Satan: [slams door]
Belphegor: Meeting with Lucifer?
Satan: [nods]
Belphegor: Are we shit talking?
Satan: We are.
Belphegor: [happy gasp]
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Guess who’s gonna keep writing for an Obey Me fic no one read here but is on Ao3!
(Hint: the link is for the fic on Ao3)
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Status: OPEN
Hello and welcome to my commissions page; thank you for considering my work! This is my primary source of income at the moment, so I am incredibly grateful for the support. I’m working on going back to school, which is the first big step in my road to recovery. Anything helps, including reblogs. Thank you so much!
500 words: $10 USD
1000 words: $20 USD
I will write …
mc, oc, or self-insert and canon character relationships, whether romantic or platonic. 
genres including but not limited to: fluff, angst, hurt, and comfort.
nsfw pieces; you can find an example of my nsfw work here. 
I will not write themes that make me uncomfortable.
Please be patient with me; I’ll work on commissions as quickly as I can and will keep people updated throughout the process.
Be as detailed as possible, especially if you want me to write about your mc, oc, or self-insert; I accept written descriptions and reference images. I will work with you to bring your ideas to life to the best of my ability!
Once I accept your commission, full payment can be sent to my ko-fi.
Commissions are for personal use only; please give credit where it’s due.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me!
Thank you ♥
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for the love of god please listen to old users when we say this site works differently. that you can’t just sit around with a blank blog. make posts or reblog, but do something at least. this site works because we don’t have an unavoidable garbage algorithm forcefeeding us posts based on our likes. we do not need another fucking twitter, tiktok or instagram.
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Happy Papa’s day!
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FINISHED AT LAST Drawing so many people so so hard XD But I think they turned out okay ^^
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Obey me! school bags
At least what I think they would look like.
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If you can't read my magnificent handrwiting, then:
Clean and tidy
Premium leather
Von Devil
(The feathers) from Mammon
Sealed with magic from his brothers and deliquents.
Important papers
There's always a poisonous apple inside.
Mostly empty, torn and expensive
2 pens
Cheat sheets
One notebook
Always loses it.
Modern/High-tech, waterproof
Color pens
Mangas. a lot.
Too many books
Heavy and thick
Is a mess
Stuff for pranks (hidden)
Cat foods/toys (Yes, that's cat hair there, what else?)
HOLOGRAPHIC AND SHINY(sry, I ran out of markers)
Outside clean, inside a mess.
Every kind of make-up and skincare stuff.
Azuki-tan from Levi (He thinks it's adorable)
Has at least 6 bags.
Most convinient (Lucifer forces him to use this, since at least it's appropriate in school)
Huge and heavy (Almost as big as Luke)
Tons of snack/food/drink
A blanket for Belphegor
Extra pens for Mammon
Nail files for Asmodeus (He always forgets them or loses them.)
Pocketbooks and 3 limt rollers for Satan
Earphone for Leviathan
Kettle amd teabags fpr Lucifer
Percolator and 7 mugs💜
Belphegor doesn't have, doesn't need school bag. (Only his pillow.)
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Mammon: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Mammon: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
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Adgoahan (or Angoahan using "Anna" instead of my full name)
Avatar of Ice Cream Wrappers...
‪find your obey me! demon name & what your avatar of!‬
‪• first 2 letters of your first name‬
‪• first consonant of your last name‬
‪• second letter of your middle name (or parent’s name)‬
‪• last vowel of your first name‬
‪• add the last three letters of your fave demon bro’s name‬
‪• thing closest to your left is what you are avatar of‬
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I accepted some TW suggestions this round~
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Now I'm picturing a Roomba with a halo...
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conversation i had with my brother today
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Satan: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeves.
MC: Don't you mean tricks?
Asmodeus: He did not.
Satan, sliding knives out: I did not.
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Lucifer: One of you has betrayed me. Stolen something from me.
MC: Was it me Lucifer?
Lucifer: No.
Beel: Was it me Lucifer?
Lucifer: No.
Mammon: Was it me Lucifer?
Lucifer: WaS iT mE lUcIfEr.
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Imagine the chaos that would occur if MC was a baby and for some reason they couldn't send them back and get a different student for the exchange program.
Lucifer would have a headache every single day from the moment he laid eyes on MC. His brothers already act like babies and now he has a real one to deal with.
I'm sure Asmo would be having the time of his life dressing it up in cute onesies and posting pictures to Devilgram. He would absolutely not change any dirty diapers though.
Meanwhile Beel isn't allowed to be alone with the baby at first so he doesn't wind up eating it. After he gets past that, I think he would be like an awesome older brother to MC.
Poor Leviathan would probably avoid it like his life depended on it. He just has no idea how to handle the little thing. The first time he had to change a diaper he cried.
I don't think Satan would have much of a problem with it. The look on Lucifer's face when the baby first arrived was enough to win Satan over. He would never let it in his room though. There are too many valuable books in there.
Mammon would complain constantly at first because now he literally has to babysit. It would take him maybe two whole days before his motherly instincts kick in though and he begins loving the kid like it's his own. He sulked for weeks when the baby was finally sent back to the human world.
Oh and Belphie just stays in the attic. Sorry Belphie but there's no way the baby could get you outta there.
Belphie isn’t in the attic because he went to therapy in this timeline! He and baby!MC nap a whole lot together :D
MC is a Baby?!
He has a question for God… WHY?! First the exchange program happens, which was a headache and a half to set up, and now he’s holding the exchange student, who he’s pretty sure needs a change of diapers!
Lucifer makes the logical suggestion of sending the baby home, you know, TO WHERE THEY BELONG, only to find out that MC is an orphan… oh fuck…
When the baby first moves into the house, Lucifer is pawning off his duties so much that even Mammon is shaking his head in exasperation. No. Lucifer is NOT taking care of another baby. Not after Satan…
But Beel had other plans, when Lucifer was distracted, Beel just plopped the baby in his lap, and I guess the mother chemical kicked in because that’s Lucifer’s baby now. He loves this chubby little human… it’s claws are small and useless… so cute 🥺
No one dares to question why the Avatar of Pride has a baby on his lap during meetings, because what are the other nobles going to do? Screw with Lucifer? Only a suicidal demon would do that!
Lucifer is the type to try and reason with the baby with… expected results. “Stop your crying and explain to me what’s wrong.” “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” “Tears will get you nowhere, explain your problem.” “Lucifer, MC can’t speak.”
All in all, this baby is his now.
Everyone look! Did you see that?! It’s all Mammon’s street-cred… flying away…
What do ya mean he’s gotta watch this baby!? Nuh uh, babies are gross, they stink, and they’ve got really chubby cheeks-
Oh would you look at that, now Mammon’s cooing over the baby. Tsk, dumbass.
Listen, while Mammon loves sweet baby MC with all his heart and soul, he’s not the best babysitter… he’s a scammer at heart, and MC is his little partner in crime…
…for roughly two days before Asmo and Lucifer nearly murdered him over it.
Other than scummy scam behaviour, Mammon tries to teach MC how to play cards, since they’re a baby, MC just noms on the cards.
Since he’s such a wonderful big bro, he buys MC so many toys, anytime he walks past a toy store he’s like “Huh, I wonder if MC needs anythin’ else…”
NO! NO! Not in his fucking room! You know what babies do?! Spit up! Poop! Drool! Not on his merchandise, no sir! Levi will have no part in taking care of this random normie baby!
Weeeellll, there’s one problem with that, MC likes Levi’s giant fish tank, and when they wouldn’t stop crying, Belphie gave up and broke into Levi’s room and plopped MC in front of the tank.
Henry was probably delighted to have a little friend, Levi, not so much. MC was smearing yogurt all over the glass… that was going to take forever to clean…
“Fibsh!” “Shut up normie-baby…” “Fibsh!”
By the fourth happy “Fibsh!” Levi’s cold dead snake-heart melted, but only a little! He has some kid-friendly anime they can watch, right? Nothing that’ll give them nightmares.
Boom, look at the colours baby MC, this is the original 1990s Sailor Moon anime, subbed, obviously. No 4Kids dub for MC.
“This is where Tuxedo Mask and Usagi meet for the first time, but they don’t know each other’s secret identities yet.” “FIBSH!”
Huh, Satan had seen human babies before, but living with one would be an interesting experience, he could study their eating and sleeping habits, what toys they like to play with in comparison to demon babies…
Well, Satan would have studied MC’s sleeping patterns if the BABY EVER SLEPT! All they did was cry! All night long! Only Asmo could calm them down and Asmo, the selfish bastard, refused to compromise his beauty sleep! Ugh…
“Why do human babies cry so loud anyway..? Isn’t that just asking for predators to come and eat them?!” “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”
Satan does eventually warm up to the baby after he realizes they won’t cry as much if he reads them bedtime stories.
…Satan then feels like crying when he realizes that MC now cries for even more stories. Ah, history repeats itself…
*squeeeeeeeeee!* babies! So cute! Let him hold MC! Let him hold MC! Awwww, those chubby cheeks and big ol’ eyes…
Babies are just so adorable! Asmo can’t help but want to snuggle them into oblivion!
For the first time in a good long while, Asmo and Mammon work together to dress MC in the most adorable baby clothes! Nothing but the best for his new baby sibling!
Asmo likes to take MC on walks in this new fancy stroller he bought, he wants to flex the cool built-in activity features on all the other babies at the park.
As a firm believer in the importance of learning social skills, Asmo hosts baby play dates! (He doesn’t want MC turning into the next Levi…) b-but… MC is growing up too fast 🥺
…wait growing up is a good thing, that means Asmo will have a sidekick in his romantic pursuits!
… awww. A baby! …what’s Beel going to do with a baby?
Babies are something Beel is pretty unfamiliar with, he, Belphie, and Lilith were the family babies after all. But fret not, Beel’s willing to-
…why are babies so small??? And squishable??? Oh shit someone take the baby away from him before he accidentally crushes them! 🥺
Beel is way more comfortable just sitting MC on his lap so he doesn’t accidentally crush them.
Yeah so, Beel also doesn’t really know how to feed a baby. Like, are they going to eat this sandwich he made them? It’s steak and lettuce :)
Oh, the baby doesn’t have teeth. Whoops. More food for Beel though!
When MC gets big enough, they get all the piggyback rides. They can assert their dominance over the other babies at the playground by rolling up on a bordering seven feet tall Beel’s shoulders.
…what? Where’s the hu- oh. Down there. It’s uh… a little small.
Belphie is terrified of babies, like- why do they move like that? What do they want?! Please just tell him what you want, baby MC! Stop crying, this brat needs to sleep!
While Belphie is absolutely petrified of the baby, MC absolutely LOVES him. They toddle and crawl right up to him, then start tugging on his pant leg to make him pick them up.
Once Belphie, with the help of Beel, gets over his fear of the baby, Belphie can hardly be seen without them.
Fights have in fact broken out over who gets to hang out with the baby. Asmo and Belphie once got into a cat fight over who got to take MC to their first day of preschool. Lucifer swooped in and won…
Stupid Lucifer…
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Can I please request the demon brothers’ reactions (individually) to MC randomly admitting “I was so alone before coming to the Devildom and meeting all of you. You’ve become the family I never had but always dreamt of. Thank for bringing so much joy into my life and giving me a reason to look forward to each day. I love you more than you will ever know, and nothing will ever change that ´◡` “
OM! demon bros w/ sentimental mc
warnings: gender neutral reader
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he takes your hands in his, brows furrowed in concern.
"what brought this on?" he inquires. you stumble under his gaze, explaining you just wanted to express your gratitude. he hums in understanding.
"you are a valuable member of our family, and I have never seen as much joy in this house since you arrived." he speaks honestly, thumbs rubbing the back of your knuckles.
"oi, commere." Mammon pulls you forward, pulling you to sit beside him. wrapping his arm around your shoulder he pulls your head to rest on his shoulder.
he places a kiss to the top of your head.
"yer a part of our family now. so ya dont needta be gettin all mushy over nothin." he holds you close, wrapping you in comfort. "if ya ever need somethin, I've always got yer back. remember that."
Levi is frozen at your confession. he doesn't move, eyes unfocused from whatever he was doing. you'll have to call out to him again to pull him back to reality.
"w-we love you too." he speaks for his brothers, far to frightened to speak for himself.
you smile at the demon, leaning down to rest your head on his shoulder, you just continue on with whatever you had been doing. your words will ring in his mind for months to come.
hes shocked. you sat beside him in the library, stirring your drink quietly. Satan was overwhelmed by the desire to pull you into his lap and kiss you until you can't breath.
instead your hand is pulled away from your cup, and a kiss placed on the back of it. he looks up at you with his bright green eyes, holding your hand to his cheek.
"and we are happy to have you." he speaks with gentleness and kindness.
your confession was spoken quietly as you lay on his chest in the tub. the scent of candles and bath salts heavy in the air.
Asmo pulls your head down to tuck your face into his neck. he doesn't speak at first, instead just holding you and running his hand up and down your back comfortingly.
"oh my darling, I love you so much." he tries to muffle his tears, hiding his face in your hair.
he pauses, reaching out and taking your hand in his. Beel pulls you forward into his chest, wrapping himself around you to hide you away from the world.
"I love you too. you're safe now, we'll keep you safe... I'll keep you safe." Beel's voice rumbles in his chest.
he stays by your side for the rest of the day, like a guard dog devoted to his master.
your confession was spoken softly, curled in a blanket fort up in the attic. Belphie had been a couple minutes away from drifting off to a nap, but now he was wide away.
the youngest demon blinked at you, taking in your words. he slowly reaches out, cupping your cheek before pulling you in and placing a kiss to forehead.
"you never have to be alone again. I promise." his voice is quiet as he slowly pulls you into his chest.
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