demonic-chaos · 3 years
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.mahoutsukai no yome / chise&elias
i recently rewatched mahoutsukai no yome and it is still such an amazing anime <3 and i loved this scene from ep 2, so had to make a fanart of it <3
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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mmhghgh my otp
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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MahoYome fragment 7 "Sea of Dreams" has been translated.
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
IT’S HERE!!!!!!!!
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
His Earnest Heart
Pairing: Elias Ainsworth x Chise Hatori
Warnings: blood, wound licking
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The bright, celestial ball of night slowly rose up. Its light causing those underneath its presence to cast their shadows into the ground below. Tonight is a full moon.
In a house situated in the fields of a village located in England, the shadow of a half-fae and half-human creature slowly approached the entrance of its dimly lighted home. His skull held a seemingly dark and grim expression. In his arms is his unconscious bride whose hair color almost resembled the rufescent glint of dawn. Her body — although wrapped in the magus’ thick, black coat — seemed to have been robbed of its natural warmth. Blood seeped from the many wounds that covered her body. Her visage, which was formerly full of color and life, appeared ghastly — a clear indication that the cuts she sustained were deeper than they appeared.
Elias noticed the rapid decrease of color in Chise’s body as the girl in his arms continued to weakly gasp for air. His grip tightened as he quickened his steady strides toward the entrance of their home.
He made his way to the living room as soon as he got inside wherein he carefully but hastily sat Chise’s small figure down the couch. After securing her body as to ensure that it hasn’t been placed in a position that would result to the worsening of her injuries, he got up.
For a few seconds, he paused to observe her. Indeed, the cuts she acquired caused great blood loss. Although majority of the bleeding has ceased, her temperature remained way below an average person’s body heat.
As his eyes continued to scan through every detail, the magus’ fists curled up into a ball as he vividly recalled how Chise — for the nth time — acted on her own and against his will. He never did knew about this nor did she or her familiar dared to inform him of this plan to jeopardize herself for the sake of another being. With that, he had come to her side too late.
His face darkened.
Just how far would you allow your recklessness take you?
As though feeling the creeping dark shadows that now emanated from Elias, Chise’s eyes slowly fluttered open as her body continued to gasp for air.
“E-lias” she called as she tried to lift an arm to reach out to her husband. Her vision was blurry but she was certain that the presence that seemed to clad the entire living room belonged to him.
The gesture pulled the magus out of his thoughts in a split second and he immediately came to her side to grasp the hand that longed for him. A weak smile appeared from Chise’s pallid complexion as she felt the warmth that radiated from his body.
She lifted her head to gaze up at him so that her eyes could meet his. Through meek intakes of air, she spoke. “E-lias, i’m.. s-sorry”
A fit of coughs soon resonated in the room as Chise’s aching body seemed to grow colder with every passing minute.
“Don’t speak. For now, allow me to tend to your wounds.”
Elias stood from the couch to kneel in front of her. He removed his blood-stained gloves and placed them in the coffee table while Chise continued to struggle to hold herself up so as to give her husband less trouble with tending to her injuries. Her eyes drifted over to Elias who had occupied himself with taking her shoes off.
Is he mad?
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it again as she realized that no explanation would quell the bitterness that seemed to be growing within him. They had talked about this a long time ago and yet, she had run off without him once again. A guilty feeling sat on her chest as she thought about how she let her recklessness get the best of her for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
Dark purple fingers reached out to unbutton her shirt and proceeded to carefully remove the rest of her clothing as each piece were discarded to the side of the couch. Chise, although still barely accustomed to being seen naked by him, showed no act of protest and merely silently obliged to what he intends to do.
Once the last piece of clothing had been removed, red orbs went to scan her body and focused itself among the wounds that hasn’t ceased to bleed. Deep lacerations could be evidently seen on her shoulder, at the side of her waist which was just below her breast and on the left outer thigh.
Elias’ eyes remained emotionless as he placed both of his hands on her shoulders to steady her body as he opened his jaw to lick the blood that continued to seep from the deep cuts that contributed greatly to the rapid weakening of her body. Long, tender tongue then made contact with her bare shoulder and due to the depth of the wound, Chise flinched at the searing pain that it brought. Elias felt the light jerk of her body which he assumed was its involuntary reaction to the contact. He saw Chise’s face warp at the pain but nonetheless, he continued. Moving one of his hand from her shoulder down to the uninjured side of her waist while placing the other on her back for support, he lowered his face to lick on the bleeding wound that etched itself on her waist. A hand flew to grasp the sleeves of his white shirt as a gasp emanated from the red head as she continued to endure the stinging feeling brought by the contact. Elias’ eyes then drifted to her left outer thigh which he detected to be the part that sustained the most serious laceration. He looked back up at Chise and then back to the injury. Carefully, he lifted her leg just a few inches above the couch. Without removing his hand from her waist, he made a swift yet gentle lick on the injury. Chise bit her lip so as not to allow a faint scream to escape from her throat. The gushing of blood has ceased, for now. Though such act would not suppress the bleeding for long, it would last enough to allow him to prepare a hot bath and gather herb and materials that would close the wounds.
After finishing the deed, Elias made a swift move to stand back up and wrapped Chise with his coat to shield her from the cold before making his way to the bathroom to fill the tub with warm water and scatter medicinal herbs that has soothing and cleansing effects. When he was certain that the bath was at the condition he wanted it to be, he made his way back to the living room to pick up his wife.
Chise’s injuries no longer stung as much as it did before Elias did what he did. While slowly feeling herself regain her former composure before she suffered from the situation she had put herself in, a part of her blushed inwardly at the subtle awareness of what Elias had done — at the contact made by his tongue to the usually hidden parts of her body — to the portions of her skin that hasn’t been touched nor seen by anyone else. Though she knew that what he did meant nothing more than an attempt to stop her from losing anymore blood, a small segment of her brain wandered to the possibilities of what could have happened had she not had those lacerations and if such act meant something intimate and carnal.
Upon hearing Elias’ footsteps in the living room, she forced these indecent thoughts at the back of her head. Assuming that he was going to lead her to the bathroom, she tried to stand up from the couch only to fall back down when she realized that whatever energy left in her body wasn’t enough to support her. Before she was able to feel the impact of her fall from which she had quickly braced herself for, she felt herself being lifted up. Elias had caught her and was now carrying her towards the bathroom.
She looked up at him only to see his skull sternly faced forward. He hasn’t spoken much to her ever since they got back and has only ever focused his attention on treating her injuries.
Once they got to the bathroom, Elias removed his coat from Chise and slowly placed her down the tub. He allowed her body to relax to the temperature before he completely soaked her whole figure in it and walked to the counter to prepare a certain medicinal mixture.
The warm water infused with herbs was indeed doing a great job to soothe her wounds. The more time she spent in the water, the lesser the stinging feeling had become. However, deep within her chest remained the aching, guilty feeling that she had felt the moment she saw the dim look on Elias’ skull. Even as his acts continued to show care and gentleness, she couldn’t simply shrug off the fact that he wasn’t speaking to her. The fact that Elias was once again not putting his thoughts and feelings into words plagued her mind and she was certain that she wouldn’t want to let this night pass by without them talking to each other.
She closed her eyes to gather her thoughts before opening them again to look at the direction where Elias stood.
“Elias..” She called. “Are you mad?”
She waited for his response. However, the magus remained fixated on what he was doing and continued to pay no attention to her inquiry. Chise felt disheartened by the cold treatment and decided to turn back to the water and let her body slide down underneath it as she wallowed in the guilt that continued to churn her insides. She closed her eyes to clear her head once more and allowed herself to forget all the aching feeling for a fleeting moment before she felt her body being lifted back up to the surface just as her consciousness was about to slip away.
When she fluttered her eyes open, she saw that Elias had placed her on a stool and was now currently drying her off with a warm towel. After leaving the towel to cling to her back, he took a piece of cloth which seemed to have been soaked into the mixture that Elias had been working on a while ago. He knelt down to her level to wipe her body with the cloth.
“Elias?” she called again. At this, stern red orbs glanced at her for a second before drifting back again to the task at hand. Frustration had begun to grow within her as her constant attempt to reach out to him seemed to only earn her a glance from him at most. She bit her lip and looked down.
As Elias continued to work on her wounds, she felt his hand by her jaw. He leaned her head a bit to the left to gain access to the skin on her neck. His right hand then held her by her shoulder as his left hand, which helf the cloth, continued to wipe across her body. He was careful not to add too much pressure on the cuts that covered most of her skin. He went from her shoulders down to her arms, hand and fingers. When he was done, his hand moved to her chest down to the upper and lower abdomen.
He turned to his side for a second to once again soak the cloth in the medicinal mixture before placing it atop her right leg and wiped from the hip down to her knees and foot. He did the same with the left. He was careful not to let a single portion of her skin be left untouched by the mixture so as to ensure the fast recovery of her injuries. Chise remained silent as her eyes remained fixated down.
ah, this is frustrating.
Elias stood up and walked behind her to remove the towel to wipe her back with the cloth and finish the deed. Once he was done, he dried her off once again with the towel and wrapped her body with it before picking her up once again and carried her to their bedroom.
He placed her down on the bed and went to the drawers to search for clothes that wouldn’t cling to her wounds to ensure that she’ll be comfortable in her sleep. Elias had been too preoccupied by what he was doing, he failed to notice that Chise had stood up from the bed leaving the lone cloth that covered her body to fall on the floor and walked over to him. A pair of arms had wrapped him up from behind causing him to stop his movements. Chise rested her forehead on his back as she pressed her body against his to feel the warmth that seemed to constantly radiate from him.
“Chise -” as he was about to tell her to go back to the bed, his felt her tighten her embrace on him despite the subtle stinging feeling that emanated from the cuts.
“Elias, I’m sorry.” She tightened her grip on him even more. “I’m sorry for not talking to you before acting on my own — for letting my recklessness jeopardize my safety — for putting my own selfish will before considering yours.” She closed her eyes and clutched his shirt in her grip. “So please… talk to me. Elias…-” Before she could continue, she felt his hands place themselves on top of hers to remove her grip from his shirt. He turned around to face her and brought his left hand to caress her cheek. Chise opened her eyes to meet his as he pulled her body close enough to share with her his warmth.
“Chise, you keep running off to places that are far from me even as we both vowed to walk together side by side.” His right hand slid down to her left wrist . “This ring symbolizes that promise.”
“However, every time you run willingly into the arms of death with no regard to what or who will be left behind gives me the impression that you are not committed to the agreement. It’s…. lonely behind you, Chise.”
Chise’s eyes widened at the words that came from her husband’s mouth. “N-no, Elias, it’s not that. It’s not like that at all.” Her heart ached as her face looked up at him. The warp in her eyebrows expressed feelings of torment. She feared that Elias thinks she is capable of leaving him — that she had been letting him feel like that all this time. She gripped his shirt once again and pressed herself even closer to him. His hand reached down to her face once more to lift it up and meet his gaze.
“Are you going to leave me, Chise?” His tone was serious but at the same time, it was filled with longing.
Chise reached up to the side of his skull. Her face softened at the realization that in the same way she feared that Elias would one day abandon her, he too, despised the mere thought of losing her. There is something in the fact that he craves her presence with the same intensity as she does that brings immense assurance that their bond can only grow stronger with time.
“No, never.” she smiled up at him. “I have bound and surrendered myself in your hands, Elias. From the time you bought me at the auction up to this very moment, I will always belong to you.”
Leaning down to pick her up, Elias carried her back to their bed and placed her down on the soft sheets.
“I really hope you mean it because I haven’t the slightest intention of letting you go.” He caressed her cheek as he nuzzled her hair.
Chise blushed at his words and smiled at the gesture.
The magus then went back to the drawers to pick up the undergarment and oversized button down polo he found a while ago and went back to place it on the bed.
He then pulled out some bandages from his pocket and quickly went to wrap the deep cuts on her shoulder, waist and thigh. A sigh emitted from the Elias as he finally finished the task of tending to the wounds of his reckless wife.
“I’m sorry for troubling you, Elias” she apologized once more.
“What matters is that you’re alive, Chise. In fact, it doesn’t trouble me at all when you allow me to take care of you like this however, being shaken up every time I see you on the verge of death isn’t really such a fun thing to experience.” He turned to put the bandages in the bedside drawer and brought his attention back to Chise. “It’s just that sometimes, your recklessness can be the death of me.”
Chise chuckled at this as she picked up the clothes that Elias placed by her side and began carefully putting them on. As she took her time to slide down her arms in the sleeves, Elias went to his drawers to change into his evening garments. Once he was done, he came back to Chise who didn’t bother to close the buttons of the white cotton garment and was simply waiting for him on her side of the bed.
He picked her up and laid her down to his side and pulled the covers over to her. As though she has grown attached to the gesture and to the warmth it brought, she pressed her body to Elias and clung to his chest. The action felt new to Elias as she had not been this comfortable with bare physical contact before. However, a part of him has taken a liking to how Chise has once again let her guard down and is now opening more parts of the pieces that comprised her entirety to him. The thought stirred something in his insides once more.
“Good night, Elias. Thank you for taking care of me” after uttering these words, the red head beneath him groggily closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep.
Elias wrapped his arm around her and placed his hand at the back of her head as he watched her sleeping figure. Even with her still low temperature, Chise’s body radiated a warmth that only she could make him feel. He caressed her cheek once more before pulling the covers over to him and resting him self beside his beautiful bride.
He smiled inwardly before following her to dream land.
Good night, Chise.
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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Long Elias
Keep reading
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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Smol Elias
Keep reading
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
This chapter title looks so menacing I can't help but fear a storm is coming towards us 😓
RobinThorn rocking it 😍💗
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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魔法使いの嫁 / Mahoutsukai no Yome
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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The latest PV has English subtitles now!
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
Tamb/MahoYome Discord Server for any fans who'd like to join🎉
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
Magus' Bride x GraffArt colaboration!
New merchandise 💫 more info about preorders here.
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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Did I hear an Ancient Magus Bride 2?! HYPE.
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
Simeon appreciation post for being one of Elias' first friends.
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Bonus: Tiny
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demonic-chaos · 3 years
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Elias Ainsworth ~ Mahoutsukai no Yome Chapter 74
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demonic-chaos · 4 years
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This is a good shot of Elias. I can't imagine the effort to make one panel let alone an entire chapter.
+the ancient magus bride
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demonic-chaos · 4 years
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Chapter 75 has been translated!
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