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Hey remember this script from a scene (that was never filmed) from the show where Dean buried Castiel near a windmill? I LOVE WINDMILLS so I had to draw this piece :D
Prints available here!
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drulalovescas · 2 days
Dean didn't reciprocate is such a funny take because what's all this then???????
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archervale · 3 days
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Sam: Cas, why are you laughing?
Or these two texting like the old married couple that they are in 14x15
Without the text below :)
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angel-fruitcake · 3 days
me: god i'm such a slut for cas
them: uhh don't you have a husband ??
me: yeah and he's a slut for cas too. your point ?
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saturnneedsspace · 2 days
One of my favorite Destiel moments is definitely when Dean stares dreamily into the distance and calls Cas a "weird, dorky, little guy."
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deancaskiss · 2 days
unironically, dean and cas learn to say ‘I love you’ in every way except those exact words, even when they get together. it’s in the simple things, like dean saying “you’re my best friend” as he bumps his hip against cas’. or the way cas murmurs “dean” on a breathy exhale as dean glides his fingers through cas’ hair as they’re watching a movie together on the couch. sometimes it’s an “I hate you” muttered under dean’s breath as cas steals the last slice of pie from the fridge, with cas grinning back at dean and replying, “no you don’t.” there’s moments of “I’ve got your back” and “I’ll follow you” and “be careful.” times when dean offers cas the impala keys and says, “you can drive” or cas wrapping his trenchcoat around dean’s shoulders as he says, “so you don’t get drenched in the rain.” there’s a million ways dean and cas say ‘I love you’, because they both know how to read the not-so-subtle subtext that’s not quite subtext anymore
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quinniemi · 3 days
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perhaps..i cant stop thinking about them..
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For you heathens...
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DESTIEL IN EVERY EPISODE → 6x15 the french mistake
when will i be able to make you understand? if i lose against raphael, we all lose. everything.
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4ever-feral · 3 days
My two favorite boys 🥰🥹
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drulalovescas · 2 days
Cas: enters the room
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Dean: enters the room
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Can you imagine experiencing feelings for the first time and making that known. But the only response you get is ‘it gets worse’.
Imagine what that would do to a person.
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nikossasaki · 1 day
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emmetton · 2 days
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All we had was us
pt. 1
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wraithlafitte · 2 days
um excuse me what does this mean actually
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this is at the very bottom of the spn stuff on stands… are they soft launching rn
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spinkart · 1 day
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His ass is NOT interrogating that cat. He just wanted to talk to the kitty
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