devinito · 8 years
Those ears will never be free. The ears of the deaf will forever listen to the melody of which made them deaf to begin. However the voices that used to scream have grown silent. They don't want to be heard or are tired of effortless attempts to be heard. There is nothing but mind numbing ringing and the feeling of being lost. There is no saving this mind, this mind has been pushed to the point of insanity by pain. Pain is what drives the deepest and leaves scars too deep to heal. There are reasons love is so rare to come by, in some it is easy to love because there is so much to love. With other's there is barly a reason for tolerance. These eyes feel as if they're crying but have run dry from the continues heart break. There is no savior for this soul.
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devinito · 8 years
The voices have finally broken free from their imprisonment, yet they’ve fallen upon deaf ears. The ears of one who will never understand the true beauty that lies within. One who will never fully understand the devotion that is presented to them. Demons have poisoned these ears they now hear nothing but ridicule and hate. “WHY, WHY NOW.” The voices sing a different melody one of sorrow and compassion. One day, one day the song of these voices will be heard and these deaf ears will be free from which they were silenced. That when words of truth fall onto the ears of the deaf, does the heart know true pain.
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devinito · 8 years
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The voices continue to scream to this day but there's a different name they're screaming now. It's not the same as it was before, now instead of screaming for forgiveness they're screaming out of confusion. "Why" they scream, why does it seem so hard for me to be heard. Their only motivation is love and to be understood. Though no matter how loud and hard they scream it always seems like silence. My mind becomes a waistland of scream for hope and one day they will be heard.
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devinito · 9 years
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The voices in my head only scream louder, as if trying to break the bariers in wich they are confined to, in hopes of being heard and cared about once more. It's hard coming to terms with the fact that everything that you never wanted to happen, actually is, and there is no one to blame but yourself. I'm not asking for perfect, I'm just asking for the compassion that once was. All I ask is to know that I'm on someone's mind as much as they're on mine.
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devinito · 9 years
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devinito · 9 years
Concept for my baby
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devinito · 9 years
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Autocon LA 2015
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devinito · 9 years
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Story of my life
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devinito · 10 years
Fuck you Super-Man I gots nipples!!!
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Do not suck whatever you see :)
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devinito · 10 years
Sooooo yea
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