demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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by ぶすた
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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"Oh, really?" Lelouch asked, appearing completely unaffected by the information. If Suzaku was with Sayoko, there was a good chance that Suzaku had been in his home without Lelouch's supervision, and an even greater chance that Suzaku had found something suspicious--something that signified that he was Zero. Normally Lelouch was careful about keeping such things well-hidden, but one could never be too sure. Then again, C.C. didn't seem to mention anything about the encounter, however, so chances were that nothing of the sort had happened. Lelouch relaxed. As usual, he was probably over-analyzing things. It was both a blessing and a curse at times.
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Lelouch shrugged. "I really don't mind--cooking is a hobby of mine I actually quite enjoy, not that I get to do much of it these days. You know, busy with school and gambling and all that. Although, I didn't know you had a talent for cooking, Suzaku." Then again, Lelouch figured, Suzaku must have the basics down in order to function in the military properly--at the very least, he wouldn't have to worry about his kitchen catching fire. He trusted Suzaku. "If that's what you really want to do. I'm interested in trying out whatever you could cook up, in any case." He made a mental note to himself to not be overly critical of the results if something about the meal seemed off, as it was something he tended to do.
A birthday dinner with Lelouch
Lelouch often commented on how selfless Suzaku was and that he would always shoulder the weight of the world as it were rather than have to burden someone else. It was an essence of who he was, Suzaku would always do anything to protect other people but now, Suzaku couldn’t help but chuckle at the feeling of hypocrisy that today was Lelouchs birthday and he still thought of Nunnally first.
“Yes I know Nunnally is missing me, I ran into Sayoko the other day and she said. Do you really think you should cook on your birthday though?” Suzaku asked. “Today is your birthday, surely you should relax and we should cook for you?” He adds already trying to carry the responsibility of cooking himself but wanting to find some way of treating Lelouch on his birthday still unsure of what to give him as a gift.
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
"It's a common tactic to do away with pointless frivolities. I've no desire to play along with childish games. It really is a wonder that you're as old as you say you are."
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"That's pointless to ask for a free meal, the idea for you is to treat me. You know, as a gift? Don't tell me you're so senile that you've forgotten the idea behind birthday celebrations now. Sheesh, can't you go a single day without pizza? I don't know how you aren't five hundred pounds by now."
“Is that how you admit defeat? Heh. I’ll stop, but only because it’s your special day, boy.”
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“If you wanted Japanese cuisine, then couldn’t you just ask Sugiyama to cook something for you? For free, may I add. In any case, I want pizza. Get me the Area 11 exclusive hamburger pizza.”
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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by c・まったり更新
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
"Oh, ease up, will you? Trying to senselessly one-up each other is just idiotic."
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"Let's see... Why not Japanese? May as well scrounge up what's left of their battered culture here on the walking grounds that Britannia stole from them, now home to the rich and privileged. Of course, it's all been appropriated to suit Britannian taste buds, so you can hardly call it anything beyond 'Eleven food', nevertheless 'Japanese'. At least it's cheap enough for even you to shoulder, right?"
“Even on your birthday you’re a vindictive little brat. Aren’t you ever happy?”
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“Rack up those sums if it makes you feel better. Just don’t expect me to be the one paying for it.”
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
A birthday dinner with Lelouch
Suzaku smiled at his old friend knowing that it has been a while since they last got together and despite everything, Suzaku missed spending time with his friend.
"Yeah that would be really good. How about I come round tonight and we can celebrate your birthday? You, me and Nunnally just like when we were little." Suzaku replies knowing that a birthday dinner with Lelouch would be far better than having to suffer more of Ceciles terrible cooking.
"Yeah. I'm sure Nunnally will appreciate that. It's the closest thing we've got to our own family dinner, in any case," Lelouch affirmed, thinking of how happy his little sister would be when she found out that Suzaku would be coming over to spend the evening with the two of them. Even if Suzaku couldn't fill the role of Nunnally's knight himself, he was the only one outside of himself that Lelouch would ever allow her to become so close to.
Of course, prioritizing Nunnally's feelings before his own made Lelouch nearly forget that this was his birthday, not Nunnally's. He offered Suzaku a slight smile. "Of course, I'd appreciate it, too. I'll cook up something nice for us."
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
"Happy birthday, big brother!"
"Thank you, Nunnally. Is there something you'd like to do in celebration? I know the choice is meant to be mine, but I honestly have no preferences. As your older brother, ensuring your happiness would be the greatest birthday gift of all, Nunnally."
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
"What a surprise, the old witch is being considerate for a change."
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"Shall I rack up the expenses and force you into paying an unusually costly and highly inconsiderate sum? It'd sure serve you right..."
“It’s what you get for calling me ‘decrepit’.”
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“It’s your birthday so I won’t take your credit card today. Hurry up and order already.”
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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Yes. But up until recently, I was exactly what he said. Just a student with no fortune, no rank, no power. But then I got them. Fortune, rank, power… I had them all. And then I lost them. That’s why I understand what happiness is. What’s really important.
Sorry for not telling you anything all the way to the end, Rivalz.
Nina, I ended it all. Now you can begin from here. Don’t worry, your abilities are the real thing.
So you’re back at school, Kallen. Don’t give up on anything. You can have it all.
Nunnally, you can see now. And you can judge reality in full. Even your own future.
Suzaku. Tomorrow is up to you. You have that much strength, and that much responsibility.
Thanks, everyone. Thanks, not for yesterday or for tomorrow, but for today. 
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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Happy Birthday, Lelouch.
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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“The world will change. I will change it.”
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
"Hey Lelouch. I hope you have a happy birthday."
"Oh, Suzaku."
"It's a little irritating to be receiving all of this attention, but it has its merits I suppose. In any case, thank you.
...By the way, you're welcome to come over for dinner any time. It's been a while since the last time, hasn't it?"
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
Happy birthday, Lelouch.
"Thank you, Nina. It's greatly appreciated."
"You know, you really ought to show up for the party that Milly will inevitably be throwing for me. She tries to hide it as this big surprise, but she's as obvious as ever." A light-hearted laugh. "Your presence would be well-received, I'm certain."
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
"Are we doing anything for your birthday?"
"The depends on whether the purpose of your question was to indirectly wish me a happy birthday out of the kindness of your aged, decrepit heart, or to use the occasion as a way to prod at me for some free cake or something of the sort. Knowing you, I'd imagine it's the latter."
"However, if you intend to treat me to a meal, I wouldn't say no. Delivery, of course, since you're not permitted to leave the premises--nor am I willing to take the gamble on my life that would be trying a meal that you've cooked up. Oh, and no pizza before you suggest it. I'm sick of the smell of it that permeates around here."
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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"Ignore her, Nunnally. C.C. here gets away with enough freeloading as it is."
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"So anyway, would you look some help with the gift-wrapping?" Lelouch offered, pointedly ignoring C.C. entirely as he forced a gentle smile towards his younger sister. "I can show you how to wrap them really neatly."
“Lelouch! I-“
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“I’m just wrapping presents for Christmas!” She answers, scooting a pile of paper and boxes to her side, hoping that he didn’t see anything. “I just finished wrapping Sayoko’s present, now there is only a couple more to do.”
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demonwaltz-blog · 12 years
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Vector © SCARLET35 & Hero yuy
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