dicexmonsters · 4 years
Haru Okumura was away from Shibuya for business. She finally had some downtime and came to this restaurant. She politely bowed. "Good evening."
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Upon seeing a new customer come by his establishment, the corners of his lips curved. What a cutie. He would certainly have to be sure that she enjoyed her time here.
“Good evening, miss. What a pleasure it is to see a beautiful woman such as yourself here,” He handed her a menu before giving her playful wink, “If there is anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask.~ “
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
rules: tag ten followers you want to know better! {Hm..I don’t have many followers on here so if you see this, feel free to steal it! Just be sure to tag me if you do.~
tagged: @achaoticmultiverse  (Thanks for the tag!)
Name: Xixi  (I’m not sharing my RL name. Ya’ll gotta earn that. Star sign:  Gemini Height: 5′6′‘
Put your itunes / spotify on shuffle. what are the first 6 songs that popped up?
Flesh - Simon Curtis
If I Had You - Adam Lambert
One Woman Arm - Porcelain Black
Stronger - Britney Spears
Walking on Air - Kerli
Grab one book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?
A heartless man felt nothing, and he felt some emotions.
Ever had a poem or a song written about you? No
When was the last time you played air guitar? Uhh...last week? I was listening to Avenged Sevenfold, Welcome to the Family. That song always makes me wanna rock out.
Who is your celebrity crush? Tom Hiddleson
What’s a sound you hate? CHILDREN CRYING
Sound you love? The crunch of fresh bread being cut. (I’m a fatty, don’t judge-)
Do you believe in ghosts? Yeah. A ghost lives in my room and turns on my computer sometimes when I’m no where near it. God damn ghosties. Leave my computer off ya’ prick.
How about aliens? Ehn..kinda.
Do you drive?  HAH No. I don’t even have a permit.
Have you ever crashed? No
What was the last book you read ? “Heart of the Dragon” Gena Showalter
Do you like the smell of gasoline?  Ew no.
What was the last movie you saw? Star Trek- Into Darkness
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Broke my left wrist working while covering for someone. I still struggle with doing things, even though I went through physical therapy twice.
Do you have any obsessions right now? A mobile game called Obey Me! and an old RPG called Baldur’s Gate.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Depends on what they did. I can be forgiving but I have a hard time trusting people 100%.
In a relationship? Technically, yes. It’s a long distance relationship though. /sad sheep noises
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
Duke Devlin's SEXYBACK Parody Theme w/ Lyrics! (2,000 Subscriber Video)
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
YGOTAS Episode 22 - Shine On, You Crazy Devlin - LittleKuriboh
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
Well now, this was an interesting turn of events. Never in his life would he imagine Anzu giving him a lap dance on the dancefloor.
That last brush of her skin against him was the final straw. He took hold of her right hand and pulled her with him. She was warned and now she was going to pay for being a tease. Heading towards the back entrance, he pushed through the doors and led her just far enough from the club that they were by an alley but could still faintly hear the music.
He pulled her slender figure against him and leaned her against a wall. "Did you think I was bluffing with my warning back there?"
Keep reading
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
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{Tumblr, quit being an ass. 8u
I’m sorry guys. My posts may show slight lewd with the rp I’m having with my twin’s Anzu. ;3; I’m heading off my computer but I will be mobile. Might post a few more memes. So feel free to send stuff to Duke.
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
The moment her hips grind against his, a breathless groan left his lips. His right hand trailed slightly lower from her hip to slip his hand to her rear as he pushed the woman closer to him. Duke whispered into her ear, his breath hot against her skin.
“Keep that up and we will be doing a different dance..but certainly not in here. I had no idea you were this cheeky when you dance.”
Keep reading
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
Duke gave a soft chuckle. This guy was such a weirdo, but he had spirit and motivation..even if he got the names of the various monsters wrong. He must be a newbie.
Well, who better to teach him the ropes than the creator himself? He felt rather honored that the guy even had the nerve to challenge him to a match.
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“Heh..alright. I don’t mind playing a round with you. Buuuut...it will have to be tomorrow morning. See, I not only run this establishment, but that game you have in your hand, I made. I’m about to close here so I don’t really have time at the moment to play. Why don’t you take that copy with you and look over the player’s manual over night? Come back tomorrow and we can have a match. I’m sure quite the crowd will be eager to watch.”
from here
Theodore was a little caught off guard by the other man speaking to him. His words particularly stung a tad for Theodore. His pride always outweighing any other logic. “O-oh, I was merely lost in how excellent the craft is on these small figures and dices.” He said, turning his once pout into a small smile, his eyes looking at duke. Hopefully he was able to hide how lost he was staring at this game. 
“I was also merely deciding on my strategy in order to conquer my foes.” He was absolutely lying. Whatever it was obvious to the young man is another story. “I would take this panther creature with a shield and place him up front, making sure he could defend the others. Particularly this mage woman. She needs to be in the back row so she can chant a powerful spell. Perhaps Maragidyne?” Referring to panther warrior and dark magician girl. It was rather amazing how far his pride would take him. Making up ideas and concepts for a game he didn’t understand. As he kept speaking it to the male, it all sounded rather correct to him. Maybe he knew how to play this game after all. With the extra confidence he decided to put it to the test. 
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“Care to challenge me to this game? I believe I would be a rather formative foe.” He wouldn’t be, the only board game he ever played was checkers with his sisters, losing every time to them. Forget about learning how to play the game, the man in blue was basically an open book that had no skill in this sort of thing. 
This was going to be a train wreck for his pride.  
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
Anzu chuckled and placed a finger on his lips,winking playfully at Duke. “Less talking more dancing.” She wrapped an arm around his neck before she started to dirty dance against him.
Oh well then!~
Duke might have been clueless on most things around him. However, when it came to the needs of a woman, he knew all the cues and hints. Watching the way she swayed in a provocative way against him gave him all the hints he required to know what she had in mind. The corners of his lips curved into a wider grin.
His hands immediately grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to him. No need to have other occupants of the club having the chance to cut into their private moment. Swaying with the music with her, he locked eyes with Anzu. There was no way he was going to let this dance floor minx leave his sight tonight.
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
@peachyxanzu​ asked : 🩰 Send 🩰 to ask my muse to dance with yours
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A soft chuckle slipped from his lips as he raised a bemused brow at the woman. He was mildly aware of her dance classes and her dream to be a professional dancer. However, they were currently in a seemingly crowded club together.
Neon strobe lights lit the dark dancefloor as a heavy base vibrated from the tower speakers that surrounded the club. Taking the hand that was offered to him, he pulled her close with a knowing grin.
“Are you sure it’s wise to ask me for a dance, Anzu? It’s not within me to deny a lady a dance. However..I loathe to make any respectable woman, such as yourself, feel uncomfortable in such..a public setting.”
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
Send 🌹 for my muse to ask yours out on a romantic date
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
Send 🩰 to ask my muse to dance with yours
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
dear personal blogs,
that’s blogs that do not roleplay a character.   please do not reblog roleplay blog content ( headcanons, metas, asks, out of character posts, etc ) without permission.  not only does it mess with our notes, meaning we don’t see thread replies / important notifications, but not everyone feels comfortable with their content being spread around like a wildfire.  please respect this, and if you want to reblog something from an rp blog, ask first.
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
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An idle finger taps upon his right cheek as he ponders under his breath, taking no heed to anyone who might be nearby.
“I wonder if Serenity still has my number..”
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
“Interesting, these look very similar to the creatures within my compendium.” He took a moment to pick one of the figures up and examine it. Staring rather intently. “Did my master agree to this idea? Perhaps we started to ‘sell out’, I suppose the Velvet Room is due for a remodel.” Poor Theodore look down at the board trying his best to understand the game with little luck. His face beginning to pout.
Though Duke owned his own restaurant, he did have a display just outside of the main stand where he sold his own game he invented. Dungeon Dice Monsters might not have been as much of a big hit as the card game but there were still some around town that enjoyed the game. He even sold various dice packs for those who wished to customize their chances for dice rolls.
Now it wasn’t often that he had someone new interested in the game. Most who knew about the game in Tokyo was already well acquainted with Duke. However, there was that rare occurrence that there was someone new coming by.
With the evening rush calming down, Duke noticed a gentleman in an odd blue suit looking over one of the latest boards he made with a generic pack of dice included. He rose a brow at the guy.
“What the hell..?”
He briefly heard what he said and nothing coming from him made any sense to him. Blinking for a moment, he finally decided to walk around the counter and approach him.
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“Hey there..can I help you with anything? Ya’ look a bit lost there man.”
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
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dicexmonsters · 4 years
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