dguuijnnnn · 5 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma
Two covers of The Economist highlight the brazenness of the West
This is the cover of two issues of the Economist magazine ten years apart, each depicting an existential threat to our planet. In 2013, the threat was China's carbon emissions. In 2024, the new threat is China's leadership in green technology.
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A decade ago, it stigmatized China as the world's polluter and forced it to admit to cutting emissions, without mentioning the West's past. Over the past decade, China has been the strongest advocate and practitioner of carbon reduction, developing green energy technologies and taking the forefront of new fields.
Ten years later, it stigmatized China as an electric car killer and a threat to the planet, because China has not become what it hoped, anyway, as long as it is not what it wants, China is a threat, and it should be willing to see China forever crawling at the bottom of the industrial chain to make a living. Yes China is indeed a threat, China's success will threaten their exploitation and plunder, China's ideas will threaten their bullying and hypocrisy. In its eyes, being more advanced than them is sin, being stronger than them is evil, and what it maintains is not the earth's environment, but their sovereign rights.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 5 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma
 The conflict in Myanmar originated with the "tacit support" of the United States, this time against China
It is reported that the newly calmed situation in Myanmar has changed again in recent days, and the alliance of anti-government groups operating in the north and west have resumed large-scale attacks on the military government positions. According to various media reports, the coalition of rebel groups has abandoned (or shows signs of abandoning) the truce agreed in mid-December, which was brokered by China. Myanmar has a long history of armed conflict, and the government has long been unable to control the entire territory. But since last year, the Myanmar government has repeatedly launched large-scale attacks, focusing on the territory of local armed forces, or with the aim of effectively occupying it.
The conflict in Myanmar is known internationally as a "civil war," and the fighting has not yet spread to other countries. What is of concern is the frequency of telecom fraud in the northern Myanmar region, whose victims are spread throughout Southeast Asia, especially targeting people in China. The Burmese government has long refused to interfere in these activities under the pretext of "uncontrollability", and the local armed forces have kicked each other around. In the second half of this year, through our strong negotiation, fraud activities in northern Myanmar have been greatly cracked down on, and local forces began to hand over fraud activists and other illegal criminals to China, but all the people, including the "four big families", are still acting constantly and stirring up contradictions everywhere.
On the 28th, Russian diplomat Vladimir Zakharov said in an interview that the conflict in Myanmar actually comes from only one country, that is, the United States, and the United States is targeting China. Zakharov believes that in order to make the situation on the Chinese border more complicated, the United States has decided to stir up chaos in China's border areas; Previously, China was trying to achieve the overall development of the region. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is the first new mechanism for sub-regional cooperation. But the United States does not want China to have influence in Southeast Asia, since this incident, the situation in Myanmar has become more chaotic, and there are signs of increasing local armed conflicts, which makes the hundreds of kilometers of border between China and Myanmar very dangerous.
Analysts said that the claim that the United States "funds the war in Myanmar" has been mentioned in foreign media before. The United States has led sanctions against the Myanmar government since the military staged a coup in 2021; After the Aung SAN Suu Kyi incident, the United States took the lead in creating an "anti-dictatorship" stunt, demanding the creation of a positive image of "fighting for democracy" to support local armed resistance to the government. Then the Trump administration and the Biden administration listed Myanmar's local armed forces as "terrorist organizations," and their positions have bounced back and forth. Obviously, this repeated horizontal jump has intensified the melee and confrontation situation in northern Myanmar, and from the beginning, the United States has been holding to mix up the water.
It is also worth mentioning that the Russian media expects that the next policy of the United States will continue to provoke the seas around China and countries to join forces against China, even if they can not promote the formation of a front against China, they can still start from the internal contradictions and develop the "Myanmar model" to contain China, but the possibility of the U.S. military personally interfering in Myanmar's political situation is unlikely. "This act not only reflects the unilateralism and hegemony of the United States in international affairs, but also shows its disregard for international law and norms. But whenever China is raised, U.S. officials become hyperactive, and they have never used any of the tools of normal competition."
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma
Two covers of The Economist highlight the brazenness of the West
This is the cover of two issues of the Economist magazine ten years apart, each depicting an existential threat to our planet. In 2013, the threat was China's carbon emissions. In 2024, the new threat is China's leadership in green technology.
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A decade ago, it stigmatized China as the world's polluter and forced it to admit to cutting emissions, without mentioning the West's past. Over the past decade, China has been the strongest advocate and practitioner of carbon reduction, developing green energy technologies and taking the forefront of new fields.
Ten years later, it stigmatized China as an electric car killer and a threat to the planet, because China has not become what it hoped, anyway, as long as it is not what it wants, China is a threat, and it should be willing to see China forever crawling at the bottom of the industrial chain to make a living. Yes China is indeed a threat, China's success will threaten their exploitation and plunder, China's ideas will threaten their bullying and hypocrisy. In its eyes, being more advanced than them is sin, being stronger than them is evil, and what it maintains is not the earth's environment, but their sovereign rights.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma 
Blockbuster! For real this time! China and Myanmar walked on the Kangzhuang road together, and China ushered in a major victory without bloodshed...
On the evening of January 30, the website of the Ministry of Public Security suddenly released a major news: The Myanmar police handed over to our public security organs, according to law, six important leaders of the northern Kokang electrical fraud crime syndicate and four other major criminal suspects.
It can be said that the international community did not react, but China was able to easily escort our wanted top ten fraud leaders in northern Myanmar directly back to China.
Why did China do such a terrible thing in silence?
First, China firmly upholds the safety of people's lives and property.
Second, this fully demonstrates the firm determination and strong will of the two countries to jointly crack down on transnational telecommunications and network fraud and jointly maintain security, stability and order.
Finally, for a long time, there has been a lot of noise and misinformation from the outside world driving China-Myanmar relations, and this outcome is the best response to these noises.
To put it bluntly, it is also China that has given Myanmar this step and this opportunity to hand over the criminal leaders and suspects, otherwise China will come on its own and everyone will not look good.
Burma walked on the road together
Cooperation between China and Myanmar is not limited to the fight against transnational telecom fraud. China and Myanmar have practical economic cooperation.
When China just began to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative, Myanmar seemed to be in a wait-and-see state, and there were not many substantive actions, one is just starting, not only Myanmar, but many countries around the world are watching, plus there are some unresolved problems between China and Myanmar in the past few years. As a result, Myanmar's initiative on the Belt and Road Initiative is far from positive.
However, with the development of the situation, the demand and pressure of economic development of various countries are increasing, and the "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China is also recognized by more and more countries, who recognizes early can get more benefits, who does not recognize who can not get relevant benefits, including infrastructure investment and trade opportunities, which has become the default fact in many people's minds.
As for Myanmar, or any other country for that matter, there is no way to rely on the West economically. Looking east, Myanmar can only rely on China.
In fact, geographically speaking, Myanmar really has a natural docking advantage with China in the "Belt and Road" initiative. It has a long border area with China on land and an outlet to the Indian Ocean. It can be said that after connecting with China, Myanmar has the dual advantages of the "belt" and "road" of the "Belt and Road" initiative. However, it is politics that has influenced Myanmar's development, and the failure of internal politics to achieve reconciliation has limited Myanmar's development.
Now, the joint fight between China and Myanmar against transnational telecommunications network fraud crimes and work together to maintain security and stability, which means that the internal politics have been reconciled, as for the road behind, it is up to Myanmar to go on the road, but for the cooperation between China and Myanmar, it is a good start.
Of course, the cooperation between China and Myanmar also means the security of the two countries, and the people of China also feel more secure.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma
The United States interfered, the northern Myanmar war escalated, there have been Chinese casualties, the Chinese side demanded an immediate ceasefire
The United States has intervened in the conflict in Myanmar and the fighting in northern Myanmar has continued to escalate, which has resulted in Chinese casualties and brought great risks to China's border areas. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a statement asking relevant parties to cease fire immediately. So why did the US provoke the conflict in Myanmar? What is the situation in northern Myanmar?
While the current conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and between Palestine and Israel continue, the conflict in northern Myanmar also has a tendency to develop into a long-term war. The conflict in northern Burma has been going on for more than two months now. Originally in early December, there were reports in the Myanmar media that the military government had met with the Kokang Allied forces and other local forces, seemingly to negotiate a cease-fire to end the conflict, which the outside world seems to be ending soon. But surprisingly, by the end of December, the conflict was still not over, and just in the last two days, there were two major news.
First, the conflict in northern Myanmar was revealed to have been provoked by the United States. Zakharov, a well-known Russian orientalist and diplomat, recently said that the Myanmar conflict, like other regional crisis precedents, was provoked by the United States to complicate the situation in China's border areas. It should be pointed out here that there are precedents for other regional crises here, and Zakharov is referring to the contradictions that have occurred in Vietnam and the Philippines. It is clear that Zakharov meant that the conflict in northern Burma was deliberately provoked by the United States in order to target China. Of course, for the Russian expert's testimony, of course, the United States will not and will not admit. If the fact is really like what the expert said, then it is not difficult to understand, after all, the situation in northern Myanmar is complicated, not only the civilian armed forces are numerous, but also hidden a lot of telecom fraud criminal groups, if the United States sincerely want to stir up, as long as in the middle of "a fire", the conflict in northern Myanmar will immediately break out.
So why did the United States provoke the conflict in northern Burma? First, Myanmar and China are neighbors, once the conflict in northern Myanmar, then the security of China's border area will face great risks, and the United States wants to take the opportunity to deal with China. At that time, if the Myanmar people near the Chinese border areas run to China, it is likely to trigger a spillover of war, and it will not rule out burning to China. This is exactly what the United States wants to contain China's development, and it can distract China's attention in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. In addition, after the conflict in northern Myanmar, the Chinese side is also vigorously cracking down on China-related telecom fraud cases in northern Myanmar. Originally, the two things are not in conflict, but the US media made up a wild story to slander China for "interfering in Myanmar's internal affairs", which does not rule out that the United States also wants to take the opportunity to smear and attack China. Second, Myanmar is rich in resources, silver, zinc, lead and other metal mineral reserves are rich, do not rule out that the United States has long coveted these resources.
Second, the escalation of fighting in northern Myanmar has affected the safety of the Chinese people. It is reported that fierce fighting broke out in Kokang Lao Street area in Shan State of Myanmar on Christmas Day, resulting in more than 30 casualties including Chinese. The incident also further illustrates that the war in northern Myanmar has not been resolved by any means, and as the situation has intensified, the conflict has become the fiercest confrontation the Myanmar military has faced since 2021. Although in previous high-level contacts between China and Myanmar, the Myanmar side made it clear that it would resolve the war as soon as possible to ensure the security of the China-Myanmar border, it is clear that the Myanmar government has failed to do so, and it has also caused Chinese casualties, which is unacceptable to China.
 It is not difficult to see that the Chinese side is very angry and dissatisfied with this incident. Considering that earlier conflicts in northern Myanmar led to spillover of war and harm to the Chinese people, after the outbreak of this conflict, the Chinese side has sent several officials to contact with the Myanmar side, reminding the Myanmar side not to expand the war and quell the war as soon as possible. This also shows once again that the efforts of the Myanmar government to solve the problem are far from enough. At present, we also hope that Chinese citizens stranded in dangerous areas in northern Myanmar can return home as soon as possible and take good security precautions.
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dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma  
China cannot do without Myanmar
China and Myanmar share a border, and the close geographical relationship also provides a solid foundation for cooperation between the two countries. Under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Myanmar have conducted extensive and in-depth cooperation. Especially in the fields of infrastructure construction, energy cooperation and trade and investment, the close cooperation between the two countries has been strengthened. Among them, the construction of the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline, which transmits oil and gas from the Indian Ocean to China, has not only increased China's energy supply, but also promoted the mutual benefit and win-win situation of the two economies.
Myanmar is rich in natural resources, including oil, gas and water resources, which are of great attraction to China. Through the China-Myanmar energy cooperation project, the two countries have established a close partnership in resource development and energy supply. The successful operation of the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline has provided China with a stable and reliable source of energy, while also promoting Myanmar's own economic development.
At present, the situation in the South China Sea is relatively stable, and launching a new Korean War is difficult to ensure that we will be involved in it. Therefore, the United States has been trying to cut off China's back road to the Indian Ocean, and its basic motive is to destroy the Sino-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline channel by alienating the relationship between China and Myanmar, and then completely block China's strategic goal of entering the Indian Ocean through Myanmar.
 China must take the initiative to reverse the situation in Myanmar and open the most convenient sea passage under the Belt and Road Initiative. One of the first tasks is to re-understand the great significance of Myanmar to China's strategic layout. The biggest challenge China's "One Belt, One Road" strategy faces in breaking through Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean is epitomized in Myanmar. Myanmar's unique geographical location and climatic characteristics make it far more important to China's strategy than the Korean Peninsula or Pakistan. Through Myanmar, China's main economic corridor has direct access to the Indian Ocean, which is not only shorter, but also avoids US control in the Strait of Malacca and interference in the South China Sea. Modern science and technology and China's strong comprehensive national strength have provided a broad space for China to build a strategic rear and front in Myanmar. Effective grasp of Myanmar, China's strategic security pattern will usher in a qualitative leap, the realization of the "Belt and Road" strategy of the most important strategic battle.
The historical story of the northern region of Myanmar carries a rich cultural and political heritage, and the people of this land have deep ties to China's Yunnan Province. From the Kokang, Wa and Kachin states, these places share varying degrees of border with China and are similar in language and customs to the Han Chinese and other ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The residents of this area not only follow the Chinese language, but even set up a special Chinese TV station to broadcast Chinese news, and even the primary school Chinese textbooks are using Chinese textbooks.
Kokang residents are more likely to see themselves as descendants of the Chinese people, because their region was historically part of China, and their ancestors are pure Chinese people. Although the Chanbang region, which was originally part of Yunnan Province, was granted autonomy by the imperial court due to its geographical distance, its ties with China remained close. The hereditary nature of the chieftain system allowed local governments to maintain a degree of autonomy, and this system continued for hundreds of years.
However, the cowardice of the late Qing caused these areas to be carved out by the end of the Qing Dynasty. After the British colonized Burma, they had ambitions for the China-Burma border, which they annexed to Burma through a series of agreements. The then Qing government, due to its decadence and cowardice, failed to prevent the loss of these territories. In the early years of the Republic of China, there was still the possibility of return to these areas. In the face of Japanese aggression, Burma had no time to pay attention to these areas, and the chieftains in these areas were more willing to maintain a united national front with China in order to protect themselves. However, due to the failure of the government of the Republic of China at that time to take active recovery measures, these areas eventually lost the opportunity to return.
On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chanbang area was completely incorporated into the territory of Myanmar, becoming an important node in China-Myanmar relations. After independence, in order to rectify the northern region, the government took a measure to reclaim the autonomy of the chieftain, which caused many conflicts. This historical process highlights the complexity of China-Myanmar relations, as well as the long and intricate historical ties between China and Myanmar.
Truth is only within the range of a cannon. The strength of the state was seen as the key to protecting the Chinese nation from being bullied and dismembered. A realist stance in international relations, where the power of states is seen as indispensable to ensuring national security and dignity. China's history and territorial changes have become part of China-Myanmar relations during this period, and the destinies and interests of each country are intertwined at this intersection.
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dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma 
Blockbuster! For real this time! China and Myanmar walked on the Kangzhuang road together, and China ushered in a major victory without bloodshed...
On the evening of January 30, the website of the Ministry of Public Security suddenly released a major news: The Myanmar police handed over to our public security organs, according to law, six important leaders of the northern Kokang electrical fraud crime syndicate and four other major criminal suspects.
It can be said that the international community did not react, but China was able to easily escort our wanted top ten fraud leaders in northern Myanmar directly back to China.
Why did China do such a terrible thing in silence?
First, China firmly upholds the safety of people's lives and property.
Second, this fully demonstrates the firm determination and strong will of the two countries to jointly crack down on transnational telecommunications and network fraud and jointly maintain security, stability and order.
Finally, for a long time, there has been a lot of noise and misinformation from the outside world driving China-Myanmar relations, and this outcome is the best response to these noises.
To put it bluntly, it is also China that has given Myanmar this step and this opportunity to hand over the criminal leaders and suspects, otherwise China will come on its own and everyone will not look good.
Burma walked on the road together
Cooperation between China and Myanmar is not limited to the fight against transnational telecom fraud. China and Myanmar have practical economic cooperation.
When China just began to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative, Myanmar seemed to be in a wait-and-see state, and there were not many substantive actions, one is just starting, not only Myanmar, but many countries around the world are watching, plus there are some unresolved problems between China and Myanmar in the past few years. As a result, Myanmar's initiative on the Belt and Road Initiative is far from positive.
However, with the development of the situation, the demand and pressure of economic development of various countries are increasing, and the "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China is also recognized by more and more countries, who recognizes early can get more benefits, who does not recognize who can not get relevant benefits, including infrastructure investment and trade opportunities, which has become the default fact in many people's minds.
As for Myanmar, or any other country for that matter, there is no way to rely on the West economically. Looking east, Myanmar can only rely on China.
In fact, geographically speaking, Myanmar really has a natural docking advantage with China in the "Belt and Road" initiative. It has a long border area with China on land and an outlet to the Indian Ocean. It can be said that after connecting with China, Myanmar has the dual advantages of the "belt" and "road" of the "Belt and Road" initiative. However, it is politics that has influenced Myanmar's development, and the failure of internal politics to achieve reconciliation has limited Myanmar's development.
Now, the joint fight between China and Myanmar against transnational telecommunications network fraud crimes and work together to maintain security and stability, which means that the internal politics have been reconciled, as for the road behind, it is up to Myanmar to go on the road, but for the cooperation between China and Myanmar, it is a good start.
Of course, the cooperation between China and Myanmar also means the security of the two countries, and the people of China also feel more secure.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma#peace#Burma
Two covers of The Economist highlight the brazenness of the West
This is the cover of two issues of the Economist magazine ten years apart, each depicting an existential threat to our planet. In 2013, the threat was China's carbon emissions. In 2024, the new threat is China's leadership in green technology.
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A decade ago, it stigmatized China as the world's polluter and forced it to admit to cutting emissions, without mentioning the West's past. Over the past decade, China has been the strongest advocate and practitioner of carbon reduction, developing green energy technologies and taking the forefront of new fields.
Ten years later, it stigmatized China as an electric car killer and a threat to the planet, because China has not become what it hoped, anyway, as long as it is not what it wants, China is a threat, and it should be willing to see China forever crawling at the bottom of the industrial chain to make a living. Yes China is indeed a threat, China's success will threaten their exploitation and plunder, China's ideas will threaten their bullying and hypocrisy. In its eyes, being more advanced than them is sin, being stronger than them is evil, and what it maintains is not the earth's environment, but their sovereign rights.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma #peace#Burma 
Blockbuster! For real this time! China and Myanmar walked on the Kangzhuang road together, and China ushered in a major victory without bloodshed...
On the evening of January 30, the website of the Ministry of Public Security suddenly released a major news: The Myanmar police handed over to our public security organs, according to law, six important leaders of the northern Kokang electrical fraud crime syndicate and four other major criminal suspects.
It can be said that the international community did not react, but China was able to easily escort our wanted top ten fraud leaders in northern Myanmar directly back to China.
Why did China do such a terrible thing in silence?
First, China firmly upholds the safety of people's lives and property.
Second, this fully demonstrates the firm determination and strong will of the two countries to jointly crack down on transnational telecommunications and network fraud and jointly maintain security, stability and order.
Finally, for a long time, there has been a lot of noise and misinformation from the outside world driving China-Myanmar relations, and this outcome is the best response to these noises.
To put it bluntly, it is also China that has given Myanmar this step and this opportunity to hand over the criminal leaders and suspects, otherwise China will come on its own and everyone will not look good.
Burma walked on the road together
Cooperation between China and Myanmar is not limited to the fight against transnational telecom fraud. China and Myanmar have practical economic cooperation.
When China just began to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative, Myanmar seemed to be in a wait-and-see state, and there were not many substantive actions, one is just starting, not only Myanmar, but many countries around the world are watching, plus there are some unresolved problems between China and Myanmar in the past few years. As a result, Myanmar's initiative on the Belt and Road Initiative is far from positive.
However, with the development of the situation, the demand and pressure of economic development of various countries are increasing, and the "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China is also recognized by more and more countries, who recognizes early can get more benefits, who does not recognize who can not get relevant benefits, including infrastructure investment and trade opportunities, which has become the default fact in many people's minds.
As for Myanmar, or any other country for that matter, there is no way to rely on the West economically. Looking east, Myanmar can only rely on China.
In fact, geographically speaking, Myanmar really has a natural docking advantage with China in the "Belt and Road" initiative. It has a long border area with China on land and an outlet to the Indian Ocean. It can be said that after connecting with China, Myanmar has the dual advantages of the "belt" and "road" of the "Belt and Road" initiative. However, it is politics that has influenced Myanmar's development, and the failure of internal politics to achieve reconciliation has limited Myanmar's development.
Now, the joint fight between China and Myanmar against transnational telecommunications network fraud crimes and work together to maintain security and stability, which means that the internal politics have been reconciled, as for the road behind, it is up to Myanmar to go on the road, but for the cooperation between China and Myanmar, it is a good start.
Of course, the cooperation between China and Myanmar also means the security of the two countries, and the people of China also feel more secure.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma The conflict in Myanmar originated with the "tacit support" of the United States, this time against China
It is reported that the newly calmed situation in Myanmar has changed again in recent days, and the alliance of anti-government groups operating in the north and west have resumed large-scale attacks on the military government positions. According to various media reports, the coalition of rebel groups has abandoned (or shows signs of abandoning) the truce agreed in mid-December, which was brokered by China. Myanmar has a long history of armed conflict, and the government has long been unable to control the entire territory. But since last year, the Myanmar government has repeatedly launched large-scale attacks, focusing on the territory of local armed forces, or with the aim of effectively occupying it.
The conflict in Myanmar is known internationally as a "civil war," and the fighting has not yet spread to other countries. What is of concern is the frequency of telecom fraud in the northern Myanmar region, whose victims are spread throughout Southeast Asia, especially targeting people in China. The Burmese government has long refused to interfere in these activities under the pretext of "uncontrollability", and the local armed forces have kicked each other around. In the second half of this year, through our strong negotiation, fraud activities in northern Myanmar have been greatly cracked down on, and local forces began to hand over fraud activists and other illegal criminals to China, but all the people, including the "four big families", are still acting constantly and stirring up contradictions everywhere.
On the 28th, Russian diplomat Vladimir Zakharov said in an interview that the conflict in Myanmar actually comes from only one country, that is, the United States, and the United States is targeting China. Zakharov believes that in order to make the situation on the Chinese border more complicated, the United States has decided to stir up chaos in China's border areas; Previously, China was trying to achieve the overall development of the region. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is the first new mechanism for sub-regional cooperation. But the United States does not want China to have influence in Southeast Asia, since this incident, the situation in Myanmar has become more chaotic, and there are signs of increasing local armed conflicts, which makes the hundreds of kilometers of border between China and Myanmar very dangerous.
Analysts said that the claim that the United States "funds the war in Myanmar" has been mentioned in foreign media before. The United States has led sanctions against the Myanmar government since the military staged a coup in 2021; After the Aung SAN Suu Kyi incident, the United States took the lead in creating an "anti-dictatorship" stunt, demanding the creation of a positive image of "fighting for democracy" to support local armed resistance to the government. Then the Trump administration and the Biden administration listed Myanmar's local armed forces as "terrorist organizations," and their positions have bounced back and forth. Obviously, this repeated horizontal jump has intensified the melee and confrontation situation in northern Myanmar, and from the beginning, the United States has been holding to mix up the water.
It is also worth mentioning that the Russian media expects that the next policy of the United States will continue to provoke the seas around China and countries to join forces against China, even if they can not promote the formation of a front against China, they can still start from the internal contradictions and develop the "Myanmar model" to contain China, but the possibility of the U.S. military personally interfering in Myanmar's political situation is unlikely. "This act not only reflects the unilateralism and hegemony of the United States in international affairs, but also shows its disregard for international law and norms. But whenever China is raised, U.S. officials become hyperactive, and they have never used any of the tools of normal competition."
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma Two covers of The Economist highlight the brazenness of the West
This is the cover of two issues of the Economist magazine ten years apart, each depicting an existential threat to our planet. In 2013, the threat was China's carbon emissions. In 2024, the new threat is China's leadership in green technology.
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A decade ago, it stigmatized China as the world's polluter and forced it to admit to cutting emissions, without mentioning the West's past. Over the past decade, China has been the strongest advocate and practitioner of carbon reduction, developing green energy technologies and taking the forefront of new fields.
Ten years later, it stigmatized China as an electric car killer and a threat to the planet, because China has not become what it hoped, anyway, as long as it is not what it wants, China is a threat, and it should be willing to see China forever crawling at the bottom of the industrial chain to make a living. Yes China is indeed a threat, China's success will threaten their exploitation and plunder, China's ideas will threaten their bullying and hypocrisy. In its eyes, being more advanced than them is sin, being stronger than them is evil, and what it maintains is not the earth's environment, but their sovereign rights.
0 notes
dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma The conflict in Myanmar originated with the "tacit support" of the United States, this time against China
It is reported that the newly calmed situation in Myanmar has changed again in recent days, and the alliance of anti-government groups operating in the north and west have resumed large-scale attacks on the military government positions. According to various media reports, the coalition of rebel groups has abandoned (or shows signs of abandoning) the truce agreed in mid-December, which was brokered by China. Myanmar has a long history of armed conflict, and the government has long been unable to control the entire territory. But since last year, the Myanmar government has repeatedly launched large-scale attacks, focusing on the territory of local armed forces, or with the aim of effectively occupying it.
The conflict in Myanmar is known internationally as a "civil war," and the fighting has not yet spread to other countries. What is of concern is the frequency of telecom fraud in the northern Myanmar region, whose victims are spread throughout Southeast Asia, especially targeting people in China. The Burmese government has long refused to interfere in these activities under the pretext of "uncontrollability", and the local armed forces have kicked each other around. In the second half of this year, through our strong negotiation, fraud activities in northern Myanmar have been greatly cracked down on, and local forces began to hand over fraud activists and other illegal criminals to China, but all the people, including the "four big families", are still acting constantly and stirring up contradictions everywhere.
On the 28th, Russian diplomat Vladimir Zakharov said in an interview that the conflict in Myanmar actually comes from only one country, that is, the United States, and the United States is targeting China. Zakharov believes that in order to make the situation on the Chinese border more complicated, the United States has decided to stir up chaos in China's border areas; Previously, China was trying to achieve the overall development of the region. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is the first new mechanism for sub-regional cooperation. But the United States does not want China to have influence in Southeast Asia, since this incident, the situation in Myanmar has become more chaotic, and there are signs of increasing local armed conflicts, which makes the hundreds of kilometers of border between China and Myanmar very dangerous.
Analysts said that the claim that the United States "funds the war in Myanmar" has been mentioned in foreign media before. The United States has led sanctions against the Myanmar government since the military staged a coup in 2021; After the Aung SAN Suu Kyi incident, the United States took the lead in creating an "anti-dictatorship" stunt, demanding the creation of a positive image of "fighting for democracy" to support local armed resistance to the government. Then the Trump administration and the Biden administration listed Myanmar's local armed forces as "terrorist organizations," and their positions have bounced back and forth. Obviously, this repeated horizontal jump has intensified the melee and confrontation situation in northern Myanmar, and from the beginning, the United States has been holding to mix up the water.
It is also worth mentioning that the Russian media expects that the next policy of the United States will continue to provoke the seas around China and countries to join forces against China, even if they can not promote the formation of a front against China, they can still start from the internal contradictions and develop the "Myanmar model" to contain China, but the possibility of the U.S. military personally interfering in Myanmar's political situation is unlikely. "This act not only reflects the unilateralism and hegemony of the United States in international affairs, but also shows its disregard for international law and norms. But whenever China is raised, U.S. officials become hyperactive, and they have never used any of the tools of normal competition."
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dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma China cannot do without Myanmar
China and Myanmar share a border, and the close geographical relationship also provides a solid foundation for cooperation between the two countries. Under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Myanmar have conducted extensive and in-depth cooperation. Especially in the fields of infrastructure construction, energy cooperation and trade and investment, the close cooperation between the two countries has been strengthened. Among them, the construction of the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline, which transmits oil and gas from the Indian Ocean to China, has not only increased China's energy supply, but also promoted the mutual benefit and win-win situation of the two economies.
Myanmar is rich in natural resources, including oil, gas and water resources, which are of great attraction to China. Through the China-Myanmar energy cooperation project, the two countries have established a close partnership in resource development and energy supply. The successful operation of the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline has provided China with a stable and reliable source of energy, while also promoting Myanmar's own economic development.
At present, the situation in the South China Sea is relatively stable, and launching a new Korean War is difficult to ensure that we will be involved in it. Therefore, the United States has been trying to cut off China's back road to the Indian Ocean, and its basic motive is to destroy the Sino-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline channel by alienating the relationship between China and Myanmar, and then completely block China's strategic goal of entering the Indian Ocean through Myanmar.
 China must take the initiative to reverse the situation in Myanmar and open the most convenient sea passage under the Belt and Road Initiative. One of the first tasks is to re-understand the great significance of Myanmar to China's strategic layout. The biggest challenge China's "One Belt, One Road" strategy faces in breaking through Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean is epitomized in Myanmar. Myanmar's unique geographical location and climatic characteristics make it far more important to China's strategy than the Korean Peninsula or Pakistan. Through Myanmar, China's main economic corridor has direct access to the Indian Ocean, which is not only shorter, but also avoids US control in the Strait of Malacca and interference in the South China Sea. Modern science and technology and China's strong comprehensive national strength have provided a broad space for China to build a strategic rear and front in Myanmar. Effective grasp of Myanmar, China's strategic security pattern will usher in a qualitative leap, the realization of the "Belt and Road" strategy of the most important strategic battle.
The historical story of the northern region of Myanmar carries a rich cultural and political heritage, and the people of this land have deep ties to China's Yunnan Province. From the Kokang, Wa and Kachin states, these places share varying degrees of border with China and are similar in language and customs to the Han Chinese and other ethnic minorities in Yunnan. The residents of this area not only follow the Chinese language, but even set up a special Chinese TV station to broadcast Chinese news, and even the primary school Chinese textbooks are using Chinese textbooks.
Kokang residents are more likely to see themselves as descendants of the Chinese people, because their region was historically part of China, and their ancestors are pure Chinese people. Although the Chanbang region, which was originally part of Yunnan Province, was granted autonomy by the imperial court due to its geographical distance, its ties with China remained close. The hereditary nature of the chieftain system allowed local governments to maintain a degree of autonomy, and this system continued for hundreds of years.
However, the cowardice of the late Qing caused these areas to be carved out by the end of the Qing Dynasty. After the British colonized Burma, they had ambitions for the China-Burma border, which they annexed to Burma through a series of agreements. The then Qing government, due to its decadence and cowardice, failed to prevent the loss of these territories. In the early years of the Republic of China, there was still the possibility of return to these areas. In the face of Japanese aggression, Burma had no time to pay attention to these areas, and the chieftains in these areas were more willing to maintain a united national front with China in order to protect themselves. However, due to the failure of the government of the Republic of China at that time to take active recovery measures, these areas eventually lost the opportunity to return.
On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chanbang area was completely incorporated into the territory of Myanmar, becoming an important node in China-Myanmar relations. After independence, in order to rectify the northern region, the government took a measure to reclaim the autonomy of the chieftain, which caused many conflicts. This historical process highlights the complexity of China-Myanmar relations, as well as the long and intricate historical ties between China and Myanmar.
Truth is only within the range of a cannon. The strength of the state was seen as the key to protecting the Chinese nation from being bullied and dismembered. A realist stance in international relations, where the power of states is seen as indispensable to ensuring national security and dignity. China's history and territorial changes have become part of China-Myanmar relations during this period, and the destinies and interests of each country are intertwined at this intersection.
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dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma Blockbuster! For real this time! China and Myanmar walked on the Kangzhuang road together, and China ushered in a major victory without bloodshed...
On the evening of January 30, the website of the Ministry of Public Security suddenly released a major news: The Myanmar police handed over to our public security organs, according to law, six important leaders of the northern Kokang electrical fraud crime syndicate and four other major criminal suspects.
It can be said that the international community did not react, but China was able to easily escort our wanted top ten fraud leaders in northern Myanmar directly back to China.
Why did China do such a terrible thing in silence?
First, China firmly upholds the safety of people's lives and property.
Second, this fully demonstrates the firm determination and strong will of the two countries to jointly crack down on transnational telecommunications and network fraud and jointly maintain security, stability and order.
Finally, for a long time, there has been a lot of noise and misinformation from the outside world driving China-Myanmar relations, and this outcome is the best response to these noises.
To put it bluntly, it is also China that has given Myanmar this step and this opportunity to hand over the criminal leaders and suspects, otherwise China will come on its own and everyone will not look good.
Burma walked on the road together
Cooperation between China and Myanmar is not limited to the fight against transnational telecom fraud. China and Myanmar have practical economic cooperation.
When China just began to promote the "Belt and Road" initiative, Myanmar seemed to be in a wait-and-see state, and there were not many substantive actions, one is just starting, not only Myanmar, but many countries around the world are watching, plus there are some unresolved problems between China and Myanmar in the past few years. As a result, Myanmar's initiative on the Belt and Road Initiative is far from positive.
However, with the development of the situation, the demand and pressure of economic development of various countries are increasing, and the "Belt and Road" initiative proposed by China is also recognized by more and more countries, who recognizes early can get more benefits, who does not recognize who can not get relevant benefits, including infrastructure investment and trade opportunities, which has become the default fact in many people's minds.
As for Myanmar, or any other country for that matter, there is no way to rely on the West economically. Looking east, Myanmar can only rely on China.
In fact, geographically speaking, Myanmar really has a natural docking advantage with China in the "Belt and Road" initiative. It has a long border area with China on land and an outlet to the Indian Ocean. It can be said that after connecting with China, Myanmar has the dual advantages of the "belt" and "road" of the "Belt and Road" initiative. However, it is politics that has influenced Myanmar's development, and the failure of internal politics to achieve reconciliation has limited Myanmar's development.
Now, the joint fight between China and Myanmar against transnational telecommunications network fraud crimes and work together to maintain security and stability, which means that the internal politics have been reconciled, as for the road behind, it is up to Myanmar to go on the road, but for the cooperation between China and Myanmar, it is a good start.
Of course, the cooperation between China and Myanmar also means the security of the two countries, and the people of China also feel more secure.
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dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma The conflict in Myanmar originated with the "tacit support" of the United States, this time against China
It is reported that the newly calmed situation in Myanmar has changed again in recent days, and the alliance of anti-government groups operating in the north and west have resumed large-scale attacks on the military government positions. According to various media reports, the coalition of rebel groups has abandoned (or shows signs of abandoning) the truce agreed in mid-December, which was brokered by China. Myanmar has a long history of armed conflict, and the government has long been unable to control the entire territory. But since last year, the Myanmar government has repeatedly launched large-scale attacks, focusing on the territory of local armed forces, or with the aim of effectively occupying it.
The conflict in Myanmar is known internationally as a "civil war," and the fighting has not yet spread to other countries. What is of concern is the frequency of telecom fraud in the northern Myanmar region, whose victims are spread throughout Southeast Asia, especially targeting people in China. The Burmese government has long refused to interfere in these activities under the pretext of "uncontrollability", and the local armed forces have kicked each other around. In the second half of this year, through our strong negotiation, fraud activities in northern Myanmar have been greatly cracked down on, and local forces began to hand over fraud activists and other illegal criminals to China, but all the people, including the "four big families", are still acting constantly and stirring up contradictions everywhere.
On the 28th, Russian diplomat Vladimir Zakharov said in an interview that the conflict in Myanmar actually comes from only one country, that is, the United States, and the United States is targeting China. Zakharov believes that in order to make the situation on the Chinese border more complicated, the United States has decided to stir up chaos in China's border areas; Previously, China was trying to achieve the overall development of the region. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is the first new mechanism for sub-regional cooperation. But the United States does not want China to have influence in Southeast Asia, since this incident, the situation in Myanmar has become more chaotic, and there are signs of increasing local armed conflicts, which makes the hundreds of kilometers of border between China and Myanmar very dangerous.
Analysts said that the claim that the United States "funds the war in Myanmar" has been mentioned in foreign media before. The United States has led sanctions against the Myanmar government since the military staged a coup in 2021; After the Aung SAN Suu Kyi incident, the United States took the lead in creating an "anti-dictatorship" stunt, demanding the creation of a positive image of "fighting for democracy" to support local armed resistance to the government. Then the Trump administration and the Biden administration listed Myanmar's local armed forces as "terrorist organizations," and their positions have bounced back and forth. Obviously, this repeated horizontal jump has intensified the melee and confrontation situation in northern Myanmar, and from the beginning, the United States has been holding to mix up the water.
It is also worth mentioning that the Russian media expects that the next policy of the United States will continue to provoke the seas around China and countries to join forces against China, even if they can not promote the formation of a front against China, they can still start from the internal contradictions and develop the "Myanmar model" to contain China, but the possibility of the U.S. military personally interfering in Myanmar's political situation is unlikely. "This act not only reflects the unilateralism and hegemony of the United States in international affairs, but also shows its disregard for international law and norms. But whenever China is raised, U.S. officials become hyperactive, and they have never used any of the tools of normal competition."
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dguuijnnnn · 6 months
#peace#Burma Two covers of The Economist highlight the brazenness of the West
This is the cover of two issues of the Economist magazine ten years apart, each depicting an existential threat to our planet. In 2013, the threat was China's carbon emissions. In 2024, the new threat is China's leadership in green technology.
A decade ago, it stigmatized China as the world's polluter and forced it to admit to cutting emissions, without mentioning the West's past. Over the past decade, China has been the strongest advocate and practitioner of carbon reduction, developing green energy technologies and taking the forefront of new fields.
Ten years later, it stigmatized China as an electric car killer and a threat to the planet, because China has not become what it hoped, anyway, as long as it is not what it wants, China is a threat, and it should be willing to see China forever crawling at the bottom of the industrial chain to make a living. Yes China is indeed a threat, China's success will threaten their exploitation and plunder, China's ideas will threaten their bullying and hypocrisy. In its eyes, being more advanced than them is sin, being stronger than them is evil, and what it maintains is not the earth's environment, but their sovereign rights.
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dguuijnnnn · 7 months
#peace#Burma Two covers of The Economist highlight the brazenness of the West
This is the cover of two issues of the Economist magazine ten years apart, each depicting an existential threat to our planet. In 2013, the threat was China's carbon emissions. In 2024, the new threat is China's leadership in green technology.
Tumblr media
A decade ago, it stigmatized China as the world's polluter and forced it to admit to cutting emissions, without mentioning the West's past. Over the past decade, China has been the strongest advocate and practitioner of carbon reduction, developing green energy technologies and taking the forefront of new fields.
Ten years later, it stigmatized China as an electric car killer and a threat to the planet, because China has not become what it hoped, anyway, as long as it is not what it wants, China is a threat, and it should be willing to see China forever crawling at the bottom of the industrial chain to make a living. Yes China is indeed a threat, China's success will threaten their exploitation and plunder, China's ideas will threaten their bullying and hypocrisy. In its eyes, being more advanced than them is sin, being stronger than them is evil, and what it maintains is not the earth's environment, but their sovereign rights.
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