Why does nobody ever say anything about how you feel when you write the last page of your journal..
Today I wrote on the last page of my journal which I have been holding on to since 2017 and damn it made me emotional.
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Hi it's me again.. with a new series of weird dreams.
Recently i had the most awful nightmare ever. It was so hellish that i had to wake up from my deep sleep at 4am in the morning
It started with me searching for the colour yellow in my dream and ended up with me having a staring competition with a three eyed demon with blood dripping from its eyes up at a jackfruit tree ..and he was not happy to see me neither was i. I was horrified. That fucking midget of a demon gave me the scare of my life.
Please send help ಠ⁠∀⁠ಠ cause my dreams seem to have taken a dark turn and they keep me awake at night. Haha
If you can see this post do help me by trying to interpret my dreams i will be more than grateful.
At this point i should just change my username to desperately-trying-to-sleep
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~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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When i close my eyes i go back to the place, that evening when you were waiting for me in the field of sunflowers. The wind made them dance to it's rhythm, the golden light of the setting sun and the yellow colour of those flowers gave you a look of divine as if an entity had come down on earth to grace his presence with his divine glory. I don't remember your face, it's blurry to me and it hurts to remember but i have that feeling by heart within me. I still remember the way you stretched your arm to take my hand and I,I willingly accepted. I felt your smile on my lips and it's the only thing I want to remember till my last breath. When I open my eyes i am in my room alone and everything is gone, the wind, the sun, the smell of earth, those flowers and you.
At last it's only me with tear filled eyes, an empty heart and a blurred piece of memory of us.
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I am having so many dreams about fortune tellers lately
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I guess i am still sad about something that happened way long back.
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Maybe it wasn't me it was you.
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Let's go to an old book store, buy second hand books for each other. let's go to the museum and admire those paintings. Let's go to the park for a walk or maybe have some ice-cream.
Let's go on a date !
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When you are not fed love on a silver spoon You learn to lick it off knives
Lauren Eden
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Today i saw a dream ...yes a dream
Where someone in white (maybe a women)was telling me something I don't remember what the dream was about but the only thing i remember is she said something like this..
" you may forget people who come and go but always remember those kind hands who helped you"
What does this supposed to mean??
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I d k why am i here ....but i was told that here i can take refuge from reality
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Just a little more and
We will be there
On the bright side of life .
We only have to cross the bridge of miseries:')
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