Which is your favourite Jonsa scene and why?
The Reunion Scene. It’s just perfection. 
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Kit’s reaction is just… perfection. No one could have done it better. I can’t imagine it any other way. THAT IS EXACTLY HOW JON SNOW WOULD REACT. Sansa is the last person in the world he ever expected to see. His hands coming off the rail… I love that moment. Such a brilliant acting choice.
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And Sansa… I don’t even know what’s going on in her mind. Hope? Uncertainty? Disbelief? Is that really him? Am I finally safe? 
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If you had never watched Game of Thrones before or had no idea what their relationship was, you’d assume they were lovers reuniting at long last. Seriously. This scene is straight up romantic. It gives me goosebumps and chokes me up every single time.
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GAME OF THRONES → 6.04 "Book of the Stranger"
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I like that in Sansa V when she’s talking to Joffrey before the battle she thinks:
His plump pink lips always made him look pouty. Sansa liked that once, but now it made her sick.
And then the next chapter that Arya appears in (Arya X) the opening paragraph is:
The heads had been dipped in tar to slow the rot. Every morning when Arya went to the well to fresh water for Roose Bolton’s basin, she had to pass beneath them. They faced outward, so she never saw their faces, but she liked to pretend that one of them was Joffrey’s. She tried to picture how his pretty face would look dipped in tar. If I was a crow I could fly down and peck off his stupid fat pouty lips.
Leagues apart manifesting the worst for Joffrey their Lannister haterism is unmatched.
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one thing that's great about the song of ice and fire books is the way nobody ever knows what the fuck is going on. like somebody in a bar will be like "long live good king renly!" and somebody else will be like "oh he died. like a month ago. yeah lady catelyn stark stabbed him" and somebody else will be like "actually I heard he was stabbed by a shadow his brother fathered on a priestess" and a fourth person will be like "wait didn't renly literally just win the battle of king's landing last week" and then they're all like "well, whatever. long live good king whoever it is now. next round's on me"
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i love how Gandalf invested in Hobbits in year one and has been pushing them ever since. Thorin, i hear you need help with a breaking and entering. Can I recommend one of these little cunts? Silent as fuck, trust me. Elrond my dude i know you're skeptical but these four chucklefucks just transported a weapon of mass destruction all the way here. Theoden, you've gotta get yourself a hobbit man, I've got a spare one here. Denathor you big prick, take a hobbit - literally this is the bottom of the range but listen to him sing. Beautiful little bastard.
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Signed @girlintotv
Awww thanks. This made my day! Still learning tumblr (after years haha). But love this fandom!
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↠ Tim & Lucy scenes ↳ 2x08 - Clean Cut
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Sansa Stark Week 2024 - Day 03 - Friends & Foes
Many underestimated you, most all of them are dead now.
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I’ve been seeing many thoughts on the risk that Tim x doctor might end up hooking up and here are my prayers that they wouldn’t go that route:
Beyond the absolute disrespect and destruction that would end Chenford, it would be such a disservice to the very real positive aspect of showing men seeking therapy and trying to get help. I don’t want to be all “in current year” but after building up so much of Tim’s inner turmoil and suffering and PTSD and to show him acknowledging he does need help, particularly after resisting it, is a positive removal of mental health stigma. And then, him in that moment of asking for help, reconsidering that he felt it was urgent (so clearly in a very vulnerable state of mind), for the writers to turn that into hookup (even in future)… I might have little faith in the writers right now for Chenford, but I don’t foresee them bumbling that hard.
And as a last aside, I still think London seems a little sketchy (with the weird nanny cam, too friendly with Aaron as her patient) but I do wonder if that might be some unconscious bias creeping in with her being a gorgeous young woman so perceiving her as a threat. In the end, I really just want her to not end up being a bad, as that will undermine the entire process and the healing journeys of both Aaron and especially Tim.
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There is something so beautifully anvilicious about these quotes;
" I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again. But of course that could never be. Alayne Stone had no brothers, baseborn or otherwise." (AFFC, Alayne II)
"The dream was sweet . . . but Winterfell would never be his to show. It belonged to his brother, the King in the North. He was a Snow, not a Stark. Bastard, oathbreaker, and turncloak . . ." (ASOS, Jon V)
Both Jon and Sansa are yearning for Winterfell and the feelings/memories/family associated -but both are intrinsically restricting themselves based off of their bastard status. The notion of Sansa being the only Stark (and character) to transition from a high-born noble lady to a baseborn bastard cannot be overlooked. (And then of course, the notion of Jon being the only Stark (and character) to transition from baseborn bastard to lord commander, cannot be overlooked.) Jon has risen to the top whilst Sansa has lowered to the bottom.
She (GRRM) makes the comparison to Jon herself, meaning that GRRM makes the comparison himself. this isn't something interpreted by fans - it is right there, explicitly within the text.
Sansa's desire to reunite with Jon is "sweet," it'd be almost like a dream come true. Jon's "dream was sweet" as well. But "Winterfell could never be his" and seeing her brother once again "of course, could never be" (possible).
And then later on in the text, Jon is offered the chance to become Jon Stark, and have Winterfell in name. Thus his decidedly unsubtle desire (that he dismisses as an entirely impossible dream) is fulfilled by Stannis' offer, even though he eventually rejects it in truth "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa."
There is also the quote that precedes Jon's "sweet dream," where he fantasises about a beautiful little romance with Ygritte; showing her a flower from the glass gardens, feasting her in the great hall, bathing in the hot pools, and loving beneath the heart tree. This dream is directly connected to Winterfell and is obviously sexually + romantically charged.
So whilst Jon's desire is partially fulfilled (even if he doesn't accept it) can we possibly assume that Sansa's simultaneously unsubtle "that could never be" may also be fulfilled? Since GRRM seems to really be beating us over the head with how 'that could never happen' from Sansa's internal monologue "no one will ever marry me for love" is reiterated multiple times (just you wait sweet one!) and Sansa desiring to reunite with her brother who she has modelled her bastardry after, who is supposedly the only brother left to her, is immediately dismissed by Sansa because she's accepted the fact that she'll never be with her family again, (and that she shall never encounter true love).
The connections only keep connecting!
So to summarise:
Jon & Sansa both have "sweet" dreams/desires that connect to Winterfell/family.
Jon's dream is sexually/romantically charged, involves a red-headed girl, and establishes Jon's suppressed desires as actually romantic.
Both Jon and Sansa are bastards in these contexts.
Both Jon and Sansa woefully dismiss these dreams/desires as impossible as "that could never be" and "it could never be his to show."
Jon's desire however is later offered on a silver platter by Stannis Baratheon, to which he mulls over and states that he "has always wanted it" (to be his). Though he later refuses Stannis' offer on the basis that "Winterfell belongs to Sansa" - twice over he says this.
Jon 'giving' Winterfell to Sansa is in direct contrast to Robb (Sansa's image of an honourably idealistic older brother) flat out rejecting Sansa's claim on the basis of her marriage to Tyrion.
Jon thus establishes himself as the only character who respects and protects Sansa's claim. Who does not abuse or exploit it. (Even though he was given the opportunity for it and it's been his innermost desire since childhood.)
In a way, this further conveys Jon as Sansa's unspoken, subconscious hero who is protecting her interests and instilling all those heroic ideals (such as the Janos Slynt situation) - though she does not realise it and has accepted that "there are no heroes" at all. But Jon is the true hero, hiding in plain sight.
So, whilst Sansa believes there are no heroes, Jon fulfils those ideals. Whilst Sansa believes no one will marry her for love, Jon exists as the embodiment of all the chivalric, romantic ideals that she's so desperately wanted.
Can we now assume that Sansa believing that she will essentially never see Jon again as entirely anvilicious as she will in fact see Jon again?
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it was always my color
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thought too much about sansa stark from meorge reorge rartin gartin’s seminal fantasy series a song of ice and fire and now i want to fall into an endless abyss. i am so serious when i say that teenage girls should be able to kill people with impunity. especially grown men. holy shit. she is TWELVE
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#foreshadowing at its finest
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#no thoughts #just smiles
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i honestly don't understand how anyone thinks the stark sisters hate each other or were evil to each other or whatever. like they're literally just normal siblings being nine and eleven and therefore threats to themselves and others, but its asoiaf so the stakes are unnecessarily high
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