desireisqueer · 54 minutes
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desireisqueer · 55 minutes
julia sanina save me save me julia sanina
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desireisqueer · 2 hours
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desireisqueer · 2 hours
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desireisqueer · 3 hours
give me some ukrainian tongue twisters to fill me out
Вовк-вовцюг вівцю волік. Вова вовку - вила в бік. Як завив же вовк-вовцюг, миттю випустив вівцю
Дзижчить над житом жвавий жук, бо жовтий він вдягнув кожух.
Галасливі ґави й галки в гусенят взяли скакалки. Гусенята їм ґелґочуть, що й вони скакати хочуть.
Бук бундючивсь перед дубом, тряс над дубом бурим чубом. Дуб пригнув до чуба бука. Буде букові наука
Був собі цебер, та переполуцебрився на полуцебренята.
Бабин біб розцвів у дощ - буде бабі біб у борщ.
Два бобри брунатно-бурі бабрались в брудній баюрі. Правда добре, брате бобре? Дуже добре, друже бобре
Бульбашки кублились на кульбабі, булки з бубликами – на баобабі.
Червоний череватий черв’як в черевичках червоних черешнею червоною вечеряв
Три риби гриби гребли грабовими граблями.
Перець з печерицями печений переперчила черепаха печерна
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desireisqueer · 23 hours
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desireisqueer · 1 day
someone who’s ukrainian or fluent in ukrainian please let me know how to use моя, моє, мій etc. i used to remember but now ive forgotten:((( help a language learner out
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desireisqueer · 1 day
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desireisqueer · 1 day
someone who’s ukrainian or fluent in ukrainian please let me know how to use моя, моє, мій etc. i used to remember but now ive forgotten:((( help a language learner out
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desireisqueer · 2 days
someone who’s ukrainian or fluent in ukrainian please let me know how to use моя, моє, мій etc. i used to remember but now ive forgotten:((( help a language learner out
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desireisqueer · 2 days
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Світи-світи, місяченьку, коло мого дому
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desireisqueer · 2 days
Today is a 37st anniversary of the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant disaster. It's hard to talk about one unprocessed national tragedy while living through another.
The Chornobyl disaster was totally preventable and it took away countless lives of people living in the region, especially in Ukraine and Belarus - both the liquidators and the civillians. Despite the very air and dust being literal poison, the soviets had not only hid this information from the people, but forced everybody to partake in the May the 1st parade - because god forbid we lose our face before the international community as a working class paradise! If not for the nuclear scientists in Sweden who raised the alarm about the dangerous levels of nuclear particles coming from northern Ukraine, who knows what would have happened. It definitely would have been swepped under the rug and forgotten by the international community, together with its victims - just like Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan is barely known abroad.
With russia constantly threatening to turn Zaporhizhzha nuclear plant into second Chornobyl, the wound caused by this tragedy is cut open again.
We all love the HBO Chornobyl series, and I genuinely am grateful to Craig Mazin for the amount of empathy and respect he brought to the series; but for today I indulge you to watch something made by ukrainians, to try to understand what this tragedy means to us and how it influences our lives even today.
For the documentaries, my favourite series by this day remains the "Dragons live here" by Your Underground Humanitarian School Youtube channel, which, unfortunately, can only offer automated english subtitles - they should, however, be sufficient.
As for the feature films, I recommend "Gateway" (you can stream it online with english subtitles here). And here is the official english trailer:
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desireisqueer · 2 days
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"Happy" belated Earth Day. Here's what russia is doing to Earth.
Serebrianka forest, Ukraine
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desireisqueer · 3 days
Even if you support Ukraine in your words, if you promote Russian culture, texts, artists, musicians, etc. on your page, I cannot in good faith follow you back or support you. Even if the artists are pro-Ukraine, if they live in Russia, every penny taxed goes to slaughtering my people.
I need to make it clear that it is no one’s responsibility to educate you when there are plenty of resources debunking Russian propaganda. I don’t have the patience or bandwidth to argue with you, you will simply be blocked.
My plate is more than full with other responsibilities far more important than holding your hand and babying you like an infant through things that you are more than capable of doing on your own.
That is all. Ruzzian orcs- fuck off and go to hell. May the pain you cause my people return to you and your loved ones tenfold.
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desireisqueer · 3 days
Mitä helvettiä se hallitus säätää nyt taas. 18-vuotiaat opiskelijat joutuu maksaa kaikesta opiskelumateriaalista, koneesta + siihen tarvittavista välineistä ja YO-kokeista? -05 sai selkeesti parhaan diilin: melkeen koko homma ilmatteeks, maksua tulee lähinnä jos tekee enemmän ku 5 YO-koetta. Jos joku -06 tai myöhemmin syntynyt tekis saman ku mä (eli alottaa kirjottamisen neljännen vuoden syksyllä) sille tulis vähintään 170 € lasku pelkästään kokeista.
Tässä kyllä haiskahtaa köyhien kyykyttämisen halu. Kai hallitus tietää, että pitkällä aikavälillä (jos tää ees tapahtuu & pysyy) tää vaan todennäkösesti tekee luokkaerot suuremmiks? mitä mä vitsailen, se on varmaan vaan niitten tavote
Ja ai helvetti ku melkee alko korvista sauhuamaan ku Ylen uutisessa mainittiin toimeentulotuen käyttö ja osa-aikatyöt. Ensinnäkin, tätä menoo hallitus on leikkaamassa toimeentulotuesta (ellen oo missannu jotain ja ne jo on ilmottanu aikeistaan leikata sitä). Kukaan ei voi vittu repiä rahaa tyhjästä koulumateriaalien maksuihin. Joo-o, ne osa-aikatyöt on olemassa, mutta ihmisiä on erilaisia. Kaikki ei voi työskennellä lukion kanssa samaan aikaan. Syitä on monia. Tää varsinkin tuntu erittäin out of touch -kommentilta, varsinkin kun sen heitti lukiolainen. Mitä helvettiä. Sitä paitsi muistaakseni tässä viime aikoina ois ehkä ollu sellane ongelma, et työpaikkoja on helvetisti vähemmän verrattuna hakijoihin? Kukaan ei edelleenkään pysty repimään työpaikkaa tyhjästä.
Jos samalla linjalla jatketaan, Suomea ei voi todellakaan laskea hyvinvointivaltioksi. Perkeleen hallitus.
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desireisqueer · 3 days
They are something else istg 😍
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desireisqueer · 3 days
Go_A — "ШУМ"
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