deviantartheart · 7 years
Well, that marks the end of this blog! It was a testament to our shitty childhoods, our immaturity, and our furry drama. I hope it’s something the lot of us can push behind ourselves and grow from, whether those of you who follow us choose to do the same, or flock to another blog who will willingly post the Cinnadog drama of the week.
But hey, no shame. Ultimately your life is up to you and how you choose to spend it. I don’t necessarily regret spending a few hours of my life watching children tear each other apart through internet anonymity, it had its enjoyment. Though not anymore, as I’ve felt myself grow more empathetic as a person. Sometimes you never realize how shitty a person you’ve been until it’s hit you in the face, and my struggle with my sexuality in recent months has been a testament to that.
I hope you all eventually learn to lead wonderful lives. Bye-bye spaghetti. -Q
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deviantartheart · 7 years
Are you just updating before deleting or abandoning or will this blog be carrying on be it with original mids or new?
We’re abandoning it. As hypocritical as it may be, we’d rather not encourage this blog or any similar ones in the future. It was never about warning people about scamming artists in the first place– just drama, which we’ve all grown past. If you really want to look out for artists you shouldn’t buy from, check out Artists Beware, or @fuckingfurries. -Q
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deviantartheart · 7 years
hello mod q how r u doing
I’m good. :) -Q
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deviantartheart · 7 years
Five Months Later
This blog was brought up in casual conversation between Mod Q and I, and I got curious and decided to check the Asks.
Many of the Asks were very passive-aggressive, or straight-up aggressive. The two dominant opinions were that this blog should die and SHOULD HAVE died a while ago, with the other side being pissy that we weren’t providing y’all with new content by replacing ourselves with other mods.
Drama blogs aren’t going to die just because this one died. That is a fact. Would the world be better if petty drama blogs such as this one died? Not by a significant amount, but what did this blog REALLY do to change anyone’s life, besides for the worse?
The amount of nastiness that piled up in our Inbox since this blog’s shut down honestly solidified for me that we made the right choice. 
For those of you glad that this shithole died, I’m with you.
For the curious, I’m gonna talk about myself a bit and how I got involved with the blog below the cut. Because like any “millenial” (face it, kids, we’re Gen Z) I love to talk about myself.
Keep reading
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deviantartheart · 7 years
why is mars-muttz so upset they made a status asking to be put on here
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deviantartheart · 7 years
heres some comments from mars-muttz deleted status commentsXdeviantartXcom/62/8184644/4379498339 commentsXdeviantartXcom/62/8184644/4379546833
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deviantartheart · 7 years
mars, if you really were concerned about this, why don't you work on bettering your work ethic? guess what, the people have spoken, you will not be blacklisted. get over it. learn your mistakes and grow from it.
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deviantartheart · 7 years
does anyone remember the time about 3 or 4 years ago a splashkittyartist troll account popped up and they would edit her art to have realistic eyes, teeth, and make it red? if so does anyone remember the username of the person and if the account is still up? it was a big thing back then and i want to find it again for nostalgia purposes.
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deviantartheart · 7 years
i dont think you should be able to vote or not if i want to erase myself from the blog
its my name i should be able to say weither or not id like to be on here and frankly i dont want to 
their are so many petty disgusting people who talk shit about me and im done
stop doing polls its not cool the publc isnt to decide to see someone get fucking torn on a site when they want it gone
i would not like to be mentioned on this blog period. its my name your putting here lmao
Response: People have a right to be concerned about commissioning you, especially if you say something along the lines of this
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I just checked your DeviantART, and you are young, and a very talented artist. But with being young comes immature comments and unprofessional work ethic,
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It’s not the commissioner’s responsibility to remind you to do the commissions they pay money for. It’s your responsibility to mark them somewhere you won’t forget. It’s very easy to miss journals, and it’s not their responsibility to track you down and remind you to do what they paid for solely because you forgot.
Please take commissions more seriously. If a customer wants a refund when you haven’t done their artwork under the agreements, refund them. Don’t make customers have to track you down to remind you to do the art they paid for because they forgot. -Q
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deviantartheart · 7 years
eren here/ mars-MUTTZ i would like to be blacklisted
Vote here
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deviantartheart · 7 years
Q did u have a good day today?
I have a good day every day, thank you sweetheart. :) -Q
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deviantartheart · 7 years
marz, you holding customers money because they're "being a dick" is illegal btw. I work at a restaurant where unhappy customers come and go and i've been treated like an asshole before but i still serve and help with a smile on my face :/ you're being petty
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deviantartheart · 7 years
Mars-muttz, If you cant act professionally with someone else's money then I recommend you stop taking commissions. Also good luck even getting any more commissions.
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deviantartheart · 7 years
It's really unprofessional to be shitty to a paying customer just because they got an attitude with you. Like. This is common knowledge. But then I think a lot of us are starting to realize that we shouldn't expect professionalism on Deviantart because there are just a bunch of children pretending to sell art and then not really giving you results. Commissioning on DA is so unreliable anymore. But I will say this kids: Never commission someone with a no refund policy. They have it for a reason.
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deviantartheart · 7 years
I once 3 years for a commissionwithiut a refundI agreed to it when they were finally well enoigh to it it they blew my head off with how perfect it was. You kids are all too impatient honestly. Just like how an artists refuses to draw certain things an artist can also refuse to do refunds. It's not fraud if the work will be done. It's also not fraud if no set amount of time is being given. Thats where you guys fuck up.
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deviantartheart · 7 years
mutt, unless you made their good, you are obligated legally to refund them, no matter if you think"theyre a dick" or not. Your tos doesnt overrun the law and guess what? The law doesnt care about anyone, you either do it or you are reported
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deviantartheart · 7 years
It's not just 11-15 year olds. You got people in their mid 20s with the maturity of a toddler being unnecessarily rude to others and not doing their owed art with people complaining. Kids at least have an excuse because they're still kids
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