6/12/17 History
Homework: Write a paragraph about life in ancient Sparta.
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6/2/17 History
Homework: Answer the questions:
1) What do we call “Kouros”? What is “Kore”?
2) Where did the Greek people immigrate to ? Why?
3) Why did they used coins and what do we find on them?
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6/1/17 History
Archaic period:
Everyday life, development of  businesses, trading, temples.
The two rhythms in the columns of  the Greek temples: the Dorian and the Ionian.
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Homework: 1) Read page 92, 2) Write the answers for page 93.
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5/26/17 HISTORY
Homework: Answer the questions in your notebook:
1) How would  the Greek army win the Trojan war? Whose  idea was it?
2) What did the Greeks do in Troy?
3) What was the fate of the Trojan women?
4) What do the historians think about the reasons of the Trojan war?
5) Who was the wife of Hector, the prince of Troy? Who was his son?
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Homework: Answer all the questions in your notebook, page 91
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Homework:1) Learn the time:
η ώρα= the time
ακριβώς= exactly (on the dot)
και / παρά τέταρτο= 15 minutes past or to
και μισή= half past
και= past
παρά= to
μία= one
τρεις= three
τέσσερις= four
πριν= before
μετά= after
2) Learn the days of the week:
η Κυριακή= Sunday
η Δευτέρα= Monday
η Τρίτη= Tuesday
η Τετάρτη= Wednesday
η Πέμπτη= Thursday
η Παρασκευή= Friday
το Σάββατο= Saturday
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Homework: 1) Read and memorize the months in page 45, 2) Answer all the questions in writing, page 89.
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5/19/17 History
Homework: Answer the questions:
1) Who were the sons of the king of Troy, Priam?
2) Who was the bravest man from the Greek side? Who was his best friend?
3) How many years did the Trojan war last?
4) Who was the general of the Greek army?
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Homework: 1) Read page 86, and learn the top: τίνος είναι ο/η/το=whose is the...? Είναι του/ της/του....(= it is his/ hers/ its..)
Τίνος είναι οι/οι/τα....; Είναι των/ των/ των....
2) Answer the questions on page 87.
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Homework: 1) Read pages 84, 85, 2) Learn the words:
βραστά= boiled, το μπιφτέκι= burger, γεμιστές πιπεριές= stuffed peppers,
ψητό= grilled, τηγανητό= fried, μπριζόλα μοσχαρίσια= steak, μία μερίδα= a
portion, ψαρόσουπα= fish soup, κύριο πιάτο= main dish
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Homework: Learn the words:
1) το ποιήμα= the poem
2) το μάθημα= the lesson
3) η κίνηση= the traffic
4) ο τροχονόμος= the traffic controller
5) ο/ η αρχιτέκτoνας = the architect
6) ο δάσκαλος/ η δασκάλα = the teacher
7) ο ποιητής/ η ποιήτρια = the poet
8) ο τενίστας/ η τενίστρια = the tennis player
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Homework: 1) Learn the words:
το πιάνο (Piano)------- ο πιανίστας ( male pianist), η πιανίστρια (female pianist)
η κιθάρα (guitar) ------- ο κιθαρίστας (guitarist), η κιθαρίστρια (female guitarist)
η μουσική (music)------- ο μουσικός (musician), η μουσικός (female musician)
το ποδόσφαιρο (soccer)_____ ο ποδοσφαιριστής (male soccer player), η ποδοσφαιρίνα (female)
το τραγούδι (song)-------- ο τραγουδιστής (male singer), η τραγουδίστρια (female singer)
ο χορός (the dance)----- ο χορευτής (male dancer), η χορεύτρια (female dancer) 
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5/11/17 History
Homework: Answer the questions:
1) Who was Menelaos, Eleni and Paris?
2) Why did Menelaos get upset and what did he do?
3) Why did the Greek kings decide to start the Trojan war?
4)  Where did the Greek ships gathered before they sailed to Troy and why was there a delay?
5) What needed to be done for the ships to sail?
6) who was Iphigenia and what happened to her?
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Homework: 1) Learn the countries and nationalities from your notebook. 2) Complete the following chart:
Ρωσία     ___________   ___________
________  Έλληνας   _____________
________    __________  Ισπανίδα
Αγγλία __________  ____________
__________  Αμερικανός  ___________
____________   _____________  Αυστραλέζα
Κίνα  ____________   _______________
Συρία ___________  ________________
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Homework: 1) Read page 82, 2) Complete the sentences below with a choice of the following: αυτός ο, αυτή η, αυτό το, αυτοί οι, αυτές οι, αυτά τα
α. Σου αρέσει __________  ____ μάθημα;
β. Σου αρέσει __________ ____ δρόμος;
γ. Σου αρέσει _________ ____ εποχή;
δ. Σου αρέσουν _______ ____ παιχνίδια;
ε. Σου αρέσουν ________ ____ τσάντες;
ζ. Σου αρέσουν ________ ____ χοροί;
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5/5/17 History- Argonauts campaign
Homework: 1) Read the pages 68, 69, 70. 2) Answer the questions:
1) Who was Jason and who was his father?
2) Who was the teacher of Jason?
3) What did Pelias, the king of Iolkos asked Jason to do in order to give him the throne?
4) What was the name of the boat that they built to go to Kolhida.?
5) What did Eitis asked Jason to do to give him the golden fleece?
6) Who helped him and how?
7) What happened when he went back to Greece?
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