diatriose · 5 years
Reminder, g*psy is a slur
Antiziganism might not seem like a problem in the States (it is) but the Roma people in Europe have been facing horrific conditions and treatment for literal centuries. Even if you see g*psy bandied about like it's not a slur, or you hear Roma people/travelers use it referring to themselves. Sometimes, people within an ethnic group use words for themselves that are inappropriate for others to use. For fucks sake.
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diatriose · 6 years
The art of leaning the Jack Robinson way...
1. He rests his left arm and hand on the mantle
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2. He rests his left arm but lets his hand drop
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3.  His left arm is kept straight but his hand rests on a wall or piece of furniture.
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Further research on the right hand lean might be required. 
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diatriose · 6 years
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diatriose · 6 years
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diatriose · 6 years
why are there all these posts n articles n stuff that are like “girls can have short hair!” “girls can wear suits!” but all the women shown are still always only feminine, and whats actually being said is “girls can have short hair and still be feminine!” and “girls can wear suits and still be attractive to men!” like whenever women want to do something men (and sometimes other women too, but men are awful at this) have to find a way to make it Still Okay, Still Acceptable to them, instead of just letting women be! women dont need to fit any standards of femininity or beauty to do something, and they certainly don’t need mens approval
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diatriose · 6 years
my favourite part of the last jedi:
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diatriose · 6 years
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For a guy that once took a girl on the “cheapest date possible”, Jake Peralta’s romance game is strong
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diatriose · 7 years
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‘Mansplaining’s not a thing and let me tell you why”
I can tell some of the people messaging are men just by their tone and condescension. “You would better make your point if you did it like this…” “This happens to men too” “I agree with your blog, but…” “This one, yes. This one, no.”  “That one was meant to be ironic.” “lol it’s satire!”
Consciously, or subconsciously, you are trying to put me in my place.
I’ve made posts about all of these critiques. The differences between headless men and women. The fact that a satirical poster meant to mock a former trope is usually never a commentary on the objectification in itself – and thus this common thread stays invisible and unnoticed.
None of these arguments or nit-picky critiques take away from or disprove my visual and theoretical arguments. Some of you don’t get the point and some of you FOR SURE don’t get the joke. But please, try and cool it on the mansplaining, bro.
Ladies, mace every man you see 
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diatriose · 7 years
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Headless women of Breast Augmentation :(((((
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diatriose · 7 years
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When you are a hero, but also still just lips.
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diatriose · 7 years
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look how angry he is that he doesn’t have a sandwich
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diatriose · 7 years
Halloween is almost over. You know what that means!
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diatriose · 7 years
Problematic Halloween Round-up
I was really pleased this Halloween that I saw so few racist/culturally appropriative costumes at the events I went to, but there were still a couple.
Three white people who had on fake dreads/"rasta" hats and were draped in the Jamaican flag (get it? From the 1993 film "Cool Runnings"! Twenty -four year old movie references still work, right?) despite the fact that only one person in the actual team in the movie had locs.
Random white dude in a faux Native American headdress. Like, that was his entire costume. He was dressed as Random White Dude from the neck down, and Random Offensive White Dude from the neck up.
White guy dressed as a “nebula” which for him meant black face and a kind of white star around one eye. So like a tone deaf, reverse Paul Stanley? Refreshingly, it was the only blackface I saw this year!
Big ole white dude dressed as Eddy Murphy’s character in “Coming to America” (or at least that was his excuse for wearing a dashiki top, matching hat and carrying a horse-hair flogger).
White guy dressed as T-Pain, complete with fake gold chains and huge fake dreads, who insisted his costume couldn’t be racist because he LOVES T-Pain (and I’m sure it’s true, Todd.).
Older white lady dressed as Generic Jamaican Stereotype in a “rasta poncho” and fake dreadlocks (seriously, was there a fire sale on fake locs this year?!).
The bevvy of folks dressed as their dim recollection of Cleopatra from eighth grade. 
For the most part, though, costumes were excellent and remarkably inoffensive. I even met a lady who was in sugar skull makeup who turned out to be actually Mexican! Amazing! I was also heartened by the fact that a staff member at one of the events gave me and my friend permission to fuck up the Native American headdress wearer, and that most people looked suitably horrified by the aforementioned Problem Costumes.  I did run into an issue I face every year; what about the black guy dressed as Stereotypical Mexican (sombrero, poncho, big mustache)? Is it different than the outfits listed above? He could be of Mexican descent, I don’t know. It’s definitely not the same as White Guy in Sombrero, but it’s...something. Thoughts?
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diatriose · 7 years
Pre-order The Becoming of Noah Shaw, get splendid, signed art to go with it.
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Yesterday, I announced the pre-order madness going down to celebrate the impending arrival of The Becoming of Noah Shaw (11/7/17, in case my near-constant, awkward attempts at self-promotion have escaped you).
This is the deal: if you love gorgeous, signed, limited edition things, the incomparable @aegisdea has designed the most stunning bookplate that the first 1,000 readers to upload their receipts to bit.ly/noahshawpreorder will receive. Details and instructions are on that page, but first, BEHOLD: 
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You want it? Here’s how you can get it, step by step: 
1. Pre-order the book from your store of choice:
-Your local independent bookstore (YAY) via Indiebound: 
-Greenlight Brooklyn, if you want your books signed AND personalised (just write the name you want me to personalise it to in the ‘order comments’ section of the checkout cart)
-Books & Books: I’ll be able to personalise books from here, too!
-Barnes & Noble
-Book Depository
-Anywhere else books are sold.
2. KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS! Take a screenshot/picture/scan it/whatever kids do these days so you can upload it to this site: bit.ly/noahshawpreorder 
3. Don’t wait too long! There are only 1,000 of these beauties being printed, and I really, really want you to be one of them. 
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diatriose · 7 years
Ooooo it's too real
actually legit commentary on white dudes right now? 
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diatriose · 7 years
“We’ve lost everything, and now you’re going to bring him back.”
CONFIRMED: Cas is Dean’s everything.
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diatriose · 7 years
when straight guys ask how lesbian sex works i feel really bad for their girlfriends because if you dont understand how to have sex with a girl in any way other than repeatedly putting your dick in her you are having some really bad sex
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