dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
In my last blog post, I mentioned "BEHAVIOR CONTRACT" as a way to motivate ourselves to be more consistent in our lives. In this blog post, I will discuss it more!聽
As I mentioned, I made a BEHAVIOR CONTRACT with myself this July because I want to be more consistent with my self-care practice, daily habits, and work assistance and performance. Being consistent is challenging for me every day as a person suffering from anxiety and depression. Therefore, making a behavior contract with myself was the perfect way to bring more consistency to my daily life.聽
I love mermaids, so I found a mermaid sticker reward board on Dollar Tree and brought it! Initially, I intended to use it with one of my kids. Still, when I decided to make the behavior contract with myself, I thought this mermaid sticker reward board was perfect for tracking my progress and motivating me.聽聽
As a reward, I decided to get my nails done, obviously after I paid my debts and expenses. One of the most rewarding self-care, self-kindness, and self-compassion practices for myself is to get my nails done. I love to see my nails with sparkling nail polish! It makes me happy and accomplished!聽
According to understood.org, a BEHAVIOR CONTRACT is a written agreement between 1 o more people outlining the expectations for one of the parties' behaviors, in this case, our behavior. It laid out any specific behavior we want to work on, along with what goals we want to achieve, and ideally, a reward to keep us motivated to continue.聽
It can take many forms, such as a sticker reward board, daily report cards, or a formal written agreement.聽
Think about the behaviors or actions
Think about what is the goal of changing our behaviors or actions and their positive impact on our lives聽
Think about something we love to reward ourselves, maybe going to a fancy restaurant to eat your favorite food
Write the behavior contract agreement on a piece of paper, in the notes app on our phone, or create a Word document to print out
Add anything extra actions, goals, or rewards we want, and check any errors to change it
Sign and date our behavior contract聽
Place it in a place in our room where we can see it every day聽
Makes our behavior expectations crystal clear
Motivates us to self-regulate, self-monitoring, and self-control
Makes us more accountable for our actions
Provides us with valuable feedback聽
It's adjustable and used over time
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
It has been a hot minute since my last blog post!聽
It has been a challenging month for me! But I am not here to talk about it! Let's put the past in the past!
Let's continue with our "CONSISTENCY" blog post series!
Again, WHAT IS CONSISTENCY? It means putting consistent effort every day no to what we are doing, no matter what!聽
According to S.J. Scott's "8 RULES TO BE MORE CONSISTENT IN LIFE," as the title said, there are eight rules to be consistent in life. I am going to mention the ones that are most important to me!聽
Be realistic with our goals (we are back to SMART goals) - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/dharma-journey/672954056180924416?source=share
Stick to a schedule: I highly recommend using google calender and the reminder app on our phone to write our to-do lists, appointments, etc. But if you want to stick to our habits, try the Most Days app. I will not survive my day-to-day life without these three apps!聽
2) HANDLE MISTAKES IN OUR ROUTINES: as with everything in life, we have the right to make mistakes. We are not perfect creatures! However, our best virtue is to be accountable for our errors and handle them on time. So being consistent is not the exception! Therefore, learn from our mistakes, keep going and plan!聽
3) GET PLENTY OF SLEEP: we spend a lot of energy constantly to achieve our goals, leaving us exhausted. Therefore, we should get a good night's sleep to recharge.聽
4) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MOTIVATIONAL TOOLS: as I mentioned, I am currently working as RBT. One of the tools I use to encourage my clients to continue with their good behavior is the reward behavior contract. I am using a reward sticker board that you can get in Dollar Tree in the school and teacher supplies aisle and made a contract with myself. Me, I get a mermaid sticker every day. I complete my daily to-do lists, such as going to my therapy sessions and completing class work. I will get my nails done when I get 25 stickers (a completed reward board). You can do this about anything! The goal is to motivate yourself to continue until you achieve your goal and reward yourself in the process.聽
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!
It has been a while since my last blog post, right?
Life has been quite hectic these couple of months, but here we are again!
In my last blog post (https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/dharma-journey/686067195462189056?source=share), I mentioned I got terminated by two ABA agencies, which means they fired me. After analyzing why these ABA agencies terminated me, I realized one of the reasons was not being consistent with my session schedule. I had several health problems and family emergencies while working with these agencies, which contributed to my inconsistency.
This blog post will be the first blog post of a two-part blog post series about consistency.
Consistency means to continue or retain. A consistent person always acts or behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people, places, or situations, or achieves the same level of success in what they are doing.
According to Cabiojinia (https://cabiojinia.com/10-reasons-why-consistency-is-important/), the reasons why consistency is essential are the following:
Foundation for long-term achievements: consistency is necessary to achieve our long-term goals because if we are not willing to be consistent over a long period, our dreams will remain just dreams.
Enable to develop new habits: When trying to implement a new habit in our life to replace an inappropriate habit, we must be consistent, so the new habit gradually replaces the old one. It will result in a new stable, healthy routine.
Help become disciplined and develop self-control: consistency and discipline work hand in hand; therefore, when we train ourselves to do something to achieve a goal in a controlled manner over a long time, we must do it repeatedly to achieve this goal.
Build self-confidence: when we consistently work toward a goal, we build confidence in ourselves and our abilities. Also, it will inspire the people around us to become more consistent, improving their self-confidence.
Help to prioritize what is important: when we are not consistent, we do not have goals, and we do not bother about tracking our progress toward these goals. However, when we become consistent, we understand the value of time and the importance of planning our actions or steps toward our goals. In other words, we prioritize the actions or steps we plan to achieve our goals.
Sustain accomplishments: when we achieve a goal, what is next? We set another goal to go to the next level in our life. * In psychology, a theory named Maslow's hierarchy of needs states humans are motivated by five categories. I will discuss it more in a later blog post.*
Open doors to opportunities: we might be highly talented in a career area, but if we are not consistent, we will not receive any call from any new job opportunity we apply for. People love to invest in talented people who are consistent over time because it will guarantee work satisfaction from the clients receiving our services.
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
These couple of months have been difficult for me! As you probably know, I work as an RBT with special needs kids, and as I mentioned previously, this job position is challenging and overwhelming!聽
To make the long story short, I have been in and out of cases, and 2 ABA agencies have terminated me in the past months. Due to that, my anxiety and depression are at their peak!聽
Therefore, our topic is "How to overcome being terminated or fired from your job?"
According to Indeed.com, getting fired is more common than some people realize. A company decides to let go of an employee for several reasons, such as unsatisfactory work performance. However, we must find ways to overcome this traumatic and surprising life change to move forward. When we learn to accept our employer's decision, we can begin to rebuild our careers. Below are the seven steps to overcome being fired:聽
LET OURSELVES FEEL OUR EMOTIONS: When we get fired, we most likely feel a mix of emotions, but it's ok to let ourselves feel these emotions as we process this life change. When we realize we eventually can feel good again and move forward from this point in our life. Give ourselves a grieving period to fully accept our new reality and make positive changes.聽
FOCUS ON OURSELVES: as we start to search for a new job, remember to make time for self-care by reading a book, going for a walk outside, or doing any other activity that improves our physical and mental health and makes us feel better.聽
REFLECT ON THE POSITIVES: There may be some positive outcomes of getting fired, such as we were not a right fit for our position. This is the time to find a job that suits better our skills and qualifications.聽
REASSESS OUR WANTS AND NEEDS: let's think about our ideal job. List things we want and need from our following jobs: casual dress code, flexible work hours, or retirement savings plan.聽
SET SMAT GOALS: use our time off to set more goals and decide what we want in our life and career. * I wrote a blog post about SMART GOALS at the beginning of the year. If you want to learn more about it, click on this link - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/dharma-journey/672954056180924416?source=share*
MAKE HEALTHY DECISIONS: 聽make an effort to stay physically active, eat a balanced diet, have a whole night of sleep, or meditate. Remember, when you take care of our bodies, also our minds can benefit. Being physically active with regular exercise can boost our endorphins, putting us in a better mood. By making healthy decisions, we can continue to be our best selves.聽
TAKE BREAK FROM SOCIAL MEDIA: social media is a great way to stay connected with our loved ones; however, it may lead us to compare our lives to others. It may be a great idea to take a break from social media as we cope with our job loss which gives us the chance to focus on our own life.聽
FIND AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT: there are certain areas where we can improve. Ask our employer for a reason for firing you and ask them to elaborate. It can help us to make better decisions in the future for our careers.聽
ASK FOR A LETTER OF TERMINATION: when our employer lets us know we are fired, ask them to write a termination letter. Make sure the letter includes why they are firing you because it could be a helpful document to have if we suspect a contract violation. The termination letter can be proof of reasoning for termination if our future employer asks why we got fired.聽
REMAIN PROFESSIONAL: when our employer fires us, try to remain professional and polite by treating our coworkers with respect. It helps us to leave our workplace on good terms. Maintaining a cordial relationship allows us to have a positive reputation after we are gone.聽
FIND CLOSURE: say goodbye to our coworkers and find ways to thank them for the job opportunity.聽
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
May is almost over, so we will discuss the last topic of our Mental Health Awareness Month, anxiety disorder!聽
It is normal to have some level of anxiety; however, when feeling anxious goes beyond interfering with our ability to function, it is considered an anxiety disorder.聽
Common symptoms include:聽
Feeling nervous, restless, or tense
Sense of panic
Increase heart rate
Hyperventilation (rapid breathing)
Feeling weak or tired
Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry聽
Trouble sleeping
Difficulty controlling worry
Urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety聽
The causes are not fully understood because we experience all types of life experiences, such as traumatic events. However, anxiety has been linked to inherited traits, underlying health issues, or is the first indicator of a medical illness, such as heart disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone levels), COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma, or chronic pain.聽
Traumatic events such as the death of a loved one, work stress, or financial problems
Stress due to an illness
Other mental health disorders such as depression
Have a blood relative with anxiety disorder聽
Drugs or alcohol
Suffering from anxiety disorder can lead to and worsen other mental and physical health conditions, such as:聽
Depression or other mental health disorders
Insomnia (trouble sleeping)
Headaches or chronic pain
Social isolation聽
Problems concentrating or focusing at school and work
Poor quality of life
Suicidal thoughts and attempts聽
Generalized anxiety disorder includes persistent and excessive anxiety and worries about ordinary daily activities or events.
Panic disorder involves repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety, fear, or terror. Physical manifestations include shortness of breath, chest pain, and a rapid pounding heartbeat.聽
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) involves high levels of fear and anxiety, resulting in avoidance of social situations to prevent embarrassment or being judged or viewed negatively by others.聽
Agoraphobia is fear and avoidance of places or situations causing panic or the feeling of being trapped, helpless, or embarrassed.聽
Separation anxiety disorder is a childhood disorder characterized by excessive anxiety related to separation from parents or caregivers.
* If you ask me, what type of anxiety disorder have I been diagnosed? I was diagnosed in 2019 with generalized anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.*
Excessive worry interfering with our work, relationship, and other aspects of our life
Fear, worry, or anxiety difficult to control
Feel depressed, have alcohol or drug problems, or have other mental or physical health conditions mentioned above
Have suicidal thoughts
Unfortunately, there is no way to predict what is the cause of developing an anxiety disorder; however, we can implement the following steps to reduce the impact of the symptoms:聽
Get help from our family, friends, and mental health professionals
Stay physically active by exercising or practicing yoga
Avoid alcohol or drug use
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
May is not over yet! Neither Mental Health Awareness Month! Continuing our blog post series, we will discuss the second most common mood disorder, bipolar disorder!聽
Bipolar disorder or manic depression causes extreme mood swings, including emotional highs (mania) and lows (depression).聽
When the person who has bipolar disorder become depressed, they feel sad and hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in enjoyable activities. However, when their mood shifts to mania, they feel euphoric, full of energy, or unusually irritable. The mood shits affect their sleep, energy, activity, judgment, behavior, and ability to think clearly. Their mood swings episodes can occur rarely or multiple times per year.聽
Although bipolar disorder is a lifelong mental health condition, they can manage their mood swings and other symptoms by the treatment plan implemented by a mental health professional. In most cases, they are treated with medications and psychotherapy. * We discussed CBT which is one of the most common types of psychotherapy, in my previous blog post - https://dharma-journey.tumblr.com/post/684332052270792704/cbt-hello-beautiful-souls-lets-discuss-the*聽
Mania and hypomania are two distinct types of mania episodes with the same symptoms. Mania is more severe than hypomania and causes more noticeable problems at work, school, and social activities. Both mania and hypomania include three or more of the following symptoms:
Abnormal upbeat, jumpy, or wired
Increase activity, energy, or agitation
Exaggerate sense of well-being and self-confidence/ euphoria
Decrease the need for sleep
Unusual talkativeness
Racing thoughts
Poor decision-making聽
Major depression includes severe symptoms to cause noticeable difficulty in daily activities. An episode has five or more of the following symptoms:聽
Depressed mood - feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or tearful聽
Loss of interest or feeling no pleasure in all or almost all activities
Significant weight loss when not dieting, weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite
Insomnia or sleeping too much
Restlessness or slowed behavior
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feeling of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
Decrease ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness
Thinking about, planning, or attempting suicide
The exact cause is unknown, but there are several factors involved:聽
Biology: people with bipolar disorder seem to have physical changes in their brains that are still uncertain but can eventually help pinpoint causes.
Genetics: bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a sibling or parent with this condition.聽
Have a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder
Periods of high stress or traumatic event
Drug or alcohol abuse
Untreated bipolar disorder can result in challenging problems affecting every area of the people with bipolar disorder's life:聽
Issues related to drug and alcohol use
Suicide or suicide attempts
Damaged relationships
Poor work or school performance
If you have any of the symptoms of depression or mania, see a mental health professional. Despite the mood extremes, people with bipolar disorder often do not recognize how much their mental and emotional state disrupts their lives; therefore, they do not get the appropriate treatment.聽
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
Let's discuss the next topic of our mental health awareness month blog post series, CBT!聽
As I mentioned in my previous blog post about depression, CBT is one of the treatments for depression, and as I promised, I will discuss it more in detail!聽
CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is a common type of talk therapy or psychotherapy. We work with a mental health counselor, psychotherapist, or therapist in a structured way by attending a limited number of sessions.聽
Besides depression, CBT can improve symptoms of anxiety disorders, phobias, PTSD, sleep disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), substance use disorders, bipolar disorders *I will discuss this in the next blog post*, Schizophrenia, and sexual disorders.聽
CBT helps us become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking to view challenging situations more clearly to respond to them more effectively.聽
According to Mayo Clinic, CBT can help us to:聽
Manage symptoms of the mental health disorder
Prevent a relapse of mental health disorder symptoms
Treat mental health disorders when medications are not a good option
Learn techniques for coping with stressful life situations
Identify ways to manage emotions
Resolve relationship conflicts
Learn better ways to communicate
Cope with grief or loss
Overcome emotional trauma related to abuse or violence
Cope with mental health disorders
Manage chronic physical symptoms聽
There is little risk with CBT; however, we can feel emotionally uncomfortable because CBT can cause us to explore painful feelings, emotions, and experiences. We can cry, get upset, feel angry, or feel physically drained during challenging sessions.聽
Find a therapist: get a referral from a doctor, health insurance plan, friend, or trusted source
Understand the costs: find out if our health insurance plan covers psychotherapy and talk to the therapist about fees and payment options
Review concerns: before the first appointment, think about what issues would like to work on
CBT can be done one-on-one or in groups with family members or people with similar issues, such as in support groups. CBT often includes:聽
Learn about our mental health condition
Learn and practice techniques such as relaxation, coping, resilience, and stress management
Identify troubling situations or conditions such as medical conditions, divorce, grief, anger, or symptoms of mental health disorders
Become aware of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs about these problems by observing what we tell ourselves about an experience (self-talk), interpreting the meaning of the situation, and believing about ourselves, others, and events. The therapist can suggest we journal our thoughts
Identify negative thinking to recognize patterns of thought and behavior that can contribute to our mental health condition. The therapist can ask us to pay attention to our physical, emotional, and behavioral responses in different situations
Reshape those negative thinking. The therapist encourages us to ask ourselves whether our view of a situation is based on facts or inaccurate perception of what's going on. This step can be difficult, but with practice, helpful thinking and behavior patterns will become a habit
CBT can be considered short-term therapy from 5 to 20 sessions. However, the therapist can discuss how many sessions may be proper for us. Some factors to consider include:聽
Type of mental health condition
Severity of symptoms
How long we have had the symptoms
How quickly we make progress
How much stress we are experiencing
How much support do we receive from family members and friends
CBT may not cure our mental health conditions or make a traumatic or challenging situation go away; however, it can provide us the power to cope with our problems in a healthy way and feel better about ourselves and our lives. To get the most out of CBT, you can take the steps below:聽
Approach therapy as a partnership because it is most effective when we are active participants and share in decision-making
Stick to our treatment plan by attending all our sessions and giving some thought to what we want to discuss
Be open and honest because our success with therapy depends on our willingness to share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences and on being open to new insights and ways of doing things
Do not expect instant results because working on our emotional issues can be painful and often requires hard work; therefore, we might need several sessions before we begin to see improvements
Do our homework between sessions. If our therapist requests us to read, journal, or do activities outside of our regular therapy sessions, we should follow-through
If therapy is not helping, speak to our therapist to decide on any changes or try s different approach
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
Continuing with our mental health awareness month blog post series, we will discuss one of the most common but serious mood disorders, depression!聽
I mentioned in previous blog posts that I have suffered from depression since maybe I was in middle school. However, I was officially diagnosed with major depressive disorder in the Summer of 2019. Depression is one of my biggest challenges and struggles to overcome. My healing journey includes I have been committed to writing this Tumblr blog, meditating, practicing yoga, taking my medications, being physically active, setting boundaries, and practicing my healing practice, such as self-reiki.聽
Depression causes severe symptoms affecting how we feel, think, and handle daily activities like sleeping, eating, or working.聽
To be diagnosed with depression, symptoms must be present for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks.聽
Not everyone who suffers from depression experiences every symptom. Some experience only a few symptoms, while others may experience many.聽
Symptoms of depression can include:聽
Persistent sadness, anxiety, or "empty" mood
Feeling hopeless or pessimism
Feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
Decreased energy or fatigue
Feeling restless or having trouble sitting still聽
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Appetite or weight changes
Death or suicide thoughts, or suicide attempts
Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without clear physical cause
According to NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), research suggests depression is caused by genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.聽
Depression can happen at any age but often begins in adulthood. In midlife or older adults, depression can so-occur with other chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's disease.聽
Risk factors include:聽
Personal or family history of depression
Major life changes, trauma, or stress
Certain physical medical conditions and medications
The earlier the treatment begins, the more effective it is. Depression is usually treated with medications, psychotherapy, or both.聽
CBT: a form of psychological treatment effective for various mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety disorder. *I will discuss CBT in more detail in the next post*
Be physically active or exercise.
Set realistic goals: *I wrote a blog post back in January about SMART goals. Here is the link to the post - https://dharma-journey.tumblr.com/post/672954056180924416/hello-beautiful-souls-we-are-still-in-january*
Spend time with family and friends
Try not to isolate ourselves
Ask family and friends for help
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!
Today, we will start with the first mental health disorder group type I mentioned in my previous blog post, mood disorders!
WHAT IS A MOOD DISORDER? Mood disorder is a mental health problem mainly affecting our emotional state. We experience long periods of extreme happiness, sadness, or both. Remember, it is usual to change our mood depending on our situation; however, we must present symptoms for several weeks or longer to be diagnosed with a mood disorder.
Mood disorders cause changes in our behavior and affect our ability to deal with stress in routine activities, such as work or school.
Two of the most common mood disorders are depression and bipolar disorder.
*This blog post will review the most common disorders. I will provide deeper information about them separately in the following blog posts.*
DEPRESSION Depression is characterized by grief or sadness resulting from a traumatic life event or crisis, such as the death of a loved one, loss of a job, or significant illness like cancer. When depression continues to be present even when the stressful event is over or there is no apparent cause, mental health professionals classify the depression as clinical or major depression. To be diagnosed with clinical or major depression, we must present the symptoms for two weeks or more.
BIPOLAR DISORDER Bipolar disorder is defined by mood swings from periods of depression to mania. Depressive episodes alternate with manic episodes or mania. When we experience a low mood, symptoms resemble clinical depression. During a manic episode, we may feel elated or irritable or have increased activity levels.
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
Did you know May is Mental Health Awareness month? As someone suffering from mental health, it is crucial to raise awareness about the disorders associated with mental health. Therefore, we will start a brand new blog post series about mental health!聽
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how someone thinks, feels, and acts. It helps determine how someone handles stress, relates to other people, and makes choices.聽
Mental health is essential at every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. If someone experiences mental health problems throughout their life, their thinking, mood, and behavior could be affected.聽
Some factors contributing to mental health can include:聽
Biology: genes or brain chemistry聽
Life experiences: trauma or abuse
Family history of mental health problems
Some groups of mental disorders can be:聽
Mood disorders: depression or bipolar disorder
Anxiety disorders
Personality disorders
Psychotic disorders: schizophrenia
Eating disorders
Trauma-related disorders: PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Substance abuse disorders
*I will discuss the main groups of mental disorders in the following blog post to continue this mental health series.*
If someone is experiencing one or more of the feelings or behaviors below, we can be considered an early warning of suffering from a mental disorder.聽
Eat or sleep too much or too little
Pull away from people and activities
Have low or no energy聽
Feel numb or like nothing matters
Have unexplained aches and pains
Feel hopeless or helpless
Feel confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared without any reason聽
Yell or fight with family and friends
Experience severe mood swings causing problems in relationships
Hear voices or believe things that are not true
Thought of harming oneself or others
Inability to perform daily tasks such as taking care of oneself or getting to work or school聽
Establishing positive mental health well-being can allow to:
Realize one's full potential聽
Cope with stressful situations in life
Work productively聽
Make meaningful contributions to one's community聽
Ways to maintain positive mental health include:聽
Get professional help if it is needed: therapy or a psychiatrist.聽
Connect with like-minded people
Stay positive: affirmations, meditation, breathwork, etc.聽
Be physically active: workout, yoga, etc.
Help others: volunteer in one's community.
Get enough sleep
Develop coping skills: journaling
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dharma-journey 2 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
It has been a while since my last blog post, right? But great news! I'm back!聽
To celebrate the 15th annual World Autism Month, now this April, and the previously World Autism Awareness Day, last April 2nd, our next topic is Autism Spectrum Disorder!聽
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?聽
According to the Autism Speaks website, Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Autism affects about 1 in 44 children in the United States.聽
ASD is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behavior.聽
There is not one autism but many subtypes influenced mainly by genetic and environmental factors. Due to the fact autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. Therefore, people with autism can be ranged from highly skilled to severely challenged in learning, thinking, and problem-solving skills.聽
Most challenging autistic people may require significant support in their daily lives. This support can be RBTs, BCaBAs, BCBAs, Speech therapists, Occupational therapists, etc.
Diagnosing ASD can be difficult because there is no medical test to diagnose the disorder, such as a blood test. ASD can be diagnosed by observing the child's developmental history and behavior.聽
Parents, caregivers, or pediatricians can notice some signs and symptoms of ASD before the person reaches one year old or as early as 18 months. However, signs and symptoms of ASD usually appear at age 2 or 3.
What conditions are considered ASD?聽
Asperger's syndrome or level 1 spectrum disorder: milder end of ASD. A child with Asperger's may be brilliant and able to handle their daily life. They can focus their attention on topics that interest them and discuss them nonstop. However, they have difficulty socializing.
Rett syndrome: rare neurodevelopmental disorder mainly affects girls. However, it can be diagnosed in boys. It presents challenges that affect almost every aspect of a child's life. The child can still enjoy and live a fulfilling life with the proper care, such as family time together or providing support to allow the child to do what they want.聽
Childhood disintegrative disorder: rarest and most severe part of ASD. It described children who develop typically and then quickly lose many social, language, and mental skills, usually between 2 to 4 years old. Often, these children develop a seizure disorder.聽
Kanner's syndrome or classic autistic disorder: a child with Kanner's syndrome appears attractive, alert, and intelligent with underlying characteristics of the condition such as lack of emotional attachment with others, communication and interaction challenges, uncontrolled speech, obsession with handling items, high degree of rote memory (memorization of information based on repetition) and visuospatial skills (capacity to identify the visual and spatial relationship among things) with significant difficulties learning in other areas.聽
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD-NOS): a child with some but not all characteristics of ASD or who has relatively mild symptoms. The child may have significant autism symptoms in one core area, such as social deficits, by mild or no symptoms in another core area, such as restricted or repetitive behaviors.聽
Signs and symptoms
Social communication and interaction can include:
Avoid or do not keep eye contact.
Do not respond to name by nine months of age.
Do not show facial expressions (happy, sad, angry, or surprised) by nine months of age.
Do not play simple interactive games by twelve months of age.
Use few or no gestures (wave goodbye) by twelve months of age (1 year)
Do not share interests (show favorite toy with others) by fifteen months of age.聽
Do not point to show someone something interesting by eighteen months of age (1 year and six months)
Do no notice when others are hurt or upset by twenty-four months of age (2 years old)
Overlook other children and join them to play by thirty-six months of age (3 years old)
Do not pretend to be something else, like play to be a teacher, doctor, or superhero by forty-eight months of age (4 years old)
Do not sing, dance, or act for someone by 60 months of age (5 years old)
Restricted or repetitive behaviors and interests can include:聽
Line up toys or other items and gets upset when order is changed
Repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia)
Play with toys the same way every time聽
Focus on parts of an item (wheels of a toy car)
Get upset by minor changes聽
Have obsessive interests
Mus follow certain routines聽
Flap hands, rock body, or spin self in circles
Have unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look or feel
Other characteristics most people with ASD can have include:聽
Delayed language, movement, cognitive, or learning skills
Hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive behavior
Unusual eating or seizure disorder
Unique mood or emotional reactions聽
Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry聽
Even though ASD does not have a "cure," there are several effective interventions to improve the child's functioning:聽
Applied behavior analysis (ABA): involves a systematic study of a child's functional challenges聽
Speech & language therapy: improve child's speech patterns and understanding of language
Occupational therapy: address adaptive skills deficits with activities of daily living and problems with handwriting
Special education services: under an Individual Education Plan provided by the school, which accommodates the child's social communication deficits, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. These services include special day classes for early childhood to address language, social, and life skills.聽
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dharma-journey 3 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
Let's discuss the higher job position among the ABA providers, BCBA!聽
BCBAs (board-certified behavior analysts) are independent ABA practitioners or providers with a graduate-level certification in ABA.
They are involved in the study of how to conduct assessments to determine what is influencing behavior, then offer consultations for parents, caregivers, and clients, on how to avoid challenging maladaptive behaviors to increase positive behaviors or change problematic behavior. They receive this certification through the BACB and may supervise BCaBAs, RBTs, and other professionals who implement ABA therapy interventions.聽
BCBAs use scientific and systematic processes to assist an individual's behavior. They analyze clients' motivations and how they affect their behavior and then develop treatment plans to correct maladaptive behaviors and encourage positive behaviors. They specialize in ASD (autism), developmental disabilities, brain injuries, or emotional, social, or mental health disorders. They work with families, teachers, or other psychological professionals to monitor and support clients in schools, classrooms, hospitals, clinics, and nonprofits.
BCBA-Ds are BCBAs with doctoral training in ABA. BCBA-D (Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral) is not a separate certification, and it does not grant any privileges above or beyond BCBA certification. They function in the same capacity as BCBAs and must meet all BCBA maintenance requirements.聽
Exam clients with behavioral disorders
Study how changes in their environment affect their behavior
Create treatment plans to correct maladaptive behaviors
Use research principles to facilitate behavioral changes聽
Work in conjunction with BCaBAs to help clients with their treatments
Communicate with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals involved in the treatment process
Oversee and organize a selection of ABA programs and interventions聽
Create awareness for professionals who design learning programs and evaluations
There are four pathways for BCBA certification, and each path requires a degree, ABA coursework, supervised fieldwork, and passing the BCBA certification exam.
1) ABAI (Associate for Behavior Analysis Internation) accredited program: degree from an ABAI-accreditated master's or doctoral program in three acceptable fields of study (ABA, education or psychology) in 2015 or later, and supervised fieldwork (2,00 hrs and 5% of hrs per supervision period) or concentrated supervised fieldwork (1,500 hrs and 10% of hrs per supervisory period)
2) ABA coursework: have an acceptable graduate degree from a qualifying institution, completed acceptable graduate coursework in ABA, and supervised fieldwork or concentrated supervised fieldwork. To complete ABA coursework, you must meet the requirements:
Coursework was graduate-level and from a qualifying institution聽
Received academic credit for the coursework
Coursework reflects you received a passing grade (C or higher in a graded course or pass in pass/fail system) in each course
Coursework covers all of the content areas and the number of hrs (315 hrs): BCBA ethics code and code-enforcement system (professionalism) (45 hrs), philosophical underpinnings (concepts & principles) (90 hrs), measurement, data display, and interpretation (experimental design) (45 hrs), behavior Assessment (45 hrs), behavior-change procedure (selecting and implementing interventions) (60 hrs), and personnel supervision and management (30 hrs).
When applying for BCBA certification under this pathway, you can show you meet the requirements by:聽
Verified course sequence (VCS) coordinator coursework attestation: your BCBA-certified VCS coordinator reviews all of your course materials and if all requirements have been met聽
Course-by-course review: ABAI works with academic institutions to verify sequences of course (VCS) that have been prescreened to meet BCBA coursework requirements
To determine you meet the coursework requirements, you can submit your official transcription(s) for all qualifying ABA courses you will use to meet the requirements. If your VCS coordinator completed a VCS coordinator coursework attestation, it must email directly to the BACB.
If you are unsure your program meets BACB requirements, you can request a preliminary review by completing an application for coursework evaluation. The review process requires submitting the coursework at least 90 days before submitting your exam application. The cost is $100. All coursework must be graded academic credit.
3) Faculty teaching and research: you must have an acceptable graduate degree, have a full-time faculty position in ABA, including research and teaching, and complete supervised fieldwork.聽
Faculty appointment: you must have at least three years of full-time work as a faculty member at a qualifying institution within five years
Teaching: faculty appointment must include: At least five sections of ABA coursework, at least two of the following ABA content areas in separate courses: concepts and principles, single-subject research methods, ABA, and ethics in ABA, each course must be exclusively devoted to ABA content, or taught coursework at the graduate-level.
Research: publish one journal article with the following characteristics: ABA in nature, at least one experimental evaluation, published in a high-quality, peer-reviewed journal, first, second, or corresponding author, and publish at any point in your career.聽
To demonstrate you meet requirements when you apply, you must submit a letter from the department chair indicating teaching requirements were completed along with course syllabi, or you must submit a copy of your published article.
4) Postdoctoral experience: you must have an acceptable doctoral degree conferred ten years ago, completed at least ten years of postdoctoral practical experience, and completed 500 hrs of supervised fieldwork and 5% hrs per supervisory period. The postdoctoral experience must:
Include ten years o full-time, cumulative experience practicing ABA聽
Occurred under a relevant state/provincial license or national professional credential, and you may have held different certifications at different times during the ten years.
Fieldwork hrs
Depending on the type of fieldwork hrs, you must complete either 2,000 supervised fieldwork hrs or 1,500 concentrated supervised fieldwork hrs to meet the requirements. Depending on the pathway, you must need the following:
Applying under pathway 1 or 2, you must start the graduate-level ABA coursework (begin to accumulate hrs after attending your first class)
For the fieldwork to be counted, a passing grade of C or higher in a graded course or pass in pass/fail system must be earned in the qualifying ABA course
Some restrictions to keep in mind are:聽
You must accumulate a minimum of 20 but no more than 130 hrs per month聽
They must include independent hrs (supervisor not present) and supervised hrs (supervisor present)
Duration may not exceed five continuous years
Preparing for the fieldwork experience
Before begin accumulating your fieldwork hrs:
Begin your qualifying coursework: begin your fieldwork hrs as soon as your graduate program starts, and you attend your first class
Review BACB experience standards and pass the experience standards training module: complete experience aligned with the BACB's experience standards by reviewing them with your supervisory before beginning your fieldwork experience. This document includes the Experience Supervision Form completed at least once during each supervision period and the Experience Verification Form completed after the experience is achieved.聽
Secure a qualifying supervisor (independent fieldwork only): ensure your supervisor meets at least one of these requirements: BACB in good standing, approved instructor of BACB-VCS, or licensed psychologist certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology with an ABA credential
Fieldwork activities聽
The fieldwork experience focuses on acquiring the necessary skills to demonstrate competence in ABA and to interact effectively with clients, supervisors, families, and others. Your supervisor will help you determine which activities are qualified; however, you should expect several experiences in different settings and with different clients. BACB strongly encouraged BCBA candidates to have multiple experiences.聽The fieldwork consists of:
Conduct assessments related to behavior intervention (functional assessments, staff performance assessments, stimulus preference, assessments, etc.) or evaluation of behavior interventions
Design, implement and systematically monitor skill-acquisition and behavior reduction programs
Write behavior plans, progress summaries, clinical notes, transition summaries, and professional correspondence
Oversee implementation of ABA programs
Train and design behavior systems and performance management
Communicate and collaborate effectively with caregivers and other professionals
Other activities usually performed by BCBA such as attending planning meetings about the ABA program and research information relevant to a current client's programming
BACB recognizes three categories of acceptable experience:聽
Practicum: 1,000 hrs with one month of a supervisory period during which you must have at least four contacts/observations with your supervisor
Intensive practicum: 750 hrs with one month of a supervisory period during which you must have at least eight contacts/observations with your supervisor
Both require explicit oversight and involvement by a VCS when only VCS is offered. Both require a passing grade (C or better) in all experience courses.
Independent fieldwork: if the program you are completed does not offer practicum or choose to complete independent experience, you must complete 1,500 hrs with one month of a supervisory period during which you must have two contacts/observations with your supervisor. You are responsible for securing an appropriate experience and obtaining the necessary supervision.聽
Client requirement
Any client or group of clients for whom ABA services are appropriate
You must not be related to the client, be the client's primary caregiver, or be related to the client's primary caregiver
During your hrs, you must work with, be observed by, and receive feedback from your supervisor for multiple clients during the fieldwork hrs experience, which is applicable for the duration of the fieldwork.聽
Apply, take, and pass the BCBA exam
Once you have completed your ABA coursework and fieldwork, it's time to take the BCBA exam! You must apply, pay the application fee to take the exam, and pass it through Pearson Vue.聽聽
The exam evaluates the knowledge gained and skills to become a BCBA, such as basic ABA skills, experimental design, and behavior-change procedures. It consists of 150 questions plus ten ungraded pilot questions for 160 questions in total based on the BACB task list. You have four hrs to complete it. You will be notified of your test results within 45 days of the administration window through the BACB gateway. You will only receive notice you have passed the exam. Some content areas are:聽
Basic ABA skills: measurement, experimental design, behavior change considerations, fundamental elements of behavior change, specific behavior change procedures, and behavior change systems.
Client-centered responsibilities: identification of the problem, measurement, assessment, intervention, and implementation, management, and supervision.聽
State license
The final step is to apply for a state license in the state you want to practice. You will need to maintain your license and certification by meeting ethics and continuing education (CEUs) requirements.
Maintain BCBA certification
The renewal period of your BCBA credential is every two years. The cost is $215. To maintain your certification, you must:聽
Meet CEUs聽
Complete renewal forms, submit renewal fees and complete all attestations and reporting requirements through the BACB gateway
Adhere to the BACB's ethical compliance code for behavior analysis, which outlines professional and ethical requirements for all BACB applicants
You must complete at least 32 units of acceptable CEUs, 4 hrs of which must be in ethics content. Acceptable CEUs can be satisfied through any of the following categories:
College or university coursework (100%)
CE issued by approved continuing education providers (100%)
Non-approved events (25%)
Instruction of category 1 or 2 CE events (50%)
BACB-issued CEU (25%)
Pass BACB exam again (100%)
Scholarly activities (25%)
At least 25% of the total CEUs must come from categories 1 or 2. Max of 75% of total CEUs can come from categories 3-6. You can also take and pass the BCBA exam to replace the CEUs. The cost of taking the exam for CEUs is $130.聽
How long does it take to get the BCBA certification?聽
The process can take between 6-10 years, depending on your undergraduate (bachelor's) and graduate (master's) studies and relevant experiences.
How much is the BCBA certification?
Application for coursework evaluation ($100)
BCBA exam application ($245)
Exam ($125)
Re-take fee ($140)
Renewal fee ($215)
BCBA exam for CEUs ($120)
What can you do with your BCBA certification?聽
Some of the careers and other jobs related to ABA include:
Serve as a consultant for large corporations that provides services to children with ASD
Supervise RBTs or direct-care therapists
Work with school districts to offer ABA for children with special needs
Supervise or manage organizations that provide ABA therapy
Work as Insurance Care Advocate for an insurance company focused on ABA therapy
Assist special education lawyer
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dharma-journey 3 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!
We already discussed what RBT and ABA are. After RBT, the following job position is the BCaBA (Boars Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst).
A BCaBA is an undergraduate level (Bachelor degree) certification in applied behavior analysis (ABA) who provides behavior-analytic services under the supervision of the BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) and may supervise the work of RBTs. A BCaBA usually has more of a supportive role in gathering data, maintaining records, etc.
BCaBA certification is often a requirement of employment for many funders and licensure boards since it makes it easy to verify the ABA provider's knowledge and skill set. They can provide behavior analysis services to individuals with ASD, pervasive developmental disorders, brain injuries, or developmental disabilities in schools, in-home care companies, community clinics, and private practices. They can be teachers, language pathologists, or social workers. Understanding behavior at BCaBAs level can be in therapy and counseling, sociology, psychology, and political science. However, some BCaBAs work in a more scientific setting, such as conducting experiments or studies and collecting data.
The BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc) sets RBTs, BCaBAs, and BCBAs requirements. For BCaBAs, there are three basic requirements:
Bachelor's degree approved by BACB in any field from an accredited university
Approved or accepted courses in behavior analysis
Supervised experience
There are two pathways to meet the ABA coursework for the BCaBA certification:
ABAI Accredited Undergraduate Program meets both the degree and the coursework needed to take the BCaBA exam
Verified Course Sequence meets verified by ABAI as meeting the BACB coursework requirements
Both pathways cover the same ABA areas such as:
BACB ethics code and code-enforcement systems (Ethical and professional conduct)
Philosophical underpinnings (Concepts and principles)
Measurement, data display, and interpretation (experimental design)
Behavior-change procedure (Selecting and implementing interventions)
Personal supervision and management
Student analysts on any of the pathways towards BCaBAs must complete supervised fieldwork in ABA before taking the BCaBA exam. Students can choose from two different types of fieldwork:
1,300 supervised fieldwork hours
1,000 concentrated supervised fieldwork hours, which allows students to complete the fieldwork with fewer hours and more supervision
Students can complete a combination of supervised experience, and BCBA provides a mathematical formula for students to use when determining how many hours they have met.
There are criteria supervisors must meet for the fieldwork hours quality. The supervisor must be one of the following:
Active BCBA in good standing who has been certified at least one year
Active BCBA certified less than one year but receiving consultation monthly from a qualified consulting supervisor
Licensed or Registered Psychologist certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology who has ABA credentials
Authorized verified course sequence instructor
Applying for BCaBA certification
There are three steps to completing the application:
Complete the application in the BABC website account and provide attestations in the Eligibility Affidavit Section
Submit payment
Submit supplemental documentation, including transcripts and fieldwork verification forms
Once the BACB receives and reviews your information, they will determine if your application is approved or not. If it is approved, you are ready to schedule your exam appointment.
BCaBA exam is designed to assess your knowledge of the BCaBA Task List (now, 5th edition). There are 160 multiple-choice questions, and students have 4 hours to complete the exam, which is taken at an authorized test site via online proctoring. In most cases, students will know if they passed or failed the exam before leaving the testing center.
An average salary for a BCaBA is around $45,000 each year for educational and scientific jobs. Other fields pay more; however, they require more coursework and experience, such as psychologists and sociologists who hold a BCaBA credential can make around $80,000.
How to maintain your BCaBA certification?
BCaBAs must complete some requirements to maintain the certification, which includes:
Adhere to ethics and self-reporting requirements
Meet ongoing supervision requirements
Submit a recertification application and fees every two years
Complete 20 continuing education units (CEUs) each two-year cycle
Practice under supervision of a qualified supervisor with a BCBA certification or a licensed or registered psychologist who has ABA credentials
Becoming a BCaBA can help boost your career because it means that you are committed to your job and the field of ABA by creating a better reputation for you and your employer. It looks great on your resume and can have many positive outcomes like open doors inside the fields of ABA and other careers like teaching, psychology, and lab science.
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dharma-journey 3 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!
Now that we know what an RBT is and what we do, we can discuss what type of therapy we apply, ABA therapy.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on learning and behavior science. ABA therapy has been life-changing because it helps us understand how our behavior works, how it is affected by the environment, and how learning occurs. It is effective for people of all ages, from early childhood to adulthood.
ABA is a therapeutic treatment focused on developing specific skills in people with developmental conditions such as ASD, including learning or studying, verbal and nonverbal communication, and life skills required to get a job and maintain overall health. It increases language and communication skills, improves attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics, and decreases problem behaviors.
Who provides ABA services?
ABA programs involve BCBA, BCaBA, and RBTs trained to work directly with children and adults with ASD and related developmental disorders to practice skills and work toward goals written on the ABA program.
How does ABA therapy work?
Involve many techniques to understand and change behaviors
Flexible treatment adapted to meet the needs of each unique individual
Teach valuable skills for everyday life
Involve positive reinforcements when desirable behavior is followed by a reward the person likes encouraging positive behavior change or continue using the skill
ABC or antecedent, behavior, and consequences involve understanding what happens right before a target behavior occurs (antecedent), the person's response or lack of response to the antecedent (behavior), and what comes directly after the behavior (consequence). Antecedents can be verbal (command or request), physical (toy or object), light, sound, environment, another person, or internal stimulus (thoughts or feelings). Consequences can be positive reinforcement of the desired behavior or no reaction to an inappropriate response.
What does an ABA program include?
An essential component of ABA therapy is implementing a written behavior plan that documents the structure of each therapy session, the overall treatment plan, and meeting the individual's needs. RBTs work off a written behavior plan created by a BCBA. This plan features the operational definitions of target behaviors, replacement behaviors to practice, modifications of consequences to focus on positive reinforcement, and emergency measures.
The written behavior plan establishes how the ABA therapy interventions must be based on evidence, focus on socially significant behaviors, create measurable objective goals, and directly assess changes in behavior with visualized information like graphs.
The goal of any ABA program is to help the individual become more independent and thrive in the short term and the future.
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dharma-journey 3 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!
It has been a while since my last post, right?聽
I mentioned before that I am an RBT (Registered Behavior Technician). Probably you do not know what an RBT does? Do not worry; I did not know either before starting the RBT requirement process! .聽
What an RBT does?聽
RBTs are primarily responsible for delivering applied behavior analysis (ABA) services by implementing behavior plans developed by BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) or BCaBA (Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst) and collecting data. They do not provide treatment alone. They practice under the guidance, direction, and close supervision of a BCBA who gives RBTs specific assignments in their task list to understand measurements of change and success and adjust the treatment plan as needed.聽
RBTs help BCBAs to administer the critical ABA therapy approach by working directly one-on-one with children, teens, and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other diagnoses that would benefit from ABA therapy. They work in various environments, such as their homes, schools, therapy centers, offices, or medical centers, because this therapy is adapted to individual needs.聽
RBTs are trained to reduce problematic or negative behaviors. They help people with autism learn better approaches to managing maladaptive behaviors, communication, socialization, and understanding and managing emotional reactions.聽
RBT is paraprofessional certification in behavior analysis. The position is an entry-level health care position with basic requirements to qualify for the certificate. RBTs must be competent in measurement, assessment, skill acquisition, behavior reduction, documentation and reporting, and professional conduct and scope of practice principles specified by the BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board).
How do you become an RBT?聽
Be at least 18 years old
Have a high school diploma
Pass a background check
Complete specialized 40-hour training course through a business or organization approved by the BACB to implement treatment programs
Complete the initial assessment of competency with a BCBA
Pass the BACB's certification exam
How to take the RBT exam & get certified?聽
Collect all required materials such as a copy of high school diploma or college degree, completed 40-hour training course certification, and passed a background check
Pay certification application fee ($50)
Contact an RBT supervisor or BCBA to complete the portion of the RBT application confirming they will supervise you after you become a certified RBT聽
Schedule and pay for the RBT certification exam to Pearson VUE ($45). You can get your results on-site, so you know if you are certified to be an RBT or not. If you do not pass the exam the first time, you can retake it a week later. You are authorized to take the exam for a year after finishing the 40-hour training.聽
After passing, BACB emails you a certification letter within a week, including the expiration date, so you know when to renew your certification and your certification number.聽
What are the benefits of becoming an RBT?聽
Work satisfaction by providing positive changes 聽the lives of many people who need your help
Opportunity to advance your career without a college degree
Enjoy a steady salary. On average, the RBT salary in the USA is around $40,000 per year.
Work anywhere within the 50 states and Canada. The RBT credential is a national credential allowing you to move anywhere in the country and find employment.
What is the RBTs code of ethics?
Uphold and promote the core principles of ABA therapy
Create an honest environment to promote and support truthful behaviors in others
Conform to the ethical and legal codes of professional and social communities of which they are members
Provide a current and accurate set of credential聽
Support the legal rights and preferences of clients
Avoid and refuse to share information about clients per privacy laws (HIPAA)
Maintain, store, distribute and dispose of records and data related to the services and clients under HIPAA policies and regulations
Practice with clients only under required supervision
How do you maintain your RBT certification?聽
Uphold ongoing supervision as you practice for the next year
Adhere to the ethics of ABA practice
Renew your certification every year by completing the renewal application and renewal competency assessment 45 days before your certification expires
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dharma-journey 3 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!聽
I want to share a personal story on this blog post! As I previously mentioned, I work as an RBT (Registered Behavioral Technician), and one of the challenges is to remain calm, motivated, and firm when working with disabled children. Therefore, I tend to burnout emotionally, mentally, and physically.聽
Nowadays, most of us who have a demanding job position tend to burnout leading to fatigue, mood swings, and isolation. So in this blog post, we are discussing what job burnout is?聽
What is job burnout?聽
Job burnout is a particular type of work-related stress leading to physical or emotional exhaustion and decreased work performance. It can drain our energy and motivation to do our job, negatively affecting our life.聽聽
Some signs of job burnout are:
Declining work performance
Dropping work efficiency
Losing the confidence of achieving your goals
Avoiding work-related tasks
Exhaustion or fatigue
Losing interest in your work
A possible cause can be:聽
Lack of control - inability to influence decisions that affect your job like schedule or workload聽
Unclear job expectations - unclear degree of authority, what your supervision and others expect from you, or you're not comfortable at work
Extremes of activity - monotonous or chaotic work environment with not constant energy to remain focused
No reward - no opportunity for growth, new challenges, or positive feedback聽
Values - your work is not aligned with your values聽
Honeymoon - you feel creative, energized and you do not mind skipping lunch or working late because you're excited by this new job
Balancing act - you have good and bad days. You want to keep up your performance at work, but it takes more out of you to do so. You start to forget things and find yourself unable to sleep due to the stress
Chronic stress symptoms - you feel stressed, uneasy, and resentful most workdays. You feel exhausted, apathetic, depressed, cynical, or doubtful that things can change
Burnout - you feel the mental, emotional and physical symptoms of burnout. You skip work, procrastinate, or miss deadlines. You think about quitting, running away, or escaping聽
Enmeshment - burnout has become your new default setting. You are not able to remember a time before you felt this way. At this point, you may be diagnosed with anxiety and depression before recognizing burnout as the underlying cause
How to diagnose work-related burnout?聽
Are you having more bad days than good days at work?聽
Do you find yourself irritable at the end of the week?聽
Do you have stomach aches, back or neck pain, or headaches?聽
Hove your sleep habits changed (sleep more or sleep less than usual)?聽
Do you have problems focusing at work?聽
Are you avoiding work or check-ins with your manager or supervisor?聽
Do you fantasize about quitting your job?聽
Are you too exhausted or fatigued to do anything fun when you're not working?聽
Now that we know how to identify if we have job burnout, we can check the consequences:聽
Excessive stress
Negative feelings and emotions such as sadness, anger, or irritability
Reduced immune response
Chronic physical and mental disorders such as heart diseases, hypertension (high blood pressure), type 2 diabetes, anxiety, and depression
No work motivation or satisfaction聽
Ways to treat and handle job burnout:
Pay attention to your feelings and emotions
Set boundaries
Balance work-life by finding positive outlets to relieve work-related stress
Share your concerns with your manager or supervisor
Prioritize your physical and mental health by exercising, drinking water, practicing mindfulness, yoga, meditation, or getting enough sleep
Ask for help from your family, life coach, or therapist
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dharma-journey 3 years
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Hello, beautiful souls!
Recalling in 2020 and continuing in 2021, we were struck by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the new year 2022, we are still trying to overcome this pandemic. We have the COVID rapid and PCR test, COVID vaccines, booster, the 6 feet away, the mask restrictions in federal and local institutions, etc. And now, we are dealing with new COVID variants, such as the omicron variant.
However, with all these restrictions and the hysteric danger of contract 聽 COVID, I think we can still make 2022 the best year. So let's discuss today ways to boost our immunity to prevent COVID.
1) Exercise regularly: it is recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes per week. I want to be honest, you might think that 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) could be a lot. However, it is a weekly target time. So if we think about it, we can spend 30 minutes during the day for five days to achieve the 150 minutes target. An example is going to the gym and workout for 30 minutes or taking a 10-minutes walk three times per day.
2) Eat fruits and vegetables: instead of eating chips or crackers for a snack, what about fruits such as strawberries or bananas? If you are a smoothie lover, this is your year!
3) Get enough sleep: I can't address enough how vital it is to have a good night's sleep. However, if you can't reach the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep, remember to take breaks and naps during the day to recharge.
4) Reduce your daily stress: find ways to decrease your stress level by meditating, doing yoga, doing breathwork, making art and crafts, and doing hobbies regularly. And again, exercise.
5) Take precautions to prevent the COVID spread: the best way to stop the spread is to follow the CDC recommendations. Even if you are vaccinated, the best way to avoid COVID is to wear your mask in crowded facilities, wash your hands, or carry hand sanitizer.
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