despaircursed-blog · 5 years
"My apologies however.. I have no need for this." Hands Monokuma a map over to him.
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“My my my, how rude. After all the trouble I went through to make this for you.” what trouble? He knew she was blind, so the ‘map’ was just a piece of paper with a bunch of random squiggles on it. 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Since you kiddo’s are lucky enough to have your headmasters undevided attention at this current moment, you should like, ask him some questions or something. Come on, i’m really bored and you all know what happens when I get too bored.” 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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Let him do what he want for once
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Close enough. So long as you can hear them go ‘rawr’ into the night. It works.” 
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“I am afraid I cannot see them, but I can hear them.”
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Boys and ghouls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange. Come with us and you will see, this our spirit bearoween.”
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Honestly, I wanted to go by myself..but that was an immediate no.” Couldn’t have him wandering into an area that was too crowded and getting overloaded and going berserk without any supervision...he opened the bag. He pulled out a thing of pocky and opened it.  He popped one in his mouth, “I know...but I have to learn how to do things without you if I want to get better, right?” he was trying his best...it was hard, sometimes he’d see something or hear something and a mess of information on it would swarm him and that would cause him to get a headache and the headache would piss him off. Next thing anyone knew, he was screaming and being destructive.. “‘sides, you got enough to worry about without having to babysit my dumb ass out to pick up snacks.” 
☆ ・*。◞ SHIRO - KUN / despaircursed‌
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“Why in the world are you tearing up? I’m right here, idiot. Actually bother looking further then my room before you think i’m dead.” he bopped her lightly on the head.  He had a small bag of snacks. “I begged to go with an escort to the corner store. Nobody liked the idea, but I managed to get my way in the end.” he walked over and flopped on his bed.  “What a pain..”
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“ i-i’m not tearing up… ” she wipes the said tears from her eyes. she tends to over worry and thinks the worse. always scared that the male is going to be taken away from her at any given moment. they have threatened her with it before and as much hope as she has that they will keep their word about letting him live as long as he makes progress, she knows that they are just saying that because they know she will believe them. 
“ why didn’t you tell me? what if something happened? ” she is surprised that they actually agreed. she followed quickly behind him, though sitting on the usual chair right by his bed. a small table beside it cluttered with her usual notebooks and pens. “ i would have gone with you, you know… ”
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Why in the world are you tearing up? I’m right here, idiot. Actually bother looking further then my room before you think i’m dead.” he bopped her lightly on the head.  He had a small bag of snacks. “I begged to go with an escort to the corner store. Nobody liked the idea, but I managed to get my way in the end.” he walked over and flopped on his bed.  “What a pain..”
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she wonders where shiro is. hopefully, he has been taking care of himself and hasn’t got into any trouble… oh no. what if they did something bad to him? is that why she hasn’t heard anything? “ whaaa.. ”
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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He watched the goggles and wig cap hit the ground, heard the cries from the swimmer. The hell was his problem? Shiro jumped up from the chair he’d been lounging him and walked over and picked up the goggles.  “Yelling into the void is a sign of insanity...or something like that.” He didn’t know if that was true, it was just something he’d heard one of the doctors mumble when he’d been screaming at nothing. He fiddled with the goggles in his hand, they were pretty well made, tightened to just the right place for the swimmer.  the strap was red like the swimmers hair. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was his favorite color or something.  He reached his hand down to help Rin pull himself up if he needed it. He looked kind of exhausted.  That was the right thing to do right? He still wasn’t sure, maybe he was being insulting.  It had been so long since he talked to someone that wasn’t a doctor or Usami, he was a little fuzzy on interactions. 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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Being in his room had gotten hella boring, and they’d left him with less security then normal. So he just knocked them out and started wandering the campus, he’d probably get a scolding and pumped full of drugs later... Who the fuck cared though. He exited the private area that was the east campus and started looking around.  He eventually wandered up to the pool area, he could hear someone in the water so he went to look. Slicing through the water like a fish was a red haired boy, he must be one of the students with the talent Ultimate Swimmer. He sighed, he was a little jealous.  He decided he had nothing better to do, so he hopped onto one of the folding chairs that was sitting beside the pool and watched him. He really was good, his times were amazing... The way he moved through the water was great. He subconsciously started counting out the little things, how long he could hold his breathe. How long it took him to turn... His head started to ache from that, so he glanced away..what would it be like to swim through the water like that? Away from all the doctors and pain, to be free? 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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I haven’t done one of these in a while. So starter call, like for a thread. Comment if you want the man or the bear. 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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Go outside she said, interact with people...this was annoying. It was loud and it was doing nothing good for his mood, despite the fact this was supposed to be ‘good’ for him.  Screw that. He turned down an alleyway to get a little peace and quiet when he noticed a quaint looking coffee shop.  “Leblanc huh?” He looked up at the building with his pocket in his hands. It looked quiet, not too many customers. He shrugged and walked inside the shop, taking a seat at the counter.  A young man a little younger then him seemed to be tending the counter, he picked up a menu and started looking it over. 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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I haven’t done one of these in a while. So starter call, like for a thread. Comment if you want the man or the bear. 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Though I could totally see the appeal of wanting to look as gorgeous as me. Still, no fursuit could capture the charm of the one, the only, amazing Monokuma.” 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“Hey losers, stop telling Tsumugi to get on a Monokuma fursuit. It’s fucking creepy.” 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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M□I□H□O□ ̑̑~♡
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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my favorite headcanon is that everything Shiro knows about sex, he learned from Junko. Which is why as Monokuma, he echos the idea that all teenagers are horny and would hump just about anything.  She probably tells him really strange stuff like that all the time because she knows he’ll believe it. 
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despaircursed-blog · 5 years
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“I’ll serve any one of you that pays me better.” Considering that Junko didn’t pay him, that wouldn’t be hard. He was kidding anyway, or was he? 
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“Isn’t one mastermind fucking enough for you people…”  This was gross. 
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