devilisaloser · 7 months
Drumming his hands on his knees, Damien was rumbling with excitement for what he too thought would be the most fun night in a long time! He was so excited, in fact, that he didn't even mind that the first movie they were going to be watching would be the one that took place in England! Handing Pip the DVD, he let the blond read it: as if *he* would read the back of the cover out loud like he'd been called on by the truly evil English teacher he'd had back in school! Maybe if Pip asked him to, but Damien was banking on that not happening. "My dad is going to want to make you the Prince of Hell when he finds out that you stole all of these snacks and that you wanted to lead the book switching shit... you did steal them, right? Kicked the vending machines?" Damien raised a brow, then smirked, getting up to his feet, eager to get started; there were rows of books and this would take a while. Also, there was the fact that he regretted bringing up his father; Satan would get a laugh out of a story of their night at the library, but he wouldn't be getting any 'Super Evil' awards for it, not even a golden star sticker with 'Devil of the Day!' on it, like he used to get years and years ago.
But there was a way to move the books more quickly if they were careful, and then they could get right to building the bean bag fortress, the idea Damien had given a thumbs up to. "Watch this!" holding his arm out from himself, Damien moved his hand slowly with a flick of the wrist and focused on five of the bibles. Slowly, they slid out from their spot where they had been tightly packed together on the wooden shelf, and were now floating in the air. Moving the books the human way sounded more fun and novel to him, but Damien couldn't miss a chance to brag. The books slightly bobbed up and down in the air as Damien stepped aside to move them over toward the aisles a few rows back, where the bibles now filled the last few spots in the row of the Fantasy section. "Doing this the human way is going to be faster," he sighed, but a smile found it's way back on his face in seconds as he raced Pip over to start filling his arms with the religious text books.
Seeing Damien so excited was one of Pip's favourite things. The Prince was sometimes stubborn with his emotions or feelings, but Pip never minded that. It took time to get close to him and he appreciated every minute spent together like this, but even more when Damien was opening up. Which is why he didn't mind losing the games they played or being a little scared during horror movies they watched. If it meant Damien could brag about it or be the brave one, Pip was happy to deliver. They both had a benefit in it.
"Oh! Tell me more about Ghosts of British Warships!" he cheered, clearly excited by the idea of a movie with anything British in it. It wasn't anything new to either of them that Pip was excited about the country he was from, even if Damien would sometimes pick on him because of it. Ultimately, he was proud of his origin, even if everyone else made fun of it. "It sounds fun!" he commented, peeking over to look at the movie case, his own tail swishing lightly. When Damien mentioned the books again, Pip looked at him and grinned, just as excited as he was. "We could move all of the biblical books into the fantasy section," he suggested, "And then the fake ghost stories into fact and science section." Pip chuckled, Damien's excitement clearly rubbing off on him.
Pip looked at the pile of snacks they gathered; it was plenty enough to last the entire night, and just perfect to enjoy a few movies. This might be one of the best nights ever! "Let's grab the bean bags! We can put them all together and make a big pile." a bean bag fort of sorts.
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devilisaloser · 8 months
Games sounded great to Damien: he would have to find the one that they had enjoyed playing the last time they had broken out the board games, but the demon prince couldn't resist the prospect of also bringing out a game which he knew Pip had never played before because this would give him the chance to have a guaranteed win as he would have to spend the first play through of the game explaining the directions (in his own favor, for the most part, of course!). What the prince didn't know was that Pip was already ten steps ahead of him, well aware that Damien's favorite kind of games were the ones in which he had notable win streaks. But the idea that really had Damien's eyes lighting up was the suggestion Pip had that they should swap some books around! "Yes!" he was about to get up and make a bee line right for one of the aisles stocked with romance novels when Pip joined him on the dark green and brown carpeted floor and pointed his attention back to the scattered movie cases around them. "How about Haunted Fast Food? I heard that the Burger King in Denver is featured in it," he suggested, but didn't seem sold on his own pick. "Or how about The Vampires of New York? Ghosts of British Warships?" he laughed at that title, "Whatever we watch, we have to switch books around after," he snickered, his tail swishing in anticipation, "Moving a bible or two into the fantasy section at the bookstore will be nothing compared to what we can do unsupervised!"
"Oh I would love to watch a movie!" he cheered, looking down at all the movie cases Damien was holding. Pip wasn't an expert on movies, much less horror movies, but he enjoyed watching them with Damien. Being afraid was always a good excuse to scoot closer to him and it was a technique he used often. This, and he genuinely enjoyed watching movies with Damien, even if the movies were so bad they were actually good.
The night at the library was definitely something he wanted to do with him; they would have a whole night of uninterrupted fun, the two of them doing whatever they liked. "I was thinking we could play some games too! I really enjoyed the one we could play together the last time." of course he didn't know what it was called, or really understood what was going on. Damien carried the game for the both of them while Pip just followed him with his character. Nevertheless, it was fun and Pip got to compliment Damien on how well he plays and how much he knows about the game, which was a win-win situation for both of them.
"I was thinking we could also swap the books around. Put romance novels in the history section and the other way around, and fiction in the facts and science section." he mused, thinking that it was mischievous but not actually harmful. Anyone would realize that a series of harlequins is not a historical series. He hoped Damien would like that idea.
Pip flopped down onto the floor in front of Damien, waving his tail slightly, content. He looked down at the movies again, excited to have a little movie night together. "Which one would you like to watch?"
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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I'd give anything for this set up
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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devilisaloser · 8 months
me when the demon in my room tries to scare me in the middle of the night
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devilisaloser · 8 months
“I wanted to be enclosed forever with people who believed I could be good if I wanted to be.”
— The Vampire Lestat, Anne Rice (via literature-sexual)
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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Halloween pixels! cre: to the owners
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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Halloween pixels pt.2!! all credits to the owners
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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Blinkies!!‍‍‍⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
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devilisaloser · 8 months
Philip smiled brightly at the compliment and lifted his hand to fist-bump him in return. Maybe this wasn't much, but Damien clearly had an influence on Pip; often leading him to causing mischief just like the Devil Prince did. This, staying at the library? That was his favourite kind. Nothing too evil, nothing that dangerous, yet still mischievous and fun. Not to mention he would get to spend the time alone with Damien, which was definitely worth it.
"Oh dear, that sounds like a lot of fun!" he exclaimed in a hushed voice, taking a spot next to Damien, hiding together. "I definitely want to watch some movies! Did you have anything in mind?" he asked, staring at him. Maybe being evil wasn't in his style, but it felt different with Damien in the picture. There's the awe in his gaze as he stares at him, impressed and ready to follow him through the plan. Maybe he was a little too excited about the whole idea because as he listened to Damien's plans, his wings, horns, and tail popped out. He was unable to hold them back, but he didn't mind and didn't even notice at first. Not until his tail brushed against Damien as he waved it.
There's no time to comment on that when Damien warns him about the librarian. Pip moves to duck even lower, hiding behind Damien slightly, looking up curiously. It might be one of the wildest things he had done in a while, which likely says a lot about the scales of what he considers 'wild'. He waited until the steps went further towards the door, peeking slightly to watch as the librarian left the room and locked it, unknowingly trapping Pip and Damien inside.
Of course, that's exactly how it was supposed to be. Pip chuckled and turned to look at Damien. "What do you want to do first." @pips-cup-of-tea
Damien was sure that they had been caught by the look on the librarian’s face. Her nose was scrunched and her eyebrows were raised as if she had smelled something terrible and she was looking right at them! That was when she snatched a half eaten bag of chips off of the nearest study table, tossed it into one of the little trash cans, and turned to leave. They had been spared by the perfect distraction in the form of a bag of off brand cheesy poofs! Even with Pip’s wings hovering right up to the third row up of books on the shelf they were hiding behind for a moment, the librarian hadn’t seen a thing! After the sound of the doors locking echoed off the walls, Damien felt his shoulders lower: they did it! A couple of years ago, this would have been a nightmare of Damien’s; he hated it when Satan would tell him that he had a fun night planned for the two of them, and half of the time, that night would be a night in Satan’s library in Hell; if Damien had to hear one more love poem, even if it included blood, horror, zombies, and all of that cool stuff, it would be his true villain origin story. Now, though? He and Pip had a movie night of blood, horror, and zombies ahead of them, but without all of the rhyming sentences and cheesy declarations of love! That, and, he guessed that Pip could make some suggestions, too. It was only fair.
“So, I was thinking, we could start with the new ‘Nuns in Alabama’ or we could go with the classic ‘Lint Man’,” he flipped through a couple of DVDs in his hands, “It’s about a guy who leaves lint as evidence after he takes over space stations on Mars,” he summarized, skimming over the description on the back of the case. “That’s not even realistic. Wouldn’t the lint just float away in space?” With that, Damien tossed the case over his shoulder and it bounced twice on the ground before skidding to a stop in the next aisle down.
“There’s ‘The Forgotten Lasagna’. Looks pretty good,” he handed the beat up case to Pip with a picture of a piece of Lasagna with a pair of robot arms and legs on it. The background was of tall walls of fire, a detail that had caught Damien’s eye when he was pulling a ton of DVDs off of the shelves earlier that night. “Unless you want to do something else? Uncap all of the dry erase markers? Circle all of the Waldos in the Where’s Waldo? books? Boot up the computers and play some games?”
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devilisaloser · 8 months
need this for my treasure collection.
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That boy ain’t right - Colorado, USA
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devilisaloser · 8 months
Watching the clock on the wall as the seconds ticked away, Damien was getting nervous; the likelihood of them getting away with hiding out at the library without being caught felt like it was becoming dim; deep down, though, the demon knew that he was overthinking it: Pip would be back any moment now. It was funny that, after some time apart, it was here that they’d run into each other again. He wouldn’t ask yet, but he wondered in the back of his mind if Satan had pointed Pip in his direction or if it was just pure luck.
“Hurry, duck!” Damien whispered even though Pip already had been rushing, moving over to make room for Pip to get back into the aisle without having to walk around him and his backpack. “Two minutes until the final closing announcement,” he noted as he looked over what Pip had picked at the vending machines with a smile: this was way better than just the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, candy, and big bottle of root beer that he’d packed. 
“Killer,” he complimented, holding out a fist for a fist bump. “I kind of planned this whole thing last minute, but the possibilities are endless!” He spoke of the night at the library like it was one of the parties down in Hell, where anything could happen. “There’s a study room with a giant screen that we could watch movies on and bring over some bean bags to sit on from over there,” he pointed towards the corner where ten bean bags were planted around a couple of low tables. “We could play games on the computers without the time limit counter going off when we were bored of movies,” he paused then, not having any more concrete plans: the whole being in the library when he wasn’t supposed to be was the main star of the night.
“And we could use the copy machines to print funny shit,.” he added with a laugh, only to go quiet when he heard the sound of a high heeled shoe in the distance. “The librarian,” he whispered the obvious, ducking down lower.
@devilisaloser cont. from here
Pip might not have fully understood the plan, or rather, the point of it, but Damien seemed excited. If he's in, so will he, because it did sound like fun. He smiled back at him and nodded. "That sounds like fun!" he clasped his hands together. Pip wasn't sure what one would even do locked the whole night in a library, but nothing was ever boring when Damien was around.
Happy that he was allowed to join, he ran towards the vending machine. He didn't need money; it was a demon trick to get snacks from machines like that through malfunctions or pure luck. It was exactly what happened and soon enough, Pip came back with pockets full of snacks: chocolate bars, some potato chips, and fizzy drinks. He would have preferred tea, but it wouldn't last the entire night.
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Once back in the library, he kneeled and scooted down next to Damien, showing him his loot. "What do you want to do the entire night here?" he asked cheerfully. It's been a while since they got to spend time together like this. "What's the plan?"
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devilisaloser · 8 months
"Why, hello there, Dear Devil! Good to see you." - @pips-cup-of-tea
Tossing his book up into the air, it landed with a thud on the floor beside the one person library table. Smooth.
"I thought you were the librarian," he smiled, turning around in his chair. He kept his voice down as he glanced around, "Ten more minutes and this place is closed. If they lock it down with me in it, I'll have the whole place to myself," he let Pip in on his plan: it wasn't something classically evil or mischievous in a way that would have made his father proud, but Damien had seen it happen in a TV show once and, bored to death, had decided that tonight would be the night.
Slipping out from the chair, Damien grabbed his backpack and moved to kneel down and duck in an aisle of books, "If you want to join me, you have five minutes to get something out of the vending machines and hide back in here," he felt a bit silly telling Pip all about his plans for the night, but, more than that, he was convinced that, if this worked out, it would be awesome.
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devilisaloser · 8 months
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Indie RP blog for Damien from South Park
This is a sideblog that follows from my main blog @wildxunchartedwaters
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