desperatehousewaifu · 3 years
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Man the new Pokemon games look great
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desperatehousewaifu · 3 years
this girl must have pussy like a pizza bc Everytime she fucks me I have little seizures
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desperatehousewaifu · 3 years
Coming back and scrolling through list of people I followed is so depressing
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
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follow my twitter / patreon / shop / buy me a coffee
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
Me growing up always reasonable and collected mentally was really a plot device to compare me grown and being complete batshit angry inside
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
Lately it’s been headache, wanting to run away from my problems, or both
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
‪If I’m being put to do stuff for you you better act like you acknowledge I’m doing everything for you it took fucking years and me going off the walls angry for people in my family to start saying thanks excessively ‬and it doesn’t even feel like they mean it it is really just “oh she reaalllly wants us to say thanks I better say it” especially since everyone is on my ass if I don’t do things the specific way they want to or if things don’t get done as fast as humanly possible
and that’s the thing about why I think a lot of people don’t change/does not affect me if they change
Because even if they do change and they completely mean it when they say thanks I’m never ever going to take it without a grain of salt for the rest of my life like yeah I’m glad you decided to be nice to your own fucking kid here’s your applause now I’m going to deal with the effects of what you did for the years prior to this for the rest of my life
once fucking again I’m the one that has to pick up the pieces/work around everything while you reap the benefits and dont have to worry about the mess you made. Funny how I actually was productive, enjoyed helping out, went out of my way to do things better and it was just expected and when it was extremely obvious I was having problems and therefore unable to help at my best all I get is shit I always get so angry when I think about how much of me being helpful to people I’m supposed to trust ended up fucking me up for life I can try all I want but I know all too well I am never going to be like I was before and it’s going to be some distant shitty ideal
I don’t care what you feel or whatever culture you had at the end of the day you don’t care about my wellbeing and will always place my usability and what I am supposed to be to you over anything else because that’s what you’ve shown time and time again no fucking wonder I’m constantly burned out and have no fucking will to do anything and all I fucking have to cling to like a lifeline is guilt it’s because I end up getting the brunt of every single fucking task and unnecessary comments 24/7
It’s unfair to think this way and toxic especially if they’re working on it and are actively trying to be better orr whatever but this is more of a vent post than anything
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
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u ever think about how Dorothea….hasn’t rlly had the Best Dating Experiences….n Petra doing something as sweet as asking her permission to kiss her would just…..make her feel incredibly loved
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
People are so weird with what they want to forgive like the godly entity that had 1000 years to get her shit together isn’t capable of doing so only until she finds out she’s not an almighty sole power in the continent and only when what she does affects her directly despite knowing what she allows to maintain control
But let’s not forgive the one that had like two years after being tortured shat on and betrayed that wants to restructure order for people of the country
There’s nothing to forgive on the second option imo but still
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
Edelgard is the best written character in three houses with the most compelling and thought out method of achieving change
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
nooo don’t express serious emotions you’ve been designated “the funny one” aha
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
throwback to the time I worked in retail and got fired because I had the audacity to get robbed and during my disciplinary hearing they kept referring to my assailant as “the customer” and I finally snapped and asked what, the pray tell fuck, he purchased
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
‪Never knew this was controversial but I don’t care if you overtly fetishize/hate women, gay people, minorities because of your trauma or past experiences I’m never going out of my way to coddle your shitty ass and the fact people beg for it just shows how fucking selfish and not self aware they are
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
o wait are you against sex work
I was a sex worker. I can say from personal experience and also thorough research on the topic that the vast majority of women in the sex industry do not want to be there - 9 out of 10 women in the sex industry want to leave (source). I know there are people who have a positive relationship with that profession and speak about it being liberating/empowering for them, and I’m not speaking over them or doubting that that is true for them, but that is a very slim minority of the people in the sex trade globally. The majority of women who talk about how good and empowering sex work is for them are not the women who are most at risk. The majority of sex workers are forced into it through economic necessity, and my priority is protecting those people. Indigenous women, in particular, have been forced into this work since colonization and are trafficked and killed at staggeringly high rates as a result. Many young girls in the global south are sold into the sex industry before they learn to read. I am not against sex workers by any means (again, I was one and many women in my life have been as well), but I think portraying the global sex trade as being an overall positive thing for women and girls is false and irresponsible.
The current discourse on SW conflates supporting sex workers with supporting the sex industry and men who buy sex from women. I don’t believe these are the same things. Liberal feminists who talk about how positive sex work is often completely gloss over the violence and trauma many women in the industry suffer, which is very frustrating to me as some of the worst human rights abuses in the world are happening in the sex trade. A blanket statement of being “pro-sex work” turns a blind eye to these issues. I am a marxist feminist and have the view of this issue that most marxist feminists do. I think we should build towards a society where no one is treated as a commodity. Does that mean I think people are immoral for selling nudes to pay rent? Of course not. But even that is far from an ideal situation for most people and the romanticization of this industry is dangerous. Neither criminalization or decriminalization is the answer - abolishing class society, patriarchy, and capitalism is. 
Further reading: 
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desperatehousewaifu · 5 years
‪“Don’t feel like you have to blame yourself for us fighting all the time” no I don’t blame myself and never did it’s just really stressful having two people fight in my general vicinity every single day for the past 19 years and being the emotional punching bag for most of it‬
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