destructionmaster · 2 years
Trying to correct my garbage eating habits and had a craving for salad today, after 3 weeks. I think it is a good sign what i am doing will have more permanent results but man, that was weird! I had to google how to make a dressing! It has been AGES!!
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destructionmaster · 2 years
I love it when a video game monster’s entire purpose is to blow itself up in your face and inflict massive damage, and when it does its thing the game gives you XP for it as though you’d defeated it.
I mean, I guess it was a learning experience.
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destructionmaster · 2 years
Frankeinstein is always fertile ground for what-if scenarios because, okay, supposing for the sake of argument that Victor doesn’t immediately freak out and run away, what was his plan? Even if everything had gone perfectly, how exactly was he going to explain the nine-foot-tall giant in his dorm room without immediately outing himself as a necromancer? There is no conceivable sequence of events following the Creature’s reanimation that doesn’t go horribly wrong.
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destructionmaster · 4 years
The Dragon Prince Fan Sites
Anybody know any good fan sites? Bonus if there are people, who want to role play. I would love to just go an an adventure in the world together.
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destructionmaster · 5 years
Things You May Not Have Known or Had Forgotten About FFVII
                So I read some compilations of FFVII recently that were going around and I thought I’d make one of my own. For newer fans and older ones – From serious ones to hilarious ones, I’ve named a few. (Some spoilers)
               Genesis’ fan club is sponsored by his foster parents in Banora.
               Genesis’ parents saw the task of raising Genesis as a mere job from Shinra, however their affections for him grew over time.
               The abandoned Banora mine was Genesis’ “secret base” as a child. It is home to his childhood accomplishments, and his place of play. Genesis also made Banora juice a product and even won an award for it, the “National Agriculture Awards, Processed Foods Category.” He keeps the reward there in his trophy case.
               Genesis actually ends up with two fan clubs, not just one. The Red Leather, and Study Group. His fan club split because of a disagreement (his fandom is discourse haha) on what subject to focus on. Though Zack can cause them to merge again.
               Reminder Sephiroth uses an entire bottle of shampoo and conditioner in his hair each time he washes it.
               Sephiroth used to sneak into the training room with Angeal and Genesis to spar. His fan club knows this.
               Speaking of his fan club, the Silver Elite is very exclusive and Zack could only join after taking a quiz to prove his knowledge of Sephiroth.
               Apparently Professor Hojo leads this fan club, posing as the head chairwoman.
               Angeal was a thief as a kid. He grew up stealing things. People never mention this. He was a thief by necessity, but that’s still a huge character point in his life that’s always overlooked for some reason.
               Angeal’s fan club talks about his love of nature, and how he’s a skilled cook. Not only that, but he seems to have an unusual skill of successfully cooking new dishes with leftovers.
               Angeal carries a camera with him on missions. He uses it to take pictures of beautiful scenery. His fan club says it is his most valuable possession, and a gift from his mother.
               Zack may have been Angeal’s actual protégé’, but there were a lot of SOLDIERs who revere Angeal and considered him their mentor and idol. He was genuinely, ‘the ideal SOLDIER operative and the organization’s spiritual leader.’ He passes this influence on to Zack.
               Lazard wanted revenge, but when he became an Angeal Clone he became almost like Angeal’s own Remnant. People forget he helped bust Zack and Cloud out. Lazard also confesses Angeal’s real dreams to Zack, confessing that what Angeal most wanted was to help Zack, to save Genesis, and even to save the entire world.
               All of the Trinity SOLDIERs did in fact have hero complexes.
               It isn’t just fandom that Angeal refers to Zack as a puppy. That’s canon. Angeal’s mother Gillian tells Zack that in her son’s letters to her he mirthfully refers to his pupil as Zack the Puppy in them, and remarks on his puppy-like traits. Much to Zack’s embarrassment.
                In some form or way, Zack’s parents have adopted Cissnei into their family.
               Also, Zack’s been missing for years and his mother is seriously worried that this might mean Zack won’t be able to find a wife. Which while hysterical, is also so incredulous to even think about.
               Sephiroth was actually expressive throughout Crisis Core, and he openly tried to bond with Zack. When he was on his way to Modeoheim and heard Zack was in the area he purposefully stopped to see him and pass on recent information to him. Despite how Sephiroth is normally portrayed as being incredibly standoffish or lacking in the EQ department, and Zack is portrayed as the bundle of reassurances, that encountered showed the exact opposite. Sephiroth was shown to have an openly sarcastic side and was shown to reassure others when faced with their distress – like he did with Zack. People always forget this, myself included.
               Zack literally beat the shit out of three armored gun-wielding Genesis copies while in his swimming trunks and only wielding a beach umbrella.
               Kunsel is the most unsung hero of Crisis Core, and probably the whole Final Fantasy 7 franchise tbh. Don’t ever think for a minute he’s a minor character like he is labeled. Throughout the game he boasts insider knowledge regarding the movements of Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth, and even knows that the Jenova Project resulted in a huge fiasco twenty years ago in the science department. He even actively emails Zack when he escapes from Nibelheim to try and help him and was ready to go against Shinra for his friend. Worst part is? No one actually knows what happened to him after Crisis Core. Did he escape? Did Shinra get him? Did something else happen? Who knows.
               Hilariously, Aerith turned down Zack’s offer of a date in life, and in death. Girl really did that. Read her novella.
               Tifa and Cloud mutually pined for one another as kids, despite the popular belief that it was only Cloud who had a crush. The fact they sort of avoided each other after the incident on the mountain is what made Cloud think Tifa doesn’t like him.
               Tifa and Aerith were able to complete each other’s sentences, and they did this several times in game. They were also together most of the time when they went to towns. And when Cloud talks about wanting to meet Aerith again in the Promised Land, Tifa says she wants to see her again too.
               Vincent was lowkey funny and it was honestly the best. Don’t believe me? He once told Cloud, “I don’t care what you’re doing, so much as the stupid way you’re doing it.” He also told Reeve he didn’t think he dressed very interestingly (in DoC), which was made even funnier when Reeve stated he’d spent all morning trying to decide what to wear beforehand.
               Houdini literally has nothing on Yuffie. She has been escaping from elite officers, the top ninjas of Wutai, since she was a very young princess.
               In the game you could dress Cloud up with a choice of dresses, tiara, and even undergarments. Apparently Cloud is beautiful enough that even with Aerith and Tifa dressed up and standing side-by-side to him, he was still deemed more beautiful than they were. Following that thought, Cloud later removes the dress when they spring their trap on Don Coreno. However Cloud doesn’t ever actually seem to remove his… undergarments. So, it could be canon that Cloud goes around wearing lingerie for a great deal of the game under his fatigues. Heck maybe the whole game afterwards. Sit on that for a while.
               Cloud, Aeris, and Tifa sequentially threatened to, “Chop off, rip off, and smash,” Don Corneo’s junk. While doing a dramatic one-leg up on the bed lean-in pose. Gangsters.
               Cloud actually said, “I ain’t INTERESTED in a bunch of scrubs like you!” when he removed his disguise again. (Again, the lingerie stays underneath?)
               Also while speaking about disguises – we can’t forget Red XIII/Nanaki dressed up on that boat and literally everyone was too drunk to see through his Scooby-doo disguise can we?
               Hojo actually does have a lot of admirers. And they’re not all academic. Let that settle in. Or don’t. Its creepy either way.
               Palmer got hit by a bus and flung off screen during the game – now that was funny!
               And perhaps most hilarious of all to remember… Does anyone else remember being turned into a Toad, and then everyone being turned into a Toad, and having an all frog vs. frog death match? Because that was something that could legit happen.
These were some off the top of my head. I didn’t want to add too many, but if you guys would like some more wacky funny facts let me know and I’ll make another one. 
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destructionmaster · 5 years
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Be still and know that I’m with you Be still and know I am © Photo by GREED
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destructionmaster · 6 years
Runaan: The time for you to face Justice has come, small one
Rayla, 3 years old: ??
Tinker: He means you're grounded
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destructionmaster · 6 years
Aaravos is not impressed.
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destructionmaster · 6 years
If you happened to know a link for those that don’t speak/read japanese, preferable english, I would be most grateful to you.
After the “Noiz, why do you drink that?” post, I realize that some people are unfamiliar with the DMMd Manga.
For those who want to read it, here you go (up to Volume 2, Chapter 7) :D
Only 2 volumes have been released so far, but the manga itself seems to keep being published via B’s LOG magazine.
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destructionmaster · 6 years
Do you ever think about how
this is Chris aka Swiss meadow flower boy:
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this is Chris a few years after he met Victor:
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this is Chris a few hours after he met Yuuri:
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My point is: Victuuri can seriously damage your innocence and inhibition. Use with caution. Especially Yuuri. 
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destructionmaster · 6 years
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Me @ me: “Hey maybe don’t draw the entire first season of YOI from yakov feltsman’s perspective. That will take weeks and you’re an adult with a life”
…I did it.
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Loosely based on this post.
{My Twitter}
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destructionmaster · 6 years
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Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki competing against eachother on the same rink and actually taking anything seriously? Yeah, me neither (entirely based on this)
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destructionmaster · 6 years
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We have been allowed to post our work from the @yoinauticalzine now! :D So, here we go! <3  A smol little comic about their first meeting :D check out my NSFW account for the Smutty piece <3  THANKS AGAIN TO THE AMAZING MODS WHO MADE THE ZINE HAPPEN <3  And thanks to all who bought it, the coral reefs surely thank you as well ^w^ and thanks to @lucycamui for working with me on this amazing project <3 Go check out her blog as well for the fic! OuO
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destructionmaster · 6 years
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This was recorded by the Portsmouth Sinfonia in an experiment where all the members of the orchestra would swap instruments with each other and attempt to play them to the best of their ability.
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destructionmaster · 6 years
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DIY Ultimate Know Your Skirts Guide Infographic from Enerie. For more very popular ultimate guides from Enerie go here:
Know Your Nail Shapes and What’s Popular on Instagram Infographics.
Fashion Pattern Vocabulary Part 1 Infographic.
Fashion Pattern Vocabulary Part 2 Infographic. 
Know Your Sunglasses Infographic. 
Know Your Shoes Part 1 Infographic. Lobster Claws anyone?
Know Your Shoes Part 2 Infographic.
Know Your Necklines Infographic from Paper Blog.
Know Your Hats Infographic.
Know Your Collars and Cuffs Infographic.
Know Your Necklines Infographic.
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destructionmaster · 8 years
[Shingeki No Kyojin] Vega Orgel - Guren no Yumiya (Music Box) 
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destructionmaster · 8 years
I once convinced a friend that supernatural was based on the real events surrounding two brothers' mysterious lives but the events were re-created with actors because none of the victims wanted to come forward and SHE TOTALLY BOUGHT IT AND WATCHED THE SHOW OBSESSIVELY FOR WEEKS AND WAS SCARED WITLESS AT SOME OF THE STUFF and I don't have the heart to tell her it wasn't true. Am I a horrible person?
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