Yoosung turned down the old mansion's hallway. He'd been out stretching his legs, looking to grab a quick late-night bite before getting back to his game.
His pace had initially been hurried, but there was a certain scent that lightly clung around the hallway. He slowed, tilting his head up to sniff the air. A sweet, coppery scent wafted down the corridor. Blood- the smell of it was unmistakable, and absolutely delicious. There was a human hiding somewhere around here.
Looked like he didn't have to go far for a snack after all.
He began searching for the source of the scent, and in only a few moments he was standing in front of a door. There could be no doubt about it, whoever it was was in here. "Hello? I'm coming in."
He called out to whoever was inside, then clicked the lock. The door slid open at his push and the blond entered, eyes falling on the girl seated on the bed. Oooh, delicious and pretty! He stepped closer to her and smiled in a friendly, disarming manner.
"This isn't your house, are you lost? Or maybe you're a cute burglar."
He was beside her now. His eyes trailed her body, stopping at the sight of her red-stained leg. @rfaparty-lena
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This will hold all of the details and what this event is!
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-Credit for this beautiful gif would go to our member Vee, also known as Sharon
Hello and welcome to your worst (or best) nightmare!
What is this event?
Both MCs (Sharon and Lena) stumble across a grand mansion only to find… vampires!? Yes, you heard that right! Both RFA and Mint Eye members are vampires. Now they have to find a way to escape in one piece!
What are the details about this event?
This event will last from October 1-October 31 since this is a Halloween Event. This event will be based around this roleplay. Asks for Vampires and MCs will be limited. This means that you may asks them asks but they may or may not answer. It all depends on the person answering.
There possibly will be updates coming along in the future; keep your eyes open!
-Mod 707 & Mod Ray
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     Everything was moving much too fast for the Heir, before he could realize it, his friend was up again babbling and the younger Kim was at their throat. Barely enough time to respond on his end to the both of their words and move to stop the blonde from injuring his companion further. “Yoosung!” Called the Heir once more, attempting to pull the other off of his friend and find reason for them to stop. Even if battle raged within his own mind and his emotions felt threatening, the trust for his old friend was too deep. His chest aching as he pulled at the younger man’s arms, edging to dig his own fingers into their grip to force them to loosen.       “You will get no answers from a dead man.” Reasoned the Han in strained voice, all this too much for him to even remain all the more calm. Knowing well the distaste the other had for his companion, he would never assume them to blindly act on their rage and injure the other further themselves.      “Release him. Now.” He hissed, his own voice lacing with anger despite his efforts to remain calm-headed and reasonable in such a brewing and unpredictable event.      Certainly the ruckus inevitably calling the attention of nurses and doctors who rushed in to assist. Feeling palms on his own body, pulling at him to separate him and the other from the unconscious, he allowed himself to be lead away, his breathing shuttered and hesitant as anger boiled. Swallowing harshly, the Han forced himself to calm once more as the other’s came to assist in getting the younger man off the older Kim.      Separate them. He heard; their commands echoing his own thoughts as he watched the chaos unfold before him, feeling to be lacking control in the situation and hating every ounce of it in the process.
Blood was pulsing through his ears, beneath his fingers as he squeezed tightly against V's neck. His arm felt like it was being skewered, but he wasn't letting go. Thought had drowned within the flood of fury and betrayal that had filled up his mind. He wanted to scream, to hurt the man who had taken away such an important part of his life.
A pair of arms was suddenly grasping at his own, pulling at them. The pressure against V's neck lightened but did not fully let up as he struggled against the other's attempts at stopping him.
"He lied, he said she was DEAD!"
He screamed in answer. Jumin's words were not getting through to him. By now the nurses had become well aware of the ruckus going on and several had rushed in through the doorway. It was no longer just Jumin's but several pairs of hands that were grasping him. He had managed to put up a struggle against Jumin, but with his current weakened state he could not resist them all.
His fingers curled around empty air as he was wrenched away from V. One of the doctors immediately began to see to the blue haired man, checking his breathing and examining the red splotches of skin around his neck.
"Let go of me!"
He struggled against them, but the nurses did not release him. With labored breathing he finally ceased wrestling against them. The rage that had overtaken him had begun to simmer down, and he was starting to be able to think again.
The glare he was aiming towards V had enough venom in it to kill a man... but he was no longer lunging at V. Hot tears dribbled down the sides of his face as he looked away.
"I'm not staying in here with him."
The hospital staff was still restraining him. Which was probably for the best, he felt as though otherwise he may end up tumbling down. The fleeting burst of energy that had pushed him forward had all but disappeared, leaving him exhausted and far more aware of his current state.
It seemed as though the doctors also felt that it would be a good idea to keep the pair of them separated, as they soon began to lead him towards the door and out towards the hallway. One of the doctors, a tall man with brown hair turned to address Jumin.
"We will escort him to a separate room to rest. You may come along or stay here with your other friend."
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     Watching the other’s reaction pulled at something again in his chest, something unfamiliar and the Han wasn’t sure what to do, this sense to lacking control in a situation uncomfortable. The younger Kim clearly distressed yet there being Very little the Han could do but perhaps establish a therapist for the Kims.. someone more experienced with such things.     If he had sent the men just a little later.. would it have been too late then? Should he at least be thankful he made it in enough time to save the two when he did then dwell on having lost a moment more? If he could only have done such for.. her..     The Han’s chest aching painfully to the thought of loosing any others to a similar event, eyes feeling heavy and strained with exhaustion that felt unfamiliar to him. He had stayed by the men’s bedside since they arrived, spending moment in his thoughts just waiting for them to wake, hoping dearly that they would.     At another voice breaking through his thoughts, he found himself moving to stand up before he even set it into thought, his body moving on it’s own as Jihyun awakened. Their words highly concerning and confusing yet the Han found little time to think as the younger Kim slid from their bed abruptly. Brows furrowing at the creak of the bed and the knowing situation coming to unfold. “Yoosung.” He called a bit more harshly than he intended, placing a careful hand on the other’s own to keep them from shaking the other Kim awake again. “Let him rest..” He commanded tiredly, having little energy left to salvage, his body feeling heavy on its own as he moved, especially so upon having to act quickly.     “I am certain he is only confused.. Let him rest and we can come to question his words when he awakens.” He attempted to reason. “Let him go, get back in your bed and rest yourself.” He commanded, his emotions rolling like a coaster as he spoke, a protective nature coming to without much thought.      “There is little purpose of straining yourself now.” He urged, fairly a bit exhausted himself in a way that felt unfamiliar and broken. His thoughts uncertain at Jihyun’s words, but their being was of importance now. He could not lose another friend due to another’s antics, he could not stand aside and let situation arise in threat between the two while both are injured and recovering. 
Jihyun had gone back adrift, away from the lights and the forms of others. He was alone again, as he had been for a while now, until he had reached them.
Now they were gone. It was all gone again. Light, sound, thought. They were just concepts now. They meant nothing here.
But then something broke through. More sound. Something jostling him around harshly. It pulled him back towards the lights he had just left behind. It willed coherency from his swirling mess of a mental state.
His eyes have barely opened. He can’t see. It’s just bright. The forced motion upon him does nothing to bring the world to focus. He’s staring ahead, right into Yoosung’s eyes, but not at all seeing the boy.
He was being prompted to say something. Something about her. He can tell that much, but the voice is just nonsense. He’d been forced back again too soon to quickly understand anything. 
He didn’t know who he was talking to. Jumin had just been there. Was it Jumin calling to him again? Did Jumin need to know more before he could go back?
The voice wanted to know where Rika was. But there was so much surrounding that, so much that V knew, that he had kept quietly to himself. So much that he could not right now make any sense of nor summon to his mind clearly. But Jumin needed this, to get back to earth, to talk to her again. He had to give up something of that to Jumin, and he had to do it fast.
He could tell didn’t have much time. He could already feel himself slipping away from the grasp of whatever had summoned him here again, back to the calmness he had fallen towards previously. 
His voice came even quieter than before, a mumbled whisper, fast and hardly intelligible as he spilled out what he could immediately remember for Jumin. “Had to lie, to protect her. … Distance RFA from what she was doing. It’s not her fault… don’t be mad at her, please. It wasn’t her fault… It was mine. … Off in the mountains… that’s where…“
He couldn’t finish. He was dragged away again, back into the abyss he had just been pulled from. It would not be so easy to wake him again.
Yoosung didn't answer as the older male called out to him, all of his attention was focused on the blue-haired man on the bed. But when Jumin moved to rest a hand on his like a flash Yoosung had swatted it away, ignoring the sting that came with it as he turned a defensive gaze on the other.
"No! Now is the only time. Jumin don't you get it? If I ask later he'll go back to making secrets again, he won't tell us anything! This is the only time I can find out the truth!
While it had never been any secret that Yoosung distrusted V, in this moment it was clear to see how far his faith in the man had been shattered. And after hearing what had come from V's lips just now? All of the suspicions that he had held, all of the doubt that had festered at the back of his mind were now surging forth.
"She's my cousin, I have a right to know what happened to her."
A slight motion that brushed against his hand alerted him to V's stirring, and Yoosung once more turned his attention to the downed leader of the RFA. He drew silent, listening with rapt attention to the faint words. His knuckles clenched tighter around the throat of the other's hospital gown as he comprehended the meaning behind them.
He really had been lying to them.
All this time...
Rage, white hot and blinding overtook him. All of that time, all of the pain he had endured believing that Rika was gone forever... And every bit of it had been a part of V's lie?!
How could he do this to her, to all of them?!
V had told them all, promised and assured them that she had DIED! He had mourned her, grieved for her! Even as every person around him had moved on and found acceptance he had felt tormented, unable to forget or fill the emptiness that her passing had left.
And V had lied to him, let him believe she was dead like his pain was nothing... Like SHE was nothing!
The hand that had been pulling the other up from the bed released him, letting his head bounce back down against the pillow. But the moment his head was against the bed Yoosung's fingers had found their place around the other's throat.
He squeezed.
The room, Jumin, everything around him- all of it had faded out until all that was left was himself, the Liar, and the blood roaring in his ears.
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It was a while later before Jihyun would open his eyes. When he did, he understood very little. His own mind was in a heavy haze both due to the medications he had been given, and the fact that he had a bit more than a minor concussion from that hit to the head during his fall. He was deeply confused.
There were bright lights in this place. His eyes didn’t want to come into focus. It hurt. It was a familiar hurt though, and that was somewhat comforting. Something was special about that pain… something he missed…
Her. That’s right, this is from her.
His eyes do slowly focus themselves, but it doesn’t even register to his mind that this is… a room. He feels like he’s floating. He’s… floating somewhere. Just a soul again… like when he met her… And this? This is another realm entirely. This isn’t the same place that they met… No this… should be where he really belongs, right? Right? He thinks that’s right. He knows very little. He doesn’t even know who exactly he is at this moment. 
There’s another face. Another body. It’s close to where he’s floating. It also hits something within him, just as the pain his eyes gave him did. He realizes that he knows this person, knows him well.
Seeing him sparks a bleeding trail of memories, and he’s no longer so unfamiliar with himself. He stares blankly at this person for a few moments as his thoughts piece themselves together.
When they finally do fall into some semblance of a place, he addresses the man.
“Jumin?” Jihyun’s voice is raspy and barely above a whisper. It makes for a somewhat concerning sound to be produced when he gives a small, somewhat amused laugh, before quietly continuing. “You… You shouldn’t… be in hell. You belong… back on earth… with. Rika.” His eyes close as if he were to drift back to sleep, but then they open again, just slightly, and he speaks once more. “Tell her… for me, please, Jumin. Please tell her that… I’m… I’m sorry for saying that… she died….I’m sorry… for…” This time, as his eyes fell once more, his body relaxed back into the bed and he was asleep again.
Clearly he needed more rest before he would be able to awaken more coherent.
Yoosung continued to cover his face in his hand. It made his stomach churn, thinking about how close things had come to disaster. If he hadn't been quick enough, if the waves had been even worse... He shuddered once again, harder than before. If it hadn't been for how quick Jumin's assistance had come they might have- he might have-... His chest constricted tightly. He had many reasons to be thankful that response team had come as quick as they did.
Was this... really the way Rika had died? He could feel pressure building up behind his eyes, glimmers of wetness that threatened to spill over into his palm. It couldn't have been quick, not like that.
Who would choose to go like that?
He had been about to speak up again, answer the other male when instead a different voice cut across the silence. V was awake now too? The blond's attention returned more fully to the room.
"V? Why are you- are you okay?"
His first words both concerned and confused the boy greatly. V thought he was in hell? Why would he think something like that?
His next words however, caused an entirely different effect. Yoosung stiffened, slowly turning his head to fix the blue haired man with an intense stare.
Had he just heard what he thought he heard? Had he been right all along?!
"V? V! Wake up, what did you mean by that?!"
But it was no use, even calling out to him loudly like this didn't seem to cause a stir in V. The feelings of guilt that had tightened around his chest was now being washed away as instead disbelief and outrage took shape. Had he been lying to them this entire time?!
He couldn't leave things like this, he needed to find out the truth. No more secrets, no more lies. Now, while V was actually willing to talk.
Abruptly Yoosung had pushed himself out of the bed and onto his feet, stumbling forward. Suddenly moving around like this was causing him to feel extremely lightheaded, and even with whatever he'd been given to treat the pain it still grew far more notable as he stepped forward.
It was only a short distance from his bed to V's. Reaching down he gripped the older man's collar with his uninjured arm. Red rimmed eyes glared down at the still sleeping figure, frustration and rage dancing across them as he began to shake him.
"V, wake up and answer me! Where is Rika, tell me!"
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Yoosung shook his head at the mention of a doctor. He didn’t notice anything alarming going on within him. A lot of the pain he aught to be feeling right now seemed to be muted. Probably that was due to some sort of pain reliever he’d been given. But at the same time it was making his mind feel hazy, clouded. As though his thoughts were weighted down. He felt more tired than he had since he’d stayed up two nights in a row doing raids a while back. “They already looked at us right? I think I’ll be okay for now. I feel really spacey though...”After a moment he slid back down, lying against the bed once again. Jumin was right, he aught to rest and not strain himself any further. At the other’s prompting he began to tell what had happened. The words came slower than normal, and sounded just a bit disjointed.”I wish I knew how it all happened. I was heading over to V’s house to drop off a gift. It’s his birthday, so I thought I should at least give him something. But when I got there I heard him scream and when I looked up he was near the cliff and he- he went over it. There was this. This huge cloud of bees swarming right around there, I think they were chasing him?”Indeed, the little red welts covering V and, to a lesser extent himself were enough to show of that. 
”I ran over to the cliff and looked down and V, he wasn’t...” For the first time, Yoosung shivered. “Jumin he wasn’t coming back up and I didn’t know what to do so I messaged you and then I jumped off the cliff too and oh my god I never want to do something like that again!!” He clapped his good hand over his eyes, the words coming out in a rush. Everything from that point on, that time in the water felt like some crazy nightmare that he wanted to erase from his memory.
     Before arriving at the hospital with the paramedics, having joined them the moment he arrived on scene at the shore besides the cliff-side with the recovered unconscious bodies of the Kims; the Han pushed through to examine the two, both men injured and his heart stilling momentarily at the scene before commanding those around to move quickly.      Upon arriving at the hospital, the Heir stepped aside to let the paramedics through the door before following in. With the paperwork already previously dealt with the Han had little else to do other than wait and sign his name and the name of those admitted for verification sake.       Never finding fond the air about hospitals, the Han felt tense, especially so with having two RFA members being wheeled in on stretchers, unconscious and drenched. Standing up and pacing mildly about the room as he waited to be allowed passed through the double doors, the dark-haired man found himself stilling soon to fiddle with his cuff link. Undoing the link and redoing it again until he was allowed entry of the hall and from then the shared room of the Kims.      Long, swift, strides leading him to the numbered door he was directed towards, eyes narrowing over the unconscious men once more, bandaged, redressed and covered in blankets to keep them warm. Picking up a seat, he angled it between the two bedsides and sat himself down, reaching for his pocketed phone and removing the device.       The soft tacks of the buttons adding familiarity to motion as he preceded then to read messages from both the Choi and others. Brows furrowing as yet another situation came to rise before him, forcing his thoughts to focus on yet another issue of the bunch. 
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It’s too bright... Yoosung began to stir among the sheets, the lids of his eyes squeezing together tighter as he began to regain consciousness. Wasn’t it supposed to be cloudy today? Did I fall asleep with the lights on? Since the rescue at the cliffs and the subsequent trip to the hospital neither he nor V had moved much at all, nor woken. Yoosung began to lift his arm to move it in front of his face. It was that motion that caused him to notice the numb feeling that was penetrated only by a dull ache.  His brow furrowed, and after a moment he finally opened his eyes halfway. Rather than the familiar surroundings of his own room,Yoosung found himself greeted by the cold light of fluorescents above him. Confused the boy moved to sit up. The more awake he became the more he noticed that things weren’t quite right. Why did he feel so bad? ”Jumin?” He blinked upon spotting the other RFA member. Why were they both in this room, it kind of reminded him of a- Oh. He was finally fully awake, and with that came the memories of exactly what had happened last. He looked closer through the rest of the room, momentarily afraid but relaxing some when he saw that he was not the only patient in the room. Though V looked far worse for wear, he was at least breathing. “Did all of that really happen?”
     Before arriving at the hospital with the paramedics, having joined them the moment he arrived on scene at the shore besides the cliff-side with the recovered unconscious bodies of the Kims; the Han pushed through to examine the two, both men injured and his heart stilling momentarily at the scene before commanding those around to move quickly.      Upon arriving at the hospital, the Heir stepped aside to let the paramedics through the door before following in. With the paperwork already previously dealt with the Han had little else to do other than wait and sign his name and the name of those admitted for verification sake.       Never finding fond the air about hospitals, the Han felt tense, especially so with having two RFA members being wheeled in on stretchers, unconscious and drenched. Standing up and pacing mildly about the room as he waited to be allowed passed through the double doors, the dark-haired man found himself stilling soon to fiddle with his cuff link. Undoing the link and redoing it again until he was allowed entry of the hall and from then the shared room of the Kims.      Long, swift, strides leading him to the numbered door he was directed towards, eyes narrowing over the unconscious men once more, bandaged, redressed and covered in blankets to keep them warm. Picking up a seat, he angled it between the two bedsides and sat himself down, reaching for his pocketed phone and removing the device.       The soft tacks of the buttons adding familiarity to motion as he preceded then to read messages from both the Choi and others. Brows furrowing as yet another situation came to rise before him, forcing his thoughts to focus on yet another issue of the bunch. 
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     Receiving worrisome message notifications one after another, the Han had immediately sent an emergency team to his companion’s home, the heir concerned for the sake of his friend that he ended the meeting he was in swiftly and left soon after to join those he sent ahead.      The air was cruel in gloomy disarray as a storm brewed above, yet the heir found himself to be little troubled by the weather as he headed in vehicle quickly at Driver Kim’s smooth arrival. With phone buzzing in his pockets, the dark-haired man, pulled forth the device from his coat and read through the messages one after the other, the feeling in his chest clenching at the worrisome communications and notified states.      I must hurry..       Commented the Han to himself as he directed the driver where to go in calm voice though strained tone. His companion was in danger and all he could do of it was send emergency crews ahead of his own arrival, the notifications upon his device telling him then of their own arrival and a brief summary of the scenario. Certainly now some relief will find him once the boat was set in place, anchored with a crew of men to help.      Upon the same moment receiving message from Assistant Kang and in follow a call from the woman as he had directed her to call. Dark eyes narrowing with debative intent to decline the call, yet the woman deserved as much an explanation as so did others.      For the meantime at least he knew a crew of men had made it to V and Yoosung’s assistance.
Yoosung wasn't sure how much longer they could hold out like this. Wave after choppy wave threatened to undo the shaky position he had managed to place them in. How long had they been stuck here, pinned between the waves and the rocky cliffside?
Another wave struck hard against his back and foamy white water rushed over their heads.  His grip slipped, and as the wave rushed forward his arm bent with the flow. His arm went first, followed by the pair of them as they slammed into and scraped harshly against the cliff-face.
Were they going to die here? He could barely think through the panic. Had he thrown his own life away, recklessly chasing after V? What if Jumin hadn't seen his messages, what if there was no help coming. The arm that had been scraped raw stung like needles in the seawater, a red blossom leaking into the liquid around it as he scrambled to once again regain a grip.
...If he let go of V's body, would he be able to swim away from here and save himself? The weight of the other's life hung heavy against his shoulder.
The rev of a distant motor cut through the roar of the sea. Yoosung craned his head to get a look. The relief he felt was so strong that he thought his chest might burst.
He called out to them in a loud voice, coughing hard as more water landed in his mouth again. For a few minutes it continued on it's course before turning towards their direction, closing the distance in little time. Someone was shouting on board, and then something hit the water with a slapping sound right next to them- a lifesaver. Yoosung let go of the cliff, wrapping his arm tightly around the floating object. The rope was tugged back, moving them out of the storm and closer to safety.
The next few moments were a flurry of activity, with several arms reaching down and pulling Yoosung and V onto the boat. Several people in what looked to be EMT outfits were shouting instructions to each other. One of them was on the ground near V, looking to be checking his pulse and setting him up for CPR. Yoosung attempted to stand, but the boat was rocking too hard and the world felt like it was swimming around him. The EMT near him was saying something- something about bandages? Oh- his arm was awfully red, wasn't it. That was the last thing he thought before the ground rushed up to meet him.
As soon as the knife begins to cut into it the pieces of the cake around the knife begins to crumble inwards, revealing it's hollow form. The buzzing noise has gotten louder, angrier- almost like an electric fan. And from that hollow pocket they come. Flying, swarming through the air and around the air- bees bees so many BEES! A seemingly endless stream of them is pouring out into the air and swarming the blue haired man, chasing him and frantically attempting to pierce him with their stingers.
V realizes too late that something is wrong as the knife quickly slammed down through a material that was not at all like cake.
He’s in pain before he can even but together what’s happening. That buzzing from before had swiftly become a near-deafening angry cacophony to match the agony being inflicted upon him.
That’s how his mind can sort it. Bees. He was being stung multiple times by bees. That’s what the noise was. He thinks no more on it. He needs to get away from them. He needs them out of his house.
He’s running, fast and hard as he can bursting through his door and into the now-pouring rain. It must have just started recently. His body jolts at the new sensation now assailing him along with the constant stings. The rain did nothing to deter the bees, however.
He continues running, mind racing to find a way to get them off of him. The rain made it hard to see, and as he had lifted an arm to shield his eyes from the onslaught, his visibility was even more diminished.
Once he finally realized where he was heading, he quickly tried to turn himself away. But as he turned, the wet ground caused him to slide ahead rather than what he was aiming to do.
His body tensed as his foot met open air and despite his efforts to keep the other grounded, it slid away as well.
V cried out loudly as the bees became the least of his worries. The irony of this flashes in his mind as he tumbles over the cliff near his home, trying desperately to reach out and grab for a rock-face to hang onto. He’s falling too fast to grip it. His hand is torn as he continues his way down, and the side of his head knocks hard against a jutting rock he hadn’t seen.
I deserve this, don’t I? He thought as his mind became shrouded in a relaxed haze. This is karma for what I said happened to you.
I’m sorry, Rika.
There are fresh tears in his eyes as they fall closed. Now, now he’ll never get the chance to save her…
But at least he won’t be a burden to anyone any longer. He can’t hurt her anymore now. He can’t hurt any of them anymore now Perhaps this was for the best…
I’m sorry, everyone. Don’t forgive me.
Darkness engulfs his thoughts completely as his body pierces through the waters below. The last thing he’s conscious of, is the feeling of water rushing into his lungs…
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The murky waves churned harshly around him, tossing him about. Between that and the rain coming down he almost failed to spot the mint-haired man slowly sinking further into the dark ocean waters. It was thanks to that tinge of red that stained the water’s surface above him that Yoosung was able to spot the drowning man. Bracing himself the boy dove downwards, but the turbulent waters seemed to pull him away just before he could grasp the others arm. He came up, gasping for air before diving back down again.  This time he did not miss. A pair of arms slid around V’s waist and then Yoosung was kicking hard against the waters, pushing them both towards the surface. Yoosung gasped as they broke the water, desperately trying to keep both his and V’s head above the waves. He sputtered as another mouthful of water splashed down his throat, coughing. ”V, V wake up! Please wake up!” He begged the other to regain consciousness, but it didn’t seem to be any use. He was in such bad shape, what had happened to him?! Heart racing he moved to readjust his grip on V, slipping an arm under the other’s shoulder and using his other to keep the pair treading water. They had to get out of he- stars swam in his eyes as a powerful wave knocked the both of them against the cliffside. He let out a pained gasp,dazed and barely keeping his grasp of V. Before the wave could pull him back and repeat the motion Yoosung managed to grab onto a rock jutting out from the cliff with his free hand. He planted his legs against it, holding onto the cliff with one hand and V with the other. Like this he could keep both of their heads above water, but he was now stuck- and while he could resist the weaker ones, a powerful enough wave could fling them both forward to hit the cliff-face again. ”SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP! HELP!” He called up desperately towards the top of the cliffside as loudly as his voice would carry. Someone would come, someone would rescue them- right?! They couldn’t die here, he couldn’t die here. Not like her...  He looked left and right, trying to spot somewhere, anywhere safer. Through the heavy rains it was hard to see, but there did appear to be a patch of land aways away to the right... could he make it to that?
As soon as the knife begins to cut into it the pieces of the cake around the knife begins to crumble inwards, revealing it's hollow form. The buzzing noise has gotten louder, angrier- almost like an electric fan. And from that hollow pocket they come. Flying, swarming through the air and around the air- bees bees so many BEES! A seemingly endless stream of them is pouring out into the air and swarming the blue haired man, chasing him and frantically attempting to pierce him with their stingers.
V realizes too late that something is wrong as the knife quickly slammed down through a material that was not at all like cake.
He’s in pain before he can even but together what’s happening. That buzzing from before had swiftly become a near-deafening angry cacophony to match the agony being inflicted upon him.
That’s how his mind can sort it. Bees. He was being stung multiple times by bees. That’s what the noise was. He thinks no more on it. He needs to get away from them. He needs them out of his house.
He’s running, fast and hard as he can bursting through his door and into the now-pouring rain. It must have just started recently. His body jolts at the new sensation now assailing him along with the constant stings. The rain did nothing to deter the bees, however.
He continues running, mind racing to find a way to get them off of him. The rain made it hard to see, and as he had lifted an arm to shield his eyes from the onslaught, his visibility was even more diminished.
Once he finally realized where he was heading, he quickly tried to turn himself away. But as he turned, the wet ground caused him to slide ahead rather than what he was aiming to do.
His body tensed as his foot met open air and despite his efforts to keep the other grounded, it slid away as well.
V cried out loudly as the bees became the least of his worries. The irony of this flashes in his mind as he tumbles over the cliff near his home, trying desperately to reach out and grab for a rock-face to hang onto. He’s falling too fast to grip it. His hand is torn as he continues his way down, and the side of his head knocks hard against a jutting rock he hadn’t seen.
I deserve this, don’t I? He thought as his mind became shrouded in a relaxed haze. This is karma for what I said happened to you.
I’m sorry, Rika.
There are fresh tears in his eyes as they fall closed. Now, now he’ll never get the chance to save her…
But at least he won’t be a burden to anyone any longer. He can’t hurt her anymore now. He can’t hurt any of them anymore now Perhaps this was for the best…
I’m sorry, everyone. Don’t forgive me.
Darkness engulfs his thoughts completely as his body pierces through the waters below. The last thing he’s conscious of, is the feeling of water rushing into his lungs…
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What the hell is going on!?
[The person you are trying to reach is unavailable right now. Please try again later.]
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What is happening?! Is everyone okay? -Lena
[The person you are trying to reach is unavailable right now. Please try again later.]
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The sky had been overcast all day, but Yoosung had not been expecting the downpour that started. Now regretting not bringing an umbrella with him, the blond stepped off the bus and into the wet, foggy air and onto the pavement.  As he headed along the path he wondered yet again if he really wanted to do this. More than a small part of him blamed the man and suspected him for what had happened to Rika. The constant secrets and withdrawn behaviour only helped to degrade any of the trust he had once held in the man. Yoosung sighed. Those bitter, conflicting feelings urged him to turn back, forget about this whole idea.  ”Let’s see, should be somewhere around here right?” Though he entertained the idea of turning back, that was as far as it went. He’d already decided to come here, and the next bus wouldn’t be coming for a little while anyways. He aught to do this- it’s what Rika would have wanted, righ-?! Yoosung jumped, startled at the sudden familiar scream. His head snapped up just in time to watch as a figure that looked to be V- chased by some kind of dark looking cloud, toppled over the edge of the cliff.  ”V!!!” Instinct taking over the blond broke into a sprint towards the edge of the cliff. As he got closer he could now make out that the dark cloud was a swarm of bees. Most looked to be heading back towards the direction of the house, but they were still thick enough in the air that he could hear the buzzing around him, with several landing on and stinging the boy. He yelped, trying to swat them off of him as he looked over the edge with eyes the size of dinner plates. ”V-V?, are you there?!” No answer. No sign of him. In panic Yoosung dropped the small package wrapped in shiny paper, pulling out his cell phone. With fingers shaking so hard that the message may be neigh unreadable he sent a couple texts before flinging that down as well.He looked down one more time, trying hard to ignore the increasing number of stings he was experiencing. No rocks at the bottom... He took a deep breath. And then, before he had too much time to think about he would do next Yoosung backed away from the cliff, took one more deep breath... and ran for it. For just a few seconds he would soar through the air before plummeting down towards the water below with a scream of his own. Moments later he was shocked by the feeling of icy water against his flesh that knocked the breath from him. Coughing and choking on a mouthful of water he forced his eyes open, looking through the waves to see if he could spot any sign of the man.
As soon as the knife begins to cut into it the pieces of the cake around the knife begins to crumble inwards, revealing it's hollow form. The buzzing noise has gotten louder, angrier- almost like an electric fan. And from that hollow pocket they come. Flying, swarming through the air and around the air- bees bees so many BEES! A seemingly endless stream of them is pouring out into the air and swarming the blue haired man, chasing him and frantically attempting to pierce him with their stingers.
V realizes too late that something is wrong as the knife quickly slammed down through a material that was not at all like cake.
He’s in pain before he can even but together what’s happening. That buzzing from before had swiftly become a near-deafening angry cacophony to match the agony being inflicted upon him.
That’s how his mind can sort it. Bees. He was being stung multiple times by bees. That’s what the noise was. He thinks no more on it. He needs to get away from them. He needs them out of his house.
He’s running, fast and hard as he can bursting through his door and into the now-pouring rain. It must have just started recently. His body jolts at the new sensation now assailing him along with the constant stings. The rain did nothing to deter the bees, however.
He continues running, mind racing to find a way to get them off of him. The rain made it hard to see, and as he had lifted an arm to shield his eyes from the onslaught, his visibility was even more diminished.
Once he finally realized where he was heading, he quickly tried to turn himself away. But as he turned, the wet ground caused him to slide ahead rather than what he was aiming to do.
His body tensed as his foot met open air and despite his efforts to keep the other grounded, it slid away as well.
V cried out loudly as the bees became the least of his worries. The irony of this flashes in his mind as he tumbles over the cliff near his home, trying desperately to reach out and grab for a rock-face to hang onto. He’s falling too fast to grip it. His hand is torn as he continues his way down, and the side of his head knocks hard against a jutting rock he hadn’t seen.
I deserve this, don’t I? He thought as his mind became shrouded in a relaxed haze. This is karma for what I said happened to you.
I’m sorry, Rika.
There are fresh tears in his eyes as they fall closed. Now, now he’ll never get the chance to save her…
But at least he won’t be a burden to anyone any longer. He can’t hurt her anymore now. He can’t hurt any of them anymore now Perhaps this was for the best…
I’m sorry, everyone. Don’t forgive me.
Darkness engulfs his thoughts completely as his body pierces through the waters below. The last thing he’s conscious of, is the feeling of water rushing into his lungs…
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👻🔮✨ spooky questions! ✨🔮👻
ghost: have you ever seen a psychic? witch: do you believe in heaven? black cat: favorite urban legend? bats: are you superstitious?  coffin: have you ever had a paranormal experience? cauldron: strangest dream (or nightmare) you’ve had? wizard: do you believe in aliens? enchanted: what fictional character scares you most? haunt: do you believe in haunted objects? spells: do you believe in magic? graveyard: do you believe any conspiracy theories? if so, which ones? potion: favorite horror movie? full moon: do you believe in reincarnation?  vampire: are you afraid of death? pumpkin: do you believe in ghosts? midnight: last horror move that you’ve watched? skeleton: what is your biggest fear? crystal ball: when is a time you got caught? magic: have you had any near-death experiences? raven: favorite fairytale? ouija: have you ever played with a ouija board? fangs: favorite poem?
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A small ding sounded overhead as Yoosung nudged open the door to the small restaurant. The scent of baking bread and tomato sauce hung heavy in the air, evoking a growl from his stomach. The place certainly wasn't bustling- A small family ate at a booth near the window, and there were a couple of people scattered about tables were taking their meals in relative silence. At a glance none of them appeared to be the photographers he'd been talking to recently, or Seven- though he would have been surprised if the redhead had managed to beat him here.  Speaking of, should he buy something for the other RFA member too? He was helping him out by coming here after all.
Yoosung stepped up to the counter, scanning over the menu. Before smiling at the cashier.
"Can I get two of your regular spicy wings, a PhD Pepper and a Bepsi? Thanks!"
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Have you always been this... gullible?
Hey, I’m not being that gullible am I? I don’t think they’re bad people, but I’m still being careful about meeting them.
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Thx Seven! See you in a little bit!
Hey Seven, are you busy right now?
Hmm?? No not at the moment I’m not~ I just finished my work for the day! What’s up??
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I said I would meet some people at the nearby Pizza Hat so they could take some photos of my eyes, but well, their group sounds a little odd? I was wondering if you’d be interested in meeting up and seeing what they were about, just in case.
Hey Seven, are you busy right now?
Hmm?? No not at the moment I’m not~ I just finished my work for the day! What’s up??
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