samu-sa-no-okami · 3 months
Cayne has appeared! What to do?
.....take...a picture?
The wolf barely had time to react, as a sudden flash of light appeared in front of them. A picture then materialized, showing Cayne's bare and naked form, along with a surprised look on their face.
They immediately blushed, and covered their face... But not themselves. "This isn't a very flattering picture..."
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determinedbuns · 1 year
*hands Samga a muffin*
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"... How long has this thing been sitting out for?"
The rabbit looks down at a moldy mess of a muffin that has clearly sat out for far too long. Its darkly colored crumb giving way to a blooming white colony of pestilence, the rabbit had no desire to consume this muffin no matter how much one might ask.
"... Thanks?.. Gosh, how long was I asleep for? I must've left this muffin before I went to sleep, heck maybe even longer.."
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Reputation? We have reputations in the RP community? Can't say that I know or care tbh, but what I do know, is that you're one heck of a dude to talk with and roleplay with :3
Well I can only guess, but we all have one for one point or another, sadly can't be helped I suppose.
And thank you man! Always fun to roleplay with you too!
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the-potpourri · 2 months
Pistachio's Butt : ***** Perfection!
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Cress booty, good booty.
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silverdeer · 2 years
🎀 // Even though we haven't interacted yet :/
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"Hmm... I'd probably go wiiiiith Space Boy. You're just sleek enough not to be Fluffy."
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lycanspirited · 10 months
Moving in [Closed]
Asher had finally got Jasper to help him move into his new house. On the outer edge of Asheville it was a nice two story home, to big for him, but he got it very cheap. Don't ask how.
Jasper had brought Olivar along, the little rabbit was set up in the living room with Asher's Switch so he could play games. The two Lycans were talking and looked at him. "You winning son?"
Jasper asked getting Asher to shake his head. "Really?"
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mobian-of-science · 1 year
@askolivar  said : 🍷💖
Send a "🍷💖" and My Muse will drunkenly flirt with Your Muse
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"Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Heyyyyyy... Have you ever h-hic! Noticed? C'mmon like... That tail? So cuuuuute! It's fluuuuufyy! I wann have your tail. Will y- gimme it for tha... Tha kiss? Pleeeeeeeze?"
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@askolivar​: continued from X
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Panto didn’t mean to startle the Lagopmorph, though he also wasn’t quite expecting to be picked up either. Thankfully he was able to keep calm, having a feeling that Olivar wasn’t someone that was going to hurt him. These feelings proving true when the cuddles occurred, which Panto would return said cuddles.
When he was placed back on the group, Panto would move to the spot Oliver patted, sitting right next to him and looking up with a smile. Though, he had yet to say anything. Even if there was a reason for it, Olivar wouldn’t have known it yet.
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nightmaregaverna · 2 years
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"Careful with that Gryphon..." "He's an ear-flicker"
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"I-I'll keep that in mind. They don't seem all that bad honestly...!"
((Not my art, temporarily using till I can either afford to get or make my own icons))
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So you're not a kangaroo?
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everything! *runs away from Abe*
"......." Abe was silent.
"Says the one without muffin privileges. For a month! Only pancakes and bagels!"
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the-potpourri · 1 year
And yet smooth in all the right places.
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aetherverse-proxy · 3 years
"What that Anon meant to say was: Wow such an amazing mouse!"
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"I don't know why I'm being praised, but I don't mind it!"
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lycanspirited · 2 years
Egyptian Babysitting [Closed]
It was an hour later when Cobalt finally appeared at the front porch of Jasper’s house. The demigod looked tired, annoyed and may be a bit tipsy, nothing like a human, but he had been drinking.
Jasper had thrown on his work clothes and met him outside. “He’s already ate, he normally goes to bed at nine-ish, maybe ten.” Cobalt just grumbled and walked into the house before Jasper grabbed his arm. “If Olivar gets hurt...” He let the air get thick between them then he remote started his truck and soon the sound of gravel filled the air as Jasper rushed off.
Cobalt crossed his arms, being in his jackal form looking at Olivar.
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arkymouse · 3 years
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" Arky! Let's go to the cafeteria! They have fresh Muffins! "
Olivar drags the mouse along as he chatters about muffins
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“W-well if you say so...!”
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galaxyskinned · 3 years
@askolivar moved from HERE
He pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled slowly, tail low and twitching.
Ears flat back.
He sighed very gently and looked at Olivar with something approaching strained kindness stretched over bone deep exhaustion,
"Look kid, I've got lots of people counting on me and I can't just run off on them, not today..." another sigh, his body language softening, "we'll play some other time, when I'm not so busy, ok?"
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