deviiated-blog · 9 years
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
okay, well, i suppose this is goodbye.
not forever, don't worry. i've just moved blogs and changed information!! i've still got stuart, and he's still mostly the same, we're just somewhere else now. if you want to find us, go to NATURALCYNIIC, and there we’ll be. any verses and threads from this blog can be continued over there, just send me a message telling me that’s what you want. if not, i’ll assume that they’re dropped. i love each and every one of you, but i need a fresh start, hence the moving of blogs once again. i hope to find all of you over there!! under the cut is a list of partners i want to notify~
blindhim stillgctme ofalphasandanchors unhumxnity instiles aherosdeath slippingintoacomabored studxmuffin
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
okay, well, stuart's new blog is almost done. i haven't decided if i'm gonna post the url on here yet...
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
hey you butts, come love me on skype
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
come love me on skype while i keep making stu's new blog pls
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
pokes head in
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
OKAY SO. i’m here. so hi, yes, hello. but i’m not ACTUALLY here. why, you ask? i’m about to start remaking stuart!!! (and just in time for his one year anniversary on tumblr, ironically) sO. if you want to talk to me while i work on his new blog, like this and i’ll send you my skype (or if you’d prefer, kik) sO YEAH. HIT ME UP, PEOPLE. I’M PUMPED
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
so should my url stay deviiated or should i change it to naturalcyniic?
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
whispers do i have any friends who would possibly love me enough to make me a theme for stu
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
it would really mean a lot to me if you'd do this for me!!
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
who'd like to read stu's new bio to give me an opinion? ( warning: it's still p shitty and vague and at a certain point you can tell where i just wanted to be done )
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deviiated-blog · 9 years
OKAY SO. i'm here. so hi, yes, hello. but i'm not ACTUALLY here. why, you ask? i'm about to start remaking stuart!!! (and just in time for his one year anniversary on tumblr, ironically) sO. if you want to talk to me while i work on his new blog, like this and i'll send you my skype (or if you'd prefer, kik) sO YEAH. HIT ME UP, PEOPLE. I'M PUMPED
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deviiated-blog · 10 years
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         ❛ what’s this?   the true alpha’s bitch has a BROTHER?          from your scent, you’re a bit more unique than he is. &          that, darling, is quite intriguing. ❜
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"Sorry, you must be mistaken. I don't have a brother. He's just an idiot that I had the extreme misfortune of sharing a womb with. But I'm not that interested in talking to you, so why don't you go suck on a few clits and leave me be, babe?"
. deviiated. )
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deviiated-blog · 10 years
Go on Anon and tell us something about your life, your crush, school  or  job, anything-  and  my muse  will give you advice.
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deviiated-blog · 10 years
pokes head in i'M HERE. prob ab to start remaking stu but i'm here.ask for my skype if u wanna chat while i do
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deviiated-blog · 10 years
okay, i'm suddenly feeling pretty low, so if you wanna roleplay or chat, find me on KIK.
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deviiated-blog · 10 years
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"Yes it is, you prick. Stop being so cute."
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"Not possible."
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