demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
                                 I aim to be                                 LIONHEARTED,
                                                                                                       but my hands still                                                                                                      s   h   a   k   e
                                                           & my voice isn’t quite                                                            L  O  U  D enough.
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
For every "forgive me, father" I receive in my inbox I'll share a memory that haunts my muse with guilt.
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
Send a ☀ if you would ship your character with mine. (romantically, platonically, etc.)
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
please fuel my ego and tell me what your favorite thing about me is
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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"Look man, I'm fine," Sam insisted. "I just--I just need a little break. I'll head back to the bunker after a few drinks."
“How did you know I’d be here?”
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          “It wasn’t too hard ——           Considering the Winchester           mannerism of turning to            alcoholism in times of struggle,           I merely searched any pubs           within a ten mile radius.” 
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
like for a starter
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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"Alright, man...just...alright." Sam raised his eyebrows, shaking his head at his brother.
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           ❝ aw come on sammy, lighten up.                 let’s go grab a bite, huh? My treat.❞
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
Come bother my character about...
their poor life choices
questionable life choices
that thing they always try not to talk about
the weather
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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          “Fine, we’ll look but if it turns out to be            a ghost or anything for that matter we’re            calling dad immediately. You got it?”
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"Why do we always have to call dad? We can handle a damn ghost by ourselves."
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
"I want rough sex, now." send this demand and see how my muse reacts.
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
Send me &*& and
I will generate a number from 1-175 for what my muse will say to yours. (Mix of angst, fluff, and random)
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
Blink sentence pack
"It’s one in the morning! You think I’m going around at one in the morning?"
“What’s wrong? What’s happened?” 
“What did you come here for, anyway?”
“I love old things. They make me feel sad.” 
“What are you doing? It could be a burglar!” 
“How did you know I’d be here?” 
“I was told to bring this letter at this date at this exact time.”  
“Am I ill?”
“Spooky, isn’t it?”
“That’s enough! I’ve had enough now! It’s been a long day and I’ve had bloody enough!” 
“Will you have a drink with me?”
“Just my phone number. Not a promise. Not an I.O.U. Just a phone number.” 
“How did I get here?”
“It goes ding when there’s stuff.” 
“It was raining when we met.” 
“I have till the rain stops.” 
“You live in Scooby-Doo’s house.” 
“People don’t understand time. It’s not what you think it is.”
“Tell me.” 
“I’m clever. And I’m listening, and don’t patronize me because people have died and I’m not happy.”
“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a nonlinear, nonsubjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey… stuff.” 
“That’s my favorite. I’ve got that on a t-shirt.” 
“I am sorry. I am very, very sorry. It’s up to you now.”
“The Angels are coming for you.”
“Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast! Faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back. Don’t look away. And don’t blink… Good luck.” 
“It’s locked!” 
“Hurry up! Where are you!” 
“I can’t stay here.” 
“Can you mind the shop? I’m just nipping next door for some milk.” 
“Can’t you let it go? This is over.” 
“Look, there are some things you never find out. And it’s okay!”
"Back in a mo.” 
“Sorry, bit of a rush. There’s a sort of… thing happening. Very important that we stop it.” 
“Goodbye, Doctor.”
(via the-write-ideas)
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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   "C'mon dude. Just check it out with me.     It's not a hunt, just peeking around."
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          “Look I believe you, but we can’t just be chasing            on a feeling. Especially with dad not home. You            know he’d skin us both alive for going on a hunt            on our own.”
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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          “Okay fine. Seriousness, how sure are you it was            a ghost that you saw out on your date?”
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   "I just know, okay? It looked like a ghost and     it felt like a ghost, y'know?"
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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          “Well…. did you at least make it to second base with her?”
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  "Come on, dude. There are more important things than that." 
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demonblxxd-blog · 10 years
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         ❛Ya know, if this whole   hunting   thing  doesn’t              work out, I can always be a professional gambler.❜
                         [ He was being  sarcastic,   obviously, but                             he couldn’t suppress the pleased chuckle                            that fell from his lips as he    counted  his                             winnings. ]
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   "Dude, seriously?" Sam shook his head, chuckling    slightly. It was always amusing to see Dean in one     of those moods.       "If hunting doesn't work out, we'll probably be dead."
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