devanshidraws · 8 months
Some of your books make it seems like you believe in actual literal magic, do you? ()
I can write down a few words and make people thousands of miles away, whom I have never met and will never meet, laugh tears of joy and cry tears of true sorrow for people who do not exist and have never existed and never will exist. If that isn't actual literal magic I don't know what is.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Sometimes I miss what the whole Harry Potter universe was to me. The feeling of returning to a kind of "home" once you've opened the books. The odd excitement of starting a movie marathon or finding some great new fanfiction to read. The hours spent on the Harry Potter Fanom Wiki reading through every post existing and learning about every single fact and background story. The conversations about favourite parts, theories and the own Hogwarts house. Complementing the merchandise from strangers on the street and sorting classmates into the four houses. And although the Harry Potter universe will always remain my favourite fandom, it was just a big part of my youth that is just over now.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Quick question, anyone is part of any nice book clubs? I want to get back into reading and would love to discuss if
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Reading RWRB and I am pretty sure Amy and Cash knew Alex was in love before he did….
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devanshidraws · 1 year
listen I ended up regretting saying anything about this on my old blog because people will interpret literally any and every statement maliciously on this hellsite but I want to start like. a helpline for people who are like “hey I pretty much only read YA but I’m like 22 now and don’t relate to teenagers as much, it’s such a shame that there are no fun books written for adults :(” because boy HOWDY are there some fun books for adults 
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devanshidraws · 1 year
RIGHT, Good Omens folks, let’s talk blocking: the art of where you put your actors within the scene, in relation to others.
Season 1, Aziraphale is always on the right side, and Crowley is always on his left side. The only exceptions to this is in the Bentley, because of the steering wheel, and on the park bench during the switch.
Aziraphale expects Crowley to appear on his left too. At the Ark he still turns right when he feels an ethereal presence, only to turn left right away. Present day, when he’s eating sushi and Gabriel appears, he smiles, turns *left*, instantly realises it’s not that kind of ethereal visit, turns right with a bit of a panic.
Aziraphale right, Crowley left. Always. Right?
Season 2 switches this up. By a LOT.
It starts moment one in the coffee shop, blink and you’ll miss it: Aziraphale is sitting down, senses Crowley, *turns left*, only for Crowley to walk around the table *right*, and sit down. It’s a tiny moment, but it speaks so loudly on… well, Aziraphale’s assumptions. Which he has a lot of.
Everything is Meant. Douglas is too brilliant for this to be random. And it happens… so often?
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I also find it very interesting that they added moments in history where Crowley is on the right side. Most particularly one where he definitely is *on* the moral right side. (‘Poverty is good actually’, really Aziraphale?)
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Then there’s this scene, which, the Job flashback deserves a whole essay onto its own…
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Then there’s the the fact that Crowley is always on Shax’s right, and she is always on his left.
And then there’s this!
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Muriel is *always* on Crowley’s left.
It’s almost as if things aren’t as black and white as the system would want you to believe, ey, angel?
Bonus: Gabriel and Beelzebub start off their meetings on opposite sides of the table. They end sitting on the same side.
Anyhoo I love this show a VERY NORMAL AMOUNT please feel free, always, to scream at me about it.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Ok ok Metatron didn’t have any intentions or realisations of wanting to separate Aziraphael and Crowley, but he just thought that Aziraphael, a low ranking angel, who has been ousted from heaven, may be the perfect patsy to put the blame on, and to puppet for second coming..
He totally underestimated Aziraphael and how powerful he and crowley can be together.
And that’s what season 3 is.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
I am very on thé Crowley was Prince of Heaven, supereme Archangel , MorningStar.
He was god’s fav. Metatron (or Michael or Gabriel or all together) was jealous. He just thought he was asking questions, he just wanted to understand. But everyone probably convinced HER, or took a vote to banish him.
Which he remembers, which is why he knows he will never be welcome back in Heaven. He knows that he was in a position of power and he couldn’t make a difference. But how can he explain that to Aziraphael
I Would love a scene where crowley goes absolutely bat shit crazy and yells at everyone in heaven like “Where WERE YOU!! Where were you ‘brother’ when I was being cast away?! Where were you when we were throne in Hell”
I believe that hell and Satan (Ie the metaphysical embodiment of Evil, the true opposite of god, a primordial entity, existed before and the fallen where banished into his domain)
You have absolutely convinced me Crowley was Lucifer. The whole garden of Eden, showing Jesus all the lands, bringing light thing... Hell, the most famous painting of Lucifer has him with red hair. The hair colour and cut Crowley has pre fall. And the fact that he never gives Aziraphale his old name (that was not withheld by accident). He has imagination that other angels/demons do not have, and he can stop time. I can't think of any other demons or angels who can do that.
the evidence is not insubstantial *bangs gavel*
I said this elsewhere but officially I think he's the fallen former supreme archangel sometimes called Lucifer by humanity.
Lucifer!Crowley was an idea I first saw @goodomensjail articulate; when they pointed out that Satan and Lucifer aren't considered the same being in all traditional beliefs it was just suddenly so obvious to me what's going on here. that was before we even saw s2 which has done nothing but bolster my faith in this idea. crowley isnt beating Lucifer allegations yet.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
it's zero comfort but at least we can be reasonably sure crowley was formerly the archangel Lucifer, with all the references to "morningstars singing" (Lucifer Morningstar), the "we already had one fallen prince of heaven" line, him knowing the Metatron, him saying "let there be light" (Lucifer is the "light bringer") , his high level clearance access in heaven, his reference to being part of the "design " process with god, the weird respect the archangels give him in heaven, the miracle so powerful only an archangel could perform, the Heavy visual implication in the first scene that his questions specifically caused the fall, his suggestion to Shax that he could have done the archangel miracle, in the first scene when he literally says he's gonna tell god she's doing a shit job, his insistence to other demons that he doesnt remember them from the War (I doubt anyone is happy with Lucifer, I think he hides his former identity) and most importantly why he's So Fucking Different from literally every other angel and demon.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Ok, so a curious thing,
We know that Crowley was certainly Throne or dominion or higher?
Now he also says.. “that’s something to scare away the young Cherubs” … or something like that?
Now he would only say this if he was higher than a cherub?
Does this mean he was a Seraphim? As in the highest angel. I am convinced he was the prince who was banished.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
So questions…..
1) Have we ever seen Crowley eating? I have seen him drinking, but eating?
2) Except 1 sweet, aziraphel didn’t eat at all in the second season? Isn’t that odd?
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Can someone explain as to why Aziraphael opened a bookshop, when he didn’t want to sell books? Why not a library?
Anyone? @neil-gaiman ? Buller?
Jokes apart, do the book readers know this?
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devanshidraws · 1 year
This is a really nice fix It fix for post canon season 2
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Who has read TSATS and wants to discuss it with me!!
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Agree. That’s what was missing, the other stuff that makes pjo fun. They tried to hard to make this a stand alone book for which you don’t need to read the other series, and due to that it kind felt it was missing something the entire time.
I think some of the problem in tsats (other than a bunch of canon things being thrown out the window) is that the age range is for 10 to 14 year olds and focus is on building a romantic relationship…
Like it’s kinda missing the fun adventurous side of pjo and feels more like a lecture on how to date someone a bit different from you.
For like 12 year olds. (The core readers)
Kids read fantasy to live in the story with the characters for a while. Not to listen to a ton of romantic advice. I’m only two years out of the age range and I still felt like the story was talking to the audience the entire time in a way the pjo books don’t. Hoo and ton didn’t even really do that.
I think that’s part of what made it not fun to read.
There was a lot of things readers wanted to see: Like how the campers react to Nico now. What friends Nico has made outside his boyfriends cabin. What Nico thinks about Reyna joining the hunters. Nico thinking about Hazel and that if he dies in Tartarus he’ll never be able to see her again. Also nico just never finds out where Jason’s soul went??
Too many loose ends just to focus on a underdeveloped romance.
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devanshidraws · 1 year
Going to say something that May piss off people…
But the book was not worth the hype., like at all…
I did not find it super dark or scary (and I don’t know if that’s cause I am much older than I was while I read House of Hades)
Nico wasn’t BAMF enough.. neither was Will… like I just feel that Percy in HoH was kickass, and Nico had so much more potential to show new powers
It was a lot of “let’s talk about relationship issues” kind of book. But honestly fell flat
* vague spoilers*
The prophecy was useless and the way it resolved was stupid
The part where Nico meets Hades (and the others) was very random … like not canon compliant ..
No mention of any characters, no capture the flag, no showing how the rest of camp now react to Nico, was very weird…. All that makes the books fun!!
I dont even understand Will’s character. I know there was some growth.. but still. Why didn’t he fight? I get the “caring” trope.. but not to the extent it’s boring
Nico’s character about him doing anything for his friends and always being kind to everyone was great though!
But everything said. The first time I read the book, I was excited, I wanted to see a Nico book, see Nico happy, see someone grow to care for him. See him find someone to love. See that he has freinds, and family who loves him. Literally not one person who has met him has a bad thing to say about him.
So from that perspective I loved reading the book. Yes a lot of things were lame. But I only care about Nico, and for that I enjoyed the book.
If I don’t go too deep into the flaws, I enjoyed it, and I would re read parts and I would fill in a few things (Such as other characters) in my head
I would say I get why Will is so scared and whiny all the time. This is literally like his first major quest… in the battle of manhattan it was the whole camp. In ToA, he didn’t do that much fighting, just healing. Here he was completely out of his element, and nervous. Like anyone else would be (who aren’t like the 7)
But he does grow. And by end he has changed. This new Will fits more with I thought Will would be
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