die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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                                Look like a girl but I think like a guy Not ladylike to behave like a slime                Easy to be sleazy when you’ve got a filthy mind You stick to your yogurts                                                         I’ll stick to my apple pie
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
rubylightsofgrandeur liked your Starter Call post
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     “So you were champion right? That’s really cool, that means you’re really strong and powerful right?” The Unovian questioned, sure she heard the other stuff but she didn’t care about that. So what if he sleeps around was it any of her buisiness? He can do whatever the hell he likes and she isn’t about to judge him for that. But she was curious about the red eyes male seeming more then a bit curious.
    Being a former Champion herself who stepped down to try and become a pokemon breeder she respected the other greatly. As long as he isn’t a jerk she wanted to befriend him, “Oh right I should introduce myself, you can just call me Clara!”
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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   “It’s victini, the small orange pokemon that likes to run around a lot.” Hilda stated before crossing her arms. Now in deep thought as he questioned if she had any idea of where it could be. She wasn’t sure but, “Maybe he’s hanging around the Double Battle train? He always did love hanging around there.”
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   The trainer had been looking for one of the subway boss since coming onto the station. Currently was having a bit of an issue of a lost pokemon on the station. “Um yes actually, errr I had originally come to see you and chat but one of my pokemon had wandered off. I don’t know where it is and I am kinda worried.” Hilda admitted, seeming just a bit awkward.
   The pokemon in question was a victini not exactly the kind of pokemon you want lost and alone.
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The Subway Master blinked a bit, “Alright, vell zhat’s ein bit of ein normal occurrence einround here.” He glanced around a moment, “Vhich vone vas it?” He asked, grey eyes going back to the girl, “Any ideas on vhere it vould like to check oaut or?” He asked, hoping to have at least some sort of idea on where to start looking for the lost Pokemon.
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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Found this yesterday, love Tou/Tou so yay (︶▽︶)
Working on a Preciousmetal comic now ♥
By スカ but her pixiv has been deleted :/
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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   The trainer had been looking for one of the subway boss since coming onto the station. Currently was having a bit of an issue of a lost pokemon on the station. “Um yes actually, errr I had originally come to see you and chat but one of my pokemon had wandered off. I don’t know where it is and I am kinda worried.” Hilda admitted, seeming just a bit awkward.
   The pokemon in question was a victini not exactly the kind of pokemon you want lost and alone.
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As Nobori walked around the station, he was rather surprised when he felt a small tug on his jacket. Turing to face whoever had done it, he blinked, seeing the familiar trainer, “Ah, hallo Ms. Hilda. Ist zhere somezhing I can help jou vith?”
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
Starter Call
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outofwhite; Hey guys just like this post for a starter or just me sending Hilda to your inbox. 
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
Starter Call
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outofwhite; Hey guys just like this post for a starter or just me sending Hilda to your inbox. 
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
5 Psychological Tips For Improving Your Writing
Use the senses
A place really comes to life for your reader when you use your senses. We don’t experience the real world via letters, but via our senses.  Try to simulate that experience for your reader by describing the different sensations. As a writer, follow your nose, eyes and ears. Open them to the details of your location. Describe the flowering buds, the smell of the leaves that have just fallen from the trees, the light buzz of bees and other life. That way your reader will really feel like they’re there. A forest will rarely have a big sign that says ‘it’s fall/autumn!’ , instead focus on what makes it fall/autumn. Perhaps talk about the colours, the smell and the sounds.
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
Please reblog when you’re an active Pokemon Roleplayer!
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We making a masterlist of all active Pokemon roleplayer on tumblr!
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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                                Look like a girl but I think like a guy Not ladylike to behave like a slime                Easy to be sleazy when you've got a filthy mind You stick to your yogurts                                                         I'll stick to my apple pie
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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He wasn’t a thread, he was much to calm to be a threat and she knew that as she could sense it. But underneath she could sense a chaotic presence like the moment that calm patience is gone he would snap. But she wasn’t sure why still she wasn’t scared if that meant anything as they shook hands.
“Lucas, huh? Where are you from, you don’t seem like a Unovian.” She mused, as she looked at him inquisitively. Honestly curious about his presence.
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   Wasn’t exactly aura abilities but more like a strong sixth sense due to how close she is to pokemon. Suddenly she blinked as if realizing something and lets out a sheepish laugh. Rubbing the back of her head the young woman looks to the side awkwardly. 
   “Naw, sorry I just got a weird feeling is all.” She admitted, before looking at him properly. A smile showed on her face as she held out a hand to the other, “Call me Clara, and sorry for staring at you like a creepy stalker.”
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
This situation was extremely odd and foreign to her, she wasn’t sure how she was suppose to act in this situation. Even though she had wanted to see N something about this one screamed this was the wrong one. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she stared at N even more baffled. 
As he spotted Reshiram the white dragon flew down and landed down near Hilda, looking down at N but there wasn’t any familiarity. It had no connection to this man and it made this apparent in it’s mannerism.
She twitched, as he practically collasped, making her wonder what the heck happened to the hero of ideals. He wasn’t explaining himself and it was just sounding wrong and like gibberish especially when he seemed to hide his face away. As if he wasn’t accepting what he was seeing so she decided to help him snap out of it. In the only way she knew how.
Walking over to the green haired man she suddenly reaches down to grab him roughly and pull him up by the shirt.
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“Try explaining yourself in a way that makes sense, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.” She stated bluntly, she wasn’t one to sugar coat things. “Are you N? Where is Zekrom, explain this to me and don’t hide away. You’re a hero aren’t you?”
Panic at the Forest | Dimensional Travels
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
   This is how she had always been, never one to be delicate nor lady like and she was happy that way. Of course some people still tended to underestimate her as those guys had. The blood running down her nose was the indication that the men had no problems fighting a girl. Since they had been capable of putting a punch so it’s amazing that she took care of them herself. With only the bare minimum of injuries.
   “So...” She stated but was surprised that the guy was offering to give her something. 
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   “Oh a tissue would be nice, they got me pretty good. I might need a doctor to check or something to check if broken later.” She noted, though she hoped it wasn’t too serious. “My name’s Hilda, sorry for the less then stellar appearance.”
coquettishcrown liked your post “Starter Call”
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   “Oh hey there.” The woman greeted casually, despite the fact she looked like she just got into a fight. Wiping her bloody nose though she was mostly unscratched with the other guys and pokemon being KOed. Which kind of looked bad, even with her victini just kind of hanging around poking the people. “…They started it.”
   Kind of a childish way to pin the blame on someone but it was kind of the truth.
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
   A part of Hilda wondered if N had just cracked while traveling and nervousness showed on her face. However her eyes widened in shock and confusion when he called her Touko. Who the fuck was Touko!?
   Also why was he talking about Reshiram, that was her dragon so of course he wouldn’t sense it. After all if he could he would see the large fire dragon over head. Who was probably as confused as she was.
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   “N... I have no idea what the hell fell on your head to mess you up like this but, my name’s Hilda remember?” She reminded, after all he was one of the few who she let call her by her first name. So was extremely confused as to why he was suddenly calling her Touko. She didn’t even have any japanese origin, it was almost offensive.
   “Also you’re in Unova but I have no idea how you got from Hoenn all the way to here and if you look up you could easily see Reshiram.” With that the young woman points up to the legendary dragon of truth circling above. Not at all communicating and seeming almost indifferent, if a bit mystified by N’s behavior. 
   “And shouldn’t you be worried about Zekrom?”
   This was definitely not his Unova...
Panic at the Forest | Dimensional Travels
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
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   Wasn’t exactly aura abilities but more like a strong sixth sense due to how close she is to pokemon. Suddenly she blinked as if realizing something and lets out a sheepish laugh. Rubbing the back of her head the young woman looks to the side awkwardly. 
   “Naw, sorry I just got a weird feeling is all.” She admitted, before looking at him properly. A smile showed on her face as she held out a hand to the other, “Call me Clara, and sorry for staring at you like a creepy stalker.”
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And Lucas couldn’t help feeling a bit self-conscious. He knew it was unlikely that she could see aura - the odds of someone being born with the ability were low, as far as he knew. But at the same time…he was slowly coming to terms with the whole ‘Herald’ thing. Being self-conscious was a natural response to staring after that whole thing, right?
“Um…can I help you?”
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
whiteout; When I saw someone say suck whose dick, suddenly Hilda musing that she wished she had a dick. Cause then she could say suck my dick and it would make sense.
Also cause she will then be able to pee wherever the hell she want and could peg someone and feel it.
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die-weisse-wahrheit · 9 years
      While she always known the other to not be one to notice or care about how running up to someone looked. When he suddenly snatched her wrist and asked, no begged she felt even more confusion.
   What the heck happened to get the other so rattled like this? It was very unlike him and- ok she can practically feel his breath on her.
   Leaning back just a bit so that he wasn’t so close even if he was right that she was pissed at him she couldn’t even think about it. Especially since he seemed to skim over the whole apology. Hell a part of her wanted to punch him for grabbing her and making demands like that. Though he looked so terrified that it was hard for her to figure out what to say.
   “Um well, last I check it was only 1:05 in the after noon. Also what the hell do you mean seconds spaced-?” She questioned, then shakes his hand off her wrist seeming annoyed. Narrowing her eyes a bit as she snapped, “What the hell is with you anyway? Just suddenly appearing out of no where, grabbing me and then making demands like that. You sure got a lot of nerves.”
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   It was confusing and nothing he did or asked made sense, also where was Zekrom? Reshiram should have sensed the dragon near by and actually said something. Why was the other alone? Why was the time so important?
   Ugh, she’s getting caught up with this once more apparently with all these questions and no answers.
Touko. Touko. Thank Arceus. She and Zekrom–surely she and Zekrom could find Reshiram. If she was willing, after …  Didn’t matter. He had no space left in him to be apprehensive. He was already too full of emotion to fit in that worry.
He’d apologize, first–it had been so long since the castle throne room, since he left. He’d tried to find her sooner, but that didn’t change things. Apologize, and ask her help. Beg her help.
Determination gave him a little more focus, made him hurry a little more. He crossed the distance between them in a few long strides. Apologize first. Except–
He snatched her wrist, eyes and grip desperate. “What time is it? Touko, please; you probably hate me and you have every right, but what time is it? Exactly? I should know, but it’s gone.”
He’d realized that as he walked through the woods. It wasn’t a matter of time zones; that would be an easy adjustment. No, his mental clock had shut off entirely, like a digital radio that eternally flashed 12:00 after a power outage. He couldn’t remember a time when that mental clock wasn’t calmly ticking away. No time, no Reshiram– “Please. I can’t think properly. What time is it? How are the seconds spaced?”
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