information that can seem meaningless with the right context.
Most of the time, if you're not writing a very specific plot line with a very specific genre, your reader isn't going to immediately know where the plot is going so they may not be looking out for the information relevant to a later plot twist, so as long as you justify an informational choice that explains a later plot twist in a way that covers a variety of basis, they're probably not going to pick up on the one piece you left out, aka what is going to make this twist fun.
This piece of information should be something small and unassuming. It can be magical, but if you're writing fantasy that magic has to be hidden really really well. I find that a plot twist works the best when the piece of information that is missing is something you wouldn't really think about, like the reason a prince was able to infiltrate a prison and hide his identity was because he had his cousin standing in for him and we don't know that this cousin existed and knew the limits of that world's magic (this is actually a plot twist that fooled me btw despite how obvious at sounds now).
A good plot twist that fools the reader relies on twisting the information that the reader has and therefore twisting how they think the story will go.
Midway sidenote: not every plot twist needs to exist to fool both the reader and the character, sometimes it is really fun to watch a character fail because of something inherent to that character.
Remember how I said sometimes it's really fun to watch a character fail. That only works sometimes.
It is more annoying to figure out a plot twist that is really obvious and then have the character miss it because the author said so.
So how does a writer pull this off?
Be intentional. Have an idea in mind of when you want the reader to figure it out and ask your beta readers when they figured out your plot twists to control that as much as you can.
Your character does not know which genre they're in, so you have to both get inside the character's head and take the reader along with you so they understand why this character is making these poor choices and missing the most obvious villain in the room.
Why would a character miss a plot twist?
They are distracted or delusional. Characters have goals and they may ignore their better judgments to achieve these goals based on their personality. Put more emphasis on your character's motives to hide information that may make plot twists more obvious. Also, your characters may use information about their world to explain their motives and this information may also be vital to understanding a later plot twist
The average person does not go around thinking everybody around them is out to get them especially if those people seem incapable of that through the pov character's ego or the other character's demeanor. If your character has known somebody for a really long time or knows a piece of information that is vital to the worldview they're probably not going to immediately discard it. Fun fact: in the real world, when people have their views disputed, even with very good evidence, it can make them more likely to hold on to that old belief.
Expectation of harm. Different characters have different experiences with shape how bad they think things can get. For example, if a character has never experienced something, they may not know what can lead to that thing. (FYI older characters are more likely to know more things so be careful with this one.)
The Twist
For a twist to work, it must make sense with both real world and in world knowledge as well as common sense, so keep this in mind as you plan.
This isn't comprehensive because good plot twists require a lot of information to make them work and that's makes them very specific. While I would love to explain why different plot twists work, part of them working is them fooling you and hindsight bias is kind of a thing.
Keep writing. If a plot twist just isn't working either scrap it or let it sit until you have the information to build reasons why it should work.
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delusional-void · 8 months
You run a café on the edge of life and death. Souls who have been departed from their bodies temporarily, such as in comas or near-death experiences, can relax in your quaint cafe for as long as they need before they can either return to their bodies or begin their journey to the afterlife.
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delusional-void · 8 months
Casey: *trips and falls down the stairs*
Casey, lying face down on the floor: ...parkour...
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delusional-void · 8 months
good traits gone bad
perfectionism - never being satisfied
honesty - coming off as rude and insensitive
devotion - can turn into obsession
generosity - being taken advantage of
loyalty - can make them blind for character faults in others
being dependable - always depending on them
ambitiousness - coming off as ruthless
optimism - not being realistic
diligence - not able to bend strict rules
protectiveness - being overprotective
cautiousness - never risking anything
being determined - too focussed on one thing
persuasiveness - coming off as manipulative
tidiness - can become an obsession
being realistic - being seen as pessimistic
assertiveness - coming off as bossy
pride - not accepting help from others
innocence - being seen as naive
selflessness - not thinking about themself enough
being forgiving - not holding others accountable
curiosity - asking too much questions
persistence - being seen as annoying
being charming - can seem manipulative
modesty - not reaching for more
confidence - coming off as arrogant
wit/humor - not taking things serious
patience - being left hanging
strategic - coming off as calculated
being caring - being overbearing
tolerance - being expected to tolerate a lot
eagerness - coming off as impatient
being observant - being seen as nosy
independence - not accepting help
being considerate - forgetting about themself
fearlessness - ignoring real danger
politeness - not telling what they really think
reliability - being taken advantage of
empathy - getting overwhelmed with feeling too much for other people
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delusional-void · 8 months
Okay, so I’m rewatching TMNT 2012 for like the 100th time. Anyways, in the episode “Parasitica”, Donnie finds a centrifuge in the warehouse. He literally says “Oohhooho, nice centrifuge.” And Raph says, “ If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery.”
Later in that episode, Donnie is making an antidote and he has to explain to Mikey how to finish it. As he’s explaining , he literally says, “ - then it has to spin in the centrifuge for another five.”
Remember all that? Great, so we’re on the same page!
Now, in the episode “Mikey Gets Shellacne”, the whole episode is about finding a centrifuge to make an antidote for Mikey. So tell me: WHY did they need to fine one? What happened to the one Donnie already had?! I need to know!
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delusional-void · 8 months
I get that they wanted a strong female character, but they really did too much for April O’Neil. They have several strong female characters: April, Karai, Mona, etc. (Pretty much all the female characters are strong women.)
But with April, they made her a Kunoichi and gave her psychic powers?? They tried WAY TOO HARD to make her cool, that really she’s just unlikable. You can’t make a character who’s just good at everything.
“Only April’s is near perfection.” - Splinter, about April’s intuition.
I don’t know, I just think it’s ridiculous that she gets to have multiple things that make her seem better than everyone else. It makes me like her less than if she was either a Kunoichi or psychic.
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delusional-void · 8 months
Wow… I literally just made a second post about this, without even realizing I had previously made one. I guess it really does bother me.
Constantly thinking about Donnie saying that there’s only enough retro mutagen for two doses (two full vials)… But then it only takes one drop to turn Kirby human again
If that’s the case those two vials could’ve turned every mutant back into a human
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delusional-void · 10 months
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