demonic-eve · 11 years
Twelve months, two weeks, and three days.  That was how long Eve had stayed in that stupid hell hole known as Mystic Falls, which, in her opinion, was twelve months, two weeks, and three days far too long.  Of course, at first she was there because Lilith had stationed her there, and while she'd continued to insist that she'd stayed there for that exact same reason, she'd almost liked the security that had come with making a permanent residence there.  Not to mention she had enjoyed messing around with the inhabitants, and she'd stayed in town a little after the massive fire that had basically snuffed all life from the town (because honestly, how could she run away from fire?) but after that, there really wasn't anything left for her anymore.  Lilith was done with the town, so there had gone her excuse.  Besides, her expertise was needed elsewhere.  Eve may not have been the strongest demon around, and while she wasn't the smartest, she was definitely up there, probably the only real reason Lilith kept her so close.  She was cunning, manipulative, and had a real knack for being two steps ahead of everyone else around her.  Living in an actual town, especially forming 'bonds' with some of the residents (even though, she would have stabbed any of them straight in the front without even a second glance if it had come down to it, except for perhaps Alaya - who she'd actually stayed in sparse contact with) had kind of made her forget what it was like to be a demon.  Being off on her own had made her harsher again, tougher, a bit more rough around the edges, and while by no means was she tame while in the town, the demon certainly wasn't quite the same as she'd been a year ago.
At that particular moment, Eve wasn't doing much of anything.  Sure, it would have been nice to have been involved in some sort of larger scheme, but for the moment, she was perfectly content moving from town to town, causing havoc and creating mayhem, running into other demons here and there.  Although, thinking back on it, she had to say, the death of Dean Winchester had come as quite a shock to her.  And of course, she had been momentarily miffed that she hadn't been allowed to do the honors.  She wasn't surprised, of course, seeing as every demon and their hell hound was hot on his heels, not to mention a whole whack of other beings, but still, she had loathed him.  An emotion she rarely ever assigned to people, because honestly, loathing was a waste of her time.  She loathed Crawford, maybe a handful of other demons, but that was pretty much it, and so it would have been nice to get her vengeance.  Still - she was surprised the idiotic cloud hoppers hadn't tried to do anything to bring him back, but she figured either he'd worn out his use to them, or Heaven was in such a state of panic they couldn't even put their affairs in order.  Both of which were fine by her.
A loud, muffled scream broke the little brunette out of her reverie, and she turned her attention back to the man who was tied up to a chair in the warehouse that she'd taken over.  She wasn't going to stay there long, but it was seemingly abandoned so, for the time being, that had worked for her.  Eve literally had the man for no other reason than the fact that she was bored, but she was going to take her time with this one.  Probably tearing him apart enough until she was bored, and then she'd set him alight.  She took a delicate sip out of the bottle of tequila sitting on the counter top behind her - always a lady - of course, and then set to work.  Hours later, as she was making her way back to the pretty little house she'd taken over, preferring to walk because the town honestly wasn't that large, a bit of movement from one of the bars caught her eye, and for whatever reason - curiosity, fate, boredom - she stopped, pivoted, and looked in the window.  That wasn't - no.  That couldn't be.  So, Dean Winchester was dead, but his skyscraper trying to pass as a human being brother was still alive?  How was that even possible?  For some reason, that just kind of amused Eve to no end, and she smirked wider than should have even been possible for the petite cheeks of her vessel, and, without even thinking about it, using her telekinesis, she sent the door flying open with a bang.
Practically bouncing, heels clacking against the hardwood floor, Eve send the door slamming shut behind her, and made her way halfway to where Sam Winchester, of all people, was standing.  "Well, well, well."  She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, tilting her head to the side a bit coyly.  "If it isn't Sammy boy Winchester."  Granted, he was probably going to try tossing Holy Water on her or pelting her with rock salt, and oh for the love of Lucifer, she hadn't even checked to see if he had any Devil's Traps hidden anywhere.  Well, that was unfortunate, the last thing she needed was to go to Hell and break her record.  Not wanting him to sense any unease, Eve kept her features masked in cool amusement, while she let her eyes slowly wander, just a little bit to see if she was entrapped in anything.  It looked like the coast was clear, and she took a small step forwards.  When no force propelled her backwards, she continued flouncing forwards, just so she was at the bar.  Hopping up onto one of the stools, she crossed her legs primly, propping her elbow up on the bar while she waited for Sam to speak.
I Wish I'd Never Met You - Eve
Every man has their limits. Winchesters take longer than mere mortals to snap, but even they have their breaking points. Sam’s had come at the sight of the tiny plaque for the tiny girl who’d been his platonic everything. Nobody had ever loved him the way she had, nobody had been equally at his side whether he was human, vampire, drunk on blood, or clean. Nothing he’d managed to find had shaken her resolve in him and now with her gone and Dean disappeared, Sam just couldn’t. He couldn’t go on. Fuck this town, Lilith could have it. Sam no longer cared. If he stayed, he was dead and as darkly tempting as that thought might be, the knowledge of what laid in wait for him after his passing robbed the idea of any relief.
He said his own goodbye in the middle of the night, right after the installation. He didn’t stick around for the funeral because he didn’t know the people of town any longer. Elena was not the girl he’d met and fallen in love with anymore and when Katherine of all people could be considered one of his besties, it was time to bail. Part of him regretted not being there for Collin, but the other could potentially tear Sam apart with his bare hands in his grief and he’d rather not die like that. Instead he’d hopped into the first old forgettable looking car he’d come across and just started driving. At first he didn’t know where he was going, besides north. Then the car started tipping West and he found himself at Bobby’s. The idea that Dean would be there and waiting had been purely subconscious and without his permission. The disappointment he’d felt when he walked out and there was no Impala waiting - that was pretty much a sledgehammer to the stomach.
Sam’d stumbled across the threshold a broken man, and six months later he was leaving a better hunter. Bobby had him locked in the panic room for almost a month before he was allowed back up. He’d had more than enough time to read just about every book in Bobby’s house and started keeping his own journals of the most useful things he came across. Spells, potions, sigils, even abbreviated lore. His mind grew sharper and his body once the last of the toxins had become stronger than it’d ever been. Sam was a weapon - mind and body - and he had to remember that. Hunter, maybe not by choice, but now there was no other option but to give himself wholeheartedly into it.
Which in theory would define a Winchester. If they weren’t first dedicated to family before craft. Sam left Bobby’s with a handful of folders all detailing new cases with innocent deaths, but he tossed them aside in favor for the folder he’d written with Dean’s name on it. He had to find his brother. Then they could go back to saving people, hunting things, the family business. It made Sam uneasy that nobody Bobby was in contact had heard even a whisper of Dean. No Impala sightings, no cases already solved before they got there - it was like Dean had just up and disappeared and that wasn’t like him. Sam felt sick to his stomach but he was determinedly not looking at why. Dean was alive, he had to be.
Another six months found him less sure and more drunk at a dive bar he’d taken employment out somewhere in the middle of California. Far enough away from Palo Alto he wouldn’t run into anyone who recognized him, but close enough the climate was the same and served as some sort of balm to Sam’s mental state. A year. The only time Sam and Dean had gone a year without talking was… never. Their longest distance had been Dean’s time in hell and that had only been four months.
His brother was dead.
Really dead this time. No heavenly interference to drag him back up. Just - gone. Sam hunted half heartedly here and there, but each time put a worse taste in his mouth and he found himself preferring the dull bar life instead. So he bought the bar. Under an assumed name of course and a fake credit card but nobody was going to look that closely here. Permanently retiring, Sam happily fell off the radar. Minus one phone with two contacts. Bobby and Dean. Just in case.
Turning the open sign around with a bleary sigh, Sam paused by the window to watch the sky start to lighten. Time to clean up and head to bed.
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demonic-eve · 11 years
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demonic-eve · 11 years
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demonic-eve · 11 years
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68 notes · View notes
demonic-eve · 11 years
"Don't let it get to your head, hmm?"  The demon tilted her head to the side a little and smirked.  "Well I can assure you, you've never met a lady quite like me.  Nevertheless, I'm Eve.  Pleasure."
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“Handsome?” He raised his eyebrow with a smile. “Straight to the compliments, aren’t we? I’m not going to blame you for being truthful at least.” Folding his arms, the vampire narrowed his gaze at her comment. “I’ve met many ladies who’ve removed their clothes for less, sweetheart. Name’s Kol if it’s important to you. What about yours?”
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demonic-eve · 11 years
All I need is a halo
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"Trust me, it takes a lot more than that to get me riled up, handsome.  Well, you're a regular charmer, aren't you?  You're not the first, and you definitely won't be the last ... but I'm a lady, and I don't even know your name."  
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“Here I was, hoping you’d never recover — eternal mental torture over one half-hearted comment would suit you nicely, sweetheart.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Those in the movie industry gain credit for removing their clothes more often than necessary. I wouldn’t mind seeing you with your shirt off once or twice.” 
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"Wow, that was so scathing how am I ever going to recover from that?  Do I really look like someone who would waste her talents in the movie industry", Eve rolled her eyes, then smirked lightly, "I can assure you, I get everything I want, love.  But you strike me as someone who knows what that's all about.  And I just so happen to be one of the biggest pyro's around, don't judge a book by its cover."
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“Careful, love,” he chuckled. “You’re starting to sound like some kind of incredibly unlucky, failed actress who aspired to have her name plastered across Hollywood. Shame about your hopes and dreams… We don’t get everything that we want.” He offered her a sarcastic smile. “Who knew a little thing like you could be such a pyromaniac.”
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"Good thing.  You'd be no fun if you were."
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"...I hear weird noises..."
“Good thing I’m not terrified of ghosts.”
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"Acting is for sociopaths and losers who are so bored with their own lives they need to pretend to be someone else.  But I will admit, live theatre is astonishingly better than any movie will ever be."  She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and surveyed him slowly.  "Though I couldn't agree more.  Why watch an explosion when you could just cause one yourself, yeah?"
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     ”The film in question had fantastic acting, sweetheart. I did voice my enjoyment of theater so the ability to take up a role and perfect it is far from foreign to me.” He grinned. “Not that I care much for movies out-with the occasional weekend — I’m way more hands on with my entertainment most of the time.” 
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"I suppose it would - equally as silly as being terrified of ghosts when you know there are bigger and badder things out there."
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"...I hear weird noises..."
“I believe in you lot don’t I? It’d be silly of me to pick and choose my supernatural creatures.”
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"You really think modern day movie technology is that impressive?"  Eve quirked an eyebrow at the stranger.  Simpleton.  "I mean, I suppose it is.  Not that I watch many movies myself.  But what turns me off is all the atrocious acting."
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“Well, well, well… I didn’t even know I liked movies until now. Modern day movie technology is fantastic, contrast to my belief that theater would never be outmatched.” 
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demonic-eve · 11 years
"Well that depends", Eve strut towards Celine with a large smirk on her face, "Do you believe in ghosts, Celia?"
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"...I hear weird noises..."
“Is this store haunted or is there something icky happening in the other changing rooms?”
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demonic-eve · 11 years
Reblog if your muse doesn't celebrate Father's Day
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demonic-eve · 11 years
Even Eve had to admit, the power that surrounded Castiel was kind of enticing.  What was even more enticing was that she'd pretty much had someone who radiated such power trapped.  He was trapped, and he knew it.  The angel could threaten her all he wanted, Eve knew that she would be winning this round - which by no means meant that she would win the war, but at least it was a good start.  "Cool it, angel face.  We're just talking, mhm?"  The brunette cocked her head to the side, crossing her legs again while she plastered an innocent smile on her face - one she'd master all too well over the years - and gave Castiel a quick once over.  "In fact, the funs just getting started."  Even though she knew that she shouldn't have been so smug, the demon really couldn't help herself.  She was well aware that in a matter of a few seconds, her being could be wiped out from the earth, without a single trace that she had even existed, but she knew it wasn't going to happen.  She was confident even when she wasn't, and even though she liked to classify herself as having more intelligence than your average typical demon, the big, bad, and powerful didn't scare her nearly as much as they should have.  She'd lived for over a thousand years, and that wasn't going to cease to be true today.
Smirking as he continued to walk slowly closer, Eve winked at him again, so quickly if his gaze hadn't been so heavily situated on hers he would have missed it entirely.  It was hard to bite back the laugh at his next question - which she almost would have taken as bitingly sarcastic and rhetorical if he wasn't so utterly serious - and instead she just perked a brow at him.  For the love of Lucifer, someone needed to lighten up a little.  This was clearly the reason that demons always won.  "Always", which was a complete lie, Eve rarely ever suffered the consequences of her actions, and was proud of it.  There was always someone lesser than her involved that she could willingly throw under the bus, "But what's life without a little risk, yeah?  Besides, I think I'd be genuinely upset if I didn't have the wrath of Heaven on my ass.  You guys may be insufferable pricks with your heads up your asses, but you sure do know how to keep things interesting."  Eve clicked her tongue against the top of her mouth, knowing that baiting the one she was trying to make a deal with probably wasn't the smartest thing she could have done, but playfulness was written all over her features, something she wasn't sure the angel would pick up on.  She hated his being, but if nothing else he'd  be amusing to provoke.
He thought this was a negotiation?  Cute.  Eve was holding all the cards here, he really didn't have any leeway.  Except - sure, fine.  He'd take away her life.  It wasn't like she hadn't thought of these things before he'd come to meet with her - she was walking away with exactly what she wanted.  Whether he liked it or not.  "Oh, impudent?  You really know how to flatter a lady, don't you angel face?  How about I counter your counter offer, jackass?"  She really hoped that he would realize that was rhetorical and therefore didn't actually need an answer.  "As much fun as you ripping me apart sounds - and trust me, I mean that - you touch me, and Dean dies."  Actually, she wasn't exactly sure how fast the reaction time would be, but hopefully it would be quick enough to make the point.  "You know, painfully.  And I sincerely doubt that the 'wrath of Heaven'", she made air quotations here, just to make sure that he got her biting point, "Wouldn't like that all too much, yeah?  Especially since I'm offering you a perfectly good solution on a silver platter here.  You and your angel blade come with me, help me open the little cornucopia of goodies, and we all go home happy."
no rest for the wicked | castiel & eve
Her voice was as infinitely grating as just about everything else about her. The way she carried herself and addressed him was as though she were speaking to something considerably less capable of utter eradication of a demon. He could only fathom why she had demanded his audience, though he was sure he would learn soon enough. At her encouragement to sit, he did absolutely nothing, except continue to transfix her with a resolute stare. “You have three seconds to tell me why I’m here before I destroy you.” He stated with a voice as biting as the winter wind. It wasn’t an idle threat so much as a promise.
Unsurprisingly, she was the cause behind Dean’s sudden disappearance. Castiel actually had no idea what she meant by ‘flashing her assets’, but that was hardly the point – the insolent demon before him had made a very dangerous move, ‘assets’ or not.  The way she bargained with him as if she’d already won did nothing to lighten the gravity of her situation, but Castiel was more than reluctant to show anything reminiscent of giving up to her demands in his demeanor. The premise was simple enough: Dean’s location and safety for his favor, but she had apparently forgotten that there were many ways of making a demon talk.
He approached her slowly – every footstep idly calculated, and placed in such a way that they made only the faintest noise against the rotting wood. She was seated, making looming above her all the easier, though her petite stature was a fraction of his even if she hadn’t been. His gait told of unspoken threats and menace, almost as much as what he said next. “It appears you’ve gone to great lengths to assure my cooperation, but ask yourself this one question: are you prepared to withstand the consequences of your actions? You have invoked the fury of heaven itself. I’ve witnessed much more powerful demons than yourself try the same thing, and meet a very unfortunate end.” His eyes were unwavering as they bore into hers. He was only a few inches before her now, his gaze angled down and wanting to pierce her nearly as badly as his blade did. Her talk of fire and torture did not send unease into him – he was too old for that. And who was the flame to threaten the storm that could so easily extinguish it?
 “Seeing as this is a negotiation, I have a counter offer. If you’re wise, you’ll accept. Tell me where Dean is, and I’ll let you go unscathed. Refuse, and I’ll take you apart, piece by impudent piece, for as long as it takes, until I make you tell me where he is.” He didn’t have his angel blade out but he knew exactly where it was on his person at all times. He could faintly feel the cold bite of the metal quietly urging him to stab it through her, but first he needed to hear what she had to say. He wanted to know how she had the audacity to approach him, when it would have been a simple matter of torturing the information out of her. He was not so self-assured at his victory as she apparently was, for he knew that she could have some trick hidden away, but it seemed the odds were currently in his favor. Would she have something to change that?  
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demonic-eve · 11 years
Eve chuckled, rolling her eyes at Tyler.  "You always have been into yourself, Ty.  I'd say almost a little too into yourself.  That's probably what drove little Kitty Kat away."  Yawning pointedly, she pushed him away from her.  "First you can buy me a drink.  I am a classy lady, after all."  Plus she had a lot of time to kill.
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Not an ounce of pain was seen through the hybrids dark gaze at the mention of Katherine, since the last he had heard from her after all was her being turned into human thanks to Gilbert. God how he wanted to snap her neck but he refrained like the rest of them when he exited the town that he once called home once and for all. “Think of it this way, Eve- now you can have what you’ve always desperately wanted. Me.”
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demonic-eve · 11 years
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