desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
most people don’t spend 4 hours distracted from writing reading random wikipedia articles
I am not one of those people 
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
James leaned forward, hands on her desk. "I heard this was a human expression for 'I really like you'." He explained. "The Office never gets hot or cold. It just stays the same. "
James kicks down a door, his suit is unbuttoned, his shirt is open just a little a the top. "Marlise. I. Am here." He swoons to himself. "And I am HOT for You."
Marlise sat at her desk, not batting an eye at her partner’s theatrics despite how strange they were.
“… You’re what.”
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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“Give me some credit—I’ve worked hard to better myself.”
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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sorry, i didn’t actually do any of those requests after all, i finished this instead lmao. im sorry followers, i have failed you. anyway……. i started rewatching BLoSC and long story short it’s the best decision i ever made.
bonus bcus allislaughter made me promise to post it:
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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Bitch be back
Don´t even think that I would have left the Star Command fandom!
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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Ah... I love these girls.✨💕💖
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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same energy
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
kiesha’ra eating headcanons:
avians eat 5 small meals a day, constantly picking at their breads and nuts, which don’t sit in the stomach nearly as long as meats and proteins. their meals keep you energized throughout the day and the markets tend to be bustling around and especially after meals
serpiente, contrarily, eat 1 meal a day, a massive lunch tuck-in not dissimilar to the infrequent, massive meals that snakes eat. Afterwards, the kingdom has a rest period not unlike a siesta in which basically the entire kingdom shuts down while everyone rests and digests all the heavy foods
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
The best visual gag in any piece of media was the giant vault door concealing a normal-sized door in Portal 2
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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totally trendy designer dog pokemon
poochyena crosses are increasingly popular with creative names. dont worry they’re all hypoallergenic
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
stop normalizing behavior
what behavior
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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Should we get going?
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
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Stay sweet x
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desk-of-employee432 · 5 years
So this is just kind of late night thoughts but. Animorphs and su are fairly similar. Hear me out. The gems can shapeshift into stuff including animals, corruption is sorta like losing yourself in a morph, and they fuse together, morphing a lot, to get stronger. The diamonds are the andaltes. Thinking theyre so much better than everyone, a member disagrees and causes all that follows. I could go more but mobile limit is small but i think you get the angle I'm coming from.
I am not familiar with su (or if I am I’m not familiar with that abbreviation).  Any fandalites out there in both fandoms with thoughts?
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