diaryofahealthygal · 2 years
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Skillet sausage and zucchini. This was very yummy. My fiancé loved it so much, he came back for seconds and asked me to make this again in the near future. I highly recommend it! 😍 Here is the link to the recipe I used. https://countsofthenetherworld.com/skillet-sausage-and-zucchini-20-minute/
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diaryofahealthygal · 2 years
Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Bell Peppers. These were honestly sooooo incredibly yummy!! 😋
Here is the link to the recipe I used: https://www.joyfulhealthyeats.com/easy-keto-philly-cheesesteak-stuffed-peppers/
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diaryofahealthygal · 2 years
I started the year out with making tuna melt stuffed bell peppers. It honestly tasted okay. The recipe said the tuna should be warm but I was so grossed out by that so I never finished my food. I put it in the fridge and ate it the next day and I decided that it’s more delicious if it’s cold. Here is the recipe I followed: https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/tuna-melt-stuffed-bell-peppers/
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diaryofahealthygal · 9 years
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Joe and I made pasta tonight! We decided to wing it and make it the way WE wanted. It was so delicious. 👌🏽 Here is what we put in it: Two different kinds of pasta Two jars of Parmesan pasta sauce Two bags of frozen broccoli Four eggs Shredded Parmesan cheese Oregano Dried basil leaves Black pepper We just boiled the pasta, eggs and broccoli (separately), heated up the pasta sauce on the stove then mixed the pasta, sauce and broccoli together. Then we cut up the eggs into smaller pieces and threw that into the mixture. And last, we mixed in half a bag of shredded Parmesan cheese, and sprinkled in some oregano, dried basil leaves and black pepper. Then mix it up and VOILA!! I know that adding eggs into a pasta sounds weird but it actually turned out to be very good. We like to take recipes and tweak them to our desire. It's more fun and we get to eat the things we like that way. In this case, we didn't even use a recipe. We just went off of what we thought would be good. Anyone can do this! 😁
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diaryofahealthygal · 9 years
The other night, we invited our friends over to watch the UFC fight. We decided to make the veggie burgers and vegan wings for them so that they can see why it’s been so easy for us to live this lifestyle. They said they were genuinely interested so we were more than excited to do this for them. We spend a bunch of money at the store buying ingredients and then cooked them simultaneously. We were so proud and excited for them to try it but instead of doing that, they all complained about how they didn’t like cauliflower or they were already full, etc. It was a HUGE let down. None of them even tried our veggie burger. NONE. Some of them took some home but that was because I kept asking them to (we made too much to even eat). It just sucked that we put so much effort and time into it and they didn’t even try it but oh well. Not everyone can live this life. Gotta keep on moving forward.
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diaryofahealthygal · 9 years
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Very successful dinner tonight. Joe and I tried making vegan wings and it turned out amazing! It definitely made my hot wings cravings go away. 😁
I’m starting to like and appreciate this lifestyle choice more and more everyday. I feel so proud of myself for doing this. It’s a great feeling! 😝 Anyway, here’s the link to where I got the recipe:
Once again, it’s fast and simple to make and once again, I have corn on my plate (can’t get enough of it). It was a very delicious dinner.
xoxo, Tina
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diaryofahealthygal · 9 years
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Sorry this isn’t such a wonderful picture but this was the first ever veggie burger I had made. This is where I found the recipe:
It’s easy and delicious and that is what I am all about. Just add some corn and you have yourself a scrumptious dinner. :)
xoxo, Tina
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diaryofahealthygal · 9 years
Start of a New Beginning
About two weeks ago, my boyfriend and I decided to stop eating meat altogether. It just happened randomly one day. We hadn’t talked about it before that day at all. We came to this decision together because we both wanted to lose weight and more specifically for me, I was tired of eating such terrible foods and gaining weight so quickly. It sucked to always look in the mirror and want to cry because I felt so ugly and fat. I wanted to make a change and this was the perfect time for that. So he became a vegetarian and I decided to be a pescatarian (a person who does not eat meat but DOES eat seafood).
You see, I found out at the beginning of this year that I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS for short). The way my doctor described it to me was that it makes people gain weight easier and makes it twice as hard to lose that weight compared to the average person. It also means that it makes it very difficult for women to have children although, she said, not impossible. This was heartbreaking for me but it finally made sense as to why I gained so much weight in such a short amount of time. In three years, I had gained about 60lbs. This was the most I have ever weighed in my life and it was devastating. After the initial shock faded away (took a few months) I decided to hit the gym. I worked out 5-6 days a week for two months. I started to eat better and cut out so many bad foods from my diet. People were telling me how I looked so much better. I was so proud of myself. I decided to hop on the scale to check my progress… I had GAINED 10lbs. I could feel myself sinking slowly. It was so painful and I didn’t know what to do so I gave up and hid for a while. I was so embarrassed about how much weight I had gained. It really sucked.
Well, about a year ago, I met this wonderful girl who ended up being my friend’s girlfriend (now ex). She had been a pescatarian since high school and she loved it. At the time, I thought it was so intriguing because I had never heard of pescatarians before. So I made a bet with my friend to see if we could go for a month as being a pescatarian. He never started… BUT I lasted for about a month and a half before I decided to stop. It was a great experience but I missed my meats.
Recently, when Joe (my boyfriend) and I decided to cut out meat, it was meant to be a temporary thing. He would only do it until he lost some weight and I would do it until I was completely satisfied with mine. We started out eating salads and fruit everyday and even though I never got tired of eating the same thing for a week straight, I decided that I wanted to cook other things that we could eat. So I started out small. I baked an egg inside of bell peppers and it turned out okay. So to redeem myself, I decided to make veggie burgers that night. It turned out AMAZING! My boyfriend loved it and as for me, I was a huge fan. I got so excited that I started looking up new recipes that we could make. While I was searching I said, “I wish we could eat chicken wings. I really miss eating that.” My boyfriend says to me, “Why don’t we find alternatives to the stuff we liked to eat so much before so we don’t have to cut it out of our everyday meals?” That was a BRILLIANT idea. So now, I have a ton of recipes I’m so excited to try. This is why I decided to create this blog. I want this to be a long-term experience so I will use this blog to share the recipes I find and post pictures of the successful meals I have made (and maybe even the unsuccessful ones).
I would like to add that I am not perfect so some things I eat or do might not line up with everyone’s definition of a pescatarian but I will make this experience my own in order to make MYSELF happy and confident.
This is my journey as a pescatarian. 😊
xoxo, Tina
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