my granddad just called me to tell me how big his cauliflowers are growing and it was so cute theyre “TWICE as big as the ones you get in the shop”
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don’t!!! fake!!!! your!!!! interests!!!! to!!!! make!!!! someone!!!! like!!!!! you!!!!
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Being drunk vs Being high
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can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh held
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if you remember that life is fluid you’ll never feel stuck. nothing is the end all or your only option. when something ends it’s your time to start something new. it doesn’t matter how often doors close if you’re always moving forward. don’t dwell or try to open those old doors. the more you keep moving, the more you’ll see life is working in your favor.
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how the fuck is it possible it’s already march?! feels like yesterday was january 💀
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hope your pets stay healthy in 2017
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“Mental Illness Recovery Series” book contains 100 true life stories of people all around the world battling daily with their mental disorders. It’s an inspirational book, that gives rise to the silenced truth of mental illness and the exhausting, but noble journey of recovery.
🌏📚 Where to buy it :) = http://awakesociety.com/mental-illness-recovery-book/ 🌏📚
Mental disorders found in the book: 🔹Depressive disorders 
🔹Anxiety disorders 🔹Bipolar & related disorders 
🔹OCD & related disorders 🔹Eating disorders 🔹Schizophrenia spectrum & psychotic disorders 🔹Conduct disorders 🔹Dissociative disorders 🔹Neurodevelopmental disorders
Thank you 💫
book review 📖: “Something I truly enjoyed about this book is the simplicity and the variety of stories which are all focusing in one subject; mental illness. It’s amazing to see how this book connects each story to one another and to the reader. It provides a direct insight of living with mental illness and tips on how to overcome some disorders. If you feel lost, or if you want to help a friend or family member then this is the book for you.” Carelyn
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Reblog if it’s ok for people to give you $599.99
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When I was a very small child, my mom used to bury coins in my sandbox, leave huge boot prints in the sand, and tell me pirates had come in the night and buried treasure. I would be out there happily for hours, with my little sieve, and my mom got a quiet morning to herself for the price of a handful of pennies.
I was always kind of skeptical about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy, because visiting every kid in the world did not seem reasonable. But the pirates only visited me, so they were probably real.
So that’s the story of how I ended up being an archaeologist. How about you?
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Reblog this last
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Reblog this second
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