devoutekuna 1 day
Making flowers crowns
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He's caught off guard as he rests on the tree, back on the hard bark as he wat ched his daughter, slowly drifting off to wake up to a few flowers dripping into his eyesight, with his daughter using his arm as a stool. "You have a really big head daddy" trying to push the crown down onto his neck only for it to get stuck around his forehead. Accidentally ripping the crown with how much force she used to get in on his head. "Oh no!" Falling onto the floor as she watched her creation fail. "Go annoy your mother" as she went to go find some more flowers to make one for you, resulting in him having to clean up by trying to fix the flower crown, smirking at her.
"Help daddy" walking over to his daughter who was sat underneath a tree trying to put flowers on a stray cat she found. "Leave it sweetheart" freeing the poor cat from her grasp as she watched it run away. "I need help" sitting down behind her as he put her on his lap, taking control of her hands as he helped her pick out a few daisies to make a crown. "I want to make it for mr cat" pointing over to the tiger stripped cat in the distance. "You've already named him?" Nodding in response as he worked his magic on the daisies. "Yes, and he will be the prince in my castle, that's why he needs the crown!" Ushering him to hurry up.
"Ta-da!" Throwing the crown up in the air, only to realise the stray cat wasn't there anymore. "Oh no, Mr cat left" looking up the tree for any sign of him.
"Awh, is this for me?" Noticing at how his son kept on staring at him as he picked out flowers only to make them into a crown shape, sat on the grass as he watched his offspring run around to find blue and white flowers. "No!" Resulting in a pout from your husband. "But it's blue and white, and those are my colours" oblivious to the fact that his son has white hair and blue eyes too. "It me" pointing to himself as walked off behind him only to return to put the flowers on his head. Eyes lighting up as he realized that, his son already running off to collect a big white tulip only for it to end up in Satoru's mouth. "Your too loud daddy" slapping his cheek.
"Look what I made for you daddy" holding up the crown made out of daisies, a few flowers sticking out of her purple backpack. Crouching down so that he could place it on his head, "thank you baby" patting her head as he felt her rearrange it. "And I made one for mummy" grabbing another one out of her bag. "It's really pretty, I'm sure she'll love it" picking her up as she cradled onto his shoulder.
"Daddy look!" Pushing the wheelbarrow full of flowers. "I need you to make me 15 crowns!" Dropping all the flowers next to him, surely she hadn't just picked them out of the neighbours' garden. "One for me" pointing to herself then him. "One for you, that worm, mummy, Mr snuggles, Mrs rabbit.." and so on, in summary, she wanted you to make all her soft toys a flower crown. "You want to help?" Flashing a smile so she atleast got the memo. "Nope!" Crossing her arms over her chest as she smiled proudly. "Come on, it would be quicker" shaking her head once again. "I need to help mummy!" Running off into the house.
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devoutekuna 4 days
Matching their father's energy
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna's daughter definitely inherited the mouth that can move all around her body, normally her father would use it to bite her whenever she was acting like a brat, and she took that upon herself to do the same, finally mastering the movement of the small mouth, always keeping it on the palm of her hand. Using it to her advantage as she bit anyone she found annoying, especially her father, even trying to sharpen the teeth inside of it so that it would hurt more, but her father didn't even notice that he had been bitten since it was so weak to him. "Did you feel that?" Grinning at him, as her head stuck into his eyesight. "Feel what?" Pushing her head out of his way, he hadn't even noticed that she had bitten it. A distraught look appearing on her face as she heard his question. "But I bit you!" Waving her hand in his face. "Didn't feel a thing" smirking at her as he put her on the floor.
"Thank you love" kissing your cheek as you handed him a coffee. He was sat reading a book at the kitchen table, his daughter sat opposite him,marrying to copy his actions, first by reading a book, staring at it despite not understanding a word it said, it was about finances so of course she didn't get it, even putting on someone's glasses she found. "Can I have one too mummy?" Talking about the coffee as she pointed at it.
"No, I'm not giving you a coffee" a small chuckle being heard as he peered over his book, trying to cover it up with a cough. "Why not!?" Acting shocked as if she hadn't been told repeatedly that she wasn't to have caffeine. "Cause I said so." Defending your point and you poured yourself a cup, gloating in her face. "But dad gets one" mumbling under her breath as she slouched In her chair and crossed her arms over her chest.
His daughter has seen him countlessly swallow the balls full of curses, watching her father's disgust appear as he washed it away and put on a smile for him daughter, later she had found out about the minty flavour of chewing gum, always going to the shop to buy some with you. Soon enough she wanted to try do what he was doing, finding a small button in the house and shoving it down her throat only to choke on it and fortunately he was there to save her, even though it ended in tears, she still tried again but with bigger objects.
Gojo has a thing for eating big meals, so when his son was born, he wasn't surprised that he had a big appetite just like him. Scoffing down nearly a full tub of ice-cream, it was 2am and Satoru had just woken up for a drink, walking into the kitchen only to find his 3 year old with a spoon in his mouth and a half empty tub of vanilla ice-cream, sat on the tile flooring. "Hi daddy" smiling at the man as he rook the spoon out of his mouth, going in for another spoonful before realising how rude it was not to offer some. Hand stuck out with a spoon attached to it. "Want some?" Oblivious to the fact that he had just eaten half a tub. Scratching his bare stomach as he wore only sweatpants, pondering if he should take the offer. "I'm good" patting the girl's head as he walked towards the fridge.
He has a thing for killing people, that's why he was an assassin fortunately your daughter didn't know how to kill nor use her cursed technique. For her birthday she had been begging for a bat after seeing a group of kids playing with one.
"Hiyahh!" Hitting the man with the wooden bat, you didn't understand why she needed a wooden one and not a plastic one, but then again, it was the same bat that a professional baseball player used. "Go away",grabbing the bag and bringing it to his face. "Go use your ball if you want to use this" he didn't understand why she didn't use the ball that came with it, instead trying to smash up anything in her path, though it was normally just cushions.
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devoutekuna 10 days
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He most definitely enters an eating competition, having the advantage of two mouths, so he feeds his stomach one and his normal one. "If you win, I want the bunny!" Pointing to the giant bunny Infront of him, it wasn't an 'if' it was a 'when' at this point. Knowing his competition couldn't compete with him. Normally there wouldn't be such a competition. Stuffing his mouth already with the pie, atleast it was a meat pie, he just had to eat one of them and a few ribs, that would be a snack just for him.
Wiping his face after just a few minutes, watching as the lady handed his daughter the giant plushie. "I'm going to name you princess sparkles" pointing at the pink sparkly paws it had.
Gojo gets lost in the game whenever he plays with someone else, and in this context, it was his son. Sat pouting on the seat as he saw his father score a strike, "You saw that?" Cocking his head to the side. Realising that his son was starting to tear up as he kicked his legs on the seat. "Awh, I'm sorry baby" ruffling his hair so it accidentally all got messed up. Crouching down to the little guy's level as he held his bare knees. "I promise I'll help you win" trying to make a smile on his face as he shook his leg. Picking his son up as he brought him towards the aisle, grabbing a small ball for him.
The giant teddybear staring at his daughter, practically begging to be won by the punching game. "Daddy I want that!" Pointing to the bear which overlooked the punch ball machine. "Are you sure?" He knew he had the strength to win the bear despite his looks. Nodding her head. Sleeves already rolled up as he got ready. "Good lucky daddy!" Giving him a reassuring thumbs up, if he didn't get it in the first try, he'd definitely come back and do it over hand over again even if it drained him of his wallet. The machine made a blaring noise as it calculated how hard his punch was, the little ball thing being stuck inside the slot. Stepping back as his daughter watched in amaze. "Here you go" handing her the plushie.
He's not big of funfairs, unless he's with you. Walking his daughter out of the park as she looked around the place, his hands filled with a giant stuffed teddybear. "Let's go on that daddy" pointing to the Ferris wheel which was in motion, normally she hated rides that came off the ground due to her fear of heights, always resulting in her crying in his arms. "Are you sure?" He knew how hard it would be to comfort her when she starts crying. Nodding her head eagerly as they stepped towards the queue.
Sat in the capsule with just him and his daughter, watching as it lifted into the sky, unfortunately this one didn't have any glass walls so it was just a fence holding them back from falling. He didn't trust his daughter to not try and look out. Hand wrapped around her ankle as she stared out, not noticing how high up they were due to the dark. "Can I have the bear?" Pointing to the bear held, he knew she'd try and throw it out the cage. "Nope" keeping it between his legs. Pouting her lips as she sat down next to him, kicking her legs on the bench.
His daughter loved fish, mainly goldfish as that's all she knew. So when she sees bags of fish just sat there, she wants to get one, despite not even having the correct equipment to keep one. Fortunately for him he was great with guns, with this game he had to shoot the targets down when they moved. Picking up the gun as he aimed at the duck. "Remember, when you win, I want Mr fish" pointing to the fish which kept banging it's head on the bag. Holding onto his shirt as she pointed. "You've already named it?"
Taking a shot. Hitting a perfect bullseye. "Yep! And he's going to wear a top hat!" Rambling on about the fish. "That's cute" replying as he took another perfect score, only one more to go. Much to the owner's dismay as he saw that he got 3 bullseyes, normally it was rigged so they wouldn't get any but with Toji it wouldn't work. Handing over the fish to the little girl. Getting handed the bag as she looked in amaze at her father. "No way!" Swinging her father back and forth as she saw the fish swim around the bag.
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devoutekuna 12 days
Having to share you
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He's not big on sharing, that's why he ate his twin brother in the womb. Normally he be fine with his daughter coming to you but whilst he was spending quality time with you was different. It was rare to get some time with the family, especially just you, since you were always so busy with your daughter. "Go away daddy" climbing onto the bed where you sat and your husband was said out on, hands wrapped around your waist. "I want mummy!" Pink hair ruffling along your knee as she used all her strength to get up, fortunately for him he had this bed custom made so that it would be higher. "You go away" glaring at his offspring. "No! You got mummy yesterday, it's my turn!" He didn't even know what she was talking about since they never took turns, plus you and him slept in the same bed every night. Helping the girl up as she sat next to you, wearing her white vest and light pink heart shorts, matching her hair. "Go away" kicking her father's hand away from your waist. Body being dragged towards him as he picked her up by the legs, hanging her upside down. "You've been getting on my nerves you brat" swinging her from side to side, much to your dismay.
"Leave her Ryo" trying to turn her upside down as he let go, if it wasn't for you she would've went face down onto the mattress. Coddling her in your arms, sticking her tongue out at the man.
He had you wrapped around his finger, body laying on his ass you two slept, he had just come back from a mission and wanted to unwind after having dinner with his family. He especially wanted some quality time with his beautiful wife, just you two. "Mummy!" Looking in the room before barging in, but having the courtesy to close the door behind her. "Your mum's asleep sweetheart" he was clearly lying as he just wanted you right now. "Now she's not!" Poking at her leg, only to get a reaction out of you, your daughter knew all your weak spots. "Hi mummy!" She was energetic today, maybe it's because she had some cake whilst you two ate dinner, getting herself up on the bed as she threw her toy down onto the pillow next to him, laying on his chest as she poked at your face which was buried in-between the blanket and his body. "Let your other rest" dragging her leg backwards. "No fair! You always get mum to yourself" that wasn't true, half the time you two were taking care of the girl rather than having quality time together.
He loved his daughter but she was always with you, never getting anytime to you two, though how mena it sounded he loved when his daughter was at school or asleep since he could get you all to himself. Swaying your hips side to side as you finished putting away the dishes, hands tracing circles along your stomach, head resting on your head as he watched you. "When your done, do you want to head to the bedroom?" Smiling at you as you knew what he had in mind. "I think-" getting cut off as you heard your daughter screaming your name. "Mama!" Hugging your leg, completely ignoring her father. "Come play with me" tugging on your limb as she tried to drag you away from her father. "I can't baby, how about your father?" Glancing back at him as you saw his smile face, he was really looking forward to spending time with you. "I mean.."
Sat watching a movie with you, with you sat up and him laid out resting his head on your lap. Hands always digging into the bowl of sweets on the coffee table Infront, he wasn't even paying attention to the movie since he hated romance, but he'd do anything to have some more quality time with you. Enjoying himself till he heard the soft sound of feet coming towards the living room. "Mama!" You didn't understand why he was even awake since you chose to watch the movie at around 8pm so he should be in bed asleep. The boy walking up to you two wearing his blue dragon onesie with his stuffed dragon in tow. "Mama" rubbing his eye as he climbed beside you, resting his head on your side. "Let me watch" oh how much Satoru wanted to say no since his son was always with you.
Sleeping next to Toji always had it's pros and cons, he pros being that he kept you warm and it was comforting to have a figure hugging you as you slept, the cons were that he always held you too tight or whenever you needed to get something he either refused to move wanting to stay with you or was always fast asleep. This day, he wasn't actually holding you whilst you slept since you joined him in bed after he fell asleep. Feeling another weight join in the bed as he rolled over, coming face to face with his daughter. Grinning in his face as she slapped him on accident, hand covering his face. "Hi daddy!" Moving her hand out of his face. "Hi, what are you doing in here?" Bringing your body closer to yours.
"I've come to sleep in here" wrapping herself underneath the blanket, that's where he was supposed to be, close to your body rather than his daughter. "How about we swap sides?" Trying to get closer to you. "I'm good" shuffling her body to get comfortable.
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devoutekuna 13 days
Getting given a drawing from their child
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He receives mail from one of his servants, from the same address he was at, maybe it was a prank? But who would dare joke with him? Ripping the letter open, revealing a messy handwriting, instantly being recognised as his daughter's. Sighing as he hid his smile. 'To my favourite person!' He scoffed, surely he wasn't her favourite? It would be more plausible if it was directed towards you. Flipping the paper to see a drawing of them out on the field, her wearing a pink frilly dress which she loved because it matched his her hair colour, and him stood next to her, with a mischievous grin on his face, even getting all of his four arms and marks on them.
Nanami's daughter makes alot of these letters or drawings, to the point where he has a box dedicated to them. But it was an issue always finding them since she hid them in various locations, one of them being stuck to the back of his blazer, even stuck inside his pants, always having to inspect his clothes before he left for work since he was so paranoid.
Taking out his phone only to receive a piece of paper stuck on it. 'To daddy' he read out, ripping it off to reveal a picture of the blond and her. With a bunny next to them? She had been talking about wanting a pet bunny to keep her company but he always refused cause another member would stress him out even more.
"Here you go daddy!" Handing him the paper, making sure if was faced down so he couldn't see the art she made. "Thank you baby" patting her head before she ran into the school building. Upon arriving at his cult's headquarters, he flipped the paper around, a perfect picture of him and his daughter sat on the balcony watching the stars, sure it wasn't the best of drawings but it was something. "Awh, that's cute" his personal servant said. "I know, my daughter drew it" noticing the stars spelling out the words 'I love you'
Gojo takes pride in his personal life, especially after marrying such a beautiful woman and having a son. See normally his son never gave him gifts but recently he gave him a letter that was decorated in blue stars. Ripping it open Infront of his students to see the picture of him and his son with ice-cream in their hands. He was about to cry from how thoughtful he was, much to his students annoyance. "See what my baby boy got me!" He wasn't even a baby anymore, he was a toddler, but in his eyes he'd forever be a baby.
Toji cherishes anything you give him, especially the first gift you got him, he still carries the keychain around with him, it being the picture of you two on your first date. So when his daughter slips a letter into his worm, he finds it whilst sat down on the grass. The worm gaging up the letter, much to his disgust, picking it up, fortunately it was dry. Reading the note. 'Good luck daddy!' some of it spelt wrong but it was the thought that counts, a small drawing of you, him and her at the beach. Smirking as he saw how much she put effort into the letter. He most definitely has it framed and shows it her on her graduation.
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devoutekuna 14 days
Stupid things their child does
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna slept whenever he was bored, even if it meant in the middle of the vacant room. Soon his daughter would take advantage of his large body by playing on him. "Would you like more tea?" Nodding as she poured the tea into the cup. You and your daughter were having a tea party on her father as he slept, taking advantage of how still he always was and how broad his body was. Laying down next to your husband as you checked if he was actually asleep, poking at his cheek before sitting back up. He was a heavy sleeper most days. Feeling the traces of your clothes getting wet as you realize that it was your daughter's doing, spilling the cup of tea all over the blanket which rested on him. "Oh no" rushing out of the room to find some tissues, whilst you sat all the cutlery up properly.
Coming back with a roll of paper towels, starting to dab them on his clothes. "Hurry before he wakes up" giggling to yourself. Only to stop as soon as you heard your husband starting to shuffle about, rolling over onto his back as he saw his two loved ones sat beside him. A cheeky grin plastered on both of your faces.
His daughter had a thing for art, always drawing something or glueing something down. So when she wandered into her father's office whilst he was working, she realized that he had two copies of most books, some of them having a really pretty front cover. Taking into consideration that he was still reading them, she only took one off each shelf that she could reach which was about 4 in total. Bringing them towards the living room as she already started with her art. Placing her painted hand on the first page as she carried it on, marks of her fingerprints adorning the pages.
"I'm home" it had been a few hours since she had found the books and started her massacre of them, walking into the living room to find the copies laying on the floor with stickers, drawings or paint all over them, fortunately only 2 had been touched whilst the others were kept in their original condition. "Do you like it daddy?" Holding the book up to his face.
Leaving his daughter alone with paint would be one of the worst mistakes, most of the time she never acted on her curiosity after learning that the hard way. But when she gets left alone with a set of paint, she can't hold back. Sticking her hand onto the plate as she placed it on the table, unfortunately it was acrylic paint too, so it would be nearly impossible to get off. Placing her hand all along the table, a mixture of colours like pink, purple, blue and red, decorating the table with her small hand. Only stopping when she hears the footsteps of her father, unfortunately for her he was quicker and saw all the mess before she could put the paper back on. "Oh.." realising that she may actually get in trouble. Only sighing in defeat, he wanted to get annoyed at her but he knew it was his fault for leaving her alone.
It was his son's birthday and they had a bunch of balloons out, making sure they were filled with helium for his plan. Attaching a few strings onto his son's clothing. "Don't tell your mother about this, she'll kill me" blowing the balloons up with helium, noticing how he already started to lift off the ground. "Ahh! I'm going to fly" wrapping some more balloons on his small body. Body already leaving the ground. Putting his hand over his mouth as he tried to stop giggling, he was so excited to fly, just like his father. Head hitting the ceiling as he got to high. "Take me outside!" Dragging the boy by the strings towards the outside, this was a really stupid idea, already noticing how high he would get if he wasn't holding on. "Satoru!" His wife's voice made him jump as he dropped the string. "Are you stupid?" Running towards your son. He had completely forgotten about his son when he saw you. "Hi mummy!" Saving down as he got higher and higher.
"Help daddy!" Legs wailing in the air as she was laid down on the floor, she wanted to go on the mission with her father but he'd never allow that, but she really wanted to go so she did her last resort, trying to fit inside his worm. "What the-" refraining from swearing as he walked up towards the girl. Grabbing her by the legs as he dragged her out, tears streaming down her face, she thought she was going to get eaten by the thing. "I just wanted to come with you, b-b" crying her eyes out as she gripped onto his shirt, "But it started to eat me!" Getting it all out in one sentence before crying, getting his shirt all wet. It was stupid but he had to bring her on a mission after such dedication? "Your fine" leaving the worm alone, he didn't know if someone could survive inside of the worm since he never tried it before.
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devoutekuna 15 days
When he's sick/injured
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
A/N- Geto has twin daughters in this
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Sukuna wasn't going to let a measly cold stop him, he was a king after all. Yet he still stays confined to his room not to get his daughter or wife sick. His daughter was rebellious refusing to take orders from anyone, even her father, that's why she went into his bedroom despite being told not to, carrying a big bowl full of her father's favourite soup with some meat inside it. "Hi dad!" Placing the bowl next to him as he sat outside on the porch getting some fresh air. "Hi baby" ruffling her hair as she sat down, maybe he was feeling nice since he was sick?
"I brought you some food" pushing it towards him. "Uraume said that it helps" kicking her little legs as she saw how he ate it, she had made it herself so it would be a blessing if he actually enjoyed it. "I made it myself, with the help from Uraume. She cooked the meat and I made the soup" pointing to it.
"You got more?" Handing her the empty bowl. "Oh, Oh yes!" She was even surprised he liked it, getting up as she ran towards the kitchen. Smiling to himself as he saw how his daughter acted.
During a mission he broke his wrist, fortunately it was already healing due to shoko, yet he had to come home with the white cast visible due to his shirt. "What happened to your arm daddy?" Pointing to the cast. "I fell" lying as he didn't want her to know the truth of how he got it. "Oh."
Pulling out the chair for whenever he came down to eat. "I will get you food!" Smiling up at him as he sat down "Thank you sweetheart" patting her head. Bringing back a bowl full of cereal, it was overflowing a bit due to the milk but it was fine. This was now a regular occurrence during the time he broke his wrist, having his daughter take over his responsibilities despite not asking to.
About to get up to go change the clothes from the washing machine into the dryer but his daughter beat him to it, running towards the dryer as she opened the door, "I will put it in the dryer!". "You don't have to." He knew she'd get upset if he didn't allow her to, but he really wanted her to go spend her time with her friends or atleast something else.
Suguru was sick, well it was actually the common cold since it was winter, not a big deal, but his daughter's made it the biggest deal ever. Forcing you to take them to the costume store to buy nurses outfits, making sure that they had all the right equipment before checking on their father. "Daddy, we've come to do a checkup on you!" Her little smiles as she waddled in, pushing a toy trolley full of toy medical supplies. A glass of water, a stethoscope, plasters, temperature monitor, you get the jist. "Yes yes" nodding in response as they tried to close the door behind him. Picking up his daughter as he out them on the bed along with the trolley. "First, we need the temperature thingy" grabbing it from the bag as she stuck it in his mouth, making him almost gag because it was full force. "Mummy is making you soup so you need to rest." Her twin sister was waiting for the soup to be ready so that she could bring it to him.
"Here you go baby" handing her a bowl of soup, watching over as she worked slowly not to spill it.
Putting the bowl on the nightstand. "Now the stethoscope!" Putting it in her ears as she placed it all around his upper body. "It goes here sweetheart" moving her hand so that the plastic touched his bare chest instead of his head. "36! You have a fever daddy" trying to diagnose him, yet she was wrong. Atleast she tried her best.
He was a bit overdramatic when it came to you spending more time with him, one example of this is the fact that he sometimes refuses to use his reverse cursed technique so that you can patch him up.
"Ow!" See normally you'd be the one to wrap him up with bandages but since you were already asleep, his son decided to help out. Using his arm as a handle so that he didn't fall off the sofa as he tightened the bandage. "Your pulling too hard" trying to loosen the material. "It's like a tourniquet!" He was taught to make sure the wrapping was tight or else it wouldn't work. "It's a small scrape" defending himself. "It could get infected! So you need to be safe" he clearly learnt that off you since Satoru was so careless.
His daughter has a dream of becoming a nurse, it was always short lived though since she kept changing professions, last week she wanted to be a princess and the month before she wanted to be a president. "Okay dad, I will be your doctor for today!" Sat on the sofa as he watched her try and climb up, he'd never allow someone else to do this to him other than his daughter. The scar on his shoulder was practically healed by now, yet she still wanted to check it out. "Okay, does this hurt?" Pressing down on mark. "No" fingers digging further into his skin. "Now?" Looking back up at him as she sat on his arm.
"Nope" he was already tired of this as she was just messing around but he'd entertain his daughter if it meant seeing her happy. "How about now?" Shaking his head as she pouted. "I can give you paracetamol for now" climbing off the man as she buttoned up her doctor's jacket. "But I said it didn't hurt" writing down some words on a piece of paper. "Well I am the doctor here" smirking at the man.
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devoutekuna 16 days
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He hates having to bath his daughter, she was a little menace, it was great that she was a menace to other people, just not to him. He hated having a hassle, normally if someone did that to him, he'd just kill them, but since it was his daughter he couldn't. "Get in the bath you brat" she was practically gripping onto the man as she didn't want to take a bath, she just wanted to run around the estate, much to his nerves. "No!" Trying to bite him, despite her teeth not even being fully developed yet. Faint blows being landed on his stomach, not doing much damage as he didn't even realise it was happening. After somehow finding a way to get her in the bath, she wasn't going to stop fighting. Throwing a rubber duck at him, only promoting him to remove all the toys, he was being nice by even adding them in. "Go away! I don't want a bath" trying to climb out, his hands keeping her at bay. "I don't care"
He's not a fan of bathtime due to his daughter always trying to splash him. Only volunteering when he noticed you were too tired or weren't in the mood to do it, which was most days since she was such a hassle, trying to negation bringing in her toys, clearly getting it from you since Nanami didn't act like that. "Let me bring my bear" holding the teddy bear in her arms, she brought it everywhere with her. "You can't, it'll get wet" stroking her cheek. "He won't get wet!" Practically begging for the bear to come in with her.
Somehow he agreed, just because it was his daughter. Sat in the bathtub with her bear sat on the side, trying to dry it since it fell in so many times it was soaked. "Oh no, mr snuggles is wet" leaning over to grab the toy. "I told you he'll get wet" handing her the bear as she hugged it, he didn't even know why she was so obsessed with it.
His daughter loves bathtime with him, he makes sure that she enjoys it by adding her favourite toys along with bubbles and making it themed. Taking the purple headband off her head, along with her dummy, putting it to the side as he dipped her in the water first, already kicking about as she reached back up for him. "I promise I'll make it quick" sitting her in the bath as he poured some water along her body, making sure he was wet before putting some soap on. She was reality calm when it came to baths, other than the occasional cries to be held close. Taking he rout for the bath with a towel wrapped around her body, hands all along his shoulder as she was carried out of the room, taking in all her surroundings.
His son hates bathtime especially with him, always trying to put up a fight as he cried for you. He just wants much of a fan of his father. "Shush, I'm not gonna hurt you" pouring a cup of water along his head, just like you instructed him to, watching as it dropped down back into the bath. "See, it wasn't so bad" the second he said those words he started to tear up again, it had taken him so long for him to stop crying only for it to start all over again. "Your overreacting" hands splashing all around the bath as he got his father wet too, he wasn't thinking right because why didn't he just turn on his infinity? Non stop crying as he held him up, atleast he stopped the water from touching him, body dangling up in the air, dripping all the water off of him. "You want your mum?" Grabbing a nearby towel as he wrapped the poor kid in it. Nodding his head in response.
It was so much easier to give her a bath when she was a baby, no objections or unnecessary fights. "You want your ma' to bathe you?" Dipping the kid in the water, he was tasked with giving his daughter a bath before bed, it was some of the worst Tim's to give her a bath since she was always so restless, especially since she had so much energy due to the cake. "Papa, I want the duck" she was obsessed with the stupid ducks, owning atleast 8, it was her favourite bath toy. "This one?" Showing the duck which had a purple shirt on. "No the other one" grabbing the pink one. "No!" Trying to climb out of the bath, he was easily distracted so it would be easy. "This one?" Just repeating the same words. "No" wet footsteps trailing towards the door. "Get your ass back here" dragging her back into the bathtub.
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devoutekuna 18 days
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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"What's the point in a stupid Babyshower?" Stuffing his face with sugar cookies decorated like teddy bears since those were the chocolate ones. He was laid out on the floor with you sat beside his head, trying to figure out how you were going to cut the cake since it was 3 tiers, he personally didn't care how it was cut as long as he got some, having 3 separate layers for each of your favourite flavours, that's how thoughtful he was without showing it, it matched your dreams in a Babyshower cake the pink and blue ombre decorating the layers. "So we can find out the gender!" Picking off a fondant decoration which was sin the way, passing it to him. "No kidding." Annoyed with how you pointed out the obvious. He had kicked all the guests out just so you two could have this special moment to yourself.he wasn't a fan of your friends, always plotting to eat them if you dropped them.
"Hurry up woman" cutting the cake for you with his cursed technique, a slice falling perfectly onto the plate, revealing the icing colour as he passed it to you. It took you a few seconds to realise what he had done but looking down at the colour only made you squeal.
"Here" handing you the knife as he sat down next to you. He baked a vanilla rectangle cake for the gender reveal. "Thank you" nodding in response. Despite baking the cake he was still in the dark about the colour since he got someone else to do it. "Actually, pass me the cups" motioning towards the wine glasses. After passing them he leaned on your shoulder, feeling the frame of his reading glasses dent into your arm. "Ready?" "Yes" digging into the corners of the cake to reveal the pink/blue icing. "Guess we're having a girl/boy" he didn't seem happy to someone else's eyes but since you knew him best, he didn't show much emotions.
Alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks all around as he celebrated the gender of his baby soon to be revealed. "When you want to do the cake, tell me." Arm around your shoulder, kissing your miserable face. "I'll kick them all out" he hated the fact that he had to invite some of his followers and your friends and family. But he was on cordial terms with them even if it was one-sided, he couldn't invite any Jujutsu sorcerer friends you had, as they were enemies.
"Sorry about that love" kissing your cheek once again, seeing how much happier you were after they all left. Knife already digging into one side of the cake. "It's fine" cutting him a slice of cake, the baker had made it so the cake only had white icing inside, but cupcakes ontop held the secret. "There's no colour Y/N" confused as to why it was neutral. "Take this then" teasing him coming to an end as you picked off one of the cupcakes. Gracefully biting off one side, only to reveal the icing filled inside coloured.
"If it's a boy we should name him Satoru JR, or if it's a girl we should name her Satoshi!" Slapping the back of his forehead as you heard how he wanted his kids to carry atleast some resemblance to himself, they already get some of his name with the surname 'gojo' become a hyphen to yours. "I'm not naming my kid after you" biting into a cupcake to reveal nothing but white icing, the baker had done it so that you two had to guess which one had the icing in. "Why? I've got a beautiful name" taking another cupcake just to reveal more white icing, you two were getting down to the last 5 cupcakes, him having accidentally eaten some whilst the guests were still here. "Yeah but I'm not naming my kid after you, end of" he was getting on your nerves at this point with his ego. "Fine" sighing in defeat, he loved to get on your nerves but stopped since you got pregnant, afraid of causing an premature birth.
Stuffing a cupcake fully in his mouth, he was supposed to ake a bite then show you. "Satoru!" Scared that he may have messed it all up if he ate the one with colour in, "What?" Mouth stuffed with cake as he asked, resting his arm on your shoulder, as he tried to comfort you. "What if that was the one?" "Then it was, the past is the past baby" kissing your teeth at his response, oh how you hoped that it wasn't the one.
"Look Satoru! It's blue/pink" shaking him as you showed him, white icing decking your bottom lip as you licked it clean off, too excited to care about your appearance.
Laid out on the sofa wearing nothing but sweatpants, he couldn't be bothered to put on a shirt. Placing the tiered cake on the coffee table, neutral themes to keep you both on your toes as you knew he'd try and guess what gender it was by the way it was decorated. "What are we doing, normally or that thing you wanted to do?" He was very attentive when it came to you, always noticing small details, especially since you have been watching so many videos of couples using wine glasses to take a bite. "Cups" smiling at him, grabbing your waist as he brought you closer, fingers tracing the side of your baby bump. Handing him a cup, bringing the cake closer. "Go on" he couldn't even hide his excitement, face plastered with smiles as he watched you reveal the gender, pink/blue frosting peaking out from the side of the cup.
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devoutekuna 18 days
Matching outfits
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna doesn't know how to make clothes, nor does he want to learn. So he raids a village in hopes to find a fashion designer who could make his daughter a matching outfit. "Tell her then" annoyed at the fact that he even had to do this. "I want to be matching dad!" Jumping at the idea of matching her father, he was her idol, wanting to be like him when she grows up, much to your dismay. "You want to be just like him?" Dreading for the poor girl's future. Trembling at the sight of the four armed man.
Atleast a week later, he had returned with his little girl. "Look daddy!" Jumping up and down as she showed the kimono. "Yeah yeah" laughing at how excited she was. The woman still bowing, not daring to raise her head from the ground.
Nanami- is very thoughtful, so when he hears that his daughter wants to be like him when she's older, as much as he doesn't want her to become a Jujutsu sorcerer he goes in full force, hiring someone to make an exact replica of his outfit, even adding in a skirt for her to have options.
"See daddy! Now we're matching" twirling around, she added her own little twist to the outfit by having a skirt on since she wasn't feeling the pants. Sat on the sofa trying to catch up on some paperwork, he almost spat out his coffee from how cute she looked, hair tied up in two pigtails, even the same tie and shirt colour, green glasses to complete her look. "Awe, you look pretty sweetheart" patting the cushion beside him.
"I'm done!" Bringing his son out to show you, holding his son by his armpits, feet dangling in the air. "I made him look cuter!" Chubby cheeks flaring a shade of pink as if he was about to cry. Your son looked rather cute, wearing the exact same uniform like salty always wore, they were identical, both white hair and blue eyes, defying your genes entirely. "My baby has always been cute" taking him from your husband's hands, laying him on the sofa. Grabbing his pink cheeks, only making him cry. "Satoru!" Slapping the back of his head. "I didn't mean to" trying to defend himself.
"I need a matching robe for my daughter, I'll raise your rank if you get it done by next week Sunday" That's what he explained to the fashion designer a few weeks ago, that's exactly what he did, gave the follower a slightly higher rank, he was thinking about killing them but he atleast had some sympathy left. It was the anniversary of becoming a leader so if course he wanted to celebrate, bringing his daughter along in a matching outfit, she looked so much like him, like a gender bend version. "Ah, daddy I look just like you!" Giving herself a quick twirl before walking out of the curtains, standing Infront of all her father's followers. "Yeah you do" patting her head as he overtook her, sitting down.
Normally he never plans stuff out but the second he heard the news that you were pregnant he's already planned out the gifts. "How about this?" Showing you the outfit he styled on his daughter, the little girl wearing a black bodysuit with a pair of grey sweatpants. "So you dressed her up like you?" Looking back from the sofa, you had to admit that she did look sure as she matched with her father. Minus him not wearing a shirt.
"Yes" saying it proudly as he placed himself on the sofa, right next to you. She seemed to enjoy the outfit as much as he did, clapping her hand as she stuck her tongue out.
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devoutekuna 19 days
Bring your child to work
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna doesn't have a job, you don't even know how he gets money. So he brings her to a village he recently raided, he sometimes raided them for resources or just for fun. Once he raided one just because he wasn't willing to pay for your pregnancy cravings. "Dad, this village is all burnt!" complaining at the sight of ash everywhere, kicking her foot through the charred grass blades. "Be quiet" glaring at his daughter as he walked away from her. He was trying to look for atleast a child to keep his daughter company. "Don't leave me!" Running up to him, he didn't understand how she could be scared when her father was the king of curses, plus it was broad daylight and no curse would dare get close to him.
"Let me come with you dad!" All dressed up in her father's clothes, frantically trying to tuck in the shirt, into her skirt. Stood Infront of the bathroom door, she had been awaiting her father to come out, walking out with a bottle of shaving foam in his hand. "You can't sweetheart" crouching down to say it, patting her head as a way to comfort her. She had gotten all dressed up by stealing her father's shirt and tie only to be rejected, even putting in his reading glasses to make her seem more professional. He knew for a fact that she wouldn't be coming with him to work, especially since he was on a mission today. Grabbing her by her shoulders as he dragged her out of the way. "Why not?" Begging for a chance. "Cause I said so" walking towards you.
Sat inside the office reading a book, he purposely didn't take any missions today so that his daughter thought that his job was boring and wouldn't ask again. "Dad, your work is boring!" Sat on the armchair beside him, she had nothing to do but wait for the 9 hours to pass. "I told you that" letting her sit through her actions.
Geto has his daughter stand behind the curtains whilst he talks to his followers, not wanting her to hear anything he has to say, especially what would come after he gets mad. He has a personal servant bring her noise cancelling headphones when he starts to get annoyed. Crouching beside her as they played a game, she was so clueless to what her beloved father was doing. Murdering the so-called 'monkeys' of society. "When is my daddy done?" Pats on the head, despite having the headphones on she could recognise that from anywhere. "Right here princess" retracting his hand as he picked her up. Taking the headphones off, dropping them into the servant's hand as he walked off. "Hi daddy!"
When Gojo isn't busy, he's either at home with you or teaching his students, unfortunately for them, they were on a mission already. So he was just laying around in his office. "Dad I'm bored" sat on the sofa opposite him. "So am I" slouching in his chair, there was nothing to do. Even his second year students were on a mission. "Let's go see Nanamin" dragging his son out of his office, searching around the campus just to find the blond. Sat in one of the many lounge rooms. A sigh depleting from his mouth as he heard the voice of the strongest. "What is it now?" Refusing to look up from the book. "Nanamin!" Your son knew who Nanami was due to the many times that Gojo dropped him off on the campus when he went on missions. Despite his many times to stop Gojo's son from calling him 'nanamin' it never worked out since he was so much like his father. "We've come to see you!" Sitting down opposite him. "Are you sure you haven't come to drop your son off?" Receiving the snarky comment was like a bullet to the chest, but he was wrong this time.
Toji wasn't officially employed, he was basically unemployed but he always acted like he was employed since he brought in good amounts of money. "Papa I want to help" kicking her little legs as she sat playing with one of the weapons. Her father was currently discussing the new target he had, redacting any words that she may pick up on. "No" Shiu carried on rambling on about the prices he would get if it was under a specific time. "Why not!?" Slapping the poor man with the weapon, fortunately it was blunt, just like playful cloud. "Cause you'll get in my way" ripping the weapon from her hands, putting it back inside the worm. Scrunching up her face as soon as she heard the harsh reality, "Mr Shiu would let me come!" Trying to prove her point even more. "No I wouldn't" he should be smoking right now but didn't for the courtesy of your kid, patting the girl's head as they walked out. Toji following behind him, chuckles could be heard as they left.
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devoutekuna 20 days
First few weeks
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He hated the first few months, he had a baby which cried every time they woke up, but he had to give you props for giving birth, he wished he could just wake you up and have you deal with the kid but he knew that wouldn't be right. Who would've thought that the king of curses was actually considerate? "What do you want?" Peering over their crib as he examined his kid, maybe they were cold? Picking them up as he twirled them around. "You want milk or something?" Walking towards the kitchen to get some milk. Unwrapping the swaddle on the way there. Stuffing the bottle in their mouth, watching the supply slowly deplete.
He was already under immense stress, and the baby only added to the fuel. She was always crying whenever she was awake, it was like it was her only emotion, taking a longer paternity leave than wanted, he always took care of you, only waking you up from your slumber if it was about feeding your daughter or feeding you, letting you get the well deserved rest. "Please don't wake your mother up" glancing over at your sleeping body as she cried. Taking her out of the room. Stroking her hair as she stopped crying, holding her close to his body. "Aw, did you just want someone to cuddle?"
He loves his baby girl, always volunteering to change her nappy or feed her whenever you were too tired. "Go to sleep Y/N, I can take care of her." Caressing your forehead as you tried to sleep. Laid out on the bed with his daughter resting on his bare chest, "You too" rubbing her back as she tried to sleep, she had just been fed so it was expected for her to head to sleep by now. Flipping her onto her back as he was instructed never to let her sleep on her front.
"You think he can say 'mama'?" Peeking his curiosity as he stared harder at his son, big blue eyes staring into his soul, tears dripping down his face, it was an eyesore to see the pale man's face Infront of his. Son laid out on the bed, cradled in a swaddle, unable to move around. Eyes searching desperately for your face, he wasn't even 2 weeks old yet he didn't like his father already, you couldn't blame him, Satoru has always been invasive and never respected people's personal space. "No, he's only 11 days old" dragging your husband back from your son, giving him some relief as he saw the man get further back. "Still, he's got two smart parents, so he should be able to say it, I said my first words when I was 8 months old" rambling on about something as he sat down next to you. "Did you actually?" you thought it was highly unlikely that he said his first words at 8 months old, but then again he was Satoru Gojo. "No" laughing at how well he deceived you.
Toji was most definitely on guard the whole time she was a baby, refusing to touch her unless you begged as he was so scared of hurting his precious daughter. "Can you hold her whilst I get changed?" Slipping out of bed as you handed your baby girl to her father, resting her body on his chest, rising with each breath, heart beating faster as he felt her body. Hand wrapped gently on her back, making sure she didn't slip off. Rubbing her back with his fingers, trying to make her burp after being fed from you. His other hand trying to touch her hand, only for her hand to grip onto his finger. Maybe it was a reflex or some actual bonding.
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devoutekuna 21 days
Family bonding
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Sukuna never brings his child around his followers, finding them unworthy to grace their eyes upon his offspring. Sat in a vacant room, laid out on the floor as he watched his followers trying to entrain him, dancing around, telling stories or jokes. Nothing could suffice him, a pile of heads adorning the corner of the room, yet to become of everyone. Small giggles being heard from the slightly open door, pink hair sticking out from beside it as he looked at it, hands working magic as he sliced their head off, ushering for the next person. Door slashed open just like those people, leaving wooden remains all around. "Show yourself" crimson eyes peering out from the last standing part of the door. A smile glistening on her face, flashing her canines at him. "Papa!" Running towards the king. A smirk on his face as he felt his daughter's embrace, staring at the one servant who raised their head just for it to be cut off, leaving no witnesses to the matter.
"Next!" Motioning for the next person to come in, only to receive the news that there was nobody left, leaving a pile of corpses in the corner of the room, blood seeping towards him.
"Won't mummy be mad?" Sat in his father's arms as he fought a curse, using his infinity to block all the attacks, still flinching from the idea of them getting through. "Not if she doesn't know" grinning at the little boy, he loved to mess with you, hearing you scold him was some of his favourite highlights. "But still" covering his head in his father's shoulder, white hair rubbing against his neck. "If you're that scared we can go home" exorcising the curse as he looked away, making sure not leave a mess and just use the excuse that it ran away. Kicking his leg into his chest on accident. "No!" Smiling at how much his son wanted to spend time with him.
"If your going to stay in here, help me out" trying to declutter his office. Taking down a box full of files, throwing them onto the sofa since he knew that they were no used to him. Reaching for the next one as he noticed a small pair of hands reaching towards him first. "To me" on her toes as she reached for it, wanting to be helpful like she said. "Don't drop it sweetheart." Handing her the box, noticing how she reacted by lowering her body, waddling over to the sofa since the box was too big for her. "Ooo, what's this daddy?" Pulling out a memory box you two made when you reached your 10 year anniversary. Ripping the box open before he could even get a good look at what she was talking about. Ripping the box from her arms, not knowing what she would discover if she opened it up. "Awh" folding her arms over her chest, trying to act cute to get it back. "Let's leave this up here" straining his arms as he put it back up.
He's rambling on about his stupid followers, talking about how useless and belittling them, cup in hand as he took a few sips of the drink before he carried down talking. "Here you go daddy" running up to him with a new glass of milk, having it come out of the microwave, it was warm, but still a little cold. Ripping the other cup from his hands, running back to the kitchen to hand it you. "Thank you sweetheart" smiling at the girl as she seated herself next to him, leaning her body onto his.listening to whatever he had to say despite not understanding the meaning behind it at all. "And then they have the nerve to say something about my actions!" Maybe he was drunk with the way he was acting. Small hands leaning over to grab the felt tips, refusing to get out of her comfortable position only for her father to step in and pass them to her, stroking her hair in the process.
"Keep up" strolling in the park, he would've kept his normal quick pace but he had his daughter with him, both dressed up in pyjamas as they walked through the park. He was only here because the lines for the food truck were shorter at nighttime. Nightie swaying in the wind despite her coat. "Wait up daddy!" Running up to him to try and grab his hand, only to grab his fingers because she was too short. Picking the girl up as he sped up, wanting to get back before you woke up since he knew you would scold him.
Sat on the bench eating some ice-cream, it was a quick stop by to the shop before they made it to the food truck since she was so hungry. Wiping the ice-cream off her nose with the spare tissue he had. "We've got to go before your ma' wakes up"
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devoutekuna 22 days
First birthdays
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He's not a fan of birthdays, he never got any whilst he was growing up so he didn't know how they worked other than cake a food. His daughter sat in your lap as she tried to reach for the cake, you two had already sang happy birthday, so now it was just her trying to eat her cake, cake stuffin her mouth as he hands smeared it all along. Noticing her father's presence, she had instantly forgotten about food, grubby hands reaching towards the man, sat proudly Infront of her. "I think she wants you 'Ryo" offering the baby up to him, he normally hated kids, but not his little princess, decked out in your favourite pink dress, matching her hair colour as she sat on his neck. Hands still full of cake as she reached for his mouth.
He's very much a baker, so when his daughter's birthday rolls around, he's already got a birthday cake prepared. Two cakes in fact, one bigger one for guests and another smaller cupcake size for his daughter, wanting to make sure that she could at least eat one. "Here" pushing the plate over to her as she sat in her highchair, fork guiding towards her mouth only to reject it, "No" that was one of the only words she knew, it angered you how she didn't say mama or atleast dada first. Reaching over for the small plate, hand already messy as she grabbed a bite,
He went all out for birthdays, that's what he did yesterday, throwing a massive celebration for his newly one year old. Blue balloons and confetti scattered all over the living room floor, knowing he'd have to clean it up since you were against them in the first place. Son in his arms as he placed him in the highchair, giving him some of the leftover cake, taking a few slices for himself too. Rambling on about something stupid, that's how you caught them. Your son's face mushed with cake and frosting as he was left to do his own bidding and another man child sat eating nearly half of the leftover cake, leaving half a tier. "You better clean this up Satoru, by the time I'm back down." Needing to clean the cake off his body since he was such a messy eater, but you couldn't even blame him since he was just one. Throwing the stupid blue party hat off his head, holding him by the arms as he carried on eating, picking at any cake he had left on his hands.
He understood that his child couldn't eat that all, that's why he invited some of his friends round, making alot of food, mainly his daughter's favourite. The sound of clapping distributing her peace as she got scared and started to tear up, begging for her father to come rescue her. Taking her out of the room as the giggles started, feeling bad as he took a slice of cake with him, sat in the living room with her father as the rest of the party continued. He would be soon kicking them out after he finished with her. "It's okay" fixing her party hat as it slid off, "it's just me" cradling her small body as the tears dried up. Nodding her head as she got distracted once again, hands jerking forward for the cake, decorated in a purple fondant layer along with some cake pop ontop for decoration. Taking one of the cake pops as he removed the spike handing it to her.
His child wasn't the brightest, trying to recreate what his father had just did. Sticking his fingers on the flame to take it out before removing the candle, of course his child wanted to do that too. Reaching for the open flame before the cake was snatched away. "Me" that was the only word they knew, trying to point to themselves as they reached for the cake before a present was placed Infront of them. Opening it to just discard the toy and try to eat the paper, what a weird child. "Not that" throwing the wrapping paper in the bin, resulting in a few tears. Crouching down beside them as he handed them some cake in a spoon, doing the airplane noises as it came towards them, only to receive a fistful of hair, head being dragged towards his baby as they gripped it harder. A scowl implementing on his face.
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devoutekuna 24 days
Cooking with him.
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He can cook but chooses not to, why would he cook if he has a personal chef to himself. Stood in the kitchen as he searched for some fruit, daughter tracing the markings he had on his legs. "Daddy lets cook for mama" the thought of spending time with her father was the only reason she wanted to cook. "No" a straight no, she knew that he'd need some convincing though.
"But, I've seen mummy and Uraume cook, I can do it!" Grabbing onto his leg as he tried to walk off, acting as if she was too heavy to kick off. "No you can't! Your incapable of cooking" Looking down at the pink haired girl staring so profusely up at him, doing her puppy eyes which would win anyone over.
Cutting up a few onions from the dish, sat ontop of the counter as she placed the onion in her lap, knife inches away from her thigh. "Don't do that, it's stupid" putting the onion and knife on the table so that he could place her on the stool. "Don't be stupid" stood right beside her as she cut it up, it was going so painfully slow,he was starting to get tired especially since she had two more to go. Having the dismantle technique, of course he's gonna use it to his advantage, throwing the onion up in the air as it sliced, leaving diced cubes along the counter top. "Awe, you got it all over the counter daddy" trying to brush the vegetable into a pile. "Shut up, you were going to slow."
An expert as he cooks most nights, especially when your too tired to prepare meals for the week, it was a simple task to him. "Lemme help you papa!" Hands making it onto the counter as he kneaded the dough, eyes sticking up from behind the counter. Glancing down and the blonde realising she was on a stool, no wonder she got so tall, already got her hair tied back into a ponytail and apron on. "I'm almost done darling" he felt a bit bad but he was so busy so he wanted to finish this quickly.
"Please!" Her crys, only convincing him that she should help him, all he had to do was cook the rice after washing it and cook the chicken. "I mean, you can do the rice?" He didn't trust her much with food since he knew that she was just a toddler and would make a mess.
"Uh oh" seeing the rice poured down the drain, all of it in the sink rather than the bowl. Atleast half of it going through the drain pipe already. "What happened here?" It was bound to happen, he tried not to act annoyed but he definitely was.
He doesn't know anything about cooking since he rarely cooked for himself, if he did it would just be a precooked meal.
"Right, how small am I cutting this?" Glancing at you for some guidance here, a look of distraught and confusion on his face as she saw what he would be cutting up next. He was tasked with all the vegetables since you thought it would be easier for him rather than the meat which you tasked your son with. "Dice it Satoru" looking over his shoulder as you inspected how small it should be.
"Hurry up! Mum says the vegetables go in before the chicken!" He clearly took his father's personality when it came to patience. "I'm trying my best here!" Though he says that he's good at everything, he was horrible when it came to food. Grabbing another knife from the drawer as you helped him out, you were hungry and wanted food already.
He was smart about it, giving her an easy task like stirring the pot, somehow she messed that up, hearing the clutter of a pot hitting the floor, body in the fetal position as she looked at the mess. "Uh oh" the sound of his daughter's voice made him respond quickly, hands on his hips as he scanned the mess on the ground, food spilled all over the floor, boiling water all over his new tiles too. "Sorry papa" feeling a bit bad for the mess. "It's fine" it clearly wasn't as that was one of the main dishes. "As long as you aren't hurt then we're good" nodding her head in response.
"Your lucky I can't find my wallet" stuck cutting up some potatoes into long rectangular shapes. His daughter clearly was enjoying this, pouring a bottle full of oil into the pan. "No! That's too much baby" taking the bottle from her hands as she giggled, watching as the oil started to splatter up into his face, throwing a lid onto the pan.
"Turn it down!" Shouting at him, she had seen you do this multiple times, so she acted like the boss when it came to cooking. "It's on the lowest heat!" Going back to the cutting of the potatoes. "Hurry up daddy!" Slapping his leg as she jumped up and down, it was her first time being allowed in the kitchen whilst someone was cooking, let alone helping them.
It was a few minutes after he poured the potatoes into the pan, he didn't know anything about making chips so it was a new experience for him. "You took too long! Mummy woke up" she wanted to surprise you with her cooking skills, making you a plate of chips before you woke up.
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devoutekuna 25 days
First gifts
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He doesn't care for gifts, he doesn't even think they're necessary. Sat at the dining table messing around with your daughter's lips as you wiped the reminisce of milk off them. "Here" motioning towards his son, a fat limb from a turkey sat Infront of you. "What's this for?" Knowing that you couldn't eat all of that, nor your baby. "A gift, for him" a whole turkey leg for his son who couldn't even eat food yet?
"He can't eat food Ryo" sighing in defeat as you pushed it back. "So what does it want then?" Practically ordering you to tell him, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"Get him something he can wear Ryo." Motioning to the new clothes he needed since he grew so fast.
He makes it an effort to work overtime so that he could save up for the gift he wanted. Wanting to buy his daughter a crochet clothes.
Sat on the bed as you tried to burp your baby, seeing your husband walk in with a new hat which he recently brought made a smile appear on your face. "I wonder who that's for" smirking at him as he sat beside you, making the bed dip down a bit. "For my daughter" face peeking out from behind your arms as he put it on her, pushing it down so it didn't slip off. Handing you the small socks which could be out on later. Giggles heard from her mouth as she toyed with it, hands trying to rip it off her head, she always wanted to put something new in her mouth.
Geto has been planning building blocks and blanket designs for a few months, you had always been craving physical touch during your pregnancy, always sleeping next to him as you had the blanket wrapped around your bodies.
Sitting next to his baby girl as she babbled on about something, toying with his robes and the blanket, I was starting to get on his nerves. "Do you want something to play with sweetheart?" Noticing the words coming out of her father's mouth but not knowing what he said she impulsively nodded. Taking out a few blocks with letters on one side and shapes on the other from the bag beside him. "Here" handing them towards her, already trying to stuff them in her mouth, before throwing it at him when she realized she couldn't. Sighing in response, nothing would ever satisfy such a spoiled girl. She must've gotten it from you.
Handing her the blanket which spelt her name and had different patterns on it, the main one being a patchwork. "How about this?" Eyes shining up as she saw it, her favourite characters underlining the bottom of it. Pointing to them. Trying to say the words 'papa' but nothing came out other than weird noises she made. "You like that?" It was clear that she liked it, already falling backwards onto the plush pillow.
He take such pride in himself, knowing he's the strongest and bragging about it every time his name is mentioned, so when he saw his beautiful baby boy for the first time, of course he had to give him something, your gift was the fact that you had a child now, that's what he said as he joked with you, till he saw your reaction, of course he was joking with you as he handed you your proper gift straight after. When it came to giving his son his first gift, he pulled out a plushie from his back, squeezing it in his face. White hair matching your son and him, matching dark blue uniform and a black blindfold, and probably bright blue eyes hidden underneath. You can guess who it is from the looks. "It's a plushie of me!" Seeing the disgust in your eyes as he displayed it, "In case he misses me whilst I'm away" trying to defend his actions as he placed it in the cot with him, fortunately he was sleeping or else he would've been crying from the mini Gojo.
He hadn't planned a gift yet since he didn't think it was necessary. He was naturally warmer than everyone else, so whenever it was cold in the apartment you always snuggled up to him, laying on his warm body as you slept, glancing over at his baby, fully awake as she tried to twist and turn in the swaddle, noticing how cold it would be for a baby in here, he threw his clean zip up on him, he wanted to hold her and comfort her but was too scared that he'd crush her with his strength, opting for the safer version in his mind as he made sure it was tucked in.
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devoutekuna 26 days
Family vacations
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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He didn't care for vacations, he didn't care for much stuff, even if it concerned you and his daughter. Taking you to a private island was the maximum he was doing, sat near the pool as watched over you two Sat on the other side of the pool as you dipped her legs in the water, splashing about as a stimulation method for her. Giggles filling up the gaping silence. "Would've been better if uraume was here", talking about the fact that his favourite cook wasn't there with him, meaning he couldn't eat humans for the next 2 weeks, you knew that when he got back to Japan he would be going on a rampage, ending an entire village for the freshest of meat.
"Let them rest, you make them cook for you everyday" trying to defend his cook as you carried on playing with your daughter. Your daughter grabbing into the top of your shirt as she pulled down on it, clearly wanting more of your attention. "Yeah yeah, you humans don't know anything about proper food"
He knows you'd have a hard time communicating with the locals in Malaysia so he opts out of that trip and takes you to the countryside, his second favourite vacation destination. Living in a rural area was a dream of his, getting to sit down at the bay window reading a book as his daughter played beside him, he was waiting for you to wake up so that he could take his daughter on a walk around the field.
"Mama!" Slapping your sleeping form awake, head still resting on the pillow as you gained awareness of your situation. "Me and papa are going on a walk!" Noticing her attire, pink floral dress to match your favourite flowers, her hair typed up into two pigtails. Nodding in response as you wished her a good time.
Your husband and daughter walked along the path after around 25 minutes, coming back with freshly picked strawberries and tulips, his daughter sleeping in his arms as he carried the basket in his other, head resting along his clothed shoulder with her hand gripping along his collar.
He doesn't mind where you 3 go, but he would prefer somewhere hot, walking along the beach in the evening, sun setting along the beach as nobody was in sight, daughter trailing behind him, always reaching towards the water every few seconds since she saw something pretty. "Daddy I want that!" Pointing to the red seashell which washed up. Stopping in his tracks as he held your hand, waiting for you to stop walking. "Can I grab it?" She had asked that since last time she touched something on the beach it was a jellyfish, fortunately it didn't sting her.
Nodding his head as he held your hand tighter, squatting down as your thumb rubbed against his knuckles. Slowly sundress touching his shoulder slightly. "Look mama and papa!" Holding the shell in her small palms, tracing the details with her chubby fingers. "It's very pretty sweetheart!" Rubbing her hair gently, not enough to mess it up though.
He loves hot countries, getting an excuse to flex his body off. Sat in a bathing suit at the side of the bed as you picked out outfits for your 2 year old daughter, "Hurry up Y/N!" Laying down on the bed, stretching his slender arms out, hitting the edge of the bed. Giving him a glare back as your daughter sat on the armchair beside you, kicking her legs as she picked out an outfit. "Shut up Satoru, you come help our daughter then" defending your actions as you showed her a few more options, you didn't even know why she had so many bathing suits if you were just there for a week. "I'm good" a smile being heard in his voice as he checked up on you two.
"That one mummy!" Pointing at the light purple bathing suit. "Took your time" throwing a pillow at him as he gave you attitude.
He didn't care much about where you went, as long as you 3 were together. Wandering around the city, you had dragged him out of the hotel room at 8pm, since you wanted to visit a local restaurant, scowl on his face as he held his daughter in his arms, hands gripping onto his hair as she looked around. "Are we almost there daddy?" The small girl eyeing all the food stands you walked past, peeking her face into his eyesight as she tugged further. "Ask ya' mother" pointing towards you and how quick you were compared to him, you clearly were eager for the restaurant.
Sat down at the booth as he placed down his daughter. "Was it really worth coming out at 8pm for this?" He wasn't in the mood for your stuff, especially since you had told him not to eat today since the food here was so good, he hadn't even seen the menu yet he was already annoyed, daughter laying on his torso as she tried not to fall asleep despite not doing any walking if her own.
"I told you it would be good" watching your husband stuff his face as your daughter tried your food, dipping her spoon into it. Smiling at him as he gave you an acknowledgement glare.
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