determineddeveraux · 9 years
Her hands trembled as she took in the sight of the beautiful art deco windows of Rousseau’s smashed into tiny little pieces. She had spent months saving for those ornate windows and even longer deliberating with Jane-Ann and Monique over which ones would suit her restaurant. Now it was destroyed. Clutching the broom and shovel, Sophie started cleaning up the mess. Her mouth was set in a thin line as she crouched outside what was left of the window that looked out onto the street.
Distracted for a moment, Sophie accidentally sliced her hand on a shard of the glass. “Shit,” she hissed, scrunching her face up in pain as blood started flowing out from the wound. 
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"I suppose that you can't really trust anyone around here. Though that is certainly not the message that I want to be sending to my coven. I have a rather ferocious desire not to speak to Marcel, but something tells me that if I wish to get to the bottom of this, I'll have to."
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"You’d be surprised, dear. I’m confident it wasn’t Niklaus, Marcel is a different story though I have desire to talk to him."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"Don't you ever say that again. My sister didn't deserve the indignity of having her throat slit in the middle of the Quarter for some sort of performance for your band of monsters." 
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"You took her away from me and I will make you pay for that Marcel, mark my words. I can't believe that I thought you were different from the rest, but you're nothing more than a monster."
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"Jane-Anne deserved what she got, Soph. She knew the price of doing magic in the Quarter yet she did it anyway. I was just following through on what I promised would happen if anyone was caught doing magic. I don’t know how I’m to blame for her mistake. As for being a pain in the ass, some people actually think I’m a delight to be around. You thought so too, at one point.”
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"You get to pose for a hell of a lot of photos and talk at all sorts of boring functions. Though something tells you're far from interested in that."
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"My kind? You mean people who get strangely irritated in libraries?"
"Who the hell would want to be president in the first place? You don’t get to actually do anything."
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"So temperamental, but amusing all the same. That’s how it usually goes with your kind."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"Perhaps whoever murdered Piper knew that she'd trust them and it would make it easy. If it were Marcel, he'd be parading around about it, wouldn't he?"
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"This conversation has never been over, not from the minute that Jane-Anne was killed. Don't hold it all in, Ian. Tell me how you really feel."
"Of fuckin’ course she was a strong witch, but there are stronger witches in this city that could have ben used. For all we know, it was Marcel that took another life of a witch.”
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 ”You don’t get to make the decision on what is enough and what isn’t. I suggest biting your tongue on this. The conversation is over.”
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
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"You have Papa Tunde's blade... how the hell did you find that?"
"I possess the blade of Papa Tunde. And if that isn’t enough for you or your dwindling clan then I’m afraid I’m of no use to you at all."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"And it’s up to us to take advantage of their naivety.”
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"Exactly. We're basically teaching them life skills."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"If this is how you usually converse with strangers, then I'd hate to see you as the president."
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"Though you probably wouldn't last very long in the job."
"If those women with glasses and pointy fingers are your version of hostile, I’d hate to see you in a war zone."
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"Not that you’d be in one."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"What could I possibly have to say to you, Marcel?"
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"Perhaps it's something like oh I don't know... you murdered my sister and destroyed my coven and not to mention, you're generally just a huge pain in the ass. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
If you’ve got something to say, say it.
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"Remind me, why do I need you? What use are you to me at this very moment? There's many angry people who are grieving the loss of their friend and who would love to know that I suspect you were the one to murder her. Now I ask again, what use are you to me right now?"
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"How dare you accuse me of such an atrocity. You don’t even know me. In fact, you need me. You can’t even practice magic here without the fear of your spleen being removed from your body."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"But not everyone has enemies that would be bothered murdering them in a street corner and taking some of their organs. It narrows down the search a little. I suppose Klaus and Marcel are the main ones that come to mind..."
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Everyone has enemies, it’s just easy to over look them at times. Was there anyone in particular she wanted gone?
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"But we're on the same side, why on earth would I ruin anything that's mutually beneficial?"
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"What I do is strictly for my mind only, love. Wouldn’t want you ruining anything.”
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"Piper was a damn powerful witch, that's why. It might not be the right answer to this, but you can't ignore that it's a possibilitiy. I —,"
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"That is enough Ian. If you have something to say, just fucking say it." 
"And why the hell would she want to use Piper as the sacrifice? There are tons of witches she could of used. Of course it’s just like you to show a little interest after someone’s already gone. Whatever theory you have about Piper’s death — it sounds like bullshit to me."
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
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"Libraries can be pretty hostile, have you seen some of these librarians?"
"Awfully hostile for a library, don’t you think?"
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determineddeveraux · 9 years
"Just listen to me for a moment, Anastasia Lefevre is highly experienced with sacrificial magic. She could've easily been the murderer, perhaps she wanted to use Piper's heart in a spell of some sort. It's not a completely bizarre idea."
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"You’re kidding, right? Sounds like a load of shit to me."
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