dharrow20 · 4 years
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#blm #blacklivesmatter #commongoal #dontloosesight #dontloosefocus #fightingforblacklives #fightingforourfuture https://www.instagram.com/p/CBL-lmGjV3x/?igshid=ylqo6k4693y1
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dharrow20 · 4 years
Stop it. Just Stop IT!
Racism is found at your family game nights in the board games you play.
Racism is found in your video games.
Racism is found in your textbooks.
Racism is found in the media by the constant display of the Eurocentric standards of beauty.
Racism is found in the dress codes of businesses.
Racism is found in the compliments and praises given to POCs to reinforce behavior deemed appropriate by the majority race.
Racism isn’t light and fluffy.
Racism isn’t a short-term battle.
Racism isn’t a little thing that can be undone by simply loving each other.
Racism was built centuries ago.
Racism is in the foundation of this country.
Racism is implanted in your everyday life.
Racism is in your subconscious.
Racism is SYSTEMIC.
It is in the laws and bylaws that govern this country.
It is not easily fixed because it is in the constitution.
Racism is destroyed by government officials elected by YOU.
Racism is destroyed by Laws that can be proposed by YOU, but it will not go anywhere unless the proper body of government officials are in place.
Racism is destroyed by accountability by peers, supervisors, managers, and family.
Quit looking for the quick fix, there isn’t one.
Don’t you dare think that this fight is over once the prosecution of #GeorgeFloyd murderers is done.
He is but one murdered soul in a sea of many, this however, does not make him any less significant.
This fight is one that will take a lot of work.
This fight requires a lot of support.
This fight requires a lot of love.
But in this fight, love is NOT all you need.
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dharrow20 · 4 years
Dear “supportive” white people,
I get it, your moment has arrived finally that you can show how much you care and support your black and other POC comrades. I’m glad that the trauma has finally built to a point that so many of you can no longer stand for it. Don’t get it twisted, I am happy that so many non POC are speaking out, but while you sit so tall on that high horse let me get a few things off my chest:
Too many black lives have been lost over such a long period of time, therefore don’t expect me to rejoice in you finally speaking out loud enough for other people to hear.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you are shocked by these recent occurrences, then you haven’t been listening. We’ve been telling you that our people are dying for generations.
For all those people who feel they need to check up on their black friends:
1. There are better ways to check in than asking how are you. I can guarantee you that I am NOT okay as are so many others, you didn’t need to ask this question. I can’t even express the number of emotions I am feeling concurrently. For me, this question is not actually asking about my well being, but instead you giving yourself a pat on the back saying, “yay, I did a thing”. Perhaps try simply letting the person know you are there for them if they need to talk or someone to just listen.
2. The saying “if you don’t have POC friends that complain about white people to you, then you don’t have POC friends” is true. But I’m gonna take this a step further: if you have a POC friend that talks to you about these issues, it does not mean all of your POC friends will. I get it, you feel down like you’ve been invited to the BBQ, I promise you, you’re not. Simply open the door and let them come to you not the other way around. But if they step through that door, you best be ready.
3. Seriously, learn to shut up, especially my white LGBT+ fam. Just because you can empathize, does not mean you UNDERSTAND. I do not understand your struggles, but I will be there with you until the end, please extend me the same curtesy. Remember, my blackness cannot be turned off or hidden as your sexual or gender identity can potentially be in any conversation.
4. Lastly, stop asking how can you help. My people are dying. My people are grieving. My people are traumatized. We are dealing with some shit at the moment. WE AINT GOT TIME TO BE FIXING YOUR PROBLEMS. Figure it out yourselves, I know you can. Y’all have solve a multitude of problems on you own, like how to justify slavery (yes I went there), you can do the homework and come up with some of your own solutions. Read the books, ask the questions, go back and read those same books, figure out what they aren’t saying, come up with some game plan, then come back to the table. We can all move forward from there because I promise you there will be things you left out because your privilege blinded you some holes in the plan. And just to be clear, how can I help and do you need anything/what do you need are very different questions. Make sure you are asking the one you want.
A black woman
PS. These are my thoughts, I do not speak for an entire race, just myself.
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dharrow20 · 5 years
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dharrow20 · 5 years
This is life and life is what you make...
Chasing after your dreams will never be an easy thing, and some dreams are more difficult than others, especially when they rely upon someone else. This year some dear friends of mine and myself promised ourselves that this year we were going to jump in completely. As of May 2019, I have been in the process of starting that journey. In May, I gave my previous employer notice that I will be leaving and moving to NY in August, this giving them enough time to find a replacement. In August, I fully began the process of moving and by August 29th, I was in NY. August 29th was also the first appointment I set up for myself to begin my new career. Between August 29th and today, September 19, I have gone to 4 auditions. Now this is the part that is unreal; of those 4 auditions, I have gotten 3 callbacks and have been accepted into the theatre troupe of the 4th. That’s 4 positive responses out of 4 different unrelated events! This is one of the best experiences I have had and a better outcome than I thought possible. Regardless of the outcome, it is reassuring that there are people in this world that see pontential within me and for that I am beyond grateful. All that’s left is for me to book a gig and take over the world, lol!
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dharrow20 · 5 years
In two days I will begin my first week of actually chasing my dreams and I cannot help but sit here and think... what the actual fuck was I thinking?!?! To think that someone will decide to pay me to do something I love is one hell of a gamble! I left my job and apartment in a whole other state to give this a try. I left security and stability. Acting and singing is a career that I always dreamed of but it’s unreliablity is what has kept me away. However, I refuse to look back and wonder what if. So it is my duty to myself to go fully in and hard to see if anything will stick. I cannot do anything but hope that it will but I’m a realist enough to know that actors are a dime a dozen. It’s gonna take more than just talent, it will also take a little serendipity. They say if you feel fear that you know you are moving in the right direction, well I think that’s bullshit and I do not like it!!
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