depowered-blog · 7 years
okay reminder …listen ….. your mental, physical & emotional health + personal life is way more important than posting a reply a day or forcing yourself to be active . not only is it unhealthy for you & giving you anxiety + stress, but 90% of the time there’s a large creative strain . really friendos . take your time . please take a day for yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed ! replies & asks can wait . they’ll most likely be there when you get back & once you’ve had time to yourself the words will pool out way more naturally because you allowed yourself to do them as opposed to force yourself to.
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depowered-blog · 7 years
Stupid kid, should have left it well alone. A silver plated boot nudged the foot of the slumped body, but it didn’t stir. Who exactly had put him up to this, she wondered. On his own as well, if he’d been sent… Then it was at a cruel joke. She didn’t feel too sorry for him of course, otherwise she wouldn’t have disembowelled him herself. 
She holstered the pistol, placing a hand on her side- wet, not bad. The tip of the Chikage touched the pooled blood and she didn’t pull it away. Better to have it drink someone else for a change. 
Shit, what was wrong with her? This is what happened when she repressed herself; sloppy, unfocused. All in an effort to prevent bloodshed which evidently, hadn’t worked. Someone else was here- quite an incriminating scene. Speed always needed to be tested, so she didn’t reach for her pistol just yet. Her katana was damning enough.
“No, no it isn’t”
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She turned to face the newcomer, her hand leaving the wound on her side. “But this is though.” She held the silver gauntlet out to her side, letting the crimson splash onto the floor…
Only to sizzle and burn holes into the ground like a virulent acid.
“I wouldn’t touch it if I were you.”
Jubilee bares her fangs almost as soon as the masked individual admits whose blood it is. In the face of a threat, her mind jumps to defensive strategies in case they attack. 
In spite of this, the person in front of her seems not only unaffected, but civil. The vampire doesn’t realize her expression is still tense until she tries to respond, her muscles forcibly relaxing then.
“ya know, telling me NOT to touch something feels like a challenge.” Her lips quirk up in a weak smirk, a feeble attempt to lighten the atmosphere. The act falls flat when she catches another whiff of fresh blood and her tongue darts out to lick her lips.
Once she’s satisfied surveying the destructive substance oozing from the other, she lets out a breath of air. A fisted hand at each side of her body, she nods seriously between the stranger and their demonstration. “i’ll take it as a warning this time.”
“so, for someone standing over a dead body, you’re awfully calm...” she prods while circling the scene, far enough to keep her hunger at bay and close enough to analyze the scene. Self-defense doesn’t strike her as a likely reason for the bloodshed until she spots a weapon in the boy’s hands, one that warrants a heavier question,
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“who ARE you?”
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depowered-blog · 7 years
Jubilee stops in the dead-center of a cross walk, three cars slamming their brakes in her wake. Something---someone striding diagonal to her catches her eyes right away, even if the timing is unfortunate. And judging by the harsh honking all around her, several drivers agree.
“hey, hands to yourself!”
Snapping her out of a trance, a slew of pedestrians begin shoving her towards the sidewalk along with them. She tenses her jaw at the pressure of each push and ignores the helpful hands in favour of sprinting across traffic in pursuit of a familiar profile view.
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“wolvie?!” Of all the crazy things she’s witnessed in Hive City, stumbling across old friends doesn’t rank that high on the list.
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depowered-blog · 7 years
Before anything else, she notices a camera. The one in question looks pretty cheap, maybe a disposable one from the early 2000′s, but it should do the job. Now, if she can convince the camera’s owner to take a picture of her, it’ll make for a frame-worthy shot. Probably.
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“yo, flash photographer! are you a pro-photographer?” the vampire poses her question after sidling towards the camerawoman, just in time for her to finish the shot she was after. “haven’t seen nothing but cell phones lately. you do a lot of snapshots?”
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depowered-blog · 7 years
i just need to breathe
She awakes in a cold sweat, flushed and yet freezing in a barely-heated apartment. It was a dream, she reminds herself after gathering her wits and analyzing the all too familiar situation her subconscious drummed up. Even in her sleep, her mind has a habit of replaying gruesome memories instead of letting her count sheep.
Her latest nightmare lingers as she rolls over and pushes herself out of bed, the abnormal temperature having righted itself by now.
Maybe she’s overreacting to the whole “second time abduction into another universe” thing. The fact that she’s been a part of the experiment before should make it easier to bear the abrupt change to her daily life, yet it only brings a slew of questions to mind. 
She’s always wondered how they choose the newest abductees, it wouldn’t surprise her if they played eeny, meeny, miny, moe to decide who’s next. The thing that baffles her the most is that people come and go pretty casually, too.
Whatever their reasoning for it all, she’s back in Hive City. Not much has changed, although she doesn’t know if that’s supposed to be a relief or a warning. The only thing she’s certain of at the moment is that her roommates are already fumbling around in the outer rooms of their apartment, probably cooking some early as hell breakfast.
“late to bed, early to rise.” she mutters groggily and stretches her arms up high, her eyes narrowed at a hint of sun threatening to peek through her bedroom curtains. 
With a long yawn, she reaches for her amulet and fixes it around her neck. At least she has a good routine to settle back into and plenty of time to do so.
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depowered-blog · 7 years
During an aimless walk through the less-distinguished streets of sector three, a familiar scent causes Jubilee to slow to a stop. The sharp, metallic odor of blood clings to the air she breathes, acting like an aphrodisiac to her vampiric desires. Still, stronger than hunger is her curiosity, the better part of her mind urging her to help the wounded.
Hence she makes a sudden jog towards the smell, only to find someone looming over an unmoving body. Puzzled as she may be by the sight, she approaches the two figures and lets her gaze wander across the red-stained scene.
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“shit!” she curses under her breath while taking a step back, forcing space between the unconscious body and herself. Investigating would be a hell of a lot easier if she didn’t crave the reddened liquid, but for now she settles on questioning the still-standing stranger. “is that YOUR blood?”
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depowered-blog · 7 years
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hey, hey, hey! good to be back here, jubilee is ready to roll. i am writing a drabble for her return but i would love to have some threads while i do that. just smash that heart and i’ll get a starter for you! this is capped @ 3 and marvel castmates are exempt.
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depowered-blog · 8 years
Tightening her eyebrows in a defensive manner, she looks to her boss with crossed arms. ❝hey! it’s not like i’m the one who’s...❞ Her words fall faint as the news reaches her, her eyes widening in turn. It is a mixture of Io’s composure and the contrasting words he spoke that truly catches her off guard.
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❝DIED?❞ No longer keeping her volume under control, the vampire lets her arms drop and shakes her head vigorously. ❝you’re serious?! and... you just have him here like nothing happened. what, is this like an every day thing to you guys?❞
[turning to welcome you back with a smile, although the look quickly evaporates into one of mingled fondness and exasperation. he is too young to be making that kind of expression, probably, and yet.] Even a little louder, Jubilee-san, I don’t think they heard you in Sector One. Hi to you, too.
[turning to the supplies, checking them against the list he produces from a pocket.] He’s perfectly sober. Only he died, and he hasn’t recovered yet.
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depowered-blog · 8 years
Revelations come to her in time, her eyes flickering between the off-putting stranger and the backdrop of shadows he emerged from. Wary of the man, her eyes widen at the first step he makes in her direction. Fear runs through her, her mind running through various possibilities of what might occur.
True, he didn’t attack her after witnessing her misdeed... but that was not enough for her defenses to fall. Even as the victim of her blood lust panted and coughed, she keeps her eyes directed at the third party who continues forward.
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❝i---❞ Frantic hands move to her sides, an outstretched gesture of innocence on her part. Despite words of support, Jubilee cannot bring herself to trust the offer. ❝i don’t understand.❞ With a teeth-baring frown, her eyes soften in despair. 
When she proceeds to speak, her voice cracks. ❝...WHERE?❞
   Control herself? The woman’s startled disposition caused him to stare for several moments, lone eye focusing on the exasperated exhaling leaking from the bloodied man. Her red eyes reminiscent of a ghoul’s kakugan, crimson dripping from her bared fangs, he assumed that she was akin to that of an average ghoul. However, there was one noticeable difference - there was no kagune to be seen, no residue despite eyes that mirrored a blood moon. He hadn’t seen a being quite like her before. 
   Truthfully, she looked just as frightened as the man she had hemmed against the wall. She must’ve had somewhat of a conscience, possibly feeding out of necessity. If anything, he could relate.
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     ❝ You’re hungry, ❞ he stated, slowly moving towards the woman as he stared at the injured male, who looked mortified from the interaction. 
     ❝ I know a place where you can eat without having to put this man’s life at risk. ❞
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depowered-blog · 8 years
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To: aradia! From: jubilee ★
[SMS]: dang, alright! [SMS]: uhh... [SMS]: got sprite?
Once she clicks send, Jubilee tucks her phone into her front pocket and begins her trek with a slight smile.
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To: jubilee ★ From: aradia! 
[ txt ] sure thing! [ txt ] i will leave the door unlocked! [ txt ] would you like a drink for when you get here?
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depowered-blog · 8 years
Lifting her head from the forward craning position her neck was at prior, she looks to the blonde across from her. It’s not every day someone like Jubilee gets recognized for her fashion, especially not in the assumption that she’s a powered individual. Not that it is an inaccurate one.
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❝yeah?❞ A smile curls her lips upwards and she scoots to the side in invitation, her eyes trained to the stranger the entire time. ❝alright, i give in. i have SOME cool powers, but this city’s kind of a jerk about that stuff. i’ll spill the beans if you let me know what you’ve got up your sleeves... power-wise, ya know?❞
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   “Well..-” a momentary pause, hand placed strategically on her hip, currently encased by her leather jacket. Dinah eyes the woman on the opposite park park bench with a small smile, before sending a nod.
    “You’re definitely dressed for this City. - Before you tell me your story let me take a swing – You’ve got some sort of power right? Aaaand - Well, you’re definitely not a bad guy otherwise we’d be mid-fight by now.” - A firm eyebrow raised up as she herself gets up, clad in her usual get up - she wasn’t exactly giving off casual vibes either.
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depowered-blog · 8 years
❝yeah, no need to apologize.❞ Feeling guilt for her words, she lets out a cold breath of air and looks to the side. ❝you’re just being... you.❞ It’s odd for her to be around someone so unfeeling and who clashes with her passionate self, although she’s determined to TRY. Understanding Xemnas might take time, but she would be damned if she didn’t attempt to learn his whole story.
However, the response to her offer leaves her feeling dejected. Essentially told to forget her mission, she narrows her eyes at the man and studies him while he speaks. Despite his smile, she knows he isn’t okay with the situation. Who could be resigned to a life without a heart? He wasn’t a stranger to all emotions, and hatred is powerful enough to fuel motivation. She purses her lips, a near-pout on her face now.
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❝you can’t be THAT far down... i mean, two friends is something!❞ Her tone raises as she finishes the sentence, even though she tries not to let her frustration show. Slowing herself, she rubs her forearm with the opposite hand as if embarrassed by her outburst. ❝if you  haven’t forgotten them, that means it isn’t impossible... right?❞ Hatred is strong, perhaps stronger than love, but she believed it possible to beat. ❝look, i GET IT. you don’t got the best of hope, but i might have enough for both of us. even if it doesn’t work to repair your heart, the least i can do is keep you from bein’ lonely.❞
The superior felt there was no need to lie to this woman. Vampire or not, she had acted in such a way upon hearing how nobodies were treated, that she must have had some sort of experience with prejudice. The way she acted when he noticed simple things, the way her stance changed upon the very mention of Sora fighting against nobodies. “And for that, I can only apologize. There is little I can do about my ‘Apathy’” echoed his voice quietly, bowing his head briefly alongside his words.
She thought him a forgotten man, someone cast out from reality and left to rot, the world condemning his existence unworthy. Certainly, he was condemned, and his past self long forgotten.  He could not help but wonder though, how she would react when Sora inevitably reached her. Told her what he had done. How in his quest to take everything, he had stolen his own share of hearts.  Though, admittedly. They were already lost, he was simply claiming misplaced possessions.
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“I appreciate your enthusiasm, but unfortunately even if you were to find some way to consider something as hollow as me a friend, the relationship must work both ways.” The superior offered an apologetic smile with his words, understanding the reaction. It seemed such a simple way to regain ones ability to feel, and yet the truth was far more difficult. “And, I mean no offense by this, but I cannot return such a gesture of friendship. It is not simply that I choose not to. But I lack the capacity to even comprehend such a bond. There are only two people in existence that forged such an unbreakable bond with me that I can still recall that friendship….but they are lost.” Fists clenched lightly at his sides, lost memories of anger and hate seeping through to surface upon his expression, eyes gleaming with the slightest hints of rage. “I seem to stand corrected…I can remember hatred enough so, that I despise the realm of light for what they did.”
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depowered-blog · 8 years
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hey! i’ve been slow lately but i’ll be getting to drafts this weekend. i just saw civil war in theatres and i have some free time to write with this fresh inspiration. praise t’challa. i’ve got a good number of minis and some longer threads but hopefully i can reply to at least half before meme day comes. thanks for patience, my guys!
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depowered-blog · 8 years
the drunk one pls! i like the idea of gal drinkin pals 8)
【 Interactions Meme 】
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❝y’know, you’re like an ANGEL!❞ She giggles at the thought, her head tipping back with delight. It’s only as she moves a hand to reach for her next martini that she lowers her head. Bringing the drink to her lips, she smiles around the glass and continues her commentary.  ❝for real, you’re pretty and kind... though you play drinking games like a DEVIL.❞
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depowered-blog · 8 years
popular text posts + ask memes (part two) 
❛ i don’t have time for a relationship. do you know how many books i need to read? ❜ ❛ i think it’s hilarious when people tell me i’m laid back because i’ve pretty uch been screaming nonstop in my head since like fifth grade ❜ ❛ coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just… not good ❜ ❛ i’m a piece of shit, but it’s fine ❜ ❛ how i am supposed to have a lit summer with $4.65 ❜ ❛ i’m a huge fan of space; both outer and personal ❜ ❛ and to your left, you can see me, ruining everything ❜ ❛ any full cast musical number can be a solo if you believe hard enough ❜ ❛ kinda hungry, kinda horny, kinda tired, kinda wanna get a tattoo ❜ ❛ no amount of under eye concealer can cover up how tired i am of this world ❜ ❛ i’m ready for autumn, but not autumn responsibilities ❜ ❛ today i’m wearing a lovely shade of i slept like shit so don’t piss me off ❜ ❛ i’m not making enough boys nervous ❜ ❛ i really want my last words to be ‘hey, wanna see a dead body?’ ❜ ❛ don’t you hate it when money goes away when you spend it? ❜ ❛ i’m always a slut for conspiracy theories ❜ ❛ i wanna make a diss track about myself ❜ ❛ true friendship is bullying your friends into watching the tv shows you watch ❜ ❛ i’d be such a good girlfriend/boyfriend/s.o. you’re all missing out ❜ ❛ sorry i was late. i can’t conceptualize time. ❜ ❛ fuck what the aliens said ❜ ❛ sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments ❜  ❛ if outfit repeating was a crime i would be sentenced to life without parole ❜ ❛ does anyone have ten thousand dollars they don’t want? ❜ ❛ i want a sugar daddy, but i know nicki minaj wants me to be independent  ❜ ❛ i stress about stress before there’s even stress to stress about ❜ ❛ i don’t have plans for tonight or the rest of my life if anyone wants to have a drink or get married ❜ ❛ tbh sometimes you just gotta let me be dramatic because i will get over it, but let me be dramatic first. ❜ ❛ painfully average looking with a great sense of humor and always down to get drunk ❜ ❛ if we date, you have to hold my hand in the car. no exceptions. ❜ ❛ in an unfortunate development, i am now awake ❜ ❛ you’re hella bomb, hella cute, and anyone would be hella lucky to have you ❜ ❛ kinda hurt, kinda offended, kinda not planning on saying anything about it ❜ ❛ trying to embarrass me is so unnecessary. i do it to myself just fine. ❜ ❛ if you don’t think i’m a princess then you’re 100% right. i’m the fucking queen. ❜ ❛ fuck summer. i want it to be dark and misty and frigid and october. ❜ ❛ lana may have fucked her way up to the top, but i am bullshitting my way up to the middle ❜ ❛ i don’t want to get involved in the drama, i just wanna know 103% of the information on what happened ❜ ❛ so… do you want to watch 49.7 hours of parks and recreation with me? ❜ ❛ i hit rock bottom like every two weeks ❜ ❛ can someone please be proud of me? like fuck, i’m trying. ❜ ❛ give me a few days to overthink about it ❜ ❛ can i sell my feelings on ebay? i don’t want them anymore. ❜ ❛ i’m really fucking sarcastic for someone who’s about to start crying most of the time ❜ ❛ when does hibernation start because i am 100% participating in that ❜ ❛ don’t you hate it when you wake up and you’re awake ❜ ❛ i lowkey just wanna make sure you’re happy as fuck ❜ ❛ i literally have no idea what i’m gonna do if i don’t end up rich ❜ ❛ you know you’re in deep when you love listening to them talk and you get attached to their voice ❜ ❛ no offense, but when is it my turn for someone to be in love with me ❜ ❛ i’m an asshole with a really big heart ❜ ❛ i have to be funny because being hot is not an option ❜ ❛ can i apologize in advance for basically everything i will ever do ❜ ❛ okay that’s cool, but consider the following: snuggling with me until i fall asleep ❜ ❛ please handle me with care. i am a very sleepy and soft creature. ❜ ❛ drunk me is the me i really want to be. confident, hilarious, and most importantly, drunk. ❜
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depowered-blog · 8 years
Send me...
(>‿◠)✌: For a quality that my muse likes about yours.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ : For a hug from my muse.
(ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) : For a kiss from my muse.
≧❂◡❂≦ : For something my muse would say to yours while they are drunk.
(>‿♥) : For my muse's attempt to flirt with yours.
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depowered-blog · 8 years
✿ ❅ ✎
【 Headcanon Meme 】 
Jubilee’s laugh is more of a chuckle than anything. She is usually lighthearted in the way she expresses herself and her laugh is no different. Sometimes she can snort while trying to repress her laughter and other times she makes a “pbbbt” sound as well. Most of the time though she’s able to let her joy be seen freely and it’s possible to hear the genuineness to her voice.
While she doesn’t feel extreme shifts in body temperature anymore, she does have ways to cope with it. Keeping warm means wearing more layers under her signature yellow jacket, putting on her gloves and eventually cuddling up by a heater with blankets. Keeping cool is somewhat harder for her and she resorts to bringing a portable fan with her and drinking more water than usual. She will also switch to her shorts and taking off her jacket, that way her clothes don’t keep her suffocating with warmth. 
Jubilee is most interested in electronic music, songs like this or this! That isn’t to say she doesn’t listen to other music, of course. She’s a fan of rap, indie folk, and hard rock as well. Honestly, she’s willing to try out anything.
As for literature, she isn’t much of a reader. Her taste in books is usually fiction, more specifically sci-fi. Apocalyptic series are NOT her favourite but rather space battles or silly stories set in futuristic eras. She also enjoys graphic novels because they are illustration oriented and the visual aspect helps her. Seriously though, don’t recommend a story about the end of the world.
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