determinedbuns · 9 months
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Day 2658 Sue Sakamoto
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determinedbuns · 1 year
*hands Samga a muffin*
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"... How long has this thing been sitting out for?"
The rabbit looks down at a moldy mess of a muffin that has clearly sat out for far too long. Its darkly colored crumb giving way to a blooming white colony of pestilence, the rabbit had no desire to consume this muffin no matter how much one might ask.
"... Thanks?.. Gosh, how long was I asleep for? I must've left this muffin before I went to sleep, heck maybe even longer.."
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determinedbuns · 1 year
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Join Tapi for a jog!
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determinedbuns · 4 years
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hi… I have… no money… so i’m opening commissions, reblogs are appreciated!
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determinedbuns · 4 years
I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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determinedbuns · 4 years
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——Commissions [OPEN]——-
Round 2 Commissions are OPEN!! Please read the journal before commissioning me. Its got a lot of important stuff like the TOS, Things to consider before commissioning me, and criteria regarding off menu items.
Slots Available: 1 / 5
Commission Journal: http://fav.me/ddxqxbv
Commission Form to fill out: (under the cut. Please send this form to me in a Direct Message when you’re ready to commission me)
Keep reading
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determinedbuns · 4 years
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determinedbuns · 4 years
Trump will deliver killing blow to the USPS
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The USPS is about to declare bankruptcy. It’s at the center of the longstanding plans for disaster recover and has been since the Cold War. It’s the only institution that could (for example) deliver covid meds to every home in America in one day.
But Congress has decided not to bail out the postal service, despite Art 1, Sec 8 of the US Constitution: “To establish Post Offices and post Roads.”
Maybe it’s because without a USPS we couldn’t have a postal vote in 2020?
The proximate cause of the post office’s bankruptcy is the pandemic, but that is merely the finishing blow. The USPS was murdered in 2006, when Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act.
The Act gave the USPS a mere 10 years to “prefund its future health care benefit payments to retirees for the next 75 years.” That is, to set aside cash to pay medical bills for future employees who hadn’t been born yet.
The Act gave the USPS a mere 10 years to “prefund its future health care benefit payments to retirees for the next 75 years.” That is, to set aside cash to pay medical bills for future employees who hadn’t been born yet.
The USPS’s murder is straight out of the neoliberal playbook: “1 Defund, 2 claim crisis, 3 call for privatizatization, 4 profit!”
As Lambert Strether points out, it was a bipartisan act of murder, cosponored by the “centrist” Democrat Henry Waxman.
Killing the USPS looms large in the Trump admin’s (nonmetaphorical, actual) privatization playbook, “Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century Reform Plan and Reorganization Recommendations”:
The proposals are for USPS to become a Wework clone or franchisee, but not to become a publicly owned bank - a common line of business for other nations’ postal services, natural based on the amounts of cash they handle.
The USPS is the nation’s second largest employer of veterans, with 630,000 employees. Trump is about to allow it to collapse so that UPS, Fedex and other private firms can skim off the most profitable parts of its business and leave rural Americans totally isolated.
The loss of the USPS would mean the loss of the last truly universal federal program in America and would unduly hammer the people whom Trump claims to love – veterans and rural voters.
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determinedbuns · 4 years
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But where have we come? And where shall we end? — Rai back on his boosh again? Absolutely! And this time it’s a plucky and a little bit directionless Cinderace just looking for… uh… actually she really isn’t sure of that part yet. But she’ll figure that mess out later. In the meantime, getting to finally see what these “Town” things she’s heard so much about will do! If you want to bump into this curious rabbit on that lengthy countryside road then go ahead and give those ♡ and ⟲ buttons a tap! And remember to always be careful…
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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Yozora was keeping a close eye on them as he was listening to their words before perking up to seeing them move their arms as a strong pulse of energy could be sensed, he looked around before noticing the shift in the air. What was going on? He then looked towards his left then to his right as the buildings were moving…towards him? Was she trying to flatten him into a pancake?!
He quickly dodged, not realizing he released the trap on the rabbit as he was watching out for the advancing buildings.
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“What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?”
He yelled out, demanding a answer as mismatched eyes narrowed into a strong glare.
The buildings fly into eachother, slamming against one another with an echoing crash that shook the ground beneath them. She watched the orb around her vanish as Yozora evaded the collision.
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“Must you stoic types always make such boring conversation?” She didn’t seem to acknowledge the question, almost as though this were hardly a matter of life or death for her.
**~ Strange Meetings ~**
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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          “ ..? “ She was left curious when Ikki mentioned a gift. Fyuga hadn’t even expected her to give her something after the way she treated her. She always did have a problem initially trusting strangers. Only the ones that were brave enough to try to talk to her would eventually find that there is softness behind that predatory gaze she initially gives people. Fyuga had no idea if Ikki even still fully trusted her or if she was just doing this out of the kindness of her heart, but…
          … Mmm.. that smells really sweet. Her attention is drawn to that rectangle. What could it be? Chocolates? Fruits? Maybe candy? 
          She closes the distance in seconds. She moves so quickly that it’s hard to keep track of her, already at the rock Ikki had moved to and already holding the rectangular treat in her hands. She stares at it closely before shoving it into her mouth, eating it all in one, big bite..
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          “ .. Chawwwclate… “ 
          Oh, she loved that.
The speed caught Ikki off guard. She moved practically like a blur across the clearing of the forest, kicking up grass yet their footsteps barely left a trace of sound.
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“Whoa you’re fast!” She commented, but then watched as Fyuga took her peace offering and was met with a satisfied smile. The sight was infectious to say the least, she couldn’t help but crack a smile herself.
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“Glad you liked it! You don’t mind me so much now do ya?”
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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Yozora couldn’t speak as he watched the ever so curious rabbit tapping at the sphere as many small cubes form around her, giving a tiny zap as the silver haired youth didn’t want to hurt them despite the ‘knife’ that was thrown to harm him. 
He sighed as he listened to her ongoing chatter, shaking his head before speaking.
“Seriously, why are you so curious to learn all about me? I’m a normal person who can wield magic as well as weapons. Why do you think of me as someone to study? It’s kinda creepy…”
Yozora replied as he was trying to grasp the notion of this rabbit finding him interesting as nothing was making sense right now, he sighed as he kept the sphere together and continued watching them.
Finally the Rabbit would give them a straight answer. She looked almost annoyed with the idea, but it seemed as though the novelty of her mystery was beginning to wane.
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“As I said, I am an interloper. A foreigner. I am not meant to tread in this realm, yet I allow myself in to persue curiosities. It just so happened I stumbled upon a world whose technology and magic have evolved far beyond what worlds I’ve seen thus far.” She adjusted her lenses while giving off a soft sigh. As outlandish as her explanation was, there was no lie to be found..
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“This is what I get for speaking too much.” Her arms stretched out towards her sides as the air began to grow thick with a strange atmosphere. Energy began to radiate out from the Rabbit’s body, and it became clear she was preparing something.
To Yozora’s left and right, a building on each side would glow with a large spell circle projecting in front of them.
Then, a cacophony of breaking metal as the structures slowly began to move.
**~ Strange Meetings ~**
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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Yozora was about to speak before sensing the rabbit throwing something towards him which was a sharp object, he dodged it quickly by phasing out of sight before reappearing behind her as he activated his holographic sphere trap to secure her as he replies.
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“Nice try but sorry, not ending up as a test subject for you. I appreciate the compliments you just gave about my weapons and speed but I refuse to remain still to allow you to slice me, that’s not how I like for things to go. 
Now. I’m going to ask you this, why are you so interested in me? I’m just a normal human. Nothing special of the sort.”
He politely asks as he kept both eyes on her, ready for anything if be it.
She watched Yozora blink out of her vision, waiting to see how they would react. Then before even a few seconds have passed, she would find herself surrounded and engulfed by a crimson light shaping itself into a prism around her. The curious scientist seemed hardly phased, afraid, only fascinated.
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“A crossbow that can materialize energy into matter. Could it truly be Solid Light?” She reached out and tapped against the glowing orb trapping her, wondering if it might zap her back. She seemed to pay no mind to Yozora’s modesty, almost shrugging it off completely.
“No human I’ve met can blink away and manifest a prison on command.. Not unless they were skilled practitioners of Magic.” She turned around to Yozora and tapped her chin thoughtfully.
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“And yet here you are, able to replicate those feats with technology. One might almost begin to blur the lines between Arcane and Mechanical would they not?” She waited to see what Yozora would do next, eager to see what else this orb was capable of. For one who renounced any notion of being a test subject, the strange Rabbit seemed to be treating them as such from the get-go...
**~ Strange Meetings ~**
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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Yozora was surprised that this rabbit knew who he was as he kept his eyes locked on them, taking note of the tone as they seemed to be advancing towards him as he kept his weapons out before replying.
“I see. So, you wish to face me in battle to get a better understanding of my abilities and to see if I’m worthy enough for your research?”
He slowly said, backing away a little as he was warning them not to advance any closer.
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“From what I’ve passively observed of you, already have you proven worthy of researching. From the blade that you wield to the incredible speed, I can’t stop myself from wondering... where it all comes from.” She couldn’t help but comment on that, she put her hand up to her chin and gave off a sly laugh.
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“And given your stance, you already presume me to be a threat. That makes things arguably easier.”
She takes one step forward, her cyan eyes fixated on Yozora’s heterochromatic eyes.
Then, with one swift motion, her arm sweeps across and a single object came flying at Yozora. Nonchalant with her attack, it was as if she were toying with him when she threw what looked to be a single scalpel as though it were a throwing knife. Unorthodox as it was, it glided and sliced through the air no less effectively. Right for her subject.
**~ Strange Meetings ~**
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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          Damn it - why wasn’t she leaving??? Why did she have to make this more difficult for her?! No - no, she’s not trying to make it difficult. Like anyone else before her and like her, she’s just trying to help. She felt the wetness on her face stain her chin, dripping down from her face and onto the soil - but she didn’t look particularly sad. She looked.. annoyed. Annoyed with herself and annoyed with the world.
          She couldn’t even argue against her. Aside from simply telling her to screw off, Fyuga had nothing to say to her.. at least, initially. She asked her for a name, and she felt that twinge in her heart again. She flinches visibly and turns her gaze to look down at the ground. She didn’t want to look at her anymore. It gave her a headache.
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          “ Am Fyuga. “ A soft, pathetic-sounding voice. Made to be that way on purpose. She had to take a moment to let her own irritation subside. Stimulation - she begins to drag her claws against the soil, drawing abstract images for her own sake. “ Fyuga no wan’ hurt yoo. “
The bunny tilted her head, though she could tell something was off about them. She listened, nodding in acknowledgement at the name but then came the next statement that would set off a few warnings for her.
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“Hey, it’s okay.. Nice t’meetcha Fyuga.” She tapped her chin for a moment in thought, before an idea popped into her head. She turned around for just a moment, reached into the collar of her sweater and began to sift through an unseen space.
“Hmmm.. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I didn’t at least give ya somethin’.” She turned around with an unwrapped object resembling a rectangle in her sleeve. Her eyes scan around, noticing a large rock nearby that she carefully moved closer to, taking care to avoid sudden movements. Then with her free hand, she brushed the rock off and unwrapped the rectangle.
The scent of something sweet would permeate from the open end of the seemingly dark colored object, the wrapping glistened in the moonlight, and further drew the eye. Ikki moved away now, gesturing to her offering while keeping a fair distance from it and Fyuga.
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determinedbuns · 5 years
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Yozora was listening before eyes widen, he never said his name as he stared sharply at the rabbit who introduced themselves as Bethany as he spoke with a deep tone.
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“How…How do you know my name? I never told you it. What are you?”
The bipedal Rabbit’s head raised from her somewhat sinister smile and she began to stroll sideways, her feet patting silently against the pavement illuminated by neon signs hanging off every building in sight. Her words continue, eloquent and smooth as one would expect from a silvertongue.
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“What am I indeed? To speak truthfully, I myself ask the very same question and come to an undesirable answer each time. However, it does me no good to obsess over one mystery, so I indulge in curiosities that catch my eye. Phenomena that begs to be explained, secrets long buried, or in this case...” Her eyes open and begin to focus on Yozora, a mischevous glint hidden behind those angled lenses that inexplicably hold to her face perfectly without any assistance.
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“Certain Individuals. Your abilities and technology have fascinated me, and I grew bored with observing from a distance, so I am now applying a more direct approach... If you would care to indulge me.”
From her posture to her tone, something about it seemed.. off. Yet in spite of this, her stride remained ever graceful and confident.
**~ Strange Meetings ~**
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determinedbuns · 5 years
Yozora tilted his head once noticing the figure, only to be in complete shock as it was a bipedal rabbit. He looked at them curiously before working up enough nerve to speak, a deep sound to his voice when doing so.
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“Excuse me but who might you be and why are you here?”
He asks slowly, keeping his guard up as he watched them just in case things were about to get hectic or something. He wondered where they came from as their clothes were a bit interesting, it made his mind wonder.
The stranger stared for a moment, her eyes darting up and down as though she were examining him from afar. A gaze most piercing radiated from behind that deceptively benign smile. Her hand began to move, raising from its neutral position at her side before letting her fingers adjust the bridge of her lenses miraculously held in place.
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“I am someone whose curiosity got the best of them. Consider me an interloper if you wish.”
It spoke with a woman’s voice, nonchalant and perhaps even a little condescending.
“I am Bethany, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance...”
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**~ Strange Meetings ~**
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