diabolik-ame · 5 years
Zion: Sorry for the intrusion, but if it’s alright, can Zoya and I stay here for a bit? We can’t trust being in our own house today because of Juliet, and who knows what will happen next if we stayed there a little longer. And we can’t stay outside because Zoya isn’t used to the sunlight. Please?
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Lucy: Huh, she can’t go out in the sun!? But she’s a vampire like me, and I can! Is something wrong with her?
Alex: Lucy, please.. Lady Zoya is not of mixed heritage as you and I are. Her blood is pure. There are races of Vampires with many variations of powers, strengths and weaknesses.
Lucy: Ohhhhh! I understand! Well what’s with the funky looking midget kid? He smells like a human! Hey, who are you?!
Alex: Please, excuse my sister.. You’re both welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Lady Zoya, I’ll fetch you a chair. Please take a rest. 
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diabolik-ame · 5 years
Today is April Fools! :D Alex and Lucy, Are you two going to be careful, or is there going to be a prank set up?
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Lucielle: Onii-san, come quick! I wanted to take Monty out to play and he bit me *sniffle*
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Alex: You’re certain?! Lucy, vipers may still be poisonous even for our kind! We should treat your wound immediately! Show it to me!
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Lucielle: Hehe.. hahaha! I got you! Look, there’s no marks! Monty is still in his tank~
Alex: ..huh? ..So you were playing a joke on me?
Lucielle: Hehee.. It was good, right? 
Alex: *sigh* You’re obtaining strange habits these days… But.. Yes, I suppose you had me fooled. *pats her head*
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diabolik-ame · 5 years
me: *wants to give alexander and lucielle love*
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Lucielle: “If that means you’re offering me praise, affection, or a gift, then hand it over!”
Alexander: “Luce, they referred to both of us.. please don’t be rude. Use your manners..”
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Lucy: “Oh, sorry! Hand it over, please!”
Alex: …
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diabolik-ame · 5 years
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put my kiddos side by side (✿´ ꒳ ` )
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diabolik-ame · 5 years
you are killing me with this girl. I need her and Rini to be in love or something like... SERIOUSLY! You are killing me. I need this freckled beauty in my life.
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diabolik-ame · 5 years
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I got inspired to start coloring the sketch I made for Lucielle  (*⁰▿⁰*)
you can absolutely see she has Laito’s likeness lol 
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diabolik-ame · 5 years
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i have so many boys and not even one daughter;;;; i thought maybe Ame and Laito deserve a girl. I named her Lucielle/ Lucy. She’d be Alex’s younger sister.
maybe =v=
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
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Guess who made a whole new sprite & reference sheet instead of anything else at all! It had to be done eventually... a couple announcements though!
1) Bates is still up on my Toyhouse in case you want to check out her profile! There’s small things, background, analysis, & a summary of her timeline at the Sakamaki mansion there, as well as all art of her/Kanato I’ve ever created or been gifted. Forrest is there too, but he doesn’t have as much love put into his file yet, unfortunately QvQ 2) But! As April draws closer, I’ll be a little more free to have fun in the fandom again! So I’ll be available at @gilded-lullabies again if you want to ask Bates some questions or interact at all ♡
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Hmm.. Well Duchess, surely Lady Ame’s Father wasn’t your first man. Who else were there that you have engage with? Also, I shall take that comment as a compliment. I may be quite forward, but overall still more of a woman than you’ll ever be. And so is Lady Ame.
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Duchess: *scoffs* “See it as you wish. She should be grateful. My mother had me engaged to a man in his late forties when I was her age. He was a stock broker in New York City. He was not as gentle or kind as Matsuba. But he always made sure I was taken care of. When I needed him, he was there.” 
“Ame’s father won’t bother to take time off work to visit his own wife.. Not when he can have Brandy and cigars in a penthouse.” 
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Oh look, it’s the gentlemen that’s keeping all of us on our toes tonight :D! *hands Alex a 100x100 Rubik’s cube and blue lipstick* Alex, what is your favourite insect? I love insects myself, and my current fascination is the orchid mantis- A species that looks like an orchid but is actually a predator in disguise, ready to attack you with its claws! They’re absolutely gorgeous.
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Alex: “Incredible.. Thank you! I’m very excited to solve this Rubix cube, as my current has been completed numerous times, again and again.” ( But why have I been given a women’s cosmetic item? Humans are strange..)
Alex: “The orchid mantis is beautiful, indeed. A clear example of evolution at it’s finest. Predators, camouflage, and the thrill of the hunt.. it’s a fascinating concept. My current fascination is the Chlorocala africana oertzeni . It’s beautiful..! Breath taking.. I met a girl who’s hair shares a likeness to it.. (I wonder if she would like one as a gift?)
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Well Duchess, The time has finally come for us to speak one-on-one. I cannot help but wish to put my curiosity to rest. Since you are willing to answer questions personally, then perhaps you will not shy away from even my own question: What have you even been doing while Lady Ame was living with the Sakamaki’s?
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Duchess: “My, you’re quite forward aren’t you.. I have three other children to raise. Twin girls, and a boy at an adolescent age can be quite challenging to say the least. I was informed my daughter would be well cared for at the Sakamaki manor. She  had but one duty to fulfill, and she chose to be selfish! If she thinks she’s grown up enough to make her own decisions, then she can see what it’s like on her own.”
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Alex, what does your father think about your bug collection?
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Alex: “Father, Esmeralda’s eggs hatched! I guess that makes you a a grandfather of seven.” *chuckle*
Laito: -!!!! 
Alex: “Father, are you okay? You look pale.”
-Laito faints-
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Alex: “I guess he’s so impressed all the excitement overwhelmed him.”
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
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Duchess: If you wish to inquire about me, it would be more efficient to ask me personally. Unless you prefer to be fed lies by my ingrate of a daughter. Your opinions of me may be biased from what she has told you, but I will deliver the truth.”
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Amina: I’m not sure if this question as been asked but..Ame i heard that before u met Laito, u have a strict mom and maybe a strict childhood past. My question is that do u get along with her or u hate her?
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Ame: “My mother and I have become estranged since my arrival here. I do not understand why, as I’ve always done my best to please her. Perhaps she is upset I did not marry Sakamaki Shu, and give her the legacy and the wealth she’d hoped for.” 
“I want our relationship to improve, but she has to meet me half way. All the effort cannot fall on my shoulders.”
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Edward: Alexander at what time will you be arriving at the manor? My mother would prefer to give you tea that has not had the time to cool down
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Alex: (Ah, for Rika-San, I simply cannot refuse.)
“I suppose I could use a break from my lessons, as it would be impolite not to take the invitation. So long as the degenerate members of our family won’t be in my sights.”
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
Alex, what do you find fascinating about outer space and aliens?
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Alex: “I find obtaining information to be a near euphoric experience. If there is something I do not already know- I must study it.” 
“Space is infinite, and there are so many things undiscovered. If my species exists, then it is entirely possible that another form of life may be out there.”
“So many theories.. so much new information.. ha.. it truly is incredible.”
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diabolik-ame · 6 years
What actress would Ame be in live action? Idk it’s been on my mind and your Oc is so pretty!!
Oof none come to mind except maybe Sophie Turner?? I think she would make a good fit, since there are quite a few parallels between Ame and her Character Sansa Stark on Game of thrones ;v;
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Both of them are raised to be proper ladies and expected to be married off to strengthen political ties while suffering the unimaginable but also remaining strong willed >:D
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