derekadler · 5 years
“Sue me for wanting to be a hopeless romantic in a town full of damn idiots.” Mickey replied with a huff before sighing. “Who isn’t trying to get into my pants? Jesus. I want to go back to when everyone thought I was weird. Now I’m just awkward and apparently guys like that? Why? I’m easy to manipulate I guess.” He was a tad bitter and Mickey rarely got like that. He moved over and sat the bags he had on the counter before sitting on the barstool. He didn’t bother taking the bottle back from Derek and instead grabbed another one and just opened it and drunk it. Fuck it, it’s not like was trying to impress anyone and he probably would be sick as hell in the morning, but he didn’t care about that. “Where do you want me to start? That my ex-boyfriend is in town and is trying to make me seem like some prude monster. Oh, I cheated on you Mickey because you wouldn’t put out for me. Like, the fuck kind of bullshit is that? I fucked half of Harvard because you wanted to wait till you trusted me.” He shook his head. Mickey rarely was one to get angry, he normally just cried but the man had enough and he was about ready to start fighting someone. If he was at a bar, he’d probably be fucked. “Oh, please Adler. I will prove a time you were wrong.Give me time.”
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Derek frowned at the change of his friend's demeanor. It wasn't as if Mickey wasn't allowed to be upset, but the sight of it was unnerving. He was basically who Derek sought after if he needed something good and pure to remind him that the world wasn't all that bad. "Woah, woah, woah, hold up, Micks. They're not trying to get into your pants because you're easy to manipulate. They're doing it because you're hot as hell." Derek's frown deepened when he saw that Mickey took on another bottle. Guess they weren't sharing then. "Fuck that guy, Micks. Not literally, though, because he doesn't deserve you, but fuck him, okay? There are other guys out there. Hotter, nicer, fucking better guys out there. The world is your oyster and all that jazz. You just gotta stop looking for that fairy tale ending, babe. It doesn't exist and the sooner you accept that, the less angry you'd be at these fuckers who use feelings to get laid." The drink tasted bitter on his tongue, but the implication of what he said held a deeper burn. Sex was easy, that part was true, but coupled with admitting that it was something more than that? Bruised egos and broken hearts tended to get involved and Derek wanted none of that and he sure as hell didn't want his friend in the same predicament. "Baby, you'll be waiting for a long time."
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derekadler · 5 years
Tyler felt a sense of relief flood over him when Derek finally agreed to go on a date with him. He was so worried that he was going to reject him, especially after his encounter with Belly, and the fact that Derek had essentially told him their relationship would only be for sex. It saddened Tyler that Derek didn’t trust him and that he thought that he knew everything about Tyler and what he was going to do. Tyler had no intentions of hurting Derek again, leaving him, leaving town, sleeping with anyone else, or whatever other shitty thing Derek had in his mind that Tyler was going to do. Tyler smiled, pressing his lips to Derek’s quickly, “Okay.” He said before taking a deep breath. “Derek Adler, will you go on a date with me tonight?” He asked, squeezing the man’s hand. 
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Derek smiled into the kiss, as brief as it was. He wouldn't resort to pouting, not yet.  The idea seemed silly; Tyler should know that Derek would give him anything he asked of him, so there was really no need to go all out. It'd be nice, though, to pretend, to have Tyler dote on him, the words falling from his lips tasting sweet through their lies. Derek would make sure he wouldn't fall for it; there was nothing between the lines to hope for and that was okay, it really was. Tyler could go ahead and have his fun. Derek was prepared and even though he wanted nothing more than to be with the man, he knew that they couldn't be together. Tyler liked having sex with other people. It was good, he had said. That didn't sound like somebody who was ready for dating, much less with a man that he basically rejected in the most heartbreaking way possible. Derek would make sure he wouldn't lose himself this time and even if feelings always seemed to blur the lines, he knew where he stood. The man would never be truly his. "Yes Tyler Bridges, I will go on a date with you." Derek scrunched his face in faux disgust before reeling him in and planting a longer kiss on his lips. "But don't be cheesy because I know that's not you, weirdo," he said once he let him go. "So where are you taking me?"
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derekadler · 5 years
Mickey groaned, shaking his head. Leave it to Tyler to be right, maybe he really should stop trying to date and just bang people. That made him feel weird though, considering he didn’t really like the whole sex with strangers thing. “I get that but dude, you know me. I can’t sleep with random people, I feel weird. I want to go on dates, they are nice when the person isn’t a complete dick.” He walked into the kitchen to set the pizza down on the table and took the bottle when it was offered and drunk some of it, making a face at how strong it is. “Don’t worry, I got a few more bottles because I want to drink and not remember my problems for a while.” He chuckled. “You aren’t always right, you know.”
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Derek resisted the urge to roll his eyes, part due to instinct on not wanting to hurt his friend’s feelings and part because he’d be a hypocrite if he did so. Dates were so far out of his comfort zone -- save for one person in particular -- but Mickey was a pure hearted soul and Derek didn’t have it in him to be the asshole to ruin that. “Ah but Micks, sleeping with random people ensures no dick except for the ones that count. They’ll be too busy trying to get in your pants," he winked. Derek took the bottle back, taking another swig of the drink. "My place is a problem free zone, babe, so lay it on me and let's get you fixed up." Taking a seat on the bar stool by his counter, Derek gestured to the other with his elbow, indicating that Mickey should take a seat. "If you just accept the fact that I am, in fact, always -- and I mean always as in ALL THE TIME, LIGHTHOUSE -- right then you wouldn't be in this mess. But here we are, so let pappy know what's got you down."
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derekadler · 5 years
“Oh! I forgot about Pooh, but I think I’ll stick with Paddington.” He noticed the jealous look in the child’s eye and felt bad for the guy. Benji helped the bear wave at the kid, then had to hold onto his paw as the ride spun around. When he got his bearing back, Benji jumped off and wore the bear like a backpack. Hearing the man’s question he turned, their height difference was making him feel very small. “Oh uh, the bucket game. It’s uh-” Benji tried to point it out through the crowd but it was kind of hard. “You know what, I can just walk you over. Do you mind?”
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Derek couldn't help but smile at how adorable the guy was. He was about to comment on the merits of Pooh vs. Paddington when the ride started, jolting him in his seat. Instinctively, he reached out for Killarney, not wanting to have his parents on his ass if something happened to the kid, but he seemed like he was having the time of his life. Derek was grateful that it didn't last that long, jumping out the moment he deemed it safe enough to be over. Hoisting Killy over his back, arms and legs around his neck and waist, Derek noticed how young the man seemed, the difference in height not helping. "Oh yes please," he exhaled in relief. "Um. I'm sorry if I'm too forward but how old are you exactly? I just don't want to be accused of kidnapping or something." 
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derekadler · 5 years
Tyler watched the thoughts run through the other man’s head, and part of him worried that everything he was nervous about on his way to the flower shop was for good reason. His smile dropped a bit when Derek sighed, realizing that maybe this wasn’t what Derek wanted or needed. How could he have been so stupid to think that someone would want to be in any kind of committed relationship with someone who was as much of an asshole as him? His gaze met the floor, shuffling a bit on his feet, his nerves at an all time high. He looked back up at Derek, and nodded his head as he spoke. “I’m not trying to woo you, asshole.” He teased, grabbing the man’s hand. “I genuinely just want to take you out..on a date..I just-listen, I’m really trying here.” He said, admittedly feeling a bit defeated. This was a huge step for him and he couldn’t quite tell how Derek was really feeling about the whole situation. ‘You say the word and I’m already yours.’ What did he mean by that? Tyler’s head couldn’t stop spinning, the only thing keeping him slightly relaxed was Derek’s hand in his.
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Tyler’s hand on his sent sparks down his arm. It wasn’t fair that something so simple had Derek weak in the knees, heart aflutter like a prepubescent boy with his first crush. He’s had strangers touch him in places where showering never really scrubbed the grimy feeling off, but apparently hand holding did him in. Derek didn’t let go even though every instinct told him to, thoughts of he’s going to break your heart trying to keep him at arm’s length. He was about to ask Tyler exactly why he was doing all of this when the look on the man’s face had him bite his words back. Derek could’ve groaned in frustration but he didn't know how to start explaining. Tyler didn't need to try, didn't need to do anything but just let Derek know what he needed from him. He would give him the world if he asked for it. Derek was already too far gone -- signed, sealed, delivered. The man didn't need to exert all this effort in dates and candy and fucking flowers. Derek didn't want to accuse Tyler of only wanting him for sex, but the tryst with whoever she was clearly proved that he wasn't ready for a relationship. He could do that; he thrived in it, was safe in it, could be the fucking poster child of it. He loved the man enough to not push him into anything more. However, the gestures did tug on his heartstrings and who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? "Okay. A date then," he smiled, feeling vulnerable and excited at the same time. If Tyler wanted to waste his own time, trying to prove something to Derek, then he'd let him. He knew how this ended up anyway. Derek pulled him in nearer, close enough so that their noses bumped. "Best thing about being the boss is that I could take off whenever I want," he smirked, lips ghosting over the others. "But I like being wooed. So ask me again."
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derekadler · 5 years
Derek wasn’t sure why he found himself at a random bar. He no longer felt the urge to hunt a body for the night. His mind nagged at him, blamed Tyler’s return for the new way of life, but Derek tried to drown it out with alcohol. He was about to order his third glass of the night, grumbling at himself for not finding anyone else attractive when a voice had him flinching a bit. The girl had a lot of energy and Derek wasn’t sure if she was sober enough to realize that he was brooding. Still, it was better than being alone. “Maybe you should drink more,” Derek suggested, bringing the glass that was placed in front of him to his lips for a quick sip. “I’m not sure about karaoke but looking for a hookup is pretty much the top contender.” Maybe Derek could live vicariously through her.
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“Oh my gosh! Hi!” The small, brunette giggled, waving at the person who sat beside her at the bar. “I am not sure why I am here because the bar scene is totally not for me. Am I talking fast? I am. I just drink like 5 shots of tequila and I can’t feel my lips.” Nicolette was not a drinker and she barely did anything other than smoke weed on occasion to keep her head cleared. “What should I do with this newfound drunkness? Should I go kiss a random girl? Sing karaoke? The night is full of amazing opportunities.”
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derekadler · 5 years
Derek was planning on meeting a potential client, but he was running a bit late. Luna was supposed to be the face of the business since it was her idea to start doing events in the first place, but she just upped and vanished so Derek had to pick up where she left off. This meant that he had no idea who he was meeting with. Taking a seat across from who he assumed would be the future blushing bride, Derek was taken aback by the apparent irritation in her voice. “You’re not Ms. Green I’m guessing,” he figured, words easily falling from his lips in that ‘customer service’ voice he perfected. “I’m from Birds and Bees,” he tried just in case he did get it right though he doubted it. “Did you hire us for your wedding?”
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she was an excellent cook; people might think otherwise but she had learned well from her mother. being a picker eater, she only liked to eat at five-star restaurant’s, but don’t get her wrong she would settle for four stars, she wasn’t (b r a t t y). tonight, was no different, she sat in an expensive restaurant by herself, eating and checking her phone. as someone sat opposite her, cat like eyes took in the person. “what the fuck do you want?”  a lift of her eyebrow. No one was going to disrupt her dinner.
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derekadler · 5 years
Derek would have gloated, should have had a huge sign saying 'I told you so' hung in his living room so that Mickey would be able to see it the moment he entered, but he wasn't that much of an asshole. Still, he couldn't help but smirk as he eyed the bottle. "Babe, I told you. Going out on a date is just a waste of time. You just gotta wham bam shang a lang your way in and out of there." Derek made a grabby motion with his hands for the tequila, quickly snatching it from his best friend. The night called for drunken shenanigans first and food second. Taking a swig and regretting that he didn't cut up some lemons or something first, Derek handed Mickey the drink. "Okay before we talk about how amazing I am and how I know everything, we gotta get some of this in our system first."
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It would seem that Mickey truly did have the worst luck with men. His first boyfriend was a total asshole and cheated on him with almost every gay guy at Harvard and now, trying to actually date someone and he was stood up. The guy showed up, went to the bathroom and never came out. Checking to make sure Derek wasn’t busy for the night, he showed up at his best friends doorstep with pizza and lots of tequila because this wasn’t a beer night. This was a drink until he stopped feeling like a loser night. “Maybe it was a bad idea to go on a date with a black eye. Was that it? I mean, he literally Houdinis his ass out of the bar.”
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derekadler · 5 years
Benji couldn’t help but keep smiling as the guy gave in to his childish tendency. He lifted himself up on the chair and started to buckle himself in. “Oh yeah sure, go ahead mate.” Looking at the bear quizzically then back at the other two he asked, “Well I don’t know. What do you think?” He asked the child, knowing he would probably want to be a part of the conversation. “I was going to call him Paddington, but I think I might have a hard time finding a raincoat that would fit him.” He turned to the side and made sure his arms were tucked in, it would probably be traumatic if the bears arms ripped off right in front of the kid. Benji would also cry which probably wouldn’t help.
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"Paddington? Not Winnie the Pooh?" Derek turned to look at Killarney for his response but was surprised to see that the boy had his attention on the bear with what seemed to be a twinkle in his eye. Oh God, Derek didn't fare well with games and he knew that the child had the same 'I want it, I get it' attitude from his mother. Shooting the man a desperate look, Derek tried to keep Killarney distracted from the stuffed animal, but the gesture of tucking the arms in didn't help at all. He could almost hear the squeal emanating from the body beside him. "How'd you score one of those," he whispered, hoping that he could just buy his way into acquiring the same. Luna definitely owed him for this.
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derekadler · 5 years
“I don’t know if I would say fancy, Der.” He smiled, walking closer to the counter, the flowers still behind his back. His heart fluttered a bit at the thought that Derek thought he looked good, glad that at least his looks were able to impress him. “Hot date? Perhaps…once he gets off work.” He smirked, pulling the flowers and candy out from behind his back. “I mean-if you’re free I would love to take you on a real date.” He smiled, blushing lightly-something he was not used to. He knew the thoughts were probably flooding Derek’s brain about who he was going out with, or if he was going to just leave him high and dry again…or maybe he was thinking about how he hated him, and how all he wanted was a good fuck buddy. Trying to clear his head he leaned onto the counter on his elbow, looking up at the man. “What do you say, dinner with me tonight? Like..a real date. Just the two of us. And it doesn’t even have to end in sex, just a kiss goodnight.” He smiled, putting his hand out palm up in hopes that Derek would take it.
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Der. The familiar nickname had his smile falter in confusion. Unsure of how to react, Derek was about to make a crude gesture indicating what he wanted to do with the man when his words had him pause. Tyler couldn't mean him, could he? The offer of his favorite candy and -- fuck were those hyacinths? -- had Derek's stomach swirling with butterflies, a reminiscence of the summer they shared. A date. Tyler wanted to go on a date.The concept seemed so foreign to Derek and it seemed even more unbelievable that Tyler was the one offering. Derek bit his lips, keeping his insecurities from making themselves known. 'For how long do you want me,' he wanted to ask. 'Why are you making this scarier than it needs to be?' "Tyler," he sighed, his hand itching to take the man's. Instead, he grabbed the flowers, pinching the petals with his fingers, smoothing it out in an attempt to have something to do with his hands. "You don't have to do this. I--I don't need to be wooed, or whatever you're doing. You say the word and I'm already yours. What you did...that didn't change anything, okay? You don't need to make up for it with all of this."
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derekadler · 5 years
As he pulled her back in, she couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, her head nodding as he spoke to her, his voice feeling like an anchor, bringing her back down to earth, back down into his arms, and back to the world, no matter how fucked up it had been, around her. “I-I didn’t want to scare you, I know how you get and I –,” the words cut short between the sobs that fell from her lips. He was all she had left in this world, she knew it would’ve been selfish to pull him into all of her bullshit, especially with how much he had going on in his own world. Hands came up to huddle around his own, looking to the pair of blue eyes that mirrored her own. Dayton was a playground full of broken memories, every place she’d looked, every street she’d turned down, every face she knew was a constant reminder of everything that had gone wrong. All the things that reminded her of what she had lost was constantly surrounding her. Maybe leaving hadn’t been that bad idea. Still, she shook her head. She knew what he had waiting for him around her. And now? With everything she’d lost, she wanted to fight for something to gain. “W-We’ll stay and I’ll… I’ll be okay.” The words were a hope, not a promise, but she wouldn’t let him know that, the very thought of not being without him could be enough to keep her around.
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Derek felt the moisture hit his shirt, soaking its way to his skin. He didn't say anything about it, kept his mouth shut even as he recognized the hitch in her voice, the crack in the tone as she still tried to make sure that she kept it from him for him and God, that just made him feel even dirtier. Angel was the strongest person he knew and the fact that he had her in his arms, making sure that he was safe from whatever darkness that almost overtook her -- Derek knew he didn't deserve her at all. "I won't be scared," he lied, the words ringing false with how hard his heart pounded at the thought. "Just tell me, okay? I can't wake up one morning and find out that you're gone. I can't just go through my day oblivious to the fact that somewhere out there, you're drifting off. I can't lose you, Angel. I'm not strong enough for that." Derek squeezed her hands tight, interlocking their fingers together. It kept him grounded. "Dayton almost took you away from me," he said in a whisper. "What if...what if it gets you for good next time?" Derek would never forgive himself if he didn't try, if Angel's choice to stay would ultimately end in her demise. Dayton was notorious for its accessibility and though Derek trusted Angel not to do it again, he was well aware how hard it was to resist the temptation when it was just so easy to give in.
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derekadler · 5 years
It was a slow day for the store and Derek was pretty grateful. They'd started trying to branch out with events and the load of paperwork with the logistics behind it made running his business all the more stressful. Derek wasn't much for hanging by the register, always opting to stay in his office, but it was getting lonely in the back. His employees stayed in their lounge so no one was able to witness Derek's jaw dropping open at the sight of Tyler walking in his shop. God he was gorgeous and Derek was already thinking of ways of getting him back upstairs to his apartment. "Hey there," he greeted, lips turning up at how good he smelled and fuck, was that cologne? "Aren't you all fancy? What's the occasion?" Derek tried not to think about who Tyler could be meeting after his visit. It was probably that same girl, he mused, smile turning just a bit. Though Derek never really went for the dating scene, he couldn't help but feel envious that someone had Tyler making that much of an effort. It was okay, though. The sex was amazing and even if Derek couldn't have him the way he wanted to, he'd still have some part of him. "You look good," he commented, eyes raking over the man's body slowly. "Hot date tonight?" Derek tried to keep his tone neutral; he didn't have the right to be bitter and Tyler didn't need to think he couldn't handle a casual relationship. The man didn't deserve to be pushed onto a relationship he wasn't ready for.
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Tyler wanted to go all out. He wanted to show Derek that he was serious about him, and about them. He needed for the man to know that he didn’t just want him for sex, and he did want to be in a committed relationship with him. He still couldn’t wrap his head around the whole commitment thing, as he vowed to never do that again after everything that happened with Derek and then with his ex, but here he was, willing to try again. Tyler put on his nicest jeans along with a light blue polo shirt that tightly hugged his biceps. He put on his best cologne and made sure every strand of hair was where it should be; checking to make sure he looked alright in the mirror more times that he would admit. He grabbed the bouquet of hyacinths that he had gotten specially made along with Derek’s favorite candy. He was trying to hard to be romantic, but it was almost as if he forgot how. He made his way over to Derek’s flower shop, trying to ignore the nervousness that he couldn’t seem to shake. What if he wanted nothing to do with him? What if he really did only want Tyler for sex? Not now- he told himself as he got out of the car and headed into the flower shop. He walked through the door, the bouquet of flowers hidden behind his back. “Hey handsome.” He said, a smile on his face.
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derekadler · 5 years
Matt had been in the middle of a nap when his phone started ringing. By ringing, it was really vibrating on the bedside table long enough that Matt sleepily blinked his eyes open and reached for it. He was fairly stable as far as concussion recovery went, but his mind was still slow to wake up, he was also sleeping a lot more than he ever did on a normal day. Maybe the concussion had cured his insomnia. “Hallo,” Matt yawned into the receiving end of the phone. Truth be told, he was expecting it to be Rusty calling between classes to check on him and he had a little, dopey grin on his face. That fell into one of confusion when Derek’s voice came through the end. “Hi, Derek. It is…well, you know it is Matt, you called me,” he chuckled to himself despite it not being very funny, “Yes, yes, I am. We must not tell Rusty, he thinks I do a sleep.”
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Derek smiled slightly at the accent, remembering how he was attracted the moment he met the man. "Yes, Matt. I know it's you hence why I called you?" He wasn't usually tongue tied around people, but the fact of what he did still loomed his mind. "Rusty? That's your boyfriend, right?" Being kept in the dark made Derek think twice on whether he should pursue on making amends. Should he do the same? Did Tyler have the right to know? Then again, they weren't a real couple, so Derek figured he should stop over thinking about it. "Are you supposed to be asleep? How, um, how's your head?" Wincing at his words, Derek played with the hem of his shirt, remembering the blood and the fact it was him who made it happen. Luna always warned him about talking thoroughly about kinks, but he was horny and it was supposed to be anonymous so he was thinking more with his dick. "I can pick you up right now if you want? We can try out that new Thai place downtown?"
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derekadler · 5 years
Angel swallowed at his words, eyelashes fluttering closed. She remembered that they’d tried. They’d tried being together, but something always felt off but this? this was enough for her. Being in his arms, him holding her close and the beat of his heart echoing in her eardrums. “Do you remember..  a few weeks ago – Neveah left?” She asked him, her voice low as she spoke, her mind flashing back to the images of blurred faces, the siren of the ambulance going off and then total darkness. “It’s my fault she left,” she whispered softly, shaking her head. Teeth bit down at her lower lip, taking in a large inhale as she spoke. “I died.. twice actually. I OD’d.” They felt like poison coming from her lips, pressing together as she cleared her throat. “I d-don’t know… What happened, really?” the statement came off more as a question as she pulled away from his grasp, the thought of even being comforted felt wrong as she continued on. “Fentanyl, Oxy, Ambien, Coke – Neveah walked in and found me… She said I was barely breathing, I just.. With school and work, and everything, it felt like I couldn’t breath and then – my heart stopped.” Looking over she rolled her eyes a she smiled. “I died, and I wasn’t – I wasn’t scared, Derek. It was just.. dark. Dark and quiet and I felt peaceful, for once in my fucking life, I felt like everything was right and then I woke up and it’s like, my body wanted me to just give up. So it did.” She swallowed shallowly, her mouth feeling dry and her voice hoarse as she tried to speak. “It’s my fault she left, and now I don’t – I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
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Derek could only stare in shock as she relayed the story as if it wouldn't impact him, as if the thought of her dying was something he could get over easily. His eyes brimmed with tears, Derek pulled her back in, thoughts a blur to what could have happened, to what he should have seen coming. He wasn't an enabler, but he might as well been. Not wanting to comment her lifestyle since he too had his own vices, Derek never tried stopping, never asked her to slow down, and the thought of almost losing her for it shook him to the core. "It's not your fault," he managed to whisper to her hair, unable to look at her. His tone shook as thoughts of her gone threatened to overwhelm him. "You can't -- fuck, Ange. You can't have that happen to you and not tell me." It was a selfish thought and he was probably the furthest thing from her mind, but he couldn't help but feel a touch of anger at the fact that he could have lost her and he wouldn't have known until it was too late. He pulled away slightly, putting on a brave face, and looked her dead in the eye. "You have to stop. You can't -- you fucking can't go on like this. All the shit you're doing? You can't have that happen again." Derek's mind throbbed while trying to remember what other substance she had access to. "I'm not leaving," he stated firmly lest she had any ideas. "I'm not. I'm going to stay here and we're going to deal with this, okay? You dying is not going to happen. Not on my fucking watch, Angel." Derek shuddered and held her close once again, stroking her back as he calmed the nervous energy buzzing in him. “There's not much worth living for here and I can't have you gone. We'll figure this out, okay? We can leave if that’s what you want. Pack our bags and just go." After everything that had happened, Derek wasn’t afraid of busting out a familiar move.
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derekadler · 5 years
Text | Pappy D
M: Oh, yes. They could be egotistical pieces of shit who talk shit about you at a bar and says that the reason he cheated on you because you weren't ready to sleep with him.
M: Oh god, if you swing well enough you can avoid your face.
M: Pshh, we'll see.
D: Or assholes who say they love you and then leave your ass because they apparently weren’t gay but then they come back saying they still love you but end up sleeping with another woman.
D: So be careful.
D: I’m not willing to take that risk.
D: Mickey I am your husband :(
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derekadler · 5 years
Text | Pappy D
M: It's absolutely terrifying but I'm trying not to turn into my usual, doubtful self. He seems genuine and he loves me, despite my weirdness and my over anxiety personality.
M: Don't worry, I will be. Plus if anything happens, I got you to back me up and kick ass.
M: Wouldn't you like to know. (;
M: I've never been pure, just saying. I just haven't acted out on a lot of things out of fear and confusion.
D: Mickey, they're all good in the beginning.
D: I'm just worried about the end.
D: Oh my.
D: You gotta show me sometime ;)
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derekadler · 5 years
Derek stared at the phone on his hand, contemplating whether he should just make the call. He had been feeling like shit about it for days, stomach turning at the thought of what the other man must have gone through. Biting his lip, Derek also felt dirty at the fact that he was about to call someone he already had his time with. The concept was foreign to him, but ever since Tyler walked back into his life, Derek found himself doing things he’d never do. Pushing himself to just go for it, Derek hit the call button, still wondering how they got each other’s numbers in the first place. The standard ring had Derek on edge. He wasn’t sure why he was worried; he shouldn’t even care all that much but the guilt was gnawing his insides. “Hey,” he greeted once the call was picked up. “It’s uh Derek? I was wondering if you were free for lunch.”
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