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Just a silly quickie about fashion for now.
If anyone has figured out how to store jackets without snapping hangers or shredding other clothes in drawers let me know, the best I’ve found is using a scuba hanger but that’s expensive (and if you try to put three on one hanger they shred each other).
Here’s hoping your favorite stuff stays safe and your stitches never pull out at the crotch.
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Roberto Diaz
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logically i know it's just a little neurological quirk everyone experiences, but every time i undergo deja vu the first thought that goes through my mind right after is consistently: "oh good the timeline's back on track"
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I watched the last episode of Supernatural for the first time yesterday with my friend who hasn't seen a single episode. It was GREAT.
His reactions were hilarious but one of the funniest moments while we watched it was when he laughed and turned to me during an emotional scene because he thought it was over the top and saw me holding back tears lol.
I mean: MY BOYS! My sweet sweet tired fighting boys.. Of course he couldn't understand what a pay off it felt for me who had spent months watching them grow.
My experience was definitely enhanced with him there, it made me realise what a bizarre and wild show I have devoted so much of my time to these last few months.
I did NOT anticipate how much I would pause to give context as he had made it a routine to let me just completely dump what had happened so far for about 5-10 minutes basically every time we've met for several months.
After some time the conversations would start with something like "Dean died again.", "Sam went to hell.", "Guess what? Lucifer's back." etc. Always a good laugh!
I paused so many times I felt ridiculous but yall know how much there's to unpack. The callbacks, all the lore and all that.
The last episode made me realise how much this show meant to me and how glad I am that I actually went through with watching it all.
I am also glad I got to share this experience with my best friend in the way I did.
I was planning to take a break from watching shows for a little while when I was done with spn but apparently there's now a spin-off show... Guess I, like the Winchesters, have no choice.
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stupid microphone no stay in place ):<
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Luckily nice people run up on stage to help you sometimes ❤️
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"Queers Carry Weapons"
Sticker spotted in Lawrence, Kansas
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All this! Pick up the trash you like and wear it like the goblin you are.
Simple as that.
I hear people talk about how punk clothing is expensive, how you don’t have enough money to buy docs so obv you aren’t a real punk, how you can’t buy pins anywhere, how punk jewelry is sooo expensive BULLSHIT
The backbone of punk is diy. Punk is messy, punk is making the best of what you have. Nothing is more punk than making your own beauty with the shit you find scattered about
Wanna have docs? Buy some knock offs for 20 bucks and add some spikes no one will care
Want patches? Embroider on some old fabric. Use paint, bleach, markers, whatever you have. If that’s not good enough, buy from small businesses when you can
Want pins? Make em. Use safety pins and a bottle cap and you got a pin. Just paint something on, if you don’t have paint, I’ve used white out and pens just do whatever. Also fr just um borrow from any big shitty chain store, not from small businesses tho
Want jewelry? Pliers are your best friend. Fix broken jewelry with em, use chains u found to make something. I’ve used a hanging plant wire to make a barbed wire bracelet with nothing but pliers. Just fuck around. Buy from small businesses and again, big shitty chains are fair game
Want spikes and cool metal shit? Literally just take any metal like literally anything and stick it to your clothes. Safety pins, can tabs (esp monster ones bc fun colors) lighter caps, make spikes out of cans, take chains outta the recycle bin
Punk is the most accessible subculture. Punk was made by people with no money, and anyone who tells you you need fancy shit to be punk ain’t a real punk. Punk is about fucking around with the idea of what you should be, so just have fun! There are literally no rules!
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Ado o r r ed 🌹
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❈ Grim Aesthetics ❈
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Military commercials: do you like playing video games? Wouldn’t it be cooler to murder people?
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can cis lgb people please try to understand that they are, in fact, cis, and that their opinions on being trans and what is and is not transphobia are just as irrelevant as cishet people’s?
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