deximo · 9 years
The giggle makes Tsuna vaguely anxious and so does the way that Byakuran leans in even closer. He can’t fathom the lack of care the taller teen held for anyone’s personal bubble, but apparently especially Tsuna’s own! Less care than usual, who’d have thought! If the sarcasm wasn’t already obvious--
“W-well, this whole project seemed kind of.. interesting.. I guess..” is the muttered response to the loud, almost theatrical comment Byakuran made. There wasn’t much else Tsuna could offer to his reasoning for leaving Namimori.. other than Koi had served as a nice place for him to actually kind of relax without worrying about all the damage that both the kids and his guardians could do.
Tsuna almost shrieks again when Byakuran takes his hand, the click of the others tongue making him all the more anxious. This was. He didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t need it right now.
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That was a little accusative. “You surprised me,” he defends, it’s still not his fault that he’s literally the easiest person on this planet to scare the shit out of without really trying. 
“E-eh?! Um, no,” cool, smooth, “like I said, you surprised me! What are you even doing here, Byakuran?”
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How cute. Tsuna surely doesn’t change much, now, does he? Still ever the same, clumsy boy he made a name of himself. What was it? Dame Tsuna? Byakuran wasn’t there during his early Middle School days, and that was such a shame, really. Giggling quietly, Byakuran hummed as he leaned in closer, practically invading what little personal space he had left.
❝        Ne, I suppose you’re right! So, finally moved out of Namimori? Who would have thought!      ❞ Speaking as if it was some kind of award - winning feat, Byakuran almost considered sharing some of his sweets with the boy. But then eyes finally took note of his sticky hand and whatever was left of his soda. Giving a click of his tongue, the achromatic allowed a pout to sit on his features.
Pulling out a cloth from his pockets, he took the boy’s hand in his own. ❝        What a mess!     ❞ And what a waste, too. ❝    Here, let me clean you up!      ❞ Wiping his hand clean, he hummed as he worked away the sticky residue. Frowning a bit when the cloth did not work, he almost debated on wetting the cloth with his spit for a moment.
❝      Were you that excited to see me?        ❞
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deximo · 9 years
The sudden voice wasn’t something he’d been expecting and Tsuna almost dropped the cup he held in his hand, barely managing not to-- instead grasping a little too hard and shrieking nearly silently when the soda inside overflowed from the cup, all over his hand. Holy lord, why didn’t people know better than to sneak up on him, especially by this point in time! Well, actually, considering who this was.. he wasn’t surprised by it.
Tsuna can feel himself stiffen a little as Byakuran literally prowls towards him and stands maybe closer than really necessary. Dear god, if you’re there, please send help.
He jumps a little at Byakuran’s comment, wide brown eyes blinking a few times as he processes it for a second before shrugging. “W-well, y’know.. always expect the unexpected, I guess..?” An incredibly lame comeback, and he was sure the taller male would think the same, but what else is he supposed to say?
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Especially with his hand getting stickier by the second because of this stupid soda-- where were the napkins? Seriously.. “But, uh.. i-it’s nice to see you again?” Its phrased uncertainly and more as a question than anything else because.. who could be sure what would happen, especially when it came to Byakuran.
                    ( ;deximo. )
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Moving to Koi was more of a rash decision, mainly because things were quickly growing rather boring in Namimori after that whole fiasco. The move itself was okay, his empty apartment disappointing, and his new room mate–well, she was a girl for one thing. But she was rather feisty, so he couldn’t bring himself to complain.
The last thing he had expected, however, was to see a familiar face. Especially one he was rather close to–though the word close can be used rather loosely. As far as Byakuran was concerned, they were friends. ( Though, it wasn’t very certain if he even knew the meaning of the word friend. )
❝     – Yo!     ❞ Stepping forward, advancing toward the smaller with the grace of a cat on the prowl, Byakuran all but towered over the boy. ❝     Who would think I’d bump into you here, Tsunayoushi - kun!     ❞ There was a lilting purr in the way he said his name, his voice becoming a slight croon as he rocked on his heels, hand upraised in greeting. Surprise, surprise: he was capable of self - restraint.
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deximo · 9 years
Tsuna can’t do much to stop anyone when they’ve gotten something set in their mind.. especially Reborn. He’d have better luck learning to breathe under water or something of the sort, he was sure. But asking to take his guardians along wasn’t really allowed.. or wise, or fair. Tsuna wasn’t about to ask them to up and drop everything to go to some weird island with him, after all.
The question makes Tsuna blink a few times in thought, “K-kinda.. I mean, it’s not really bad here. It’s actually pretty nice, compared to what I’m used to,” which is almost an understatement. The bullying here has been significantly less than it was in Namimori. It was kind of like heaven.
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And he could feel a few little butterflies of happiness in the pit of his stomach-- “I feel the same, seriously,” and he did, it was like this big weight was lifted off his shoulders.
“But, um, your apartment? Did, uh.. a-any of your guardians come with you..?” Y’know.. Like Adelheid.. yeah, she still kind of scared the hell right out of Tsuna.
“Why am I not surprised Reborn decided that?” Of course it was Reborn. Tsuna would’ve asked to stay, or at least take a guardian with him, right? But Reborn… Reborn wasn’t the kind to take that kind of offer.
It wasn’t fine but they both knew better than to point out the obvious. It was never fine, but could that ever change it?
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“So… Been here long? I-I think we’re close to my apartment if you want to come hang out there… If you want, that is.” It’s not like there was a lot to do in his place anyways, maybe some Netflix, or he could attempt to cook something…
Okay, pressing his hand to his mouth to mask his smile, Enma let out a quiet giggle before looking down, “… I’m just so happy to see you, to see someone I know and trust…”
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deximo · 9 years
Tsuna sometimes found it hard to believe how over dramatic Aoi could be until he, once again without fail, proceeded to show him just how over dramatic he was. Like right now. The flailing under such a light weight, aka the pillow, was almost too violent of a reaction. He watches him fight with the thing anyways, eyebrows raising minutely as Aoi finds the edges of the pillow and lift it off of his face.
At least he hadn’t decided to complain about it. But the words that followed Aoi’s freedom from the pillow weren’t much better. Tsuna could feel his nose wrinkle and he chose not to even dignify the words with any kind of verbal response. This cguy could think these conceited thoughts all he wanted.
It didn’t make them true.
Well, not yet at least.
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The question changes his train of thought for the better and Tsuna shrugs his shoulders once before they sag just the smallest bit. “I dunno. I was never good at learning from demonstration anyway, so I just never followed along I guess..” he replies, a hand lifting to scratch at the back of his head. The parents bit was a little awkward, Tsuna really wasn’t about to get into that topic-- the one concerning his dad, at least.
“A-and I just never asked my mom to, so I guess she figured I didn’t wanna learn?” His friends had been the ones that ended up teaching him, in the long run, but none of it really stuck either. He just preferred to go with the ‘I can’t swim’ rather than ‘I can kind of swim but it’s hard and I just would rather not’.
( ✲* : doomsday.
     “Heh,” A triumphant smirk, “That’s what I thought.” He adjusted himself until he was comfortable on the bed, deciding he’d spend as much time as he wanted lying in his lap like this; even if the others legs fell asleep, he was comfy, and that’s really all he cared about.
     He opens his mouth to say something more about the love ordeal, though instead received suffocation as another pillow came crashing down on him. His shocked outburst was muffled by the fabric covering his face and it.. may have been on par with Tsuna’s own over-the-top reactions.
     Arms waved violently until they found either end of the pillow, lifting it off his face with a ‘peh.’ Breath at last. “Well, it’s fine. I know you love me, so you don’t have to say it right now. Another time.”
     He hugged the pillow to his chest as if to call a truce, peering up at the younger teen again to properly continue their conversation.
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     “Why can’t you swim, anyway? Isn’t that something they teach you in elementary? Something your parents teach you?” He was taught by one of the assistance in his household after a while of begging, since the pool in the backyard looked too fun to pass up.
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deximo · 9 years
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We are f a m i l y.
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deximo · 9 years
The wholehearted and seemingly enthusiastic response doesn’t make Tsuna any less suspicious of this guy and his motives-- whatever they happened to be, after kidnapping him, that is. His eyebrows furrowed together a little in thought; was this guy older than him? He guesses so, but looks could be deceiving.. and he acted like he was ten years old so Tsuna figures he can’t be too sure.
And the insinuation that Tsuna even owns anything close to a diary is vaguely insulting. He doesn’t really care in the long run, but this guy could probably do well to be a little less of an ass.
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“I don’t think being late would’ve killed me or anything,” not like the possibility of death included from jumping onto a moving vehicle; how many times could he get this point across? Who knows. A lot more probably. But he had a feeling the tone in his words said plenty anyways.
But the questions are kind of considerate and Tsuna can be grateful for that, at least.. if only a little. “I-I’m fine, I think we’re almost to the next stop anyways,” he replies, giving a vague shrug of his shoulders, “Where do you even need to be that made you in such a rush to catch this thing?”
“Kuroba Kaito!” He chimed, his voice swinging like in the middle of some dance. After announcing his name, he seemed to ignore Tsuna for a second or two, tip toeing over to the edge of the tram and peering ahead of them, keeping up on how long they had before they could reach a stop. As for how grateful this kid was, he didn’t exactly expect any gratitude. The best thing Kaito got out of it was a tinge of thrill and the satisfaction of having proven another person wrong, even if said individual didn’t hold any meaning in what he had done.
Then, just like a cat could balance perfectly fine on a car door, the thief swung around and flattened his back against the tram again, yawning.
… Come to think of it, Tsuna looked freaked out. Sometimes he forgot other people weren’t used to life threatening situations like falling into unwavering traffic.
(Not that hanging onto the back of a tram was that big of a deal.)
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“Sure you didn’t–” Kaito expanded on his earlier comment of this being an involuntary trepidation. His voice held an air of indifference, as though he didn’t really care if the other seen it as a pain in the ass. “But at least you’re not going to be late for whatever you were heading for, and you’ve got a new page in your diary.” 
A snort. “Are you okay, by the way? You having trouble holding on?”
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deximo · 9 years
He’ll decline and deny his fate as much as he wants, Reborn’s been trying for years to get him to stop and he’s gotten nowhere as of yet and Tsuna planned on keeping it that way. He’d refuse it until the day he couldn’t anymore. And he could hope with literally everything in him that the day he couldn’t would never come. 
Though the little future incident said otherwise, he wasn’t about to give up.
Tsuna can feel his own nerves tick a little and he leans away from Reborn, arms crossing over his chest in obvious defiance. This always happened. At least it was another good hint that this was actually Reborn.. as if he hadn’t already figured it out.
Off he goes, yet again, before the word ‘training’ meets Tsuna’s ears and he can feel himself physically go pale.. well, paler than he already as since Reborn showed up. He couldn’t be serious-- a dumb thought, because Reborn was serious about literally everything that came out of his mouth, in some way or another.
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“You say that like I haven’t b-been on my guard since I got here,” Tsuna mutters indignantly; mostly because haha, what guard?
But he wasn’t very worried about his guardians.. they all knew how to do fine on their own, after all. And Tsuna couldn’t help but think some of them were gonna find their way here somehow, at some point. His gut just reinforced that thought, seriously.
There he goes again. ‘I don’t want to be Boss!’, ‘I don’t want to be affiliated with the mafia at all!’. It’s getting annoying. No matter how much he declines, he can’t deny his fate. 
Even how much he’d say so, there’s no going back. He’s gotten so far, there can’t be any possible way he can back out now. 
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“None of my business? Are you sure? Then why the hell am I still sticking around with a bitchy little brat like you even til now?” Boy, he’s getting on his nerves again. He was itching to pull out his gun again but he decided to keep his composure.
For now. 
“It’s my job to train you to be Neo Vongola Primo. I don’t care whether you’re staying or not, I’ll be bringing your training here then.” Reborn shot him a toothy smile, straightening his jacket. 
“Wherever your Guardians are, it doesn’t matter. Considering this is a very troublesome place, I’d be wary if I were you. I can’t guarantee if any of them would be coming along.” He doesn’t trust this place at all. Even if this place granted him his only wish, this shit was absolutely suspicious.
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deximo · 9 years
Aoi’s expression didn’t solve anything, or answer any of the questions he’d asked-- and he kind of had a feeling he wasn’t about to get any sort of detailed explanation about what he was supposed to do here. He’d never been in this kind of situation, or even kissed anther person before this! Technically he hadn’t even kissed anyone as or right this second either because, well.. did it really count if he wasn’t making any conscious effort to return the ones Aoi was giving him? He didn’t know.
The question makes him blink once, slowly, if only to accentuate the answer without really answering in the first place. Read as: yes, he’s probably slower than most people his age with this kinda stuff. It’s still beyond him, all of this, especially the fact Aoi was doing this because he wanted to.
Tsuna processes the words and feels his nose wrinkle a bit at the comparison. “I.. w-well.. use a less gross comparison,” he mutters, an eye closing at the exaggerated exhale. Oh please, stop being so dramatic.
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At least he left room with the ‘might actually enjoy it’ for Tsuna to fall back on. He’ll deny it to hell and back after this, the brunet was sure. He wouldn’t hear the end of it, either. His thought process comes to a sudden, well-timed stop when Aoi’s lips press against his own again, too.
Brown eyes squeeze shut in his obvious, messy attempt to do as he was (sort of) told. Tsuna struggles for a second or two to relax back against the bed and arm wrapped around him, arms finally putting some effort into moving-- just to set his hands sort of awkwardly against Aoi’s shoulders. That should.. be fine, he figures as well because that’s where they’re staying. 
It takes another second or two for Tsuna to sort of.. kinda just.. melt into the kiss itself. It didn’t feel awful and it’s not like it was bad, and if he were honest under not-so-unwilling circumstances, he might actually like it. At least that’s what he assumes when he finally responds, lips pressing back probably as lightly as possible.
     The feeling of being spoiled was one so great he actively searched for it. Perhaps he indulged too often, but he felt, with the lack of spoiling otherwise, he deserved to be this selfish. He had to wonder if Tsuna had ever been spoiled himself, an idea that was likely wrong thanks to the way he responded to any of his selfish remarks. If the little chick was lucky, he’d get to see what it meant to truly be lavished upon, one day.
     But it seemed, currently, that Tsuna wasn’t earning any points. His face immediately fell into one of disbelief at his answer.
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     “You’re really slow about this kinda stuff, aren’t you?” Guess that’s why his nickname is what it is, but still… He sighed, loudly. “Fine, I’ll put it in baby terms. You know how to kiss back, right? Lean into it. Move a little. Don’t just lie there like a dead duck.” He blew out a small gust of air then, tossing the younger’s hair about his face.
     “I can’t believe I have to teach you…. Alright, one more time. Return it like you might actually enjoy it and then you’re free.” He was beginning to think his kisses didn’t work on someone, which would be the first time ever. Then he leaned in to catch his soft lips for hopefully the last time of the night.
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deximo · 9 years
I went on your twitter and saw you ranting about how good KHR is and I think you just gave me the motivation to go back and finish it thank
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deximo · 9 years
☎:the last person my muse made a phone call to and why
the most recent one was probably to his mother! he makes it a point to call her at least a few times a week, she tends to worry about him if he doesn’t and tsuna really doesn’t want to deal with nana calling him at some ridiculous hour of the night.. 
also lambo crank calls him so that was the last phone call he received, for the record
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deximo · 9 years
☄:the last five Googles searches my muse made
the name of a series, to see how many episodes and seasons it has
a video game title
‘how to make dogs stay away from you’
recent movies
‘what to do when someone is just a little too personal space invade-y’
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deximo · 9 years
☤:the last time my muse went to the hospital and why
the last time he probably had to go to the hospital was after the end of the fight with kawahira-- he doesn’t get too badly injured on a daily basis so it’s not like his trips there are weekly or anything. and even if it’s bad he can usually just get patched up and stay at home!
he does tend to visit others in the hospital more than he has to actually go there for himself, now that i really think about it. 
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deximo · 9 years
send me a symbol
웃: what my muse would leave to people in their will
♛: the pettiest thing my muse has ever done
★: five things most people don't know about my muse
☄: the last five Googles searches my muse made
✉: the last five text messages my muse sent
☢: how would my muse fare in a zombie apocalypse?
☣: how would my muse fare in the hunger games?
☠: how my muse would choose to die, if it were up to them
♂: three names my muse might name their son
♀: three names my muse might name their daughter
♫: my muse's five favorite songs
☤: the last time my muse went to the hospital and why
▽: the first job my muse ever had
☃: what my muse does when it snows
☎: the last person my muse made a phone call to and why
♠: the riskiest thing my muse has ever done
➹: what my muse would do on their 21st birthday if they had all the money in the world
☞: five things my muse is good at
☜: five things my muse sucks at
✄: what my muse would say to the mun if they had the opportunity
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deximo · 9 years
im so excited to see my cast grow larger im honestly dying on the inside and am absolutely sorry for my absence im going to be Strong from now on
that being said.. i may make rp ads on my two accounts later so keep an eye out!
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deximo · 9 years
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deximo · 9 years
                                     I aim to be                                     LIONHEARTED,
                                                                                                          but my hands still                                                                                                          s   h   a   k   e
                                                               & my voice isn’t quite                                                                L  O  U  D enough.
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deximo · 9 years
‘Neo Vongola Primo duties’, Tsuna wanted to throw up-- actually, he almost does, a little over dramatically but the coughing and choking is very genuine. “I already t-told you I’m not-- whatever that is! And that’s the end of it!” Tsuna snaps back in response quickly before Reborn talks over him instead and the brunet bristles, arms crossing over his chest as the now older male trails off, clearly distracted with his own thoughts.
‘Like this’ he says. You aren’t just suddenly not a baby! That isn’t how it worked, Tsuna was pretty sure-- but then again, he didn’t know much about the Arcobalenos in general.
But there he goes again, off on a tangent about becoming boss. Tsuna wasn’t sure what part of ‘no’ wasn’t getting through Reborn’s thick head. Probably all of it.
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“I’m not doing anything, I don’t have duties, and that’s n-none of your business anyways! Shut up,” Tsuna replies, in order, frown growing wider. He was even more annoying as an adult, who would’ve thought. “I-I’m not leaving, anyways. I like it here, so I’m staying,” and not becoming boss, for your information, so drop the subject.
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“First of all, I woke up and you were gone. You were off Namimori radar and I was concerned that you ran off to escape your Neo Vongola Primo duties. It didn’t take me long before I found out you were here. The next thing I knew…” 
It was a haze how he got himself here. It was concerning, yes. What’s even more so is the amount of power that’s powerful than the Curse put upon him that made him revert back to his adult form. This place is mysterious at best. 
Such a waste to be used for a flimsy project such as ‘the Love Project’ or some shit like that.
“…I was like this. After that, I signed up for that ‘project’ thing to keep an eye on you. You’d rather do this than your own duties as the next Vongola boss.”
Reborn adjusted his fedora, his face pulls on a mocking disgust at the younger.  “You have some shit priorities. Are you that lonely?”
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