derpqueen22 ¡ 7 days
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Wish it was First class but Erik never left but I'll take it
Hellooooo! I made a uquiz, hehe. What cherik fic are you? Let's see what you'll get
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derpqueen22 ¡ 25 days
Ok so I recently started watching x-men bc of the new deadpool and wolverine movie
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Why did no one tell me marvel has yet another gay duo
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derpqueen22 ¡ 2 months
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I present to you: MUMBO K. JUMBO
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derpqueen22 ¡ 3 months
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Day 2 of improving my drawing skills by 'borrowing' poses from Pinterest.
Continuing the wing theme but this time it's big man Jim and his soulmate.
[Borrowed photo under cut]
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Once again thank you for the whoever made this template :) It's beautiful.
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derpqueen22 ¡ 3 months
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Day 1 of improving my drawing skills by 'borrowing' body anatomy poses of Pinterest.
[Borrowed photo under cut]
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Thank you to whoever drew this :)
(wings are amazing)
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derpqueen22 ¡ 7 months
Ranchers (And the love they share)
Confusion and a dream:
Jimmy couldn’t figure out why it happened. Jeremy was in a perfect condition this morning. He even made sure that the hay was fully loaded. Everyone had enough to eat and there was still left over, and yet…Jeremy still died. Jimmy felt like a failure, he failed at taking care of the animals. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming his direction, he turned to see Tango, walking towards him. Tango put his warm arms around him. Jimmy turned around and returned the hug, sniffling in his arms. “Jim, I think I know how Jeremy died.” Tango said, breaking the silence. Jimmy looked down at Tango. “How?” “There was a small hole on the side of the cow. I found a fragment of a bullet.” Tango held it up. “Someone shot Jeremy.”
Tango led Jimmy to the barn where Jeremy had been kept. As they stepped in they realized that Jeremy was gone. All evidence on the cow had been removed. Jimmy was confused. “I-I-I’m sure it was there before!” Tango spluttered. Jimmy frowned, kneeling on his knees, inspecting the place where they saw Jeremy before. He saw a small bullet fragment on the grass. There was a little bit of blood on the side of it. Jimmy picked it up and regained his posture. Jeremy was 100% killed by a bullet shot, Jimmy was sure of that. For their meat or leather no less. But who?
Jimmy went back to his room after that, and Tango just couldn’t help but feel…guilty. Even if it technically wasn’t his fault, Tango felt really bad for the loss of Jeremy. Tango felt the need to do something to fix this, or at least figure out who killed the cow. He was out venturing out in the mountains when he noticed a goat. It was rare to see a goat around here, especially one with 2 whole horns. The goat suddenly turned to Tango, revving up to charge. The goat’s eyes turned red and ran towards Tango. In the last second, Tango jumped up to the ledge behind him and it’s horn came tumbling off. Tango smiled and picked it up. He put it to his mouth and blew it. Toot toot toot tooooot. Ponder. The best one of the lot. Tango couldn’t believe his luck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another 2-horned goat charge him and once again he jumped up onto the ledge and picked the horn up. Tango then climbed down the mountain, opened the door and handed the horn to Jimmy.
Jimmy’s eyes glinted, a smile he would never think to return. Soon he found himself grinning ear to ear. “How did you know that I wanted one of these?” Tango grinned, “I didn’t, I just thought it would be a good idea to give you to one. We can call for help whenever.” Jimmy felt a tingling sensation in his chest. Not because of the fact that he finally has the chance to join in on horn calls, but because of Tango. He stood up and put his hands around Tango. Tango blushed visibly, freezing for a moment. His flame grew warmer and warmer as Jimmy hugged him. Tango relaxed and put his arm around Jimmy and hugged him back. "Thank you." Jimmy whispered. "No problem Jim." Tango replied. Jimmy broke off the hug and then took the horn as he walked outside the onto the porch.  He raised his arms and put both hands around the horn. He took a deep breath and blew into the horn, suddenly, he found himself hearing a bunch of other horns being blown, sound filled the air as Jimmy put the horn down. Happy with his dream fulfilled. 
Jimmy woke up, the sun was blazing in his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and turned around and saw the horn was lying by his bedside. Smiling, he grabbed it and looked at it in awe. He was amazed on Tango's dedication to this job and the horn certainly cheered him up a lot. Tango is such a nice guy and those eyes, the smirk whenever he finally gets something right. Jimmy feels himself blushing at the thought. Slowly he gets out of bed and puts the horn between his hands and blows it, signaling the start of yet another day. 
As Tango drove into the ranch, he saw Jimmy in the house, which was a weird sight to see. Normally he would be out and about in the fields already. Tango shrugged it off and decided to ask him about it when he went in. Jimmy's face brightened as he walked in the house. "Hey Tango! How you doing?" He exclaimed as he put down his cup of coffee. "Oh I'm fine. Why aren't you skadoodling outside already?" Tango asked. Jimmy blushed and put his hand on his neck. "Well I uh, thought I'll take it easy today. Didn't want to overwork too much. "I uh, wanted to ask you something." Tango's eyebrow furrowed, "Yeah? What is it?" 
"Well I know how expensive your rent is and how difficult it is to stay in your apartment and this house feels really empty with just me living in it. So I would just like to ask if you would like to live with me.?" Jimmy smiled awkwardly, "I mean you don't have to and you don't have to drive over here all the tim-" Tango smile turned into a full-blown grin. "Of course! I would love to- I mean it would benefit me a lot to live this close and the rent guy is a arsehole anyway."
 Jimmy shared the smile, "That's great! You can start moving your stuff tomorrow. I'll help you." 
"Ok, as long as we have separate bedrooms."
"Why? Don't want to be near me?" 
"No-no I didn't mean it like that I-" Tango flustered. Jimmy laughed "I was kidding. You can have the room upstairs on the right."
"Yes sir!"
"I said don't call me that!"
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derpqueen22 ¡ 7 months
Ranchers (and the love they share)
An opportunity:
Jimmy owned a farm. He wasn’t exactly proud of it, but it was enough to make a living. His parents were the ones that started it up, but ever since they passed Jimmy had to fulfil his parents dream of taking over the ranch. Jimmy’s first dream was to get a goat horn. Every single one of his friends has one, often using it to call for help or just to gather. But Jimmy just didn’t have the skill to obtain a horn. He did try once, but it ended in him getting rammed in the ribs, resulting in a severe injury and a couple of surgeries. Ever since he had a fear of goats and every time his friends blew the horn, he would hear others join in. It was annoying, he couldn’t reply to them, he couldn’t start them, he longed for the day he would be that person to start the horns. But he just never did. That was, until Tango came by.
“Sorry Mr Tek, we just can’t accept you.” The office lady said. Tango’s flame brightened. “Why not? I’m a hardworking guy!”
“Yes, we get that. Your architecture is certainly….astonishing to say the least, but I don’t think that our colleagues will accept…” The lady’s eyes drifted to tango’s hair. “That.”
“I CAN CONTROL IT, I PROMISE YOU-” Tango cut himself off as the lady’s eyes grew more and more frightened as his flame rose higher and higher. Tango calmed down. “I’m sorry. I’ll-I’ll go now.” He walked out of the office, hurt by the woman’s reaction. He just couldn’t find a job, it wasn’t his fault that his hair was a burning flame. Tango sighed and boarded a taxi home. Tango pulled out his phone as the car started up, he noticed an advert offering a job to take care of some farm animals. He clicked on it, and saw that the location was quite close to where he lived, so he ordered the taxi to head over there and see what awaits. 
Jimmy was just finishing up putting the cows back in the pen when he saw a car coming down the road towards the ranch. He closed the pen and headed towards the car. It stopped right in front of the house and a man with flaming hair stepped out of the taxi. He had baggy red pants with more pockets then anyone could ever need and a classic black t-shirt to go on top. His eyes were also a deep red, almost frightening to look at. But Jimmy found it strangely comforting and amazed by how cool his hairdo looked. As he got closer and closer to him, he realized that the man’s hair was a flame, moving in the breeze. “Nice to meet you,” The man said. “My name is Tango, Tango Tek, and I’m here for the farm job.” Jimmy smiled. “Yep, welcome to the ranch!  Jimmy Solidarity.” They shook hands and he led Tango to the house. “So, why do you want this job?” Jimmy asked, “Well, I’m in desperate need of one and I’m hoping you can give me it. I promise I'm a hard-working man and I'll do anything you need to me to do. I know my presence might be frightening but-”
“Okay." Jimmy interrupted. He didn't know why he was so eager for Tango to have this job. Maybe it was the workload getting to him. Or maybe..."You can start tomorrow, I’ll talk you through the list of things you need to get done in the morning.”
Tango’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, it was that easy?"
Jimmy chuckled, “Oh no, this job is definitely not easy. Be there by 6!”
Tango smiled and did a pretend salute. “Yes sir!”
As Tango arrived at the farm, Jimmy was already fully awake, working on harvesting the wheat. Tango yawned, amazed by Jimmy’s productivity. His eyes lit up visibly when he saw Tango, a smile erupted from his face. “Hey Tango! Good morning!” Tango rubbed his eyes, “How are you so energetic?” 
Jimmy laughed, “I’m used to waking up early, plus, I drink a whole ton of tea along with my breakfast to keep me awake.” 
“I see, I’ll note that for tomorrow.” Tango jokes. “Anyway, what do I have to do sir?” 
“Just call me Big man Jim, or Jimmy is fine. You don’t have to go to formalities.” Jimmy said, with a tone of disgust in his voice. Tango could see a grin creeping up the side of his mouth. He smiled, as Jimmy slowly went through all the chores he had to do, going into a full lecture on how to do them. Tango was astonished that Jimmy had to do all that by himself and such a wonderful job at it as well. He couldn’t believe that Jimmy ran this whole farm basically his whole life and- “Did you hear that?” Tango shook himself out of his trance. “Uh, yeah, yep, every single word.” Jimmy grinned. “Great! Let’s get started then!”
The sun was just beginning to set as the duo rounded up the animals back into their paddocks. As Jimmy closed the door, Tango slumped against the fence, sweat pouring down his face. “Finally we’re done.” Tango exclaimed, exhausted from a whole day of work. “You did a good job, considering it was your first day.” Jimmy said, matter-of-factly. Tango looked at him in awe, despite doing most of the work, Jimmy didn’t look like he was tired at all, his hair still in that perfect slicked back form. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” Jimmy laughed. “Well maybe. But No, seriously, you did well.” He smiled sincerely at Tango, his perfect teeth glinting in the sunlight. Tango felt a weird feeling in his chest, he couldn’t place it, but he knew that he'd be feeling this a lot. It was a good feeling and...he liked it.
Over the week, Tango got more and more used to this schedule, often bringing a cup of coffee with him to keep him awake. Sometimes it was easy to get through the day, especially when he was working with Jimmy. He would often find himself admiring Jimmy’s dedication to his job or sometimes, just Jimmy himself. Jimmy would catch Tango staring at him, causing Tango to turn around, blushing uncontrollably, Jimmy would laugh and continue working. It was a daily habit. That was, until one of Jimmy’s cows died. 
(Repost but followed from the first part)
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derpqueen22 ¡ 7 months
Ranchers (And the love they share)
Tango stumbled as he stepped out from the portal. He frowned as the shimmering circle closed behind him. He looked around, trying to figure out his bearings. He seemed to be in a middle of a city, billboards were spotted everywhere. Tango didn't like it, the colors were to bright, the flashing unnerved the hybrid. Tango decided to walk around and figure out where he was. Although he didn't know how he got here, Tango figured he should probably not stay here for long, him being a blaze and all that. He dug in his pockets and found some cash that he decided to use to find somewhere to live for the day. 
After a day of searching, he finally found a place. It was a small apartment, but it was enough to keep him for a while. He made extra care to not burn anything while moving around the room. Slowly he got in the bed, taking note of the very flammable bedsheets that surrounded him and drifted off to sleep.
The red haze surrounded him, air so thick that it was hard to breathe. Other people covered in shadows were reaching out to him, coming to grab him and take him back to the confinements of the cell. To experiment with him. Tango was running faster and faster, until he found some sort of floating circle. He stepped right through and-
Tango woke up, his face was covered with sweat. Tango quickly jumped out of bed and hosed down the fire burning on the bed frame. As the fire dwindled down, Tango sighed as he slumped back on the bed. He couldn't remember what he was dreaming about nor why it caused such a big headache. With his hands in his head he closed his eyes and fell back asleep. 
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derpqueen22 ¡ 8 months
I had a dream yesterday that Mumbo hit 10 million subscribers and Grian made a complaint video to youtube to take mumbo’s mustache away.
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derpqueen22 ¡ 8 months
HermitCraft Season 10
Saturday, February 3rd.
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derpqueen22 ¡ 8 months
Alright Hermitcraft fans, As the new season looms closer, and as we have essentially been confirmed that two new people are joining Hermitcraft, we have to be on the same page. We all have our theories, and our hopes, and our corkboards, but what follows should be something that everyone understands.
Whoever the two new people are? We are going to hype the HELL out of them. There should be be a tidal wave of joy and support. Drowning them in positivity and welcoming them to Hermitcraft. Their announcements and first videos should be covered in enthusiasm. If you've never heard of them before, you give them as warm a welcome as an old friend - and give them a shot! Might find a new favorite!
I know that if you think someone is joining, and they aren't, you might be disappointed. But you do not put that shit on the people who are joining. You keep your discontent private, and out of the tags. I am not telling you how to feel. I am asking you to have a level of common decency. If you don't have something nice to say, you keep it away from where the Hermits can see.
Imagine getting invited onto the server - both a highly visible job and friend group all in one - and having fans of your friends act like they don't want you there. Hearing them say that 'someone else deserved it more' before you even have a chance. Or imagine you're one of the existing Hermits, and people who claim they support you are going on about 'disapproving' of your friends that you asked to join. Put very mildly, it's rude as hell, and discouraging as hell, and not the Hermitcraft way.
We can make them joining Hermitcraft the best decision of their lives. Or we can make it the worst. That's on us. Let's make it a good time for Hermitcraft Season 10.
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derpqueen22 ¡ 8 months
Rest in peace Jellie, may you live among Minecraft and our hearts forever. o7
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derpqueen22 ¡ 9 months
the man did it. The man actually did it wtf. After many seasons of dying and grief he actually won the thing.
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derpqueen22 ¡ 10 months
Big dogs
Adrenaline was pumping through every bit of Martyn’s body. He was determined to steal the kill from Gem’s crew. They couldn’t stop him. He could even call them out if it was one of their tasks. He was really desperate for a correct guess. The relief that filled him when he guessed Tango’s task was, well, amazing. He grinned as he remembered Tango’s anguished face. It was perfect. He absent-mindedly followed Scott to the portal. He was excited to say the least. Charged with energy, he jumped in. The portal sucked Martyn in, plopping him onto an obsidian platform. Without thinking he walked forward, slipping on the edge. Soon enough he found himself falling. Falling into the endless void. He was in shock. His mind couldn’t process the fact that he fell off the platform. Martyn’s body ached more and more as he fell deeper into the void. Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore. 
Inthelittlewood fell out of the world
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derpqueen22 ¡ 11 months
Joel fails miserably
Inspired by @your-daily-dose-of-caffeine's fanart
The winds picked up as Joel climbed higher and higher, threatening to push him over the edge any minute. 98….99….100. As he placed the last block. He took a moment to think about what he was about to do. He could hear the muffled yelling from his friends gathering down beneath him, Martyn was slowly climbing up the pole, ready to take a guess at his task. He could almost hear Grian’s protests to ‘be careful’. Joel knew Grian was anxious. Why was he scared again? It wasn’t like Grian’s the one up here. He shook his head, clearing any thoughts that would prevent him from completing his task. Joel needed this. It was almost like someone was watching him, not from below, but from above, egging him to jump. Egging him to fall. Egging him to DIE. Joel jumped. The wind grew stronger and stronger at each minute of his fall, whistling in his ear. He could feel the pressure of the atmosphere getting stronger. He fumbled to get his water bucket out of his inventory. Why didn’t I have it in my hand in the first place?! I’m such a blummin idiot.  I should’ve come prepared. I’m such a- Pain shot through his legs, his consciousness was fading, he could hear Grian’s anguished scream, the audience was in shock, He missed the water! I can’t believe he missed the water!  Someone..someone was laughing, laughing at him. He struggled to look up to find the culprit,  just to see a black figure with looming wings, all his eyes (eyes?) were filled with humour. The figure resembled someone he knew, someone he thought he could trust. “Grian?” Joel muttered. And then he passed out.
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derpqueen22 ¡ 11 months
Screams internally
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Has anyone seen this?????
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grian was still frozen in the spot where he fell, Or at least, his body. He was so stupid, dying of fall damage in a place with tons of water. He was in shock. Grian didn’t register the fact that he was falling until his bones hit the ground, a jolt of pain going through his legs. As he died, his soul was lifted out of the body. He extended his long purple black wings, a million eyes surrounded him. The watchers’ voices burst.
I can’t believe he let them down. 
He’s such a failure.
He didn’t even die a worthy death.
He isn’t worthy of our possession.
The whispers filled him with so much grief. He missed the bad boys, even if it was just a silly name, the boys brought him joy. He missed frolicking around Bread bridge, knocking over Jimmy's glasses. Grian wanted to be with them again. 
I heard there was a MCC coming up. Grian’s ears perked up. Maybe he could join it. Maybe, just maybe there was a chance where he would be put in a team with his friends. I can help you. Grian turned around to see Scott Major in his ghostly form. “You would do that for me?” Grian’s voice cracked as he spoke. I can’t do much, but I can persuade them to let you in. “Thank you so much Scott.” Grian rushed in to hug him, but the figure disappeared when he reached him. Grian closed his eyes and when he opened them, he found himself in the mcc lobby, glasses on head, determined to win. 
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derpqueen22 ¡ 11 months
Tango led Jimmy to the barn where Jeremy had been kept. As they stepped in they realised that Jeremy was gone. All evidence on the cow had been removed. Jimmy was confused. “I-I-I’m sure it was there before!” Tango spluttered. Jimmy frowned, kneeling on his knees, inspecting the place where they saw Jeremy before. He saw a small bullet fragment on the grass. There was a little bit of blood on the side of it. Jimmy picked it up and regained his posture. Jeremy was 100% killed by a bullet shot, Jimmy was sure of that. For their meat or leather no less. But who?
Jimmy went back to his room after that, and Tango just couldn’t help but feel…guilty. Even if it technically wasn’t his fault, Tango felt really bad for the loss of Jeremy. Tango felt the need to do something to fix this, or at least figure out who killed the cow. He was out venturing out in the mountains when he noticed a goat. It was rare to see a goat around here, especially one with 2 whole horns. The goat suddenly turned to Tango, revving up to charge. The goat’s eyes turned red and ran towards Tango. In the last second, Tango jumped up to the ledge behind him and it’s horn came tumbling off. Tango smiled and picked it up. He put it to his mouth and blew it. Toot toot toot tooooot. Ponder. The best one of the lot. Tango couldn’t believe his luck. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another 2-horned goat charge him and once again he jumped up onto the ledge and picked the horn up. Tango then climbed down the mountain, opened the door and handed the horn to Jimmy.
 Jimmy’s eyes glinted, a smile he would never think to return. Soon he found himself grinning ear to ear. “How did you know that I wanted one of these?” Tango grinned, “I didn’t, I just thought it would be a good idea to give you to one. We can call for help whenever.” Jimmy felt a tingling sensation in his chest. Not because of the fact that he finally has the chance to join in on horn calls, but because of Tango. He then took the horn and went outside the ranch. He raised his arms and put both hands around the horn. He took a deep breath and blew into the horn, suddenly, he found himself hearing a bunch of other horns being blown, the sound filled the ear as Jimmy put the horn down. Happy with his dream fulfilled.
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