diamond-marcel · 8 years
"If you're suggesting we hit the casino, I'm several steps ahead of you." She smirked to herself. "I happen to be an ace in baccarat."
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“Who else is ready to blow their trust fund?”
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
Frantically making her way through the gigantic five star suite, Diamond eventually picked her room. It was a luscious set up, the woman immediately plopping into the king sized bed. "I needed this." She whispered to herself before screeching for Siobhan to join her. "BHANNIE— get in here!"
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Siobhan’s eyes followed Diamond as she made her way through the suite. Knowing there was no stopping her, she decided to go out into the large balcony instead. “Oh, Monte Carlo, how I’ve missed you.” She sighed, her eyes taking in the spectacular view. “We’re here, bitches!”
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
"Okay everyone." Diamond took off her shades an gave a cocky smile. "I know these suited have a lot of rooms, but I call the one with the best bed and the best bathroom. Don't fight me on this." And with that she walked in to inspect the place, happy the group had finally made it to their spur of the moment vacation spot.
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
"Silly boy." Dia tutted, taking the dress from his hands and trying it on in front of him without shame. Modeling made her numb to the presence of others while dressing herself. "It's not about the color, it's about the sentence structure. How do you expect to get better?" She chuckled, moving up to him, gesturing to him to zip her up. "I'd never wear black to my mother's funeral, it's a special occasion... Black is so every day, you know?"
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“My understanding of it is getting better, not me speaking it. That’s for damn sure.” There were certain words and phrases that stuck with him. More specifically swear words that he actually knew he world use. Other than that, he rarely cared what others were saying. Unless he really wanted to know. Or they were blatantly asking him something. He turned his head as she pointed at the dress she was referring to. “I know you’re not colorblind. That’s clearly rouge,” he stated as he walked to pick up the dress. “Usually people pick black for a funeral, but I’m liking the change here. I wouldn’t wear black either.”
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
Diamond made a face. "If that's where I'm staying, I want that place fumigated before I place any belongings in there. Vous souvenez-vous réveillon du Nouvel An?" Diamond recalled the complete chaos the holiday after party brought, vomit and drunken sex from multiple sources, the room was tainted. "I think a vacation is in order, I hear Monaco is looking very nice this August, perhaps we could go back to Monté Carlo too?"
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Les Catastrophes || Siobhan, Amelie, and Diamond
Amelie finished her own ciagarette, putting it out in a nearby piece of china; centuries old, not that she cared. “You know we have a place for you here,” she said. “Lately we have only been using it as a spare room for party girls who can’t hold their liquor and men who get too clingy during the night. I suppose we can sacrifice the space.” It would be nice to have their friend back again, and neither could deny what made this place so appealing was that there was a third bedroom for when their nomadic friend came to visit. 
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
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Alexander Wang / Zoe kravitz
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
She didn't respond, still keen on keeping all emotions at bay until he put in the effort to draw them out of her, Diamond continued to watch him as he drew near her center, anticipation making her skin crawl, but anxiousness causing her hip to slowly buck closing the space between them as he began to tease her sex with his tongue. It was a pleasant feeling, once or twice as he surveyed her folds and slit she let go of a soft hum of approval to let him know he was is the right places, even letting her head slowly tilt back to as she let herself relax and ease into his work.
As the two went on, Carlyle actions became more aggressive, she'd felt his fingers press through her entrance, curving as he thrusted them inside of her. Dia tried to catch her reaction, but her breath hitched in her throat regardless. Arousal was pooling in between her legs and though she still desired to give him a hard time, she didn't want that to stop. A slender arm extended, hand reaching into blond hair to rake through as he worked. With the rate things were going, soon she'd have something to tug on.
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
“The world still spins and we as the privileged continue to take out chunk out of the earth.” She chuckled softly and too another sip of her drink. “I’ve been tearing up the world for a very long time, I’d want to do something new.
     “And my answer was basic,” Blu scoffed, “that’s really all you’d do? You wouldn’t go and tear the world apart while you still had the chance?”
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
seurat: if you can wear only one color with different shades for the rest of your life, which one is it, and why?
Black, I love my blackness and I'm determined to stand in all shades of it.
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
botticelli: what is that one moment in your life that makes you feel proud?
being granted legal emancipation because it meant my life was my own.
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
famous artists ask
picasso: would you rather sleep on the moon with a stardust dress or on a tiny flower with a sunflower dress? van gogh: where is your go-to positive place when you’re feeling down/sad and what do you usually do? warhol: what is something that you possess that you’ll never give away/sell despite how much the cost? da vinci: describe your dream wedding. monet: where will you take your significant other in a date? kahlo: what is a pro-tip/lesson that you learned from your past? michelangelo: do you show your teeth when you smile? do you squint your eyes? matisse: how do you express your love to your friends/family/significant other? kandinsky: would you rather be a silky angel or a lacy princess… or a princess angel? degas: in a garden full of all sorts of flowers, which one will you pick? klee: in a library full of books, which five will you never get sick of rereading? klimt: how many languages do you speak? what is/are it/they? seurat: if you can wear only one color with different shades for the rest of your life, which one is it, and why? vermeer: which of your qualities make you a dream girl? harring: what is your all-time favorite band, movie, and painting? munch: what is your medium in art? is that medium your first love? renoir: is you heart occupied right now? describe him/her/them. gauguin: what is one thing that reminds you of childhood? manet: describe your ultimate summer get-away! botticelli: what is that one moment in your life that makes you feel proud? cézanne: what is your favorite christmas cookie?
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
Why has no one uploaded this song on tumblr yet
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
"Seems like an awfully basic answer." She teased, her tongue flittering between her teeth as she hissed. "I'm not sure." Dia thought for a moment before shrugging. "Panic I suppose."
     “Me? Well…” He made a face like he was pondering the subject, but Blu knew very well what he’d do with just weeks to live: he’d essentially carry on the way he always did. “I’ll get very drunk on very expensive liquor, go to some very nice nice places and sleep with a lot of beautiful people,” he said, counting each thing off on his fingers, “what about you?”
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
"Your French is getting much better." She replied in English, only switching back to French a moment after to keep the questions going. She was sure if Andrew listened it was the only way he's learn. "That one,"she pointed to the dress at the very end of the wrack. "Can you tell me what color it is?"
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Andrew was surprised this much effort was even being put into attire for a funeral. It was just a funeral. At least that was what he had understood from what she said. His French was still a little rusty. He leaned against the wall until Diamond spoke again from the rack of clothes she was at. “What dress?” He sincerely hoped he had gotten that right. His French couldn’t possibly be that bad.
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
Pleased with her own fashionable intuition, Dia giggled alone with the girl. It was nice to make someone smile, even over something so simple like suggesting a dress. "See, I told you..." She slid out of her outfit and into the new one in moments, her time on the runway allowing this process to be quick and shameless. When Ophelia complimented her and offered to zip her up she complied, moving over to the mirror to examine herself. If Corrine was alive, she'd choke on her tongue. "You think so?"
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Ophelia looked down at the dress, accepting it with gingerly hands. “You know, I think I have the perfect necklace to top this off,” she said after an examination, smiling as she turned back towards the girl. “That looks gorgeous,” she said, gesturing her to turn around. “Here, I’ll zip you up.”
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diamond-marcel · 8 years
Diamond was using all of her strength not to be impressed with anything he did, unfortunately due to her busy schedule, life twisting and turning Diamond hadn’t had a moment like this in quiet some time. It wasn’t a factor in what the model needed to accomplish in her career. It was why she hadn’t turned him down in his initial offer, unable to say no in favor of an itch she wished to be scratched. Carlyle didn’t need to know any of that and out of spite she was determined not to let him get the best of her— even in the throes of passion.
Diamond was quiet, but her eyes said more than words ever could as she watched Carlyle come forward. His teasing nature intriguing the woman as she moved her legs upward, assisting him in removing her panties and watched as he dragged his tongue along her smooth skin. “Well… This should be interesting…” She made herself comfortable against the sheets. “Remember the deal, Carlyle. If it’s not up to par…”
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