dietbetesguide-blog · 5 years
Prevention of diabetes through healthy Interaction
All around the world the cases of diabetes are going up. Various reasons contribute to this scenario:with the rise of cheap sugary foods available in the market, increasing obesity levels, and poor work/life balance. Diabetes is one of the top non-communicable diseases in the developed world.  Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels spike too high. The hormone called Insulin which is made in the pancreas helps glucose(sugar) enter your cells for energy. If you have diabetes the Insulin does not work, is not enough, or is not made at all. Then the glucose stays outside of the cell rendering it useless.
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There are two types of diabetes. Type I Diabetes and Type II Diabetes. At this time It is not currently known how to prevent Type I Diabetes, so therefore this blog will focus on Type II Diabetes.
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The symptoms of Diabetes include the following, but are not limited to:
-Slow healing of wounds
-Extreme Fatigue
-High blood sugar levels
-Increased thirst
-High blood sugar
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There are many ways to prevent and combat Diabetes, but take note once you get it you stay with it.
The pyramid above shows the recommended daily  food intake and  lifestyle that might help prevent the development of Type II Diabetes:
1. Choosing water over other beverages
2. Eating at least three servings of vegetables daily
3. Choosing lean meat, poultry, or seafood over red, and processed meats
4. Choosing whole grain bread or brown rice over white rice and white bread
5. Consuming unsaturated fats( olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil) instead of saturated fats( butter, animal fat, coconut oil, palm oil)
6. Exercise daily
7. Limiting added sugar intake
8. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle
1. Choosing water over other beverages
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Water is the most hydrating beverage. It does not contain sugar. Therefore It is the best beverage. Drinking water over other fluids(especially sugary drinks like soda) helps prevent diabetes by giving your body its most important nutrient(which is water). We should all drink eight glasses or 2 liters or half a gallon everyday, more if you live in a hotter climate.
2. Eating at least three serving of vegetables daily
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 Vegetables should always be a key part of any healthy diet. Vegetable provide an assortment of nutrients while being low in carbs. These nutrients are vital to our body so we should consume  more of them. Overall vegetables are great sources of vitamins that the body needs without being high in sugar.
3.  Choosing lean meat, poultry, or seafood over red, and processed meats
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Our body needs protein to repair and create our cells. We should choose lean meat, poultry, and seafood over processed and red meat, due to the fact that they have a much less fat content and contain more beneficial nutrients (especially fish). Studies show that red and processed meat drastically increase the risk of may non-communicable diseases (such as Diabetes). Processed and red meat also makes a higher environmental footprint over healthier meats.
4. Choosing whole grain bread or brown rice over white rice and white bread
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Whole grain bread and brown rice contain more nutrients than refined grains. They both contain more fiber and nutrients and has a lower glycemic index compared to white rice and white bread.  High glycemic index foods or those with higher sugar content, are associated with an increased risk of metabolic diseases, especially insulin resistance and diabetes. 
5. Consuming unsaturated fats( olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil) instead of saturated fats( butter, animal fat, coconut oil, palm oil)
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The two types of fat are Saturated and Unsaturated Fat. Saturated means higher amount of fat(usually contain more bad cholesterol). Unsaturated fats contain good cholesterol which combats bad cholesterol. Unsaturated Fats also contain more vitamins. Unsaturated fats are also better for the environment.
6. Exercise daily
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All of us should strive to exercise regularly. Exercise is a vital part of a healthy life. Exercise burn fat, promotes muscle growth, and reduces stress whats not to like about it? Unfortunately in this modern world sedentary behaviors prevent us from exercising. We always should at least try to exercise.
7. Limiting added sugar intake
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There are two types of sugars; natural sugars and added sugars. Natural sugars(such as apples and other fruits) are more nutritious and contain more vitamins than added sugars(donuts, table sugar, candy and other manufactured high sugar foods). The body has no actual need for added sugar, so you can exclude them from your diet without problem. 
8. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle
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A sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle of little to no physical activity. Lack of physical activity causes degradation of muscle tissues which means that the body does not burn fat. A Sedentary lifestyle has proven to increase the risk of almost any disease.
That was just some of the 8 ways to prevent type 2 Diabetes. Thanks to all the readers who have made it this far. Hopefully none of you get Diabetes, but only time can tell. Stay safe. This Informative blog which is a school project was brought to you by:
Editor: Timothy John  H Lumubos
Researcher: Curt Jethro B Hinojosan 
From 7 Laguna
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dietbetesguide-blog · 5 years
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