dfelgang · 4 years
um hello guess i'll write a fluffly fic with harry bc i just realized that i'm single asf and i want to cry over this pweety boy hehe 😎
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dfelgang · 4 years
Hello! i hope your doing well :)) could i get headcannons on how the fellows would react to an s/o who's a big sweettooth? thankyou! please stay safe, hydrate and sanitize always!
phew, i'm done! thank you very much for the affection and the request. well, i haven't written for a while, and i kind of got excited at the end, so some headcanons looked more like scenarios, i think. forgive me for that. but i want to say that i loved your request, writing this made my heart rlly warm 🤧
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❭ ❥ dfel boys with a sweet-tooth s/o (the reader)
lawrence: at first, he is concerned about your habit of eating various sweets. he doesn't want you to be sick at all and will certainly make you lower your dose if you have a problem like diabetes or something similar. but in general he loves to make sweets for you! you know very well how much he wanted to become a cook. therefore, he takes the opportunity to hone his skills and, at the same time, pamper you with the desserts that you like the most.
zion: this boy tends to make fun of you for your gluttony for sweets, but all in a very affectionate way. in reality, he doesn't care much about that habit. and as much as he’s not a big fan of goodies, he enjoys spending time with you, watching something cool and eating popsicles. they are intimate moments that are differentials for him.
ethan: he originally finds your extreme preference for sweets somewhat strange. for playing baseball and being an athletic guy, he doesn't had the habit of eating sweets. but as time goes by, he ends up changing his perception, since brownies become his undoing. he just can't resist to them! spending time with him and eating these delicious snacks together has become your favorite pastime.
harry: this boy is not addicted to sweets, but he likes them a lot too. in fact, he finds your taste in sweets very cute, and every time he wants to please you, he presents you with the desserts that you find most delicious. cute outings with him at candy stores would be quite usual too. is there anything more romantic than that?
eugene: ice cream and cookies are his weak points, so he doesn't blame you for liking sweets so much. strawberry pudding is something you introduced him to, and he loved it. you taught him your sugar habits, and now romantic picnic dates have become commonplace. when encounters like this happen, a fact is certain: sugary kisses will be shared. you will taste ice cream on his lips and then you will have to deal with his embarrassed murmurs; he will be all shy and flushed. what a cute sight! with such a sweet consequence, who could care about eugene's timid complaints?
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dfelgang · 4 years
hey guys! everything cool? so, i know i've been missing and everything, but to make up for lost time i would like to be told: which of the boys would you like in our next story? you can send the suggestion of the theme and the character in my message box. love you, stay well and at home! 💓
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dfelgang · 4 years
Would you consider doing matchups? I haven't seen much content from you, but I love your blog already! And would love too see more!😊 hope you're having a great day!
Hello! Thank you for your sweet words, I am very happy to hear them.
Well, I was thinking about whether or not to do matchups... And I decided that yes, I will do them. For those who want, I ask that you send a message with a detailed description of your personality and physiognomy, and that you inform me if you have a preference for the sex of the characters.
Thank you guys for being so caring. I look forward to filling this corner! 💗
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dfelgang · 4 years
lawrence x reader: bittersweet tragedy
warnings. none. just a lot of kissing and tasty metaphors.
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The threshold of the night was redolent and mild. Squeamish stars that slowly emerged in the sky condensed with the sparkling gleam produced by the waning moonlight, which, when deflected in the translucent basement windows, allowed a perfect view of every corner of that cold and vast room.
Sitting on some blankets that kept the chilly floor under you, you had a sleepy, reflective expression on your face. And it was no wonder: after taking all your precautions, you had spent two nights without resting, which made you feel your body give way, as if slowly sliding towards unconsciousness. But anyway, the harsh cold of the room and your insistence on staying awake were some factors that prevented you from shearing; not letting go of your swollen eyes from the edema, the chills that ran the entire length of your body and the chicken skin that you had even in places that you did not imagine possible to react. Maybe, just maybe, you had exaggerated. The thought of possible pneumonia comforted you. Especially since you were sure that dying ill would be more worthy than staying another second in that sullen place in the presence of the boy, who roasted all your senses with his sharp cynicism and concealment.
You narrowed your eyes to take a panoramic view of the world outside those rigid glass windows. Looking at it like that, superficially, everything seemed absolutely peaceful, which indicated that Lawrence would return soon. The young man, who since the day of the ambush had shown himself to be increasingly kind and affectionate to you, was absent because he had gone in search of antipyretics and a moisturizing lipstick to take care of the damage that was on your lips, highly dry and cracked. And for you, that was the congruous opportunity that you so badly needed to plot your escape from that den of hell, once and for all. Not as if you came up with a plan that required meticulous prior planning, but that at least coincided with a time when the boy was inattentive. Even if everything went wrong, you were a great runner and that gave you some advantages, especially in terms of buying time; furthermore, there was a variety of places you could be in, if he insisted on looking for you — and he would. All you had to do was believe in yourself, and use and abuse the maneuverable art of improvisation.
[8:23PM] This was the very moment when you heard the soft clinking noise in the basement door lock, and you woke up from your contemplative state. Before the unlocking noise resonated, you stood up. You caught a glimpse of the strange, taciturn environment for the last time. You sighed, anxious, and in that instant, the door opened. Your tumescent eyes only caught a small flash the man's effusive and smiling face before you gave him a strong push, which made him lose his balance and saved you time to run as fast as you could, without looking back.
— Hey, come back here! It's too dangerous for you to get by yourself! — Lawrence cried out, prostrated, as you ran through the long corridors. Perhaps, you had underestimated him. He was fast, so much so that he recovered quickly and, as you ran towards the main gates, you saw his figure chasing you greedily and trying to reach you. But you didn't hesitate. You stepped up the speed, thus reaching the main gate and passing the first corner. Your heart was tight, your breath was unruly and your hair was flying in the air as you ran off. You have crossed several alleys, one after the other, without even bumping into a zombie or Lawrence. There was no sign of danger, apparently. Until, suddenly, when you reached a convenience store, you had the strange feeling that you were being watched and escorted. Refuting your instincts, you decided not to turn around, thinking it was in your head, which being quite sincere, lately has not been responding well. Terrible idea. You ignored it and went on quietly when, abruptly, you felt a cold touch on your ankle. Only then did you turn around. You expected a rat or other crawling animals, but no. What you found was much worse than that. It was, in fact, a lame zombie, with one leg shattered, followed by another, intact and intimidating. The vision was to cause aversion even to those with strong stomachs. You took off running across the middle street, deciding to take a narrow alley as a shortcut. However, what didn't count was that the lane you would use as a gimmick to buy time was a dead end, metaphorically and literally: summarizing for the most hurried ones, you were screwed for the thousandth time of the day since you left that apparently cursed place.
Although the first was compromised, the second zombie was not. He still seemed to have some of his old cognitive abilities, and therefore he was very light. According to Lawrence, those with a trail of intellectuality were those whose had recently been transformed. So, what you faced was not an ordinary zombie, but a beast still changing. Beast whose you had no chance to confront in the situation you were in, unarmed and weak.
When you saw the lepid monster and its crippled little fellow approaching, you felt the tears cooing your face, while you were unsuccessfully trying to break down the door of one of the houses in that narrow alley. There was nothing to do but wait for death. You cringed, almost sobbing; the red and irascible eyes of those catatonic beings seemed to drain the rest of the energy that was left in your soul. Your upper eyelids then met your lower eyelids; in a very frightened and fearful closing of eyes. You waited, flustered, for bites or laceration. But none of that happened. Only a resounding thudding noise echoed through the hedge, over and over again. You opened your eyes, slowly and fearfully, and then you came across a scene very different from the one you had imagined. There was no scratch on your body; unlike the zombies in front of you, whose ones had been shattered. Or, who knows, crushed. With the mixed feeling of surprise and dread that filled your heart, you couldn't even describe it for sure. On the right side of what was once the injured zombie, a steel tube, albeit soaked in blood, flickered, giving the perfect reverberation of a lanky and thin figure whose, while stepping firmly on the head of the most astute monster, stretched you out the hand, with an unnatural smile, but doing his best to comfort you. It was Lawrence, imposing under the splendid moonlight, eager to hold you in his arms and protect you from harm. Despite your resentments towards Lawrence, you allowed youself to be lifted up by him, feeling a trail of gratitude welling up in your heart. After all, in spite of anything, he had saved your skin.
[LATER THAT NIGHT, 4:53AM] At dawn that night, you woke up, with a start, from your shearing. Even though it was all over, a terrible nightmare had made you relive all the hardships you had gone through before the guy saved you. Lawrence, however awake, was astonished at your abrupt reaction. He tried to calm you down, but you vociferated with a choked voice, hitting any attempt at speech from him.
— The zombies! Where the hell did they go? Are they still looking for me? — You asked him, noticeably terrified.
— Calm down your heart. Everything is fine now. They're gone, and it had all been a nightmare. You are protected here, with me. Drink some this to calm your nerves. — He said in a soothing voice, handing you a bottle of water. Desirous of the coolness that the liquid provided in your throat, you eagerly took the bottle, thus quenching your thirst. The calming result in you had been almost instantaneous. You gave the bottle back to him.
— You could have been hurt by saving me, Lawrence. Are you really okay, or have you been biten? — You asked him austerely, still panting by the sip of water you had taken.
— I'm in perfect condition, and completely willing to risk everything for you. Don't even ask me why, because you already know it — you just refuse to admit it. You are very special to me, and as a promise is debt, I could not abandon you and let you be in danger — He spoke in a smiling and suggestive way that made your blood boil.
—Well then, what will you say now, you petulant disqualified? That not only what you did today, but what you did before, was everything to show your tenderness towards me? Spare me your vile tricks. Come on, end this psychological suspense and tell me what do you want from me, at once! Why do you remain complacent with me, after all the ingratitude I showed you when fleeing this melancholy and enclosing place? — The phrases left your mouth in an immediate and hostile rush. The boy's face, then, took on counterfeit features to your words, which when seen by you, made your bold posture disappear in less than two seconds. Knowing how unpredictable he could be, you stood there, static, as if avoiding further fanning his strands. Anyway, you didn't even spent two minutes spying on Lawrence's sour and stunned look when he abruptly grabbed your wrists, making you maintain eye contact with him. A mischievous little smile slowly grew on the outline of the boy's lips; as opposed to distance between you both, which was becoming almost nonexistent. And inopportune.
— Know this is the real reason why. — He said in a fascinating way, attacking your lips and making you experience a tender, greedy and sweetened kiss, which you did not return, since you were paralyzed by fear. It was terrifying the way he looked really warm to you, and how harmonious the fit of their lips was on yours. Amid the voracious pecks, it wasn't long before the boy got excited and then planted his hot and scarlet tongue in your mouth, enjoying its taste while you struggled not to show any feeling, just lukewarmness. You proved a wrapping and unexpected touch, followed by large hands which carressed your waist; set which you would not hesitate do classify as a citrine tenderness, grapefuit flavor. After the long blandishiment, with great care, Lawrence positionated his thumb on your lower lip, noticing the tears that flowed down your face like subtle pearls. While he wiped them away, he spoke to you in an obsequious way.
— Everything I did and do is out of love for you. Stay by my side, and never leave me. Your eyes, your gestures, your flattering lips... Everything that concerns you is like a blessing to me. Believe me, because I speak to you honestly, in the same instance that I beg you to never look at me with that hostility again.
— If that is how you truly feel..." — You mumbled, almost inaudibly, with a conspicuous hopeless tone in your voice.
Leaning towards you, he kissed your forehead in a serene manner, realizing that scenario of dramatic passion, of biting acrimony. In those circumstances, you only had him, and he had you. It would be madness to continue with pertinence. You stretched your neck to look right in the boy's eyes, and, as you stared at him, you realized that, although you were thin and fatigued, he saw you as if you had the most bewitching beauty of all. A feeling of sickness filled your lungs as your hands rested on his chest. There was then the accomplishment of what you called a bittersweet tragedy, a softness branded by resentment, such as the taste of marzipan candy that smears the lips, but which then causes boredom. A sensation of chimeric exordium, but with an undeniable touch of dismay.
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dfelgang · 4 years
dfel boys flirting headcanons ✎... ❞
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ethan: he is a shy guy. so it is not surprising that, in the art of flirting, he is hesitant, clumsy and discret. usually, when he wants to flirt, he makes use of simple things as a subject — and all this in a very awkward way. "do you like to eat? i mean... we could go out and eat any day together".
eugene: this boy is the kind of flirt that woos, and then disguises. he is generally disconcerted and flumbling. also, with him there would be lots of staring and then looking away when he gets noticed. but who can blame him? he is just timid. "this hairstyle made your hair look really nice","what did you said?", "nevermind".
harry: his flirtations are actually compliments. very genuine ones. he speaks spontaneously; when he finds it pleasant, he likes to appreciate it and sees no problem with it. in fact, he does not even realize that his lines can be understood as flirting. "i enjoyed the time we spent together. your presence does me good".
lawrence: his flirtations start as really nice compliments. but then, as he gains intimacy, he tends to become somewhat invasive; makes use of flirting to find out more about his loved one. "this necklace really suits you. it matches your eyes. where did you get it from?", "was it a friend that gave you? or that guy you were talking to last week?"
zion: in his flirtations, he uses and abuses duplicity of meaning. he is not ashamed of making malicious comments that make you feel sheepish, and he is also very direct. "this red tint is quite sensual. and this dress highlights your curves...", he says, smiling naughtily.
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